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News Item9/14/07 7:45 AM
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I think Pastor Michael Slattery has said it best: There's no such thing as a female pastor!

News Item9/8/07 1:10 PM
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Amen, Dan!

News Item9/8/07 10:42 AM
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Actually it looks like a really good sermon to me. I don't understand how this preacher can be filled with hate. Quit slandering him and show from scripture where he is violating the sixth commandment and hating his neighbor in his heart. Show us chapter and verse. Don't just hurl accusations at him. Because that is hateful and sinful.

News Item9/4/07 11:31 AM
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Time for our big surprise faces again!

Of course it's not that they're the least religious (everyone is religious) it's that they tend toward a more pagan worldview.

News Item8/31/07 11:26 AM
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Parents can always homeschool and let their kids play tag out in their own yards - that is until some wicked bureaucrat tells them they can't play it there either.

News Item8/30/07 9:58 PM
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Yes, Dan, I know. All we can really do is shake our heads and say, Lance, Lance.

News Item8/30/07 8:09 AM
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Well, Lance, Dan from TN just gave the actual quote from Mama Terri herself. And he's right - it's hellish.

Now can you really compare that sort of universalist 'evangelism' with the biblical evangelism that exists in authentic Christian churches and here on sermonaudio?

What God is in YOUR MIND you must accept?

Sorry, Lance. But that's universalism - the idea that all roads lead home. Sure sounds like she held to universalism to me.

Is that biblical? Is that the gospel? Does that exalt Christ?

And to answer your question, it's a non sequitor. There's no such thing as a good idolatar (Muslim, Hindu, etc)

Idolatry is not good.

News Item8/30/07 8:00 AM
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True - not a surprising article. As women are encouraged to act like men, we should not be surprised that they're developing aggressive sexual desires in addition to a desire to fight, work and behave in general in a masculine manner.

What's sad is that the Church at large is clueless as to how to deal with sexual sin or any other. That's why a lot of these so called 'churches' have 'porn pastors'. What's next?

The problem isn't porn, as wicked as it is. It's a clueless, disobedient Church.
Christians remained silent when porn was legalized during the sexual revolution and we're paying dearly for it.

News Item8/28/07 8:52 AM
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News Item8/26/07 7:51 AM
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Lance. Go figure!

I see. So teaching others to love Christ means encouraging them in their idolatrous religions?

Whatever. Believe as you wish.

News Item8/26/07 4:43 AM
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This makes sense. Mother Teresa was all about works righteousness. She was not a Christian, but a universalist. She actually believed that in order to evangelize, you should teach a Muslim to be a good Muslim or a Hindu to be a good Hindu, etc. Believe me, if she were a Christian, the media would have hated and derided her.

People may get mad at this, but here's good evidence of her false religion in this article.

News Item8/19/07 7:53 AM
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Hey, it happens to the best of us. My experience though is that Arminians don't taste too good.

News Item8/17/07 10:33 AM
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Sick stuff.

Survey8/9/07 8:31 AM
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I've seen a lot of handles on this forum, but that one beats all!

Survey8/7/07 10:30 PM
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The resurrection is something that we should celebrate constantly - not just once a year. That's the annoying thing about Christmas and Easter, despite the culturally fun part of it. We're supposed to focus on the incarnation in December and the resurrection on March or April. And we wonder why our society doesn't take Christians and Christianity seriously? Jesus wasn't born in December. Everybody, Christian and pagan alike know that. And if we can't get His birth right, how are people supposed to believe us about the resurrection?

I'm not legalistic about the holidays and I'm not judging anyone who celebrates or who doesn't. I understand both sides. We celebrate the fun parts of these days like any other day and relax, but what I get sick of is pastors who interrupt a perfectly good study in another part of the bible to go through Luke 2 for Christmas and NT resurrection scriptures for Easter for a few weeks in order to honor the Church calendar. These preachers will call non celebrators legalists, but aren't they being legalists by binding themselves to the Church calendar? "Thou shall not celebrate Christmas/Easter" isn't in the Bible, but neither is "Thou shalt follow the Church calendar."

News Item8/4/07 8:03 PM
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That's okay. "Pastor" Mike and people like him someday will be sitting in a nursing home being abused and neglected by bitter and overworked nursing home workers and home healthcare aides while the Duggars have their children caring for them and waiting on them like they're King and Queen. It's so incredibly worth it to see God work his blessings out on people like the Duggars and his curses on people who criticize and mock them and those like them. Praise God.

Also, I'm amazed by liberal wackjobs who think that Mrs. Duggar's body is any of their business, and yet scream for Christians to keep their bibles off their bodies!

News Item7/25/07 8:03 PM
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I agree, John. It's none of the Vatican's business what Georgia does.

News Item7/21/07 9:10 AM
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Forbes: Right on.

Sermon7/20/07 4:28 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for your stance on women's role in all three spheres! I am so tired of reformed preachers who use this text to say that even though women aren't to lead in church, there's no reason why they can't rule in the civil sphere or be leaders in corporations. Wrong! This is one an example of why the complementarian view of evangelicalism today is insufficient and even anemic to fight egalitarianism. Christians need to get their minds off complementarianism and focus on coverture marriage - the real biblical antithesis to egalitarianism. Women are not public servants, which is why they are not to preach or lead in the civil sphere and go off and have their own careers. They are to serve their own families and serve the Church of Christ as helpers. Thank you so much, Pastor Einwechter, for preaching the TRUTH!

News Item7/18/07 11:27 AM
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Thanks Pro Gun! You're spot on.
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