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News Item10/26/08 8:26 AM
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I'm sure that God is ever so thankful that Sarah Palin has graciously put the results of the election in His Hands.

I don't want any of these dorkbrains in office!

Survey10/26/08 8:15 AM
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If Christian men don't lead in politics, the women will. Sarah Palin is evidence of that fact. And if Christian men don't run, then certainly pagans will. I'm not saying all Christian men should be involved in politics, but if a man finds a calling in that area, he is sinning if he doesn't answer it. And if the Mummified Pietistic Mush church or 501(c)(3) church he's attending refuses to support him, he needs to find a community of believers with Black Robed Regiment values (As opposed to Dr. Dobby family values) who will.

News Item10/26/08 8:09 AM
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I confess that I'm a sermonaudio.com sermon junkie. I cannot "just say no".

News Item10/26/08 4:26 AM
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I wouldn't go so far as rather wanting to raise them in a Moslem country, but I know what you mean, Samphire.

I'm so sick of this PC crap. Leave us and our families alone!

News Item10/25/08 6:16 PM
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I suppose we could say that birth control is murder within the context of slow genocide. It's no wonder it lead to infanticide. Birth control has utterly godless origins. Its beginnings are feminist (humanistic) with the intentions of keeping populations down in what Margaret Sanger considered inferior races; and teaching a married woman to (as in women's suffrage) undermine her husband's will and headship. All Christians should trust God for the growth of their families. God has already designed the woman's body so that she can only conceive a few hours per month. Looks like God already took care of it!

News Item10/25/08 9:58 AM
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"I believe that evangelicals have played a great part in the election of Obama."

Yes, Leroy, they certainly have - more than most of them would care to admit.

News Item10/24/08 1:33 PM
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I agree, BT. Dobson is definitely unfocused.

News Item10/24/08 1:03 PM
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People may disagree, but I think people are attracted to Islam for the same or similar reasons. They want familial cohesion and "ecclesiastical" solemnity and order and they deeply crave a "covenant" community as well as scholarship. They also want law and societal structure, realizing that law and religion are inseparable. Personally, I am seeing more and more women with fair skin and blue eyes dressed in hijab in the Wal-Mart and other places. It's frightening.

Further, I know in my gut that many of these women were raised in churches like the ones Neil and you, FR have described.

News Item10/24/08 12:34 PM
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Very good observation, Neil.

Another convert - David Chilton.


Survey10/23/08 10:20 AM
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When I think about the fact that Westcott and Hort are as responsible for the JW NWT as they are for other versions used in Evangelical Churches, it enforces my resolve to stick with the AV.

Survey10/23/08 10:10 AM
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I picked the first one, Psalms only. They're so beautiful. After singing them, I don't really want to sing anything else. I'm spoiled!!!

I find musicians in church to be very distracting. Plus a lot of the time they play to show off, and you can tell that's what they're doing by the way they play. Exclusive psalmody prevents that.

Survey10/20/08 9:21 PM
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Yes, BWS. You are right. This poll was born out of the whole Sarah Palin deal. We've been having fun with a lot of the half-baked complementarians on here.

News Item10/20/08 6:25 PM
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The Hispanic churches are filled with liberation theology preaching too, since there's so much of that doctrine in Latin America.

Survey10/20/08 3:56 PM
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Great post, Neil. You're absolutely right. I can't argue with Alone either. I like what William Tyndale told the King of Wales, "Someday the plowboy will know the Bible better than you.".

I am also weary of what's coming out of seminary into our pulpits. Most of these boys not only cannot preach, they're learning more pop psychology and business administration a la McChurch than they are systematic theology and biblical jurisprudence. The latter for sure isn't being taught.

Survey10/20/08 9:26 AM
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I chose the second one. All I can say is, I'm thankful for sermonaudio.com and for the supplementation I need and can get here. The trick is to not get covetous because the preacher you're listening to sounds so much better than what you hear at your own church. And also to not get caught up in staying home and listening to sermonaudio.com rather than fellowshipping with the saints. It's one of the hardest things sanctification wise I've gone through.

Survey10/20/08 9:19 AM
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We remedy the problem of the plunging necklines with scarves and buttoned ladies dress jackets. We also observe the woman's headcovering, but it's true that we must be consistent regarding modesty and pay attention to the whole body, not just the head.

News Item10/20/08 8:21 AM
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Along with cultural influence from the West, they've also been influenced by our Western cultural Marxism.

News Item10/19/08 7:32 PM
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Very true, Jim. This is the first I've even heard of it.

News Item10/18/08 5:13 PM
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And Track is the name of another son. What's this woman thinking?

Survey10/14/08 11:00 AM
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I agree - it is a judgment on society's men and society in general; however as Christians we still have an obligation to speak out against it and oppose it, like any other type of wickedness.
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