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News Item5/23/17 10:17 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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if a crime was committed here by the unleashed media, then it is good that they deal with it in court... not that they have a reputation for publishing information ill-gotten or unproven..

News Item5/23/17 10:07 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cultural Marxists erase history so that there is no identity among the people.

the civil war was more than they are telling in the approved history books and the results are still playing out.

but as long as we don't call what is happening "slavery" we can tear down the old monuments and call ourselves progressives.

a strong people will remember their history with eyes wide open, the good, the bad, and the ugly

but cultural Marxists aim to cut the roots from the young so that they can be molded into their new agendas.

News Item5/23/17 10:01 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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how many times do they have to state their agenda???....

"Showing that abortion advocacy is one and the same with environmental radicalism, Steinem opined that birthing children is the "fundamental cause of climate change"."

what is climate change? it is agenda 21. it is the new feudal system that requires huge depopulation, moving the leftover herd into cities where they are lives are controlled, they own nothing and they are "given" jobs.

this is their agenda!!!

article: Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society

"She became a media darling due to her CIA connections.  MS Magazine, which she edited for many years was indirectly funded by the CIA."

and what is her religion? (after all we talk about people's religion if it is Islam, no?)

News Item5/23/17 9:22 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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interesting... youtube channel: acts 17 apologetics

the elites are doing this by design!!!

bringing down the west and elevating the east.

depopulation through food, shots...

while the president was in talks with Saudi, the east was meeting for their silk road deals!

agenda 21, folks...

this is it!!

blame the muslems? they are being let in... by the same groups that destabilized the nations they are coming from....

welcome to bosnia, irq, syra, Egypt, Ukraine, Libya...

see the politics of the sanctuary state movement of CA -- all these topics are interwoven into their agendas that they are accomplishing..

this is not just a "theory"

News Item5/21/17 10:50 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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with all the muzzies in London, if I had to take public transit, or walk outside the home, you bet I'd be wearing pants and blending in...

world is not the friendly place it was in 1955.

expect blond haired women to start dying their hair brown or black, people hiding their ethnicity if that ethnicity is being targeted on the streets.

I saw an interview about how the muzzies target young women who come from broken homes....

the west is not getting any more peaceful, and girls will try to dress looking tough as a survival mechanism.


"And her distress had turned to anger when police had told her that she should change her hair colour and should not have been travelling alone after 8pm on public transport."

"A student attacked by a gang of four men has accused police of blaming her because she had blonde hair and ..."

News Item4/26/17 10:16 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the pope talking points mirror agenda 21 and cultural Marxism... see California making it a sanctuary state.

News Item4/25/17 10:23 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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perhaps this sermon will be helpful for the brethren....

Title: Socialism's War Against Christianity


good day to you Ladybug.

News Item4/25/17 9:44 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cultural Marxists aim to depopulate a people and make them participate in their own eugenics by shaming them... because there are greater goals by those who orchestrate cultural Marxism... who, by the way, are not cultural Marxists but Satanists and wanting to consolidate resources, land under their power (see articles about buying out of water resources)

we have teachers who falsely teach that the church is not to have their hand in public life, thereby handing over all that is good and decent and ordered to the cultural Marxists.

see articles about antifa groups selling sharp objects (now scrubbed) online? ... see articles of meeting at berkely being shut down (free speech ending).... see articles of unmasking antifa to find the violent ones are professors, etc?

what good will these teachers hiding from their people the peaceful means and duties of the Christian to be instruments of peace, instead to be cowards as their children are fully absorbed into the cultural Marxist paradigm?

what good is the Constitution, the idea of representative gov, if the church has changed her theology to Scofield, that all that matters is that she fight wores against people in the ME and God will protect her land?

a rabbit foot? an omen?

take another bite of cultural Marxism.

News Item4/25/17 9:37 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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well, there we go, cultural Marxism again! can't have free thinkers, decentralized power or useless eaters roaming freely...they must be indoctrinated!?

News Item4/20/17 9:43 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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He sang to the Lord!

News Item4/16/17 10:43 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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who was Francisco Rivera?


"Francisco Ribera (1537–1591) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian, identified with the Futurist Christian eschatological view."

"In order to remove the papacy of the Catholic Church from consideration as the Antichrist (as an act of countering the Protestant Reformation)[citation needed], Ribera began writing a lengthy (500 page) commentary...."

Jesuit eschatology = futurism?

not a cult?

a challenge with a $10,000 reward was offered by a group of pastors to anyone who would prove the secret pretrib rapture? did anyone meet the challenge?

News Item4/13/17 9:41 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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how about good old fashioned Christianity that would simply say.. this man is a reprobate on the way to eternal punishment?

why is the slaughtering of this unborn generation still legal??? ... that's the problem that I care about much more than how reprobates feel about elevating their sin to celebrity status.

furthermore, why are sbc churches paying this man big bucks to tell me how he feels about how a man feels in his book about how great it is to slaughter the unborn?..

News Item4/12/17 10:25 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the homosexual capitol of the world is tel aviv.

so bless them otherwise you'll be cursed?

see Jerusalem Post Article, "Gay Pride Parade Draws 180,000 to Tel Aviv", June 12, 15

News Item4/12/17 9:55 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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he has separated himself from the evils and bloodshed focus of the dispensational hermeneutic and can give the same gospel to the kabbalist jew, the orthodox jew, the imam and the Palestinian....

separated from what otherwise known as displacement theology.

replacement theology teaches that the church replaced Israel... remnant theology teaches that there was always a remnant saved by true faith and that the remnant was expanded from just the Jewish line to now Gentiles as well, as we are all grafted in by FAITH not by race.

and it is for this one reason and one reason alone that much of the American church would now try to ruin his "career".

GOd has joined the Jew and Gentile together in true worship of Him through and TO Jesus Christ our Lord. What God has joined together, let no man separate.

News Item4/11/17 9:09 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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and (drumroll) what is the capitol city of sodomy in the world?....

(and their lobby here teaches it to children and describes Christ following as bigotry)

News Item4/10/17 8:12 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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they inject them with shots, feed em gms, they get all sorts of hormonal and autoimmune diseases, the schools shoot them up with rid-ellen as a result of heavy metals and neuro damage, and the grandparents go to their 501c3 churches on sunday and talk about how they live in a free country.

seizing a child where they are statistically more likely to be child trafficked because people don't want to drug them up, says its about power....

let's put on a little snowflake chant,

"this is what eugenics looks like"

News Item4/9/17 8:05 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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where is the justice for forced medication?

News Item4/8/17 12:09 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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concern I have is that if they corporatize (charter) the schools to "get away from gov", the bill gates and Saudi types will put their money in by another means to achieve the same common core goals.

and their money will flow and their databasing of children.

look how we have like 4 times the incarceration rate of the world since we corporatized the prison system.

agenda 21 is being achieved through local and regional means with ICEI, they worm their way into every city council in the land... that's why electrical bills going up up up, for "sustainability" all sorts of fees... w hich is really a big money making Ponzi scheme.

the elites have gotten so good at this I expect education to go next..... because we don't wisen up to their ways.

going "local" is my language, but they use words differently than I do...

News Item4/7/17 8:45 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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looks like our leader was initiated into the cult lst night.

as you said Sister Dolores, in the pst the jihdists would use chemicals to blame it on assad to achieve their objectives.

praying for your grandson.

the morale will plummet.

nigel farge, ron paul must be shaking their heads and merkel smirking

Buckeye, I appreciate that you are not in the cult. our bases surround them. they have not aggressed and were invited into Syria. we have aggressed multiple nations for pax Americana (neocon, unilateral power) and soros has funded much destabilization in their regionns. the EU does not want the nations to escape their global reign. I'm not saying to be buddy buddy with them, it is in our interests to proceed peacefully, it is McCain/rino/leftist dreams to not allow our leaders to talk openly with each other, they've set a grid of paranoia around it. we have become what the soviets were and we are destroying ourselves from within. be wary of disp's who have staked a claim of rapture on their involvement in the military industrial complex. I remember 1988 coming and going, the 40 year prophecy failed. not trying to lecture here, space is short. Blessed day to you sister.

News Item4/6/17 12:15 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
I'm sure Nehemiah heard the same grumbling.
Building back a border to a country without one and depending on the US marines to defend themselves from Russian invaders is what happens when the dependent class revolts on own "cart pullers", while the " cart riders" scoff at the pace of the ride.
...problem with the globalist religion of dispensational russophobia.... is that the invasion has not been nationalist Russians but globalist backed "refugees" affectionately called "rapefugees". the globalists who demand that no walls be built, demand that Russia be the "great satan" even though it is they themselves dismantling the west with cultural Marxism.

dispensationalists have walked this fine line dipping their feet in both sides of the water for a long time.

the chemical assaults in Syria have been a method by which the neocons draw everyone else into war against assad.

Benghazi, moving of arms (chemical too??) from Libya through turkey, the creation of AQ by CIA in afghan years ago, these are all things widely known now.

which is why the deception did not work in 2013 and it won't work now, not on the American people.... except for dispensationalists who have an ulterior motive or agenda that weds them to

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