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News Item2/7/17 9:29 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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academia is at the center of this commnst sweep, as they call out the Christian white male, this calling out being done largely by older white males!

hmmm. what is it they are trying to eradicate....?

and will millennials get tired of being used by a rogue element of the baby boomer generation while their parents, gen x seem to have disappeared off the radar? (or are they the jobless, low wage ones trying to pay the taxes to feed this madness?)

I post this from last summer to show how far the SBC has some elements that are dragging Christians into identity politics because they are not doing their due diligence....


"Are you catching the theme?  Each and every one of these folks has already made up their minds that these shootings were unjustified.  None of them has the full story and none of them have ever faced the dangers that a police officer faces every day that they lace their boots up"

"Albert Mohler, President of Southern Theological Seminary, tweeted this:
“1,000 questions must be answered, but Christians must ask if ‪#‎AltonSterling‬ & ‪#‎PhilandoCastile‬ would be alive today if they were white.”"

News Item2/6/17 11:21 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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ladybug wrote:
mark them which cause divisions
would a crayon be sufficient for such markings?

News Item2/6/17 10:16 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the demoniacs in caballywood are having their deeds opened for the public to see.

there were arrested of hundreds in LA last week of child trafficking.

even their tv shows seem to be flirting with disclosure.

are they concerned the public has not forgotten the emails, wikileads and project veritas?

Title: Halftime HELL: Satan speaks through Lady Gaga to declare dominion over the Earth (while Pope Francis blesses) (satire)


they are telling us who they are, and the woman above has much to say about spirit cooking abromovic. the globalist religion. see reminder of madonnas Baphomet, wasn't she in DC recently making threts?

News Item2/6/17 10:09 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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reaming the innocent while passing filthy lucre for stacking cities against its own.

police in Sweden admitting they are overloaded with serious crime from migrants.

News Item2/5/17 9:52 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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John UK wrote:
Dave my bro, I do not regard the vast multitude of blood-bought children of God who gather together on Sundays for fellowship, prayers, worship and hearing the word of God preached as "foolish Galatians".
seeing as the book of Galatians is a warning against Judaizing the church, your concern may be even more on target than you thought.

News Item2/5/17 9:42 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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pretty interesting. the waters are being poisoned by fukushima and sea life has been dying around the world, meanwhile geoengineering continues.

disclosure of these things is important for continuation of civilization, I often think of Rev where it speaks of 1/3 of sea life dying.

but kudos to this teen!

News Item2/5/17 9:36 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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its a huge Ponzi scheme.

News Item2/4/17 5:11 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
I'm skittish on this law. First, I simply believe if Trump just becomes a Poseidon adventure without survivors, we're going to pay dearly. What if your pastor is forced to submit sermons to the government? me?
instead of imagining what occurred, why not listen to what happened, he talked about it in detail?

and yes IRS has targeted Christian groups under the Obama admin and pastors were being asked to turn in sermons, its hate speech in Canada to be against sodomy, and back to us, sermonindex made the news this week because people were saying youtube seemed to have shut down their account?

reps of Christian groups have spoken recently with congress on the issue of intimidation, this coming from intimidation of the left on conservative groups.

under this atmosphere, trump offers that pastors may be can stop self muzzling...

and if they do not want it, let them be the state-church. China has the same situation.

its much like an elephant that has been chained to a post, once the chains are cut, just stays put.

a new elephant would walk right by and be free.

News Item2/4/17 10:41 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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why does the new order insist on disrupting nations in the ME and then bringing them to west to disrupt them in the name of a global gov and religion?

the bankers watch nations trying to escape the grip of international communism and austerity called "carbon credits" and "global warming" and "sustainiability initiatives" and "agenda 21".

they say we must remove borders, cultural identity language, chip the masses and take away cash.

and nations are voting for brexit, trump, le pen and others as fast as they can to get out of this mess

problem is that these same bankers control the currencies and at the flip of a switch... all things can change.

now that once again we have seen violence at berkly, and the funding points once again to the same culprit...

well, lets not forget that soros had said something like "i am a god, I created everything"

Ukraine, Libya, Syria, now united states and Europe

BLM, Antifa, "Nasty Women" as they call themselves, Rinos positioned in Congress, "freedom fighers", "Arab Spring", "ISIS"...

what happened when the psychic women was converted to Christ through Paul, but the money changers went mad for loss of profits?

News Item2/4/17 10:31 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cut the gov funding and get the info out on what the shots are doing to people.

just like PP and every other parasitical industry.

News Item2/4/17 10:20 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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imagine tossing darwins theory out the door and starting over.

what is health?

permescuity in a society will destroy the health of a people.

gm foods, mixing species and glyphosates and all the known harms... why bother to have a health system when our foundations make everyone sick?

News Item2/4/17 12:04 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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just a nobody wrote:
Can you really not see the distinction I am making?
I think we are all saying that you are making a distinction that the scriptures do not give you liberty to make.

News Item2/3/17 4:14 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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just a nobody wrote:
tyranny, and will crucify the power of sin. This will, and nothing else can."
Taken from: The Life of Faith by William Romaine
try as I might, I find this writing of William Romaine, of as Ladybug mentions, the dying of self and the humility to raise others up, I cannot separate this in my mind from being obedient to Christ. They are one and the same to me. Christ has given us a means to obedience and to "loving the law", and that is through submission to the Spirit of Christ in the reality of the gospel, the teaching of scripture and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did say we are to keep His Commandments.

do I know grace or do I live by law? this looks to me like worldly conflict..... I have been given grace, His law is upon my heart, is the promise. His grace, character and commands are a package deal. God tells me, do not do this and my flesh tells me do this, well, there's the crucifying of the flesh and the grace to do so, and through this obedience to His command. And there is where victory is.

and I agree with Bema (BM) that the law is still a parameter because we are supposed to have the law written on our hearts.

the grace is given that it would be so.

we have not become a law unto ours

News Item2/3/17 11:10 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Newcomer wrote:
Pastors regularly preach to the economically poor without coming to their aid. Pew warmers do the same.
truth. they are looked through as if they do not exist. but often told they must muster that ten percent from nothing. a huge unhealthy disconnect by many.

News Item2/3/17 11:00 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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what's happening is a gov weighted down by years of horrible corruption.

pizzagate is still a big deal, did anyone catch the story I posted yesterday of massive arrests in California of trafficking rings??? is this making national news?

see ICE agents arrest 245 alleged pedophiles, 44 children rescued

see youtube video of famous actor cory Feldman explain while he was a teenager on set being surrounded by pedophiles.

is it any wonder they want to make CA a "sanctuary state"?

Title: Border Resident: Nancy Pelosi Should Visit My Ranch


one rancher at town hall meeting described his dog playing with what they thought was a ball but turned out to be a human head. he said hundreds of dead in their area every year, drug runners and human trafficking, can all end up in CA, where they are arresting all these pedophile rings in sanctuary cities?

News Item2/3/17 10:52 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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just a nobody wrote:
John UK, Yes my point is simple really, THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.
well, now I think we have a name for you. Christopher gave me Pennelope, now I think I can call you Jan?

yet faith is not just a theory or a positional thing, but if real is a life of obedience and changed within. these things are not necessarily either/or.

waving back to Dave and all the brethren today!

News Item2/2/17 10:14 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Title: Protestors beating people at Milo Yiannopoulos event @ U.C. Berkeley


"they were sprayed, pinned up against the metal barricades while protesters struck them in the back and on their heads with wood sticks"

"... ganged up on him and continued to hit him on the head. You don't see him in the video but he lay there unconscious. That did not stop people from continuing to kick him"

News Item2/2/17 9:15 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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its lobbies doing this through threat of suing.

it is not being done by the will of the people.

separating is a must.... however, they are going for broke. and they aren't going to leave the snowflake Christians "safe places".

Elijah didn't hide out.

News Item2/2/17 9:13 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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praying for their success.

the demoniacs on the streets last night assaulting people in Berkly indicate they aren't happy... guess they can't handle a sodomite standing at the podium saying that abortion is killing an innocent unborn child.

guess we've gotten used to soros type events, funding to destabilize.

News Item2/1/17 9:12 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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agenda 21 was always about depopulation.

if they wanted to save Europe, they would be encouraging marriage and children.

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