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News Item7/10/08 3:38 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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"Benedict to star. . ."

What kind of star is this. . . but a "falling" star? Catch this falling star and put it in your pocket, and it will burn a hole in it!

News Item7/10/08 3:31 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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[URL=http://www.thestraightway.org/frequentlyaskedq.html]]]gay marriage & Abortion AND OBAMA[/URL]
"Remember Muslims want to take over this country and make Islam the only religion.
1. A Muslim will not have have an abortion themselves.
2. Muslims want infidels to have abortions because that will stop growth of non Muslims.
3. Their support for gay marriage has two underlining reasons.
First, the life span of homosexuals is getting shorter.
Second, If gays get the right to be married the next step will be for Muslims to have the right to have their four wives, according to their religious law.
Do you see the danger? Please, I beg you, make a moral and Godly choice when you vote. Obama has convinced so many that CHANGE is what is important. He doesn't say what that change will be or what the ramifications do to the country. The Muslims have already put a list of changes that they want Obama to make when he is president."
(You can see these on website ABOVE)
Documenting Obama's antichrist agenda
being at least as bad as McCain's...
U R right E.

Obama and the $150 million that was donated to his campaign by Muslim sheiks in the mid east are really pulling the greatest political "engineering" project in US history.

News Item7/10/08 3:20 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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We may consider this to be so ludicrous that there is no way that they can win this law suit, but if we consider that the courts determined that cigarette companies were at fault and the one who purchased the cigarettes faultless, there may be some precedence here. In this litigious age when no is to blame for their crimes, why should they consider the perfect Word of God to be without fault for disturbing their comfort by laying the blame where it belongs. Regardless of the ruling in this, it will still not render the homosexual without fault no matter how much money he/she and his viper attorney's win. It will not lift their guilt, but instead harden their consciences.

". . .whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomsoever it falls, it will grind him to powder." Matt. 21:44

News Item7/7/08 6:30 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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GG wrote:
Perhaps, my dear EA, your view of the situation is skewed a bit by your blind hatred and ignorance of what is evidently too high for your senses to grasp. All reasonable men know that less than 2% of all American Catholic priests had anything to do with the recent pedophile scandal, those priests that were accused of wrong-doing were removed from dealing with children, those found guilty went to jail, others were released from the priesthood. I say, if there is proof that a priest or a bishop is guilty...take them both to jail...today!!! The only voice defending sin is in your narrow mind. The notion that the RCC must read and understand Church disipline by Prot standards is ludicrous.
Your deluded defense of the RCC scandal makes you a co-conspirator with them. It looks like the Attorney General of Massachusettes was on board as well. See how many they put in jail as you say. Check it out if you wish. What an outstanding testimony of the "morality" of Rome. 2% yea right!

[URL=http://web.archive.org/web/20061012172612/http://www.ago.state.ma.us/filelibrary/archdiocese.pdf]]]The Sexual Abuse of Children In RCCA of Boston [/URL]

News Item7/6/08 9:21 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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GG wrote:
As long as the Anglicans insist on ordaining women, annointing female bishops and permitting active homosexuals into their clergy there can be no chance that the liberal wing of Anglicanism will be welcomed by Rome. Now, the conservative wing....that's a horse of a different color.
Really? Well the homosexual pedophile priests are sure welcomed with open arms and all of the political muscle that Rome can put together continues to protect them. What difference does the horse's color make?

News Item7/5/08 7:27 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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rob wrote:
The pastor set 4 jars of cigerettes, alcohol, chocolate & common soil in which he had placed a worm in each. He announced that the worms had died in the first 3 jars but not in the clean soil. What do you think this says to us as Christians? A voice from the back statee, "IF we smoke, drink & eat chocolate, we won't have worms!!
People, without the insight of the Holy Spirit, cannot see the truth before them or in the scriptures.
The scriptures say: "And Judas hung himself." Elsewhere it says, "Go ye & do likewise." Perhaps the Episcopalians & Presbyterians have read these scriptures also...without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
And your point is . . . ?

Survey7/4/08 7:53 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
I have great confidence the Bible is Truth and that the Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of Truth, is quite capable of teaching us through it.
Jesus Himself gave us the promise that the one who abides in His word is truly His dsiciple indeed and that His disciple would know the Truth and the Truth would set him free.
That is probably why some Calvinists and some non-Calvinists get along as we are both growing in the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints we're just starting from different backgrounds (sometimes very different) when the Lord saved us and eventually in His presence we will have perfect agreement with each other.
Thanks for your comment I hope the Lord gives you a good 4th of July.
Likewise, you have a happy 4th of July, and let us thank God together for the freedom that we have to worship God openly without oppression.

2 Pet. 1:2

Survey7/4/08 1:48 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
Thank you for your post back.
I will also concede that sadly many non-Calvinists are not Biblical either and just corrupt the Word of God in different ways. And I would agree that it is very important to define the words we use Biblically and not lessen nor go beyond what God Himself gives us of their meaning in the context of the whole of Scripture...or we will all be in error or worse heresy.
Anyway let me say this I know of several who would call themselves "Calvinists" (and happily some non-Calvinists too) who have a burden for the lost and intercede for them and do their best to preach Christ to them that God would bring them to repentance, genuine conversion, to salvation (I thank God for their witness of Christ
but they are different from some "devote Calvinists" (and sadly too many non-Calvinists too) who could seemingly care less if their very own family members die unrepentant and lost to stand guilty before God at the Great White Throne Judgment or even worse get offended if one even suggest we pray for their lost family.

I think you would agree that it is a question of epistemology, and believing that how one comes to a knowledge of the truth must consist within the truth itself.

Blog7/4/08 8:17 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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As you say, "knock yourself out".

Survey7/4/08 8:12 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
Isn't that what some professing to be "Calvinists" have done for years.
To be honest God Himself through the writters of Scripture speaks of election and predestination HOWEVER the context of the whole of Scripture is far different than some 5 pointers make it out be.
Here is an example:
"Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord GOD, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live."
The "Calvinism" of some portrays a very different god who doesn't care the least for the wicked even to predestinating them to hell. And I would have to think that since the "Calvinism" of some has given them an entirely different god that who God Himself reveals that He is in Scripture we cannot begin to discuss election and predestination.
Okay Michael,

I will concede that there are some who call themselves Calvinists (hyper-Calvinism) who corrupt the understanding of the word of God, but does that help the case of the Arminian who does the same. Again, if we do not define terms such as "love", "know", even "God", from the scriptures themselves we have not the right definition.

Blog7/3/08 7:55 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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". . .this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and offered in an unbloody manner... this sacrifice is truly propitiatory" (Doctrina de ss. Missae sacrificio, c. 2, quoted in Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1367)

Woe, if the bread is literally turned into flesh, and the wine is literally turned into blood, how can the Mass be an 'unbloody manner'? Is this not a contradiction?

BTW GG, I don't believe any Protestants on this site would harrass you; it is you taking their defense of their doctrines that you attack as harrassment. If you did not come here with your Jesuit tactics, I doubt that any truly Protestant Christians would be harrassing you or the RCC. "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. . ."

Survey7/3/08 7:04 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
Excuse me but it seems to me that is exactly what some calling themselves "Calvinists" have been doing for years and even worse twisting what God Himself says to us in Scripture as meaning something else. For example....
"For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
to some calling themselves "Calvinists" the world doesn't really mean everybody to them does it.
or even going so far as to ridicule if not outright persecuting those who hold the very idea Christians can and should tell sinners
Again, Michael, how does your evading the specific question I asked you, help your case against the Biblical doctrines of election and predestination? Do you simply not believe that the Bible has something to say about these doctrines? Your evading the truth will not take you out of your whirlwind circular arguments.

News Item7/3/08 5:24 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Bush started this business, and it has opened Pandora's box. Now, Obama is going to throw it wide open. I don't have to guess where this money is going to go. There will be more BLT Jeremiah Wright's coming out of the wood works than we have cans of Raid to spray at them. And every one of them could care less if this increases the tax burden on an already burdened economy. We'll have more BLT heretics like Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen riding around in their private jets while the rest of us are scratching out a living after paying our taxes.

This is joke: men giving money that is not theirs to "faith based" programs when they can't distinguish truth from trash much less faith from fiction.

Survey7/3/08 4:58 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dear Calvinists
.... if you think it is wrong to tell sinners that God loves them in the context of the cross and the shed blood of Christ and that they desperately need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ and be reconciled to God
...because you tell us that you believe God so hates them and that He has predestinated them to the eternal hell
Wouldn't it also be wrong to pray that Christians would love them??? (because the "God" you keep insisting that you believe in hates them)
No? of course this would be hypocrital won't it to love them if God so hates them

When you take our arguments and twist what we are saying, how does this help your case against what the Bible says about election and predestination? Or, do you believe that the Bible has nothing to say about these doctrines? Isn't this what you are really angry at - the truth that doesn't fit your theological perspective? So, you take this self righteous position without seeking the truth of those doctrines. Do you not believe that God would reveal the truth to you about these subjects if you asked him? Or are you content to remain in your theological box and judge the light of the Bible from the crack in your box?

Survey7/3/08 10:43 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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It is wrong to tell sinners that God loves them, unless you know certainly that there is not an Esau in the audience. Rom. 9:13

Survey7/3/08 10:23 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek(?) wrote:
Dr(?) Phil

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Seems that God wonderfully makes His will so clear you don't have to be a doctor, just a sinner who desperately wants to be saved, to understand it.
This saying is true, but do you understand which Jesus it is referring to? There are hundreds of Jesus's and "faiths", impostors that have been fabricated by the devil. (See 2 Cor. 11:4)

Also, God's will is very clear, but should we presume that men by nature can see it clearly?

Survey7/2/08 5:32 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
So what is God's revealed will?
If you do not know what this is, then you have not believed the truth.

News Item7/2/08 10:52 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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". . .Apparently, if we have enough faith in Obama, he will lead us all into a new America, but if we vote for John McCain, we will demonstrate a lack of faith (in Obama) and die in the political ..."

This is typical Black Liberation Theological "double speak". Consider the following statement from Dr. Jones "Assessment of Black Theology":
"Advocates of the religion of black power, for instance, appear to replace the Christian ontology of love with an ontology of powerism. In this connection, it is noteworthy that Joseph Washington, who makes the biblical model normative for black theology, concludes that Marx's concept of power is a necessary supplement to the biblical ontology."

[URL=http://www.nathanielturner.com/assessingblacktheology.htm]]]Toward An Interim Assessment of Black Theology[/URL]

Karl Marx did not deny the following accusation against communism, because this is the logical conclusion of it tenets:

". . .communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience". The Communist Manifesto

How can a Marxist view be consistent with that which is Christian, founded on eternal truth - the truth of the word of God?

News Item6/29/08 9:36 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Lance Eccles wrote:
I've never before heard Jesus Christ referred to as "the one who opposes God".
It is not very clever of you Lance Ecclessia to leave out one's scripture reference and insert your own twist on their words. That is of course unless you are referring to the one who sits in the temple of God declaring himself that he is God and who exalts himself and opposes all that is God. This is none other than the one who deludes himself and the whole world that he is Christ's Vicar on the earth - that great deceiver and Anti-christ; that one who is like his father who was a murderer from the beginning - your hero and god - Ratzinger!

News Item6/27/08 5:46 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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P Thompson wrote:
These are scary days. It's good that people are against apostasy in the church, but nearly every denomination is declining. More and more people believe they don't need God; and those people will teach their children that they don't need God, or will simply never tell their children about God. The church may soon be a thing of the past.
Have no fear my friend. If God's people are leaving the assembly that is teaching false doctrine, this is a good thing. "Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord." Christ has promised that he will NEVER leave his people nor forsake them; the true churches are His people who worship Him in spirit and truth. The true church is often the one in obscurity, hidden from danger. He sometimes drives us into the wilderness that we may cling to him all the more earnestly while he brings judgment on the houses of Satan. Do you not remember that their were only eight in the ark; four in the furnace? When houses of Satan and ministers of falsehood are experiencing declining congregations, we should rejoice. We are not without light so long as we have the Word of God (The Bible).
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