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News Item3/6/17 10:08 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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are we to keep the 10?


Mosaic law was built on the 10, although we are now in the New and Better Covenant.

the 10 are written in the sermon on the mount.

the 10 are written into the conscience, which makes them universal.

the 10 used to be written in our schools and halls of justice.

Jesus said we are to keep all His Commandments.

and the summary of the 10 is to love thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind, strength, to love thy neighbor as thyself.

we are to have no idols, allegiance only to God, honor our parents, do not steal, lie, covet, commit adultery, and have Sabbath rest.

Sabbath rest is found in Christ.

Christ fulfilled the law.

We meet on the Lord's Day to proclaim that the Messiah has come.

News Item3/6/17 9:54 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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wonder if that "wiretapping" started just after the infamous meeting between Clinton and lynch on the plane tarmac when she was supposed to be investigating the Clintons.

justice was never resolved and so they play the Russian narrative, want some cheese with that whine?

News Item3/5/17 6:10 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Youth in Asia wrote:
Well I don't need to promote for women altering their natural state and taking chemicals, when the husband can simply wear clothes to bed and not sleep naked.
what on earth bro? you are living in a country where they kidnap women and forcibly murder children in the womb.

News Item3/5/17 5:39 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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John UK wrote:
It's in CM Penny, so many tunes will fit. Here's probably the main one on You Tube:
Great hymn, and good day to you also.
indeed, it was my sin that He saved me from and no one else's! great youtube channel, thanks!

News Item3/5/17 4:42 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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they know what it does to the mind, but the architects don't think of themselves as useless eaters to be expoloited.

reminds of the tv doc who pushes vaccines but then says his kids don't get them because his wife won't let him.

News Item3/5/17 4:40 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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I have no idea how exposure of girls to boys while in modest places like changing rooms is not considered child abuse. It simply is and must be dealt with as so.

News Item3/3/17 12:14 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No big C, that may -- or may not be the reason Target is loosing money. I don't think I ever used a restroom in a department store in my entire life.
"am I my brother's keeper"

its mothers with young children who use the facilities and are most vulnerable to a man walking in.

more liberal drizzle.

News Item3/2/17 11:12 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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totally perverse and unacceptable. they are not a safe place for children.

News Item2/28/17 10:05 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the lure of pastors to wed the church of Jesus Christ to the state is very strong. is it any wonder they cut Revelations to the future and not now? we have been warned by our Heavenly Father.

News Item2/27/17 10:25 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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I'll never forget Laura going on talk show 2 days after they left WH to say she had always been prochoice.

News Item2/27/17 10:23 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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other countries have vastly cheaper prices.

the whole insurance cabal makes it impossible for healers to follow their conscience.

News Item2/27/17 10:21 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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indeed we should be praying, the country is being torn apart by commnst sweep, 160 gender, open border mayhem with eugenics of shots and abortion.

News Item2/26/17 6:21 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Gay Allen wrote:
make the devils horns sign with their hands, luciferians all
I haven't seen any of that.

but back to the article...

there is a commnst sweep and many at the top seem to be engaged in Satanism.

see spirit cooking.

do google search of podesta art

they've hit a place that the public will not support -- Satanism and pedophilia will be rejected and they will out themselves for what they really were.

News Item2/26/17 6:16 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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that is pretty pathetic but he uses the same communist talking points as our leftists which is the agenda 21 agenda, which was to advance China. so it makes sense, actually.

News Item2/26/17 6:07 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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good for him, they've been caught too many times deceiving and colluding, project veritas has many examples.

this is the same media that covered for the whole ISIS thing, now Trump wants to stop ISIS. a complete turn around.

News Item2/26/17 5:49 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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she got millions of illegal votes, we even have Obama telling them to go vote, we have project veritaas videos of high level officials, dem, saying they bus people in, and even in steins recounts the only areas with sketchy votes were in dem led areas.

we know that identity fraud and fake driver's licenses are common in some sections of the left coast.

Title: Obama Tells Illegals its OK for them to Vote!


News Item2/25/17 3:21 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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he surely is facing a spiritual battle.

dismantle Christian foundations there is no "freedom" in society.

News Item2/25/17 3:14 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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well this stuff is real folks, just watched some footage of an LGBT crowd with all their vulgarities. there's a "national resistance" soros style being initiated online.... and they are going to city meetings that are conservative, one footage shows them shouting to Lucifer to stop the Christian invoacation from the chaplain.

its another part of the cultural Marxist sweep.

News Item2/24/17 10:55 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
More corrections on info
thank you, very helpful.

News Item2/24/17 9:16 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Gingrich did a Q and A and reminded the audience that they had a pesky circuit of courts and Thomas Jefferson shut them down.

If I heard it correctly, he had the authority to do so.

Then when dust is settled, reopened or reorganized the courts.

I thought this was an interesting theory seeing as we have judges who are rogue making up non existent laws.

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