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News Item8/10/08 7:34 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Publican wrote:
Although I occasionally refer to other versions, the bible I read is the KJV. I am unfamiliar with Dr. Waite's work.
May I purchase this anywhere bibles are

Excuse for not answering sooner as I just got back from church and lunch. The KJV Defined Bible is not sold in bookstores that I know of. You can order it from The Bible For Today. They are in Collingswood, New Jersey and their phone# is 856-854-4452.

The are in genuine leather and are with or without index in different size print. If you order 12 there is a big discount which is what I have done as they are the one of the best gifts you could give anyone that reads the KJV.
I am very sure you will be very happy you bought one when you see what work has gone into this bible.

Man is the one who is always changing and impoving on things. God does not change and therefore you cannot improve on God's Word because He is perfect and does not change.

In 1 Cor. 1:10 the Bible says, "Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the SAME MIND and in the same judgement". All the versions create confusion!!

News Item8/10/08 12:35 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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In the back of The Defined KJV Bible, here are 4 0f 12 excerpts taken from "What Makes a Good Version?"

d)The NASV removes reference to our Lord's Bodily Resurrection in Luke 24:40.
KJB: "When he had thus spoken, He
shewed them his hands and his feet."
NASV: This important testimony of our Lord's physical resurrection is removed from the text and dismissed in some editions, and put in parenthesis in others, showing doubt of it's authenticity.

e)The NASV omits salvation exclusive to faith in Christ, in John 6:47.
KJB: "He that believeth on ME hath
everlasting life."
NASV:"He who believes has everlasting life."
This text in the NASV effectively opens the door of salvation to anyone who believes anything.

f)The NASV questions Christ's Divine SONSHIP in John 6:69.
KJB: "Christ, the Son of the Living God"
NASV: "the Holy One of God"

j)The NASV dilutes the doctrine of INSPIRATION of Scripture in the margin of 2 Tim. 3:16.
KJB: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God."
NASV(in margin)"Every Scripture inspired by God is profitable."
This NASV marginal note means that not all Scripture is inspired from God.

The NASV attacks the doctrine that salvation is exclusive to Christ alone.

News Item8/10/08 10:44 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Good Post!
Thank you for your encouragement. When I honestly look at issues like Islam, Catholicism and Calvinism and especially at the issue of sin I am utterly staggered at how much I owe God how undeserving I am to be saved and how desperately I need His grace, His leading, teaching, correction and strength.
Aisha's true life story is so utterly different than the true life stories that God Himself brings about in saving wretched sinners such as we making us His own children and bringing us to know Him and walk with Him and finally one day to be forever in the presence of His glory blamesless with great joy!
Amen to that,Michael,

You have a wonderful attitude and testimony coming out of the RCC. My closest friends have been Catholics. They befriended me and have taken me into their homes like a member of the family.

My heart just weeps for them all the time and I keep praying that they will call upon Jesus Christ to save them one day before they die. When I was with all these friends years ago, I didn't know the difference between Catholics and Christians. I was also backslidden, so it makes it very dificult for me now to persuade them of their error.

Thank you again for your testimony

News Item8/10/08 10:22 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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For those of you that would like to get the BEST KJV Bible available, Dr. Waite of The Bible For Today has published "The DEFINED KJV". It has the difficult words in boldface with the explanations on the bottom of the page. They have taken thousands of hours to do this and it is OUTSTANDING! Those of you who love the KJV will really appreciate the work that has gone into this Bible. It is also very reasonably priced with a little extra for indexed.

Dr. Waite is one of the speakers here on Sermon Audio and is a defender of the KJV. He has some sermons on that subject that are well worth listening to.

With all the per-versions out there that are supposely easier to read, people are NOT reading their bibles more! God wants us to come up to His Standards, not bring Him down to ours!!!

With the Defined KJV, there are NO excuses that is is too difficult to read!!!

News Item8/9/08 8:49 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"I kindly suggest you err in your comments. You generalise without naming names so please offer some evidence. Just who actually are these calvinists who do not trust the Lord Jesus Christ"?


Since this is your first post on here assuming you have no other aliases, may I kindly suggest you go back and look at some of the "debates" that JD got into for the past four or five years. There are more important issues for me this morning than debating a person with no name about CH Spurgeon!

News Item8/8/08 4:19 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Michael Hranek wrote:
It could have been interesting fiction yet the real historic story staggers comprehension.
Please remember, that Muslims are a "peaceful" religion, that is why you have to go around after them "picking up the pieces!"

How they can keep growing and recruiting people into this Completely false religion of worshipping the sun god,"Allah" is beyond my comprehension. (For further proof how false it is, you never hear people saying, "Oh my Allah"! You can't take his name in vain because it is already vain! )

It looks like JD has taken a Sabbatical so it looks like you are one of the few left here who are teaching sound doctrine through God's Word. Please be sure to pray before you post that the Holy Spirit will open their hearts and minds because Jesus Christ died for ALL not just a select few as they keep saying with no scripture to back it up!!!

JD has shamed the Calvinists here for the past few years showing their errors. Let's pray that those no longer here have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and NOT John Calvin for their eternal salvation!

Keep on going as it is always very refreshing to read what you have to say, brother!

Survey8/6/08 9:20 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Yamil wrote:
Since I am a firm believer in prayer, I ask that some would pray for me as I am going through a deep trial of despair. Sometimes hope can only be attained through the prayer of the saints.
This I covet.
Thanks in advance.
Dear Bro Yamill,

Have missed your input here lately and I'm sorry to hear you are going thru some kind of trial now. Just remember that Jesus said that He will never leave us or forsake us and we need to always believe that promise. The trials we go through now are for our good even though it doesn't seem that way. James 4:8 says "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."

Please let me know if I can help in any way. My new email address is [email protected]

Remeber that this world is not our home and that "this too shall pass!" May God grant you the strength to endure this dificult time and shower His abundant blessings on you and your family.

Your brother in Christ,

Ernie G

News Item7/28/08 8:07 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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In case you didn't notice, there is a video from CNN about a 73yr old Japanese Porn Star next to this article. Need I say more?

In case you don't take this off, a UPS driver told me the other day that they were going to merge with Fed Ex. They are going to be called "Fed Up"!!!

Survey7/21/08 9:04 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"A Thought On The Tongue"
"And the tongue is a fire, a world of inquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell."James 3:6

Have not all of us at some defiled our body and set something on fire! Anonymous wrote "Even though the tongue weighs nothing, it is surprising how few are able to hold it." Ben Franklin said, "A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over."

Prov 15:4, "A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perserseness therein is a breach of spirit."

Perhaps we all need to guard our tongues and try to make what we say, even when it is difficult to do so, that which is wholesome.
(Copied from the Baptist Bread for July 21, 2006)

News Item7/21/08 8:46 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
How dumb are we? Thanks to the Internet, dumb and dumber, this author writes
What about programmers and web developers?
I give up, what about them?

Survey6/7/08 1:50 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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The Defined King James Bible defines archaic, obsolete. or uncommon English words that appear in the text of the KJV. Since these definitions appear in the footnotes at the bottom of each page, the text of the KJV remains UNCHANGED!

The Bible For Today puts them out and they are an exceptional Bible. D.A. Waite, one of the speakers on SA on this subject has worked on this bible with his son. They are not expensive and well worth getting one for yourself and children.

News Item5/14/08 12:56 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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If the so called professing christians had some spine, they would boycott ABC for continually promoting and showing this garbage because the more they look the other way and compromise, the more it will continue to get wors!!!

News Item2/27/08 2:32 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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All Christian students taking a science class that asks for the age of the earth should answer 6000 years. If they fail the test, so what, isn't it more important to please Almighty God than to please men?

Maybe if they did this, somebody who isn't sitting on his brains that has the authority to change this false religion, will get the idea that true Christians don't believe this garbage that is being taught in the public schools!!!

Survey2/23/08 1:34 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Mr. J wrote:
"There is none that seeks after God, no, not one!"
I thinkt you will find that somewhere in he Bible. Whether you agree with it or not is something else entirely.
Psa 34:4, "I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all, my fears."

It looks like God has confused John Calvin again when he was writing his interpetation of the Bible for the umpteenth time. You would think that calvinists would not be so concerned about others "election" and just concentrate on their own salvation. Sadly, I guess that would be too simple for you, Mr. J, because it would eliminate boasting about your own salvation in a round about way!

News Item2/17/08 10:25 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Allan wrote:
Ban teaching of evolution in schools. That's the number 1 contributing factor in these killings. That the students believe life is meaningless and that they are nothing but a random fluke soon to be extinguished into eternal nothingless.
Banning that and replacing it with truth, that we are actually responsible to someone and that we don't simply cease to exist, and gun crime will go down. Not because the stupid machines are removed, but because the desire to use them is removed.
America's problem isn't only it's machines. It's it's attitude (as with all other violent countrys).
Amen, Allen, I only read up to your comment, but it is a VERY WISE ONE!!!

My only thought was that this guy certainly made a big splash in this class! Before anybody jumps on me, remember we are all going to die of something, so be sure you are ready and have called on and accepted that the shed blood of Jesus Christ will pay for your sins debt.

"For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Rom. 10:13 (KJV)

Being saved isn't only about heaven, but the chance to show your love to God by your worship to bring Him the Glory. Simply, it is not only what you are going to get out of God, but what He is going to get out of you!

News Item2/12/08 9:44 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Gayle Pospeschil wrote:
"...Hegazy's father issued a statement that, "when I'll meet my son, I will discuss with him the reasons and circumstances that 'forced' him to leave Islam, and will offer him the opportunity to come back to Islam, but in case he refuses, I will kill him immediately." ..."
What a loving father!
It is also a "peaceful" religion. When someone who worships Allah comes around, you have to pick up the pieces!

Let's all pray that love the USA that our next president is not a muslim or a woman who can't run her own household!

News Item2/9/08 1:06 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Jeremy wrote:
As soon as he asks you to leave, legally, you need to leave. That's free speech on both sides. Yours to present the gospel and his to reject it. From what I can tell, no one had their free speech violated.
The manager is on vaction until Tuesday and the Asst said I was not allowed to "preach". What I said was not preaching, but was said in the course of our conversation about another incident that had taken place.

What if I had been taking about shooting a deer and saw him suffer when I missed and talked about the details. Is this also a good reason to ask me to leave the store in the process of a transaction?

All I want the manager to do is give me the EXACT reason he asked me to leave the store. Remember, I was a CUSTOMER, not just somebody sharing the gospel and passing out tracts!

Perhaps you are right and I am wrong about stores not having to post what can and what cannot be said when speaking in a public place. But unless you are a lawyer and can show me what this store's policy is because not all of them are the same, I will proceed the way I think that God would want me to do, so that others who speak on ANY topic will not have to leave the premises.

Thanks for your replies and concern.


News Item2/6/08 4:03 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Saint terry evans wrote:
Wake up.
Do you think that as a christian, while Im at work I should just pass out tracts and tell my coworkers all about Jesus
I do to, but the boss gets mad.
The Bible says to do everything unto the Lord. That includes your work.
Be on time, don't call off because its friday and you have the pto time, I miss that one, and most of all WORK
Do your job as if you are working for Jesus
Maybe the manager of the store kinda sorta agrees with me. And he does not want his employee's or nonbelieving customers disturbed. Simple Erine
Its not about you, Its ALL about how we make Him look
How about a man handing out his own business card for photography while working for Safeway
Both of the world
Mar 8:38 "Whosoever, therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation;of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Luk 9:26 "For whosoever, shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's and of the holy angels." (KJV)

Could it be you people have these verses ommitted in your perverted versions?

News Item2/5/08 11:16 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Jeremy wrote:
Whether it was the right thing to do or not, it certainly wasn't a violation of your free speech. While on the owner's property, if you want the protection of the law, you need to abide by any and all of his (legal) wishes.
And what pray tell are the owners wishes? Since I am not a psychic, they should be posted for all to see because one store allows you to talk "freely" to employees while their as a customer and another does not.

How about a man handing out his own business card for photography while working for Safeway?

Perhaps you and others here don't think the rules about what can and what cannot be done in a business should should be plainly posted so that there is NO confusion. If that is the case, then I hope I wake up from this bad dream!!!

News Item2/3/08 8:20 PM
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Saint terry evans wrote:
Hi Ernie
He suddenly became very offended
As do some on even this website do.
would I have a case to pursue in court?
I sure would appreciate any replies as this seems ridiculous
Maybe the satanic folks at the ADF would help you.
Just go somewhere else, or just send me your money, I know this great store
The Bible is clear, you plant, others water,
Hi Terry,

I became offended because I am a 100% disabled veteran who enlisted in the Airforce in 1952. At that time, this country was God fearing and MANY people gave their lives on battlefields for the freedoms that God gave us. To see organizations like the ACLU who is destroying the values of this country is sickening.

You seem to have jumped to conclusions about my concern in this matter which is very easy to do with the limited comments. Besides satanic legal support, their are also Christian attorneys that assit in matters such as this. (I have been given the name and address of one of those to contact.)

I handed many tracks and spoke with many people in this store. The asst. manager told me I was interfering with the help. However, he ALSO was one that accepted it, but NOW he is telling me it is wrong? I asked him, WHY NOW!

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