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Survey4/27/08 7:16 PM
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I read a post about this some time ago where someone said (I don't remember the exact words) "So a person is raised from death; given eyes to see and ears to hear; has their heart of stone replaced with a heart of flesh; is translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God; is justified and sanctified and on the way to being glorified.

Then a problem arises and the person falls away. They become unsanctified and unjustified; are put back into the kingdom of darkness; their heart of stone is put back; they lose their spiritual eyes and ears and go back to being dead in sin.

Are some so desperate to cling to their free-will theology that they would even contemplate such heresy as this? Brethren, are we saved or do we save ourselves? I believe we have lost sight of what we have been saved from, how we were saved and He who is the Saviour.

He has procured our salvation for us. To even ask if once saved is always saved is to denegrate the Name of our Dear Saviour.

He is not gentle Jesus meek and mild as the hymn would have it. He is the Creator, the Eternal Son of the Living God, and the Judge of the living and the dead.

These pathetic arguments do nothing but try to bring Him down to our level.

Survey4/27/08 7:06 PM
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How many of you know that this discussion began when Augustine published a prayer? Pelagius took offence because the prayer indicated that man could not obey God without God's grace.
On another site I mentioned that if you begin your theological argument from man's perspective you will never arrive at the right conclusion. You may find a few texts to support your view, but you mutilate the rest of Scripture.

Begin with God - and lay down His attributes and characteristics as an unmoveable foundation for everything else. If one of your theological viewpoints sheds doubt on any of those foundational truths, then it must be wrong.

God reveals Himself as He is; Holy, Omnipotent, Immutable. Therefore if there is a text which says that God changed His mind, we must understand it in the correct light of His immutablility.

If there is a text which seems to indicate that God wanted something (ie, the salvation of all men), but was unable to achieve His goal, then that text must be understood in light of the truth of His Ominpotence.

We always ask the wrong questions, as did Jesus' disciples. We always seek to explain away what we do not like or understand. But we do injury to the image of God as He has revealed Himself. I would urge you to be cautious in your deliberations.

Survey4/27/08 7:00 PM
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You will never come to an adequate understanding of Theology until you begin at the beginnning, that is, with THEOS.

Just as in studying other sciences where basic principles have to be laid down as foundational laws, so it must be in theology.

The problem with today's methods of Biblical interpretation is that it begins with man; with man's needs, man's problems and what God has done for man.

But the Bible begins with God. It is all about God. And when you study theology systematically, your basic foundational laws and principles must be the study of God, His nature, His attributes, His character etc.

Then when in later study you come across a problem and you check your foundational laws and facts. God is immutable, He is Omnipresent, He is Omnipotent etc. So don't ask is once saved always saved, or is there a covenant of grace etc. If you know the God of the Bible as He has revealed Himself, you will already know the answer. He has one eternal plan, encompassing the end from the beginning. He has foreordained all things, even the free choices of men. That is the God of the Bible. Anything less than that, anything that detracts from that, portrays a different God.

So do not begin by looking at man.Look at God, and most questions are answered.

Survey4/27/08 8:04 AM
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If people would only believe the plain teaching of the Bible. Paul goes to painstaking lengths in several Epistles to demonstrate the unity between the Old and New Covenants, between the Old and New Testament Church and, yes, between the Jews and the non Jews.

In Ephesians 2 he goes to great lengths to demonstrate that Christ has made from the two, that is, Jew and Gentile, one man, uniting them into one body unto God.

In Romans and Galatians Paul laboriously shows how New Testament Christians are partakers of the promises made to Abraham and are the true seed of Abraham. Anyone who is in Christ is an heir according to the promise. In Galatians Paul explains it all again very carefully.

When Peter said to the converts at Pentecost, all of the Jews, that the promise was to them and to their children, he did not have to explain to them what promise he was referring to because they knew from their Old Testament Scripture.

It is a sad and destructive habit of the Dispensationalists to dismantle the Scriptures and to seperate that which God has united.

There is one olive tree, and its branches are made up of Jews and Gentiles. That olive tree is Christ and if you are in Him you are of Abraham's seed and an heir of the promises made to him by God the Father.

Survey4/23/08 9:57 PM
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Derek, thank you for your response. Firstly, you continue to reason from human logic and not from the Bible. "Think about it", you said. My response to you is, "Read about it!"

Secondly, this has nothing to do with Calvin, or Augustine, or anyone. Calvin would be horrified to know that after his death his name would be used like this and his prevaling legacy, despite his life's work, is this continuing argument.

This debate began with a published prayer of Augustine; "Lord command what thou wilt and enable us to obey." A man called Pelagius took offence at the second part of that prayer, insisting that God would not command what man could not perform.

Now I am sure that you would not agree with Pelagius. God commands you to repent. He commands you to be holy. He commands you to obey His law to the letter.

People try to get around that by saying we no longer need to keep the law. But that is a whole other argument. They say that God will settle for the best we can do. That our attempts at obedience and holiness are acceptable to Him despite our imperfections.

But our very best, the utmost ultimate best, that we can muster is as offensive to God as a used menstrual pad is to you if it were offered to you.

So - can man obey, be holy, conform?

Survey4/23/08 9:14 PM
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Mr DJC49 I recognise in you a kindred spirit and a brother who shares my concerns for the Word, the church and the glory of God. I sometimes feel I am fighting a losing battle as I see the church degenerate into a religious social club, showing little concern for God's glory and majesty and all too eager to recognise others as believers and admitting them into membership purely for the sake of numerical growth but without evidence of the fruits of the Spirit. Do you sense this frustration also?

I pray that God will continue to grant us His grace, and the strength to do battle for Him, for His honour and glory and for the sake of His Christ.

Survey4/23/08 8:51 PM
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Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me Mr DJC49. I apologise for misrepresenting you. I did not even remember who wrote that post. But I stand by what I said regarding evangelism and will not retract those words, as I believe them to be an accurate assessment of current Reformed and Calvinistic thinking.

The true Calvinist is a true evangelist. And I believe that only the true Calvinist has a thorough understanding of the doctrines of Grace. But if they are confined merely to academic debates then we have missed the mark completely.

The Synod of Dordt was very careful in deliberating these things, and wrote an astute article on the Universal Call of the gospel. Unless that gospel is preached, there is no call. And who among us, Calvinist or otherwise, is sufficient for these things? In all things our sufficiency is from God, to whom be the praise and the glory forevermore, amen.

News Item4/23/08 8:45 PM
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Yet another debate amongst Christian brethren which has degenerated into slanderous accusations and name-calling.

I have known many who swore till they were blue in the face that the KJ was the only truly inspired English translation. But their Bible spent 90% or more of its time on the shelf gathering dust.

If you leave your Bible on the shelf it doesn't matter what translation it is. It is just a book, made of paper and ink, and is no more the Word of God than the dictionary sitting next to it.

But when you open it, it is then that it becomes the Living Word of the Living God. And only then if the Holy Spirit takes that Word and applies it to your understanding, your heart and your life.

You are becoming rabid over English translations. You forget, like most English speaking people, that there are thousands of other translations out there in the languages of all the world.

If we believe that the Word of God is supernaturally produced, can we not believe that it is supernaturally preserved in all languages for all times?

Do we not believe that the Word of God is supernaturally applied by the power of the Holy Spirit? We all have our favourite translations. Often because it was the first Bible that someone gave us, the first time we heard God speak to us.

Survey4/23/08 8:23 PM
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Be careful Mr Derek, for you are not arguing from Scripture but from the perspective of human logic.

If I did that, I would question God's imputation of Adam's sin onto the whole human race. I would question the justice in someone else paying my price. I would question God's righteousness when children are abducted, raped and murdered and planes piloted into buildings.

We can only reason from the Scriptures. We can only base our understanding of God, ourselves and the world around us on the Scriptures. Just because there are things that are beyond our human understanding, does not give us the right to sort it out with human reason and logic.

Deuteronomy 29 vs 29 tells us that there are some things God has been pleased to reveal to us, and some things He has been pleased to keep from us. It will always be so because we will never fathom God, who He is or what He does.

As soon as you apply your logic, you destroy faith. God has promised us time and time again He has all things under control and there is nothing which happens which is outside His will. If we do not have that comfort, how can we be assured of God's other promises?

Begin with God, go with God, end with God. Then everything else falls into place. Apply your logic and nothing makes sense.

Survey4/23/08 8:15 PM
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Casob wrote:
Let me say it again. There is not a passage in Scripture that says anyone is chosen to be saved before the foundation of the world.
Mr Casob, Paul is not addressing Jews but Ephesians. I am afraid if you take this line of argument some might accuse you of desperation.

Be careful to make blanket statements, especially in light of the fact that there are many texts which support unconditional election.

This is not about man, it is about God. We must be careful how we represent God in our theological deliberations. Remember, Job's friends were not far wrong in their arguments, but they were wrong. And because of that they were not even allowed to pray for themselves. If you portray God as anything other than He has revealed Himself, then you may find yourself in the same position as Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. But Job is not here to pray for you now.

Any theology which detracts from God's Omnipotence, Absolute Sovereignty, Omniscience, Immutability and pure Holiness is an affront to Him, despite your best intentions and purest motives. He has revealed Himself, His nature and attributes clearly in Holy Writ. Therefore we are without excuse if we misrepresent Him.

Survey4/23/08 8:07 PM
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To the list below have you considered the following names? In no particular order:
Van Til
F N Lee

The list goes on endlessly. These great men of God, past and present, are not just amazing theologians; they are wonderful pastors, Biblically committed preachers and tireless evangelists.

Francis Nigel Lee has been described in print as "Triumphalistically" Reformed and Conservative. This man, who has 12 earned doctorates, went home to South Africa because his father had been murdered in a home invasion. He visited his father's killer and preached Christ to him. Not only was the killer converted, so were several prison guards who could not but overhear the gospel preached.

This man is now in his 70's, yet works tirelessly throughout the world to preach the doctrines of grace. Many of his sermons are on this website if any of you are interested.

To defame John Calvin because later theologians attached his name to TULIP is bad enough. But consider, brethren, the many great men of God you are denouncing in your apparent ignorance.

Survey4/23/08 7:54 PM
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I remember an earlier post in which someone derided Mr Casob for going out every Saturday and handing out gospel tracts. Someone else, I think it was Mr O'Clast, responded with admiration for Mr Casob's diligence in evangelism.

I wholeheartedly agree. There are always differences of opinion and interpretation and therefore of methodologies.

Some, said Paul, preach Christ from a purely wrong motive. But he praises God that Christ is being preached.

Mr Casob seems to be unashamedly Arminian. But he also seems to be unashamedly evangelistic. I have known many Calvinists who had a knowledge of the Scriptures that was enviable, but had no manifested desire to evangelise. They could argue the great doctrines of grace and impress many with their sholarship and learning. They could deride people like Mr Casob for what they thought was poor theology. But while they were arguing and discussing and parading their learning before others, people like Mr Casob were talking about Jesus Christ and salvation through Him alone to strangers on the street.

I am proud of my Reformed heritage. But I am deeply ashamed that many of us have worried more about our theology than about the Great Command in Matthew 28.

I am not decrying doctrine, but obedience to the gospel.

Survey4/23/08 7:45 PM
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The Aposte Paul had plenty to boast about from a human perspective, but he said those things were dung to him. His boast was in the Lord alone. This was the man, chosen by God to be an Apostle, who wrote most of the New Testament texts causing our contentions. He wrote more about election and predestination than any other New Testament author. He was the one who belaboured the point in Romans 9, anticipating every argument and sending each objection back to where it belonged - to God!

Is that not the bottom line brethren? What is Theology about, if not about God; who He is, what He does, how He does it etc. It is not about man and what he does or does not have to boast about. It is about God and His work of grace accomplished through the death of His Son.

If you set your theology on this foundation, on God's attributes of Sovereignty, Omniscience, Omnipresence etc; on His nature as Love, Wrath, Mercy, Justice etc; but above all else, on His Holiness everything else falls into line.

It does not depend on your decision, your election, your need, your anything. It is all of God and from God, the Alpha and Omega, the Author and Finisher. Whatever does not focus everything on Him and attribute all praise and glory to Him is not of Him, from Him or to Him, but of man.

Survey4/23/08 6:17 PM
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We all want to see people converted to Christ. We all want to see our church grow. We all want to be obedient to the command to preach the gospel without discriminiation.

Our different approaches to these things stem from our different concepts of what salvation really is and what is it we are saved from.

The Arminian has a persuasive approach. He appeals to reason in order to facilitate a decision. Yet I have heard Arminians fervently pray to God for the salvation of others, asking the Lord to change their hearts, convert their souls and lead them to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Their prayers are no different than those of the Calvinist.

But when describing the conversion of someone else they suggest that the more corrupt a person's life was before their conversion, the more marvellous their salvation was.

The true Calvinist is just as earnest and just as prayerful. But he knows from the Bible that God has promised him success because the harvest is out there. The wheat is there to be gathered in. The sheep are there because God has assured us that they are there. We do not know who they are, they do not have identifying characteristics. That is why we preach to all without distinction, urging them to repent and turn to Christ.

Survey4/23/08 12:13 AM
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There was once a tightrope walker and acrobat who went by the name The Great Blondin. He crossed Niagra Falls on a tightrope blindfolded, on stilts, carrying his manager on his back. Once he even stopped halfway to cook and eat an omelette.

People loved to watch him perform. Much the same way as many loved to watch Jesus perform.

One day Blondin asked them if they believed he could walk across, pushing a wheelbarrow, with someone sitting inside it.

Everyone believed he could do it. If you were to ask them, "Do you have faith that Blondin could do that?" they would have answered, "Of course!"

But when he asked if anyone was willing to get into the wheelbarrow, he got no takers. You see, they had faith, but they didn't have faith.

Many believed in Jesus. In John 8 Jesus spoke to Jews who believed in Him. They had faith in Him. But they did not want to be united with Him, to be committed to Him, to have their whole life totally in His hands.

To those Jews Jesus said these words;
"Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do."

What is faith? It is more than just trusting and believing. It is total and complete surrender to Jesus Christ!

Survey4/22/08 11:27 PM
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Casob wrote:
What I have taught is Jesus Christ's shed blood satisfied God, who as the judge of all the earth, condemned all men because of their sin and sentenced them to death. His sacrifice "put away" sin and an eternal pardon can be received of every man who hears of it. Go tell them!
Greetings! I have been following your posts for some time with great interest.

Casob is correct! Whoever hears and believes receives an eternal pardon.

My question is who hears?

Moses told Israel in Deuteronomy 29 vs 4 "Yet the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear, to this very day."

Doesn't it seem that they saw and heard amazing things, but it did not convert them because God did not give them the spiritual faculties they needed to truly understand and be converted?

Again in Isaiah 6 the prophet is told to preach the truth, but that the people would not be able to see or hear or understand because God would refuse to enable them to do so. Isn't it frightening to read that the reason why He did that is because He did not want them to turn to Him and be healed?

This text is repeated several times in the New Testament. Does this not mean that unless God enables we cannot see or hear or understand?

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