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News Item2/1/17 9:08 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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this is a huge problem. sanctity of life of unborn and marriage must be protected.

News Item1/31/17 10:28 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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a hearty amen to this discussion and the posts, thank you for the reminder about holiness. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Holiness.

News Item1/31/17 9:30 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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there is no such thing as an American pacifist because they live in the most militarized system in history.

if I listed the agencies local, state, and federal that give them safe passage (or just a militarized state) one way or another, the list would fill this post.

they call the police if they get robbed, they have the navy protecting their coasts from NK/Chinese attacks, they have litanies of lawyers and laws to sue anyone who might injure their property.

pacifism means asking someone else to do the protecting.

unfortunately, in places in Europe, Merkel is forcing the local police to stand down.

and I'll say this this to faux pacifists..... there is a woman's honor at stake, even OT used a woman's yelling for help (illiciting someone to forcibly stop the assault) as a sign that it was not voluntary.

and no, European women should not just "take it" when they walk down the streets, being subjugated through rape. the honor of their women is at stake, and even the future existence of Europe, for a subjugated female population is already under sharia.

News Item1/31/17 9:17 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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to all the brethren living overseas, you are getting the same Marxist based smear news that runs on our tvs here that most have turned off! here is the problem:

normally in the first few days the nominess for sec of state, attorney general, etc are passed by congress. we believe in peaceful transitions so we let the pres pick his cabinet. now within their roles, the attorney general must operate independently, but it is the pres who picks the cabinet...

the problem is the democrats, now in the minority, are stopping the appointee, Sessions for Attorney General.

He fought against the KKK in Alabama when it wasn't so easy to do so and is prolife, he is a good sound pick for attorney general who will have to be non biased and honest in his approaches.... but the democrats do not want this and are causing a stir, keeping the new administration from forming itself.

News Item1/31/17 9:12 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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this is good news!

as to personhood of the unborn, this is a call out to Christians...

they redefined pregnancy from fertilization to implantation.

a week's difference.

they have defined the birth control pill as birth control but the third mechanism is to stop implantation.

they have also used fetal cell lines for "medicine" (I believe we curse ourselves with this, partaking in sacrifices to Molech)

because they do not seem to have personhood, they are just "cells" they can be mixed and matched for perverted research.

indeed to declare personhood from conception would be bold and biblical, but it would end up in court, they would say, well the bc pill has this mechanism and we don't call that abortion.. see how this goes?

the problem starts with the church, we as a church are not practicing "life begins at conception" but rather participating in Molech in other ways.

I see a conundrum here that is going to catch us. its no accident so many in abolitionist circles also reject the pill and tend towards focus on children and larger families. they adapted a bilibcal lifestyle as a witness.

News Item1/30/17 1:59 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Dave wrote:
And people are squawking about Trump Banning Muslim's
that's right! and he isn't banning muslems there's 40 some countries that are moslem still open? just vetting where there's instability. I guess the protests and computer problems caused major problems in airports, there's no need for all this.

anyway if these people really cared about Syrian refugees they'd be here with me everyday calling to stop aiding and abetting ISIS!

News Item1/30/17 10:11 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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its not just a religion its a political sovereign that disrupts the peace.

the whole point of make America great again is the idea of national sovereignty and representation of the citizens.

no accident that the degrading, demoralizing women's protest march was led by hamas supporter in a hijab who has said some very inflammatory things in the past.

silly snowflakes, look at what male dominance is, they will not treat you with the love of Christ... you aren't gaining freedom, you are giving it away.

News Item1/30/17 9:29 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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SteveR, speculate all you want about the neocons coming from liberal ideology because they did.. but you aren't doing your work on this and just speculating, there's a long list of names and groups and they are all in opposition to American sovereignty which is trump's position - make America great again is an oppositional statement to agenda 21 and globalism and the money behind calexit are those who have pushed global warming, agenda 21, globalism.

the contrast is stark and clear.

these groups want to hire foreigners, they do not want a healthy vibrant America.

News Item1/30/17 12:06 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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SteveR wrote:
I see this more as a move against the DNC, than Trump.
...which would make sense if it wasn't leftists, la raza type groups, and silicon elites leading the charge.

best thing to happen is to reveal to the public the information coming out to the millions of illegal and dead voting going on.... those in the northeast or Midwest may have no idea the state of things in the southwest, where even portions are designated as unvisitable due to drug traffic.

how does Chinese financial banking in CA relate to the topic and the ports they would have?

neither the American nor the Mexican people will thrive under an agenda 21 borderless world order. better to have representation in both nations.

News Item1/29/17 10:33 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Rodney K. wrote:
Good morning to all my brothers and sisters here on SA! I pray you all have a wonderful day fellowshiping with your local church today. God bless you all.
Good morning to you and Brother US as well!

News Item1/29/17 10:31 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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allie, you speak of what abolitionist groups are saying and I agree. its a states rights issue as roe v wade legislated which is not their area of jurisdiction. it simply requires states to reassert their laws that they already have. this does not need to come from trump, the fact that he does not aim to get in the way and pence and kellyanne being prolife means green light.

as you say, folks need to repent of letting Babylon lure them in. and I add get your diets right, stop eating estrogenic foods, drinking fluoride that messes up hormones. the human body is being hormonally altered... many will argue it is a spiritual issue, it is, claim your body back for the Lord, the temple of the Holy Spirit, not to be given over to shots corrupted with fetal cell lines. (does this instigate immune system to attack its own human dna as a foreign protein, ie autoimmune disease?)

come out of their eugenics grid, leave behind the abortifacient bc pill and be a voice for the innocent.

News Item1/29/17 10:23 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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well, dave, they've already been wiping Christians off the map, a genocide if you will, all over the globe. 32 countries, I believe. Sweden is a rape capital now, terrible stories of violence constantly pouring out, in Germany, places where the migrants are overrunning the police.

after all these years of calling out everyday these atrocities I never thought I'd be typing these words....

Trump orders plan to eliminate ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

now we'll see if these remains or if the neocons betray again.

News Item1/28/17 12:34 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Dave wrote:
Thanks penned will do, but handbrake on, things don't sound good, I'll have a further look when I get a coffee into me
ladybug wrote:
Here are the 'facts' - I refuse to call you a sister
interesting. so you conclude I'm unsaved. alright.

Brother Dave, absolutely there are concerns, just look at ERLC. yikes. Good day to ya!

News Item1/28/17 11:30 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Dave wrote:
I haven't listen to Albert mohler
I assumed he was OK as they use him here? Is he no good?
best for you to answer this yourself I think. someone signs an antiabortion document and they are ruined for life doesn't work in my book. yes, I have my concerns and if pressed would share them, but painting with too wide a brush will lead to a thinned out color which loses its original meaning.

News Item1/27/17 11:16 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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I was wondering when Mr. Platt would have enough of this.... he has counted the cost for the gospel.

It should be the others who resign!!

SBC, wisen up!

why is it taking pastors making phone calls for leadership to be aware of the mosque issue??

the NJ community refused this project, the Becket Fund assembled against the community to force the issue. in comes Russell Moore and ERLC, now they've drawn IMB into this-- this is Christian ethics?

while missionaries go to foreign lands and face down foreign gods they bring them in here? besides which, a religion that is also a political sovereign is not promoting religious freedom, but the end of it, if loyalty to Christ and concern for fellow Americans is not sufficient enough of an argument?

News Item1/26/17 8:53 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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its time for the lives of the unborn to be protected. was interesting to see all 50 states appeal to trump in regards to recent exec actions that was federalizing the voting process. and also abortion is a state issue and can be resolved in the states as they remember and recognize the separation of powers.

I hear a lot from women about having power over their bodies, but what I so often see are young women who do not have power over their bodies, their bodies are racked with illnesses of the elderly, they have been filled with shots, are large, unhealthy and eat a lot of sugar, gms.

what they need is healing in Jesus name, and biblical wisdom, restoration, to gain control, to say spiritual disciplines, that they can also carry out the natural common birthright of man, to be married, as God wills and to have children.

or to live quiet and righteous lives before the Lord.

what disturbed the abortionist most that I talked with is hearing that many young women simply need and respond well to discipling to those who might follow Christ..this being the remedy.

News Item1/26/17 8:46 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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she was such a figure for women's liberation, but I remember watching the show and thinking to myself what a lonely life that would be in a high rise apartment, having no one that belongs to you there, but she could go outside on the streets and spin around and say she "found her freedom".

now the hip bloggers of today are not so much on tv but on youtube lamenting the feminized males and live in apartments and wish they had a stable economy, a husband and family.

praying today for those that are lonely. The Holy Spirit is the comforter of the lonely.

News Item1/26/17 8:41 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Youth in Asia wrote:
Open Doors USA"
Hi Youth, have you ever read Brother Andrew's testimony and life work? I've found them to be faithful to the brethren being persecuted, and less "state-ish" or "PC" than some other organizations that under the pressures remained mum.

News Item1/26/17 8:37 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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mattis had 31 ISIS targets hit over the weekend, a huge detour from funding them, arming them and prewarning them with leaflets.

News Item1/25/17 9:45 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Christopher000 wrote:
A local representative said on Twitter, "A man must have organized the March to get the wives out of the house"
that is funny. wonder when people will say enough screaming nonsense.
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