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Survey11/6/06 8:07 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Discerned Believer: I think it is strange that you think Paul would have to. Paul was a Calvinist himself. As were all the apostles. Jesus Christ Himself was a Calvinist, and we have the beautiful book of John to understand and appreciate as a result.

The passage of 1 Timothy 2 that you mention has been discussed theologically by Calvinists while retaining fidelity to the text and accuracy of translation. Please see the following links.


And a whole page of links to other reading material can be found here:


News Item11/6/06 7:36 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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You seem to be awfully hung up on personalities, as well. Unless your doctrinal opponents are morally perfect, then whatever doctrine they affirm is to be denied on that fact alone, regardless of how irrelevant the lapse in morality is to the doctrinal issue in focus. That's a logical fallacy.

You also claim Pelagius was a real saint, regardless of his theological beliefs. Your own words expose the error of your thinking: that righteousness springs from personal works (and that by finite and fallible human beings, from your other postings) versus faith in the perfect and divine righteousness of the God-Man Jesus Christ alone, which is external to the person. You, sir, are quite in error! Especially if you believe that such a one as Pelagius serves as an adequate and sufficient imitator of Christ.


As for me, I will follow Christ Himself as taught in His inerrant Word itself.

News Item11/6/06 7:35 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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This is the second time you have made reference to verses from Revelation 22, drawing doctrine from a highly figurative, symbolic book and ignoring the much clearer passages refuting your argument, as I've previously cited. By the way, what about Rev. 22:13, which is the verse prior to your reference? I suppose that is just frilly, pretty fluff, right? Certainly it means nothing.

Augustine? Sex-obsessed? This is a half-truth, sir. If you care about honesty, then you will note the historical biography of Augustine's conversion.


News Item11/6/06 7:34 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Dwayne, Dwayne. Or should I say, 9/11, 9/11? Or should I say, Freewiller, Freewiller?

I never said that believers remain worms in God's sight after salvation, though to be fair, I didn't express that thought explicitly. My point simply was, there's nothing in us to merit God's favor or grace; He is not obligated to save anyone; the fact that He DOES save His elect remnant is to His praise and glory alone of His sovereign free grace. Christ alone is our redemption and righteousness, not the filthy rags of self-righteousness and works-based salvation (the "Be Good. Earn a Cookie." concept carried over into theology, buried, and gone to seed). You champion free will. I champion God's free grace. And I solemnly warn you, flee to Christ. He alone is your only hope of salvation. Merit is found only in His blood, and only by His works, done in His own free will as the sinless God-man sent from God the Father to purchase and effectually redeem His own elect sheep.

News Item11/6/06 6:41 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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I'm also intrigued by the question, "how low can you go?" It seems that the Arminian mind (and especially the Pelagian one) recoils at the thought of being considered a lowly worm in God's sight, impotent and undeserving of salvation, which is the Biblical and pride-repulsive truth. Man? A worm? Gasp, the horror.

No, Salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2:9). God freely shows grace and compassion on whomever He desires, without obligation or necessity (Ex. 33:19, Rom. 9:15). As for those God does not elect unto salvation, who are we to dare question God in the sovereignty of His Holiness (Rom. 9:20-21)? The fact is, God endures with much patience those whom He has fitted to be vessels worthy only of destruction (Rom. 9:22) but also makes known the inestimable richness of His glory upon the elect vessels of mercy prepared ahead of time for glory (Rom. 9:23)

Read Romans 9 honestly, and a commentary that handles the text accurately. God is both completely Sovereign and Holy at the same time, and He is the only absolute standard of righteousness and goodness that exists. I'm not saying that I have this whole thing completely figured out---I don't---but I do believe in the truth that the inerrant Bible teaches.

News Item11/6/06 5:16 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Freewiller: I was beginning to think my usage of the phrase "froth-at-the-mouth freewillers" in an earlier post was a bit extreme, but now I see from your post it is justifiable, after all. Thanks. I do admit I posted that too hastily, however.

Your accusation that I am a fatalist is incorrect. This simply shows you do not understand my theological position. Fortunately, such ignorance is rectifiable. Even better, explanatory references are freely available online.

This brings me to the following point: I have a reading assignment for you. Please read the following two resources. Properly understood, these materials should helpfully disabuse you of your faulty religious philosophy giving rise to your emotionally abrasive and unhelpful tone.


You asked, how low can you go? But I ask, how much will you read and understand?

News Item11/6/06 4:14 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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I second what Yamil said. I had heard the name, though, but never had any idea who he was or the fact that he is considered very influential in the evangelical world. Personally, I think the "evangelical" label itself is overrated and I very seldom even claim it now, since people such as Benny Hinn are also considered to be members of that category.

News Item11/6/06 3:58 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Amen, b.a. I was thinking the same thing.

News Item11/6/06 3:56 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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That is something else that amazes me. Arminians and Pelagians (and I suspect you to be of the latter type) usually seem to think that so-called Calvinism originated with Calvin or depends on him somehow. By the way, you're not the first to play the "persecuted Anabaptist" card, and you probably won't be the last. For some reason, tossing out accusations such as this seems preferable to your type than actually interacting with the Scriptures and judging doctrine based on its Biblical merits independent of personalities and emotional subjectivity.


News Item11/6/06 3:29 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Dwayne Mayor, you said:

You claim that God has no obligation to save anyone, and yet hypocritically assert that he MUST SAVE YOU because you believe in his "undeserved mercy and grace" which will allow him to impute the righteousness of Him who was "born from above" to YOU, a child of Satan.

OK, I cannot follow your reasoning here. Where you came up with the idea that I somehow obligate God's salvation based upon my beliefs is beyond me--that's a product of your theology, perhaps, but not mine. God is not obligated to save anyone. That includes me, you, everyone on SA, everyone who's ever been born, everyone who will ever be born, and so forth.

You accuse me of being a child of Satan, without knowing me or knowing my heart. You have no idea who I am. Yet you are quick to condemn eternally someone you barely even know. That again says a lot about the condition of your heart. My prayer is that God will humble you and save you and show the truth of His grace and mercy.

News Item11/6/06 3:20 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Chris M:

What is it you don't understand? Is it the picture, or is it just the concept of humor in general you have trouble understanding? By the way, did you even LOOK at the picture? Go look at the picture first before commenting further.

Boy, there's nothing like visiting a good Reformed Baptist or Presbyterian church, listening to the preaching of undiluted Scripture, and watching those religious fanatics get all fired up over their religion, leave, and go hunting Pelagians and Arminians! They're more frightening than the Mohammedans. They might even quote Scripture at you!

News Item11/6/06 3:02 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Dwayne Mayor:

I hope there are no Calvinists with theological hunting licenses anywhere near where you live, because people such as yourself and 9/11 and other froth-at-the-mouth freewillers of Arminian ilk could have the following happen to them:


News Item11/6/06 2:56 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Dwayne Mayor:

You said, "At least Calvin was actually good at it, and knew what Scriptures NOT to reference lest he destroy his own utterly cruel and hateful theology."


The fact that you would call the sovereignty of God utterly cruel and hateful theology says more about the spiritual condition of your heart (especially in its relationship to God) than I ever could. Thank you for your words. Matt. 12:37 (NASB) says, "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

If you would study John 1:10-13, you would understand that belief preceded reception of Christ, and that being born precedes belief, and the fact that God is the author of this birth precedes the birth itself. So, sir, you are simply in error.

God has mercy upon whomever He will, and only those. He has no obligation to save anyone. The fact that He DOES save a remnant He alone elects, is to the praise of His grace and glory.

News Item11/6/06 1:52 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Also, Dwayne Mayor, salvation cannot be earned by works. Man cannot work his way into heaven, or earn God's salvation. Works are the fruit produced by a living tree made alive by faith given by God. Works show that the faith of a believer is alive and not dead. They are fruit from a tree of faith, not currency stored in a treasure chest with which to purchase salvation or impress God (how will you impress an infinitely Holy God with the very best of your filthy rags of self-righteousness, which we all are guilty outside of the mercy and grace of Christ who is Lord and Saviour of the elect?).

Please read Ephesians 2:8-10 and pay careful attention to the verses.

People such as myself are not devils trying to condone or excuse sin, but we tell others the truth: righteousness is found in Christ alone in His grace alone by faith alone, as testified by the inspired Word which stands alone against all other writings and sayings of man.

News Item11/6/06 1:40 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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Dwayne Mayor = 9/11 Was An Inside Job?


Yes, man must be born again. However, salvation is not in man's power or will or even desire (Man does not truly desire God or to forsake sin before God's sovereign grace converts him from a sinner into a saint).

Please read John 1:10-13 (especially verse 13, noting the context) and the entire chapter of John 3. Salvation is of the Lord. Period.

Humility in recognition of the sovereignty of God's grace, and thankfulness for God's undeserved mercy and grace upon the repentant sinner whose very repentance and faith are gifts from God, are both in order. What is not in order, is a holier-than-thou attitude concerning personal righteousness (which oddly enough, reminds me of the Biblical Pharisees). Paraphrasing Spurgeon I believe it was: may God save all His elect, and then elect some more!

News Item11/6/06 1:53 AM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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OK, Faithful Remnant, let me amend my position. (BTW, you might be right about the whole "bottom" thing).

Yes, she should resign. I personally think she should get saved, too. But I also know only the Holy Spirit can regenerate the heart of stone into a heart of flesh. I am guilty of giving up on the Episcopalian denomination, when instead I should be praying for the faithful believing remnant (however small) that remains in it, and for repentance and faith sent from God on the others. May God save all His elect!

News Item11/6/06 1:42 AM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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I was amazed when I first started reading about the Pope kissing the Koran and trying to build a relationship with Islam, but no longer. I believe Catholicism and Islam are both false religions. That being the case, they both spring from the same corrupt spiritual source, so it is no wonder that they seek to find some unity in opposition to Christianity and the Bible.

News Item11/6/06 1:34 AM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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I have to respectfully disagree with KK and Faithful Remnant.

I consider the entire Episcopal "church "of the U.S.A. to be apostate. Thus, there's no alarm in this, or call for resignation. They've completely lost their Biblical moorings, so scriptural disobedience in installing a woman as spiritual leader over a church is simply one more spiritual rebellion in a long line of many.

News Item11/5/06 6:13 PM
Byron | Texas  Find all comments by Byron
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With all due respect, you should repent of your pride and self-righteousness. Humble yourself first, and your conversations will become more meaningful. Humility is an integral part of the Christian religion. Holiness is as well, of course, but true holiness before God also involves true humility. Ask yourself, how is God glorified by my actions and attitude?

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