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Sermon9/29/19 6:14 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Ripped Curtain
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
A wonderful Gospel sermon!  

Sermon9/22/19 9:16 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Lord's Power And Authority
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Our God has all power and authority, and has promised to provide for us. Why should we fret and worry?

Sermon9/22/19 6:28 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a strange and wonderful thing that the Christian's afflictions are for his good, and the unbeliever's good things are to his hurt. There is truly no blessedness outside of Christ!

Sermon9/15/19 8:58 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Learning Dependence On The Lord
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
A much needed reminder of our terrible adversary, the devil, who goes about "as a roaring lion...seeking whom he may devour,"(I Peter 5:8) and also of our mighty intercessor and advocate with the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ. How we need Him to sustain and preserve us through the spiritual battles of this life!

Sermon9/15/19 5:45 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Salvation is For Sinners
Gavin Beers
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
Precious words! "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." (I Timothy 1:15) A must listen!

Sermon9/8/19 8:52 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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All Service To Christ Worthwhile
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Though we meet with many difficulties and disappointments, and fall short in many ways, yet our gracious Lord will prove faithful to recognize our service to Him. Service to Christ is always worthwhile. Always.

Sermon9/8/19 6:32 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
The Sabbath truly is a joyful "market day" for our souls when we diligently pursue the holy duties of the day!

Sermon9/1/19 6:43 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Confused about which day is the sabbath, or if there is still a sabbath day at all? This sermon gives clear scriptural support for the continuation of the sabbath for New Testament believers and also for the change of the sabbath day from the last to the first day of the week.

Sermon9/1/19 2:55 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Sobering.... ”
So sorry that Whiteabbey is closing. We have often listened to Pastor Dowling's sermons and always with great profit. The churches in the U.K. and also in the U.S. are certainly under judgment, as are our nations. We must seek our God and urge repentance and faith on all. We hope many will share this sermon.

Sermon8/25/19 9:19 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Worldly Thinking About Greatness
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
How can we selfishly seek our own interests and glory when the Lord Jesus Christ has suffered and died to redeem us? How can we not offer our bodies a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)for the one who sacrificed Himself for us?

Sermon8/25/19 6:05 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Stirring up the gift of God
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Have you, like Timothy, been given the gift of a godly heritage? Do not fail to embrace this wonderful gift! A life not spent serving God in the world and in the church is a wasted life, and He gifts every Christian with talents and abilities for His service!

Sermon8/18/19 5:51 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Envy and National Character
Bret McAtee
“ Enlightening Sermon! ”
This sermon sheds much light on the destructive nature of envy in national life. It is a great evil which dishonours God and ruins individuals and nations. It must be rooted out of our hearts through faith in Jesus Christ and contented submission to the providence of God if we are ever to have a happy, harmonious Christian nation.

Sermon8/11/19 9:03 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Christ Knows His Sheep
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Joy and peace in believing! So thankful that Christ knows and keeps His sheep, even when their own hearts condemn them and their faith is weak. What a wonderful Saviour!

Sermon8/11/19 5:58 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Myth of Pluralism II
Bret McAtee
“ Great Sermon! ”
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3 KJV The disobedience and idolatry inherent in the idea of 'principled pluralism' should be obvious to all Christians, but, sadly, worldly ideas and false teachers have led many astray. We now find ourselves in a situation in which the camel has found his way into our tent, and is in the process of pushing us out into the desert sand. This was inevitable in a pluralistic system, and only repentance and fervent supplication to God will free us from the dominion of the camel.

Sermon8/4/19 9:13 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Myth of Pluralism
Bret McAtee
“ Great Sermon! ”
It's a simple choice: The First Amendment and judgment, or the First Commandment and blessing. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve....Oh! that we would choose the Lord Jesus Christ!

Sermon7/28/19 9:17 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Endless Fellowship With Christ
Rev David Silversides
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Fellowship with Christ, now and forever! A glorious blessing for those who believe the Gospel!

Sermon7/28/19 6:27 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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A Prayer for the New Year
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
A prayer not just for a New Year, but for any time of the year!

Sermon7/21/19 8:23 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Our Sovereign God
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a precious truth that God governs all His creatures and all their actions! Nothing is outside of His Sovereignty!

Sermon7/21/19 5:54 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a humbling thing it is that we do not even know how to pray as we ought, yet what a glorious privilege that the Holy Spirit helps and even teaches us how to pray!

Sermon7/14/19 8:44 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Men, Satan And The Plan Of God
Rev David Silversides
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
Evil, however pervasive and powerful it may seem to be, is not sovereign. God is sovereign, and He rules and reigns over all. "Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain." Psalm 76:10 
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