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News Item12/3/08 12:56 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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GG wrote:
Where Protestants are concerned, I must be 'EL Kabong'...."Ole!"....Kabong!
And your "Goose is going to be cooked" and not just for Christmas unless you come out of the RCC. Confessing your sins to another man is worthless, because he is just another sinner like you are.

"If we confess our sins, HE is fathful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleasnse us from all unrighteousness." 1John 1:10 (KJV)

The HE is God thru Jesus Christ our ONLY mediator, GG, it is not that difficult when you read that in the Bible for yourself!

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 2 Tim 2:5 (KJV)

Why is that so hard for Roman Catholics to understand?

News Item12/3/08 2:50 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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lyn wrote:
Lance~how much more corrupt can you get than filling a child's mind with the corrupt teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, a church that worships an idolatrous Mary, that sides with the Muslim apostate faith, and that places some old man in an exalted position of authority and calls him 'holy father'! Yet, Christ commands us in Matthew 23:9 NOT to refer to anyone here as 'father'{in the spiritual sense}.

What you say fall on deaf ears when you quote the scriptures to the Catholics that like to post here because the definition of a Catholic is "I'll take your word for it because I'm too lazy to read the Bible for myself!"

The priests brainwash the followers of this deceiving religious cult into believing they are the only ones that can interpet the Bible. Most of the members have been raised up from childhood in the church and have been taught this lie in Catholic school and/or by their as little children. And that is very sad because it is very dificult to convince them they are worshiping the virgin mary who doesn't even exsist and a works salvation where nobody can ever be sure they are saved!

"May God have Mercy on their Souls and open their eyes and ears that they might come out of their darkness before they die"

News Item11/25/08 1:59 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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kenny wrote:
I think on SermonAudio GG is considered pope. Lance is chief cardinal.
And John Yurich must have been an altar or "water" boy!

News Item11/25/08 8:17 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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DJC49 wrote:
Actually, the guy who caught Flutie's pass was Gerard Phelan. Now, what that has to do with anything here is beyond me; and why I even bother to correct such boo-boos is personally troubling.

Who died and made you pope? I didn't know I needed your permission to point out some more of the fallacies of the Catholic religion!

And not many people know George Phelan caught the pass from Doug Flutie, but it was a man and not a woman named Mary! So would you mind keeping that to yourself as George doesn't rhyme!

News Item11/25/08 7:40 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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When you go in a dark room and confess your sins to a priest, you are talking to a knothead looking thru a knothole!

Then he advises you to say a few "hail mary's" just like the pass RC Doug Flutie threw in the last second to win a football game for Boston College many years ago? And the RCC even have that wrong as the guy who caught it was named Harry!

News Item11/16/08 12:26 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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This is the "HAPPY HOLIDAYS MYTH" that the world is now worshiping on December 25th!

"The Santa Claus myth was popularized in America by the 1823 poem "A Visit From Saint Nicholas," attributed to Clement Moore. The poem begins "Twas the night before Christmas"... In the early 1860s cartoonist Thomas Nast drew Santa as a round, bearded man in a red suit, an image that stuck... An 1897 editorial by Frank P. Church in the New York Sun coined the famous phrase "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." Church was replying to a letter from a young reader, Virginia O'Hanlon, who asked if Santa Claus really existed... According to the Encarta encyclopedia, the nickname Kris Kringle evolved from the German words for Christ child, Christkindl."

Just remember when you are out witnessing for Jesus Christ, that HE IS NOT A MYTH because if HE were, why is the WHOLE WORLD ON HIS TIMEABLE???

BC and AD

Ask the person that and see what they can answer!

News Item11/15/08 7:15 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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The whole solution to this problem. We should NOT be celebrating Santa Claus’s or Kris Kringle’s birthday the same day as we do Jesus Christ, because he is the Counterfeit version of Jesus. Santa Claus should be observed on his own given day on Dec. 31/Jan.1st, since that is the last day of the holiday season known as New Year’s eve and day. So when someone says Happy Holiday’s they would be referring to Santa Claus and when they say “Merry Christmas” they would be referring to Jesus Christ. OK for far?

I know, we are not supposed to celebrate a pagan holiday, blah, blah blah, but since there are many that do observe this day to give praise and honor to Jesus, let Kris Kringle the counterfeit jesus have their own days. Since neither was born on this day and Jesus was sthere first, let Kris have his own day on Jan.1st!!!

ALL the Christmas items have been reduced so Christian children can get a second for what they wanted at the reduced price. People make New Year resolutions they never can keep which makes it a perfect day to celebrate.

The advantage of this is in the gift giving. Those giving gifts on Christmas Dec.24/25 would be doing it in remembrance of the Christ child. Those giving gifts on Dec. 31/Jan.1 would be doing it in the spirit of Santa Claus

News Item10/26/08 12:35 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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There are some sermons here under "Displine" that also deal with disiplining children that might help you.

Survey10/8/08 3:37 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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There is Hope wrote:
Ome thing I have noticed is how pastors are treated on this board. If he is indeed God's called, God ordained's and God' appinted pastor to his congregation, then God will hold him accountable. At the same token, God holds the rest of us accountable of how we treat God's man. From what I've observed the last two days, some of you are on dangerous ground. I may not agree with the position he holds, but I still respect him as a pastor and would condsider him a friend if I knew him personally.
I am not trying to be unkind her, but simply admonishing everyone including myself that if we name the name of Christ, we need to display Christian charity. Afterall, you may be a Calvinist, but first and foremost, you need to be a Christian first.

News Item10/3/08 4:36 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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I changed my mind was when someone showed me the "Omissions" that the other versions make. If God's word to us is not only watered down , but full of Omissions, it means we do not have Absolute Truth and no firm foundation to stand on.

Did you know, the King James Bible is the only English Bible in the world that has a command to “study” your Bible? 2 Tim 2:15, “STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the truth”-has been changed in every English Bible on the face of the earth! BUT ONE!

The KJV is the ONLY example of God’s Words kept intact in English. (I.e. the New King Version has over 2,000 examples of either adding, subtracting or changing Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek Words.)

Satan knows-if he can supplant even a small seed of doubt in God’s Word, MANKIND WILL LOOK ELSEWHERE. Never in history has such doubt and confusion over the Bible existed as is today. And nothing has flamed the fire of confusion and doubt over the bible more than the scores of different translations flooding the scene. Several times the Lord warns against "adding and taking away" from His Word. Deut 4:2, Prov 30:6, Rev 22:18,19.
I am glad I don't have to base my Christian life upon the ever-changing world of the modern versions.

News Item10/2/08 3:45 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Your comments only show your ignorance of bible perservation. ANYONE that supports the NIV has never heard or read the what the defenders like Dr. Waite have revealed about the corruption.

I also was ignorant for a long time about different versions even though I was brought up with the KJV, so maybe by God's Grace you will have more wisdom and discernment one of these days.

News Item10/2/08 1:07 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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NIV=Not Inspired Version!!!

News Item9/7/08 10:48 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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In addition to being obedient, it makes it absolutely clear who we are directing our prayers to when we close or ask "In Jesus name". With all the eccumential and one world religion speakers praying in public now, it is how they want to appeal to the masses when this is excluded.

"If it work's for you, fine, but don't force your beliefs on me, etc." means there is no absolute truth! When Jesus declared in John 14:6, "I am the way, the Truth, and the life", means Christianity is exclusive. And the God the Father whom are prayers are directed to is not just a "god' but the one who send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for the sins of the world. That is "Absolute Truth" for Christians and eliminates that all roads lead to the same place, etc!

May God grant us ALL as professing Christians to have wisdom and discernment in this matter so that we Glorify God with our lives and people will see Christ dwelling in us and know where we stand! And I ask this in Jesus name. Amen

News Item9/6/08 11:58 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Pastor Andrew Webb wrote:
Just wondering what you all think about the closing? Jesus is acknowledged and is called Lord, and he closes using part of the Lord's Prayer, and yet the prayer itself is not explicitly offered in Christ's name. Personally, in pulpit prayer I even close the Lord's prayer in Christ's name. Any pastors out there ok with the bare amen format?
I am an evangelist and here is one of six verses in the New Testament where Jesus instructs us to "ask in my name".

John 14:13 "And whatsoever, ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son".

The others are also found in John 14:14, 15:16, 16:23, 16:24, and 16:26.

When God mentions something six times, it would seem He wants to get our attention. I don't think the one example in the Lord's prayer does not mean for us NOT to close our prayers asking in Jesus's name when He has mentioned it SIX times to do so!!!!

News Item8/27/08 3:23 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Thank you so much for commenting on "The Work of the Gideons". It really is very uplifting and encouraging for soulwinners to hear the miracles that God does in the lives of people. It is well worth listening to.

May God bless you brother in your life's ambitions and ministry. Your comments and testimony are good to read to know there are still people that stand up for sound doctrine posting here!

News Item8/18/08 12:25 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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There were quite a few comments made on the article in the newspaper, and some were quite interesting. One said, "What was the purpose of giving the $600,000 to church or what did he expect in return?

The bible says in Mat. 6:3, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth". So if that was the case, why are we reading about this"?

In all our actions, we should be influenced by a regard to the object, not the observer. IMHO, this article should have NOT made the news if Mr. Powell was doing it for the right reasons! And that also applies for Pastor Tarkington for allowing it to leak out to the public!

News Item8/17/08 6:11 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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1Co 13:1, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not *CHARITY, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal".

Since you don't know me or my heart, hiding anonymously behind a computer spewing out all kinds of babble do nothing for the cause of Christ when you lack Charity. The *CHARITY mentioned here means concern for another’s welfare as well as the love of God for humanity, or a love of one's fellow human beings, etc.

Before we start condemning others without charity, we need to pray first that God will be with us and guide us in our speech to others. That way we will not be pushing people away from the Cross of Christ instead of towards it because our own personal Vendetta!!! We will be praying that you are teachable and will heed this advice because it is said for your own welfare/good. I will not comment anything further.

News Item8/17/08 1:28 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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A Democratic Conservative wrote:
This should show The Whole World just how CORRUPT The Satanic-Vatican is--let alone the Evil & Wickedness of "john yurich" !
Not ONLY is "john yurich" DISHONEST--but he is a CORRUPTER OF "CHURCHES" or "CHURCH"-CORRUPT !
Since your alisas is an oxymoron, you must be a Babble Lonenian with all your ramblings!

First, what church has a sign stating what kind of money is accepted in the collection plate? (There has been only ONE church I've been to in my aeventy plus years that the pastor asked that you not give if you are an unbeliever, saying we have a gift of salvation we want to give you, etc!) So you, sir, are way out of line to blast somebody in the catholic church because taking a collection is NOT exclusive to the catholic church!!!

It is almost time for me to go to church this morning so I will not continue further. I'm sure you will be responding again with all the pride and arrongance you have displayed. I am not defending the RCC because I believe it is teaching a false doctrine, but you are doing God's part by calling someone out without charity!!!

News Item8/13/08 8:07 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"Obama has character! The White establishment is up 24/7 trying to find dirt on this man, and the best that they can come up with is "he is un-American, un-patriotic, he has a funny name, he is a muslim, he has no experience, his wife doesn't love America," etc. This is laughable"!

You're right, Sir, It is laughable if you think those are some of the qualities that would make him a good president!

News Item8/13/08 7:56 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"What do they call a pastor in Germany?

"A German Sheperd"!

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