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Survey5/5/08 7:51 PM
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Psalm 1:3; 34:7; 37:28; 48:14; 73:23; 92:12; 97:10; 116:15; 121; 125:1; 138:8; 145:20; Isaiah 26:12; 40:29; 46:4; 54:10; Jeremiah 31:3; Matthew 24:24; Luke 10:20; john 3:14,36; 4:14; 5:24; 6:58; 10:28; 14:19; Romans 5:1,9,11; 6:6,14,22; 7:4; 8:2,10,30,33,39; Ephesians 1:14; 2:16; 3:20; 4:30; Philippians 1:6; Colossians 3:3; II Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 7:25; 9:12; 12:2; I Peter 1:2

And, of course - Jude 24.

Please read this selection of passages which clearly explain that salvation is not a process - it is a once for all act of God. When Jesus said, "It is finished!" He meant it. When He said, "Here am I and the children whom God has given Me", He had completed the redemption of His elect.

Survey5/5/08 7:37 PM
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The land is about as important to God's plan of redemption as the eggshell is to the omelet.

ALL the promises made to Abraham, ALL OF THEM, consisted of physical signs pointing to spiritual realities. The patriarchs themselves knew that (Heb 11), but then they hadn't been blinded by Scofield.

Where in the New Testament does it talk about the future restoration of national Israel? These ideas come only by looking for fulfillment from Old Testament prophecies which have clearly been fulfilled.

If today's "Israel" wants to claim ownership of the land based on Old Testament promises, let them keep the conditions of the covenant.

They are not deserving of the name "Israel" and it is high time the church saw that. Just their treatment of nonJews and rejection of Christian Jews is contemptible in the eyes of God and a violation of His express commandments regarding aliens, strangers and foreigners.

God has divorced Israel as his bride, and re-married the church. To marry again his divorced wife would mean violation of His own commandments.

Survey5/5/08 4:44 AM
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San Jose John wrote:
I agree. The curse which accompanied
the fall must have had many miraculous
(if negative) effects on the original
creation to explain what we see today
vs. what the creation was like prior
to the fall.
Yes, imagine; spiders spun webs to catch leaves, frogs had long sticky tongues to catch fast-moving seeds, birds of prey had incredible eyesight to see the cabbage and strong talons to stop it from escaping, wolves hunted treebark in packs and fish only ate seaweed.

Survey5/5/08 12:18 AM
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ChristianNewsWatch wrote:
Eh, I claim John 3:16
That is the sum total of your confession? That is handy, you can join any church you want - even the RC's.

I guess it is pointless to ask you then what you believe about worship, sacraments, preaching, pneumatology, eschatology etc.

Why would you even bother reading and contributing to this discussion forum?

Survey5/5/08 12:13 AM
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It is hardly off topic, as it all pertains to your eschatological viewpoint.

I will go on record as saying that Israel and the Church are two bodies.

In the same way that USA and the church are two bodies; Australia and the church are two bodies; Australia and USA are two bodies etc.

But Israel as a spiritual body, as God's covenant people, no longer exist. The State of Israel is no more the people of God than the State of South Africa. Although South Africa has abolished apartheid, but Israel still enthusiastically practises it.

Survey5/5/08 12:09 AM
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I acknowledge that much of Chilton's interpretation rests on the date of John's writing but, although I am by nature reluctant to seperate from historic Amillenianism, I have yet to read anything that makes as much sense to me as his interpretation of Revelation. Dating aside, just his explanation in light of Old Testament theology, the covenant and priestly worship is very enlightening.

Re-reading the Olivet Discourse, I cannot escape that those sections many attribute to the end of time are included in Jesus' statement regarding their fulfillment in that generation.

The bottom line is, at the final judgement will there be more sheep or more goats? Do I see God and His Christ as gloriously triumphant or content with a narrow victory?

The river that flows from the temple, the stone cut without hands, the promise made by the Father to the Son in Psalm 2 speak to me of a glorious and amazing victory. I don't know if this is classic postmillenialism but when I read that the Son must sit at the right hand of God TILL all His enemies are made His footstool I don't see Him coming back any time soon.

But the day of the Lord is an imminent reality for all of us, for none of us know when we are appointed to die and face our Creator.

Survey5/4/08 8:49 PM
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I never understood Revelation properly until I read The Days of Vengeance by Chilton. And I have read everything I could lay my hands on to try and get a handle on it. Trying to see it as futuristic just ends up in loonytune land. It is clearly a prophetic document regarding God's final judgement on apostate Israel which was of ultimate comfort to the church of that day as their primary source of problems came from that source.

To read Revelation as written then but pertaining primarily to future events is illogical and nonsensical. It repeatedly speaks of things which "must shortly come to pass."

Has anyone read Days of Vengeance and totally disagreed with its premise and conclusions?

Survey5/2/08 10:43 PM
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MurrayA, when God said to our Lord, "Sit at My right hand till I make Your enemies Your footstool", what does that tell you about Christ's return?

The "signs of the times" phrase comes from the Olivet discourse. People forget that Christ was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the Jewish age. The disciples thought this would be the end of all time, which is why they phrased their question as they did. But when Jesus said to them in Mat 24:33, "When you see all these things, know that it is near", He was not referring to the end of time, for He immediately said, "This generation will by no means pass away till all these things are fulfilled."

THEN He answers the question about the end of all time in vs 36, "But of THAT day and hour no one knows."

He has just finished telling them how they could see the signs pertaining to the end of Jerusalem, so why would He tell them that no one can tell when that would happen?

Likewise, when you read Revelation, don't read it as pertaining to still future. John wrote to comfort the church then. What comfort would events 2000 years later have given them in their current situation? John was talking about AD 70, not about 2020. It was a document of God's covenantal judgement on Israel, not futuristic mystery.

Survey5/2/08 9:57 PM
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MurrayA, you are now moving into the shadowy arena of eschatology; end times, tribulations, signs of the times etc. Doesn't it seem strange to you that people are very quick to say that your millenial views are not fundamental to the gospel, but their entire theology seems to be derived from their eschatological views?

Every generation thinks theirs is the ultimate age, that it could all end any day. This is not a bad thing, for it keeps us all on our toes. But there is only one certainty - No one knows that day or that hour.

As to Israel's future conversion, that has always been a conundrum. Romans 11 indicates that hardening in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. This suggests that ethnic Jews will continue to be converted.

But I do not see 1948 and national Israel as being part of prophetic fulfillment. These prophecies found in the Old Testament have been fulfilled in the return from the captivity.

National Israel was the caterpillar from which the butterfly of the church came. There is no relationship with God possible outside of Christ. And in Christ there is no nationality, for we are all citizens of that heavenly Jerusalem which the patriarchs already looked forward to.

Hope my response has been helpful to you.

Survey5/2/08 8:39 PM
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It seems there are two kinds of people on this discussion - those who see the Bible as the Word of God to all His people in all ages, and those who see the Bible as the Word of God but sometimes He is speaking to Jews and sometimes He is speaking to us.

As I have said before, your view of the whole of Scripture determines your view of the parts. I finally realised that this discussion is going nowhere when Casob started quoting the same passages I had been quoting to him.

That is why he cannot answer my questions, because he cannot see and will not see that God has one people, one church, one plan of redemption which was first delivered to Israel and then to the whole world. That it would go beyond ethnic Israel into all nations was already foreseen and foretold in the Old Testament. But because some can't get past their view that ethnic Israel is still the people of God they are blind to this truth.

So I will ask one more question of Casob. You refer constantly to Romans 11. If I, as a non-Jew, am grafted into the olive tree, am I now not a Jew? I partake of the same root and richness. I am ingrafted into Israel.

One is either in the tree, whether natural or not, or out of the tree. Or is there more than one tree?

Survey5/2/08 10:46 AM
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Fellowship among true Christians is not and cannot be based on agreement, but only on the finished redemptive work of Christ the Saviour.

We may vary now in some of our theological positions, but once we were all the same - totally lost and dead in sin, hellbound but for a loving Father, a redeeming Saviour and a regenerating, justifying and sanctifying Holy Spirit.

Thank you for your kind responses.

Survey5/2/08 10:40 AM
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You say I took passages out of context, but do not say which passages, how I took them out of context and what, in your opinion, should be the right context.

You mention my list of questions, but you answer none of them.

You claim to be trying to be reasonable yet all you do is accuse others of wresting Scripture without giving specifics.

Any time someone tries to engage you in reasoned discussion you go off on another tangent.

You have finally convinced me. You have absolutely nothing to say and are just full of hot air.

What a waste of time!

Survey5/2/08 8:04 AM
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Haven't read the article and never said the KJV is the only inspired word. I posted some comments about that on another thread, one that was connected to a news article about the NIV.

I have just become more and more disenchanted with all the rubbishy "translations", and it seems that the Westcott and Hort debacle was the watershed. So I read different things about them, their background, the history of their translation, all cited with references to their own correspondence and people who were part of that process at the time. If half of what I read was true, those guys were the last sort you wanted translating your Bible for you.

Some guy I know recently put me onto the ESV - it seems pretty good.

Sorry if I upset you. I probably should read that article you mentioned, but I try to avoid filth.

Survey5/2/08 7:58 AM
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Michael, you are absolutely right. Salvation is not about man-made labels or distinctions; Calvinists, Arminians, Dispensationalists, Baptists, whatever.

Anyone who is saved has been taken out of hellish darkness into glorious light. All things have become new, and the old man has been crucified with Christ and is dead. To demean that amazing grace for the sake of theological argument is wrong. We must never lose sight of that one reality - Jesus saves!

I have been thinking about what you said. I have never been a Catholic, but my Mother was. But when somebody tells me I am more like a Catholic than an Evangelical because I believe in infant baptism I get real riled. So I understand where you are coming from and if I said the wrong thing or upset you by what I said, I would like you to accept my apology and grant me your forgiveness.

We all tend to get fired up when we debate the doctrines we hold dear. But there is one thing that binds us which is high above all theological differences - if we are in Christ we are brothers and sisters in Him and whatever our past or our current denominational affilliation, we are members of that glorious body.

Thank you for reminding me of that tonight. God bless you my brother.

Survey5/2/08 12:40 AM
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Bernard wrote:
It means I'm calling your bluff. I'm asking you to put your cards on the table. If these terms are not familiar to you, then be thankful for your sheltered life. Let me rephrase.
Please cite the "documented evidence" from primary sources. This means you can't just link to a ranting, vilifying article from the TBS.
I knew that, I was merely jesting. I am sorry if you do not have a sense of humour.

Listing "primary" sources is not something many do, as we often rely on other publications which do cite these sources in their statements. The reason being they actually have access to these sources.

There is always available, if you care to look, many websites which list the many needless changes that were made to the original translation - many of which are subtle attacks on the fundamental doctrines of our faith.

BTW what is TBS? And are you sure they do not really rant and villify but just stand up vehemently for the truth?
It seems that as soon as you valiantly oppose a popular trend you are branded a ranter and a villifier.

Survey5/2/08 12:22 AM
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Michael - just because common nuns and priests do not primarily denounce Calvinism does not mean it isn't in the forefront of anti-Protestant doctrine. It means they are ignorant of many of these things, as most Catholics are. What they are not ignorant of is that which they hear commonly bandied about, like the phrase "Born Again".

I never said and will never say that being born again is to decide between being a Calvinist or being an Arminian.

To be born again is to respond in faith to the gospel of Jesus Christ because you have been enabled to see your sin and to see salvation in Christ through the regenerating power of the Spirit of God.

Jesus said, "You must be born again!" Then He said, "Unless a man is born again, he cannot see nor enter the kingdom of God."

That is what the Catholics hate, for it takes salvation out of the hands of the church and puts it where it belongs - in the hands of the God who raises the dead.

Survey5/2/08 12:16 AM
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Bernard wrote:
I'm calling you.
Does that mean you have my telephone number?

Survey5/1/08 10:11 PM
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No comment on my post must mean we are all in agreement


Survey5/1/08 10:03 PM
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Rome's most vitriolic attack and subsequent anathemas were on the doctrines of Justification by grace through faith and the 5 points of Calvinism. One Catholic scholar, Cornelius Jansen, wanted to defeat protestantims with its own weapons, to wit, the doctrines of Augustine. He was condemned as a heretic by the Catholic Church.

The RC's hate most of what protestant theology stands for, but more than anything they hate the Reformed doctrines of grace.

I think that is what Examinetheevidence was trying to get across, that Arminianism lies easily in bed with Catholocism. And history has proved him right - you only need to look at the ecumenical developments over the last 50 years and how it has effortlessly accepted Rome.

One noted evangelical of our day happened to be sitting next to a Jesuit professor who was travelling to the Catholics and Evangelicals Together debates. When asked how it had become possible for the two to be now sitting at the same table, the Jesuit replied with two words; "Billy Graham!"

Survey5/1/08 9:55 PM
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Bernard, Erasmus maybe, but Westcott and Hort never. They broke every mandate they were given and deliberately changed much of Scripture. They were told to revise the translation of the Received Text, but they rewrote the entire Bible to suit their own warped theology. The changes they made were both more subtle and more numerous than those made by the Watchtower people. Their personal correspondence reveal them both to be rank liberals and they fought to have a Unitarian minister on their translation committee against the wishes of the Anglican hierarchy. It is this Unitarian minister who is directly responsible for mutilated verses like I Tim 3:16.

This is all from clearly documented evidence.

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