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News Item3/13/17 10:06 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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a nation protecting its unborn.

good idea.

News Item3/13/17 9:58 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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how terrible, how are we going to get new vaccines to inject into our bodies with new fetal cell lines? don't they know that fetal cells are good for us, being injected directly into the blood? as scripture says, the life is in the blood, and if it was bad to use cells from the organs of babies to replicate viruses and inject that into our bodies, wouldn't pastors be warning us at the pulpit?

News Item3/13/17 9:35 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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how bout they come here and feed the kids here on free lunches and free them from the clutches of the beast?

American church needs to wake up, in such a deep slumber, are they waiting for the crowds to show up at the door like happened in Sodom and Gomorrah?

the Constitution and Dec of Indpen was based on natural law, a biblical view of the origins of man and the 10 Commandments.

we were never a theocracy that forced one to believe a certain way, but our laws were based on the 10 Commandments.

There is no reason that any of us have to accept sharia theocracy into communities, even if the SBC has "leaders" who seem to think otherwise.

There is no reason why any church system would have to accept bill gates foundation money and enter into the politics of world gov and eugenics, they have legitimate reason under the Constitution to reject new systems meant to undermine our nation and people... and are an affront to God.

there is no reason society must accept perversities in the bathrooms, global citizenship teaching in the schools. simply by pulling the measure, trump reversed the bathroom issue.

what has created a victim mentality that other cultures can ram rod their perversities yet we are ashamed of the gospel and Christ's teachings?

News Item3/13/17 9:27 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Hollywood kabbal.

once you see their M-O, it becomes quickly recongnizable.

even in historical fiction, they erase any reference to Christian culture.

schools now outright teaching global citizenship.

global communism, new order with the help of demoralization of the kabbal/occult industry.

their music videos they throw their curses, their people celebrate animal sacrifices, spirit cooking, their journalists partake in cannibal rituals, and scorn 12 year old girls who do not want a boy dressing near them in a gym, while the decent folks try to "clean the swamp" in the other city in the east.

God has cornered the church into speaking up... what does scripture have to say about occultism, pederasty and temple prostitution? ... we call these things by biblical names, not their fake words.

they are stopping at nothing.

and the church already surrendered to become a state church.

News Item3/11/17 11:01 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
more verses could be cited
There is a difference between positional and progressive sanctification. One does not negate the other
nice collection of verses and very edifying conversation!


Blessed are the poor in spirit, who mourn, meak, hunger for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted for righteousness sake, rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in heaven.

News Item3/11/17 10:36 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the answer for the Christian in public influence is rather simple...

God made them male and female.

modern science recognizes DNA and biology and anatomy.

we have strict laws (although they were loosened in 60's by a pedophile) against pedophilia and in this country there are places such as restrooms and gyms where genders are isolated and protected.

they are crossing more than "cultural" lines.

see CNN's Chris Cuomo railing against a 12 year old girl who doesn't want to see a *(*&* when disrobing.

how is this not sexualizing children?

News Item3/11/17 10:17 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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maybe the pastor should be fired, how can this church be trusted? I hope they've restored a relationship with the convert, but if they had, would he be suing?

pastors wake up! your state churches do not warn of the new order flooding the west with sharia and communism.

and then when you see an actual convert, still play the old 1950's songs?

we are in a new era now. its a new America.

see the face of the tortured exmuslim convert....that is the face of the American church of tomorrow.

if you can't take the heavier waters of tribulation, hand the pulpits over.

how many of your denominations are receiving bill gates foundation funding of one sort or another? then you are already turned over and your hearts do not cry out for the innocent?

News Item3/11/17 10:02 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the cannibal news network, worse than any tabloid news journal ever was.

and John for Jesus asked a good question. how did the victim die?

News Item3/10/17 11:09 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Kev wrote:
I would like to know what people think
Romans 4:2 "for if Abraham were justified by works"

:3 "believed God..counted unto him for righteousness"

:4 "him that worketh ...is debt"

:5 "him that worketh not, but believeth...that justifieth"

:6 "God imputeth righteousness"

:7 " "iniquities forgiven"

:9 "circumcision or uncircumcision"

this is a treatise to the Jews that their justification would not be in their lineage or in the works of the flesh but in faith in Christ.

as John UK said, sanctification is a different matter.

we must be born from above, not by works of the law.

the law was there to condemn, in this case, to show the futility of works.

News Item3/10/17 10:44 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the remnant may need to learn from Father how we are to be the ecclesia during these end times, as so much heresy and so much opportunity to bring answers to the lost.

pastors should be watchmen on the wall. was watching footage of the vaccine damaged snowflakes on our streets calling for communist style justice.

watching footage of the north Koreans worship their leader, brainwashed into communism, is washing through the liberal cultic mind today, its not so far off. its here on our streets, fed through elderly professors.

after 10 years of alternative news trying to warn the public, it is now confirmed with WikiLeaks that our electronic devices do record conversations, and also that these things can be manipulated to look nefarious.

we are in monumental times and where is a peep from our state owned churches?

where did they go?

silence and complacency is another form of agreement. and fear that binds the heart from truth is no watchman.

the remnant need the balm of true fellowship.

News Item3/8/17 9:20 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Carl in Greensboro wrote:
The tech behind the tracking devices in those smart gadgets are mass produced for just pennies and can be attached or inserted in practically any environment; including the human body.
yep. Good day to ya.

News Item3/8/17 9:17 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Frank wrote:
Moniker Lady, I never said
that's what I mean. am I not your sister in Christ, even if I have upset you? you can address me as sister.

scripture says to both honor your mother and father and says to the parent not to provoke your children.

scripture says both that the woman would try to usurp the power from her husband and that the husband would be abusive and lord his power over his wife.

but in a home where there are redeemed the husband and wife have peace, the husband is respected and the wife loved. and this is biblical and healthy.

if your daughter was doing these things, she is clearly unsaved and then I have to ask what kind of relationship she had with her parents (most do not make such a drastic jump without previous problems). Without knowing the situation, I haven't a clue, that's between you and God, so its just an open question.

Maybe you've been completely wronged by all these women and have no fault? Then I pray you can forgive and be the instrument of Christ to them, and I will be praying for you. I'm not trying to be a thorn.

News Item3/8/17 8:43 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the big companies will because the end goal is a technocracy.

it has finally come out what has already been known that the electronic devices in home were set for those in the deep state to record.

show on 3/7/17, host describes recent WikiLeaks vault 7 series and his visitation of the techno summit last week....


to buy or sell everything will be monitored and put into the internet grid with low satellites.

their previous goals seem to be mostly met. we all went out and bought the smart gadgets.

News Item3/7/17 9:53 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Frank wrote:
Thanks for your show of compassion. And I agree with you about how women desire to control their husbands.
this one makes me scratch my head. there seems to be little peace in your homes. I know many loving families where the women respect their husbands and the husbands love their wives and this anomisity is not there. I pray for peace in your homes.

News Item3/7/17 9:33 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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its more than whining about an election. there's

1- agenda 2030, world order, they are not about to put off with this "nasty" "archaic" idea of government representing the people...the new technocracy is elites/corporations dominating the masses with no rights.

2- pedogate

just google podesta art and abromovic spirit cooking.

see cory Feldman describing the pedophiles of Hollywood that surrounded them during their movie filming.

there's been a lot of rot in tinseltown.

News Item3/7/17 9:27 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Title: Sweden: Classmates Gang @@@@ 14 Y/O Girl in School, Remain Enrolled because "Rapists are Victims Too," Says Principal


News Item3/7/17 9:12 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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sounds like an advertisement for the oncology department, if that is so...

too bad they censor cures that don't destroy the woman!!!

what a backward age we live in.

and promoting having children is exactly what you would expect in a Christian society.

what a reversal from eugenics.

News Item3/7/17 9:08 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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this is great news!

News Item3/6/17 11:46 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Kev wrote:
Thanks Penned for your thoughts. I like that you said that you pointed why we keep the Ten because they are found in the new covenant.
Hi Kev, thought of these scriptures! y'll have a great day.

from John 14/15:

"If ye love me, keep my commandments"

"He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him"

"If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love."

"And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."

portions of Luke 18

"Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother."

"For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

"And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

News Item3/6/17 11:29 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the global expansion of mobile technologies and the companies have accomplished agenda 2015 and moving on to agenda 2030 .... technocracy.

biometric scanning of entire civilizations.

removing cash.

not for our good or health but global control!

read Revelations, not just "future".

pastors, the new order has formed around you, its a cult, will you name it or keep excuse that fohx news isn't telling you enough about it?

where's the watchmen?

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