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Survey6/9/08 1:30 PM
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Lone Wolf,

Please let me caution you about the dipsy Alice In Wonderland rabbit trails. Don't waste your time my friend - the best arguments have been presented to them and yet they continue to trample the truth under their feet. If God were their Father, they would love the truth, but they don't. Therefore, the question is whose children are they? If you consider these arguments by the contrary effects of the truth, then you know who and what you are dealing with.

Survey6/6/08 6:56 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Kindly do not put words in my mouth, thank you very much.
I'm not going to argue the Sovereignity of God with you. I am well aware of what Jesus says and I believe Him. I believe in the Sovereignity of God, just not the abuse of it and the abuse of what my Savior has said by some Calvinists, or anyone else for that matter either.
What I reject is salvation through Calvinism as if no one comes to the Father but through the 5 points of TULIP Calvinism and anyone who dares to believe in Jesus Christ isn't good enough for some of these "experts in Calvinism" who act like they have the right to lord it over others,
....why when they act like this they remind me of of the Roman Catholic false religion its Popes and their inquistions.
I hate to break this to you Michael, but Roman Catholics are not Calvinists, far be it. On the other hand your Arminian doctrine fits quite well with their theology. Check it out.

News Item6/6/08 6:51 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Unless you do something to merit the graces that Christ has obtained for you, you can cross heaven off your list.
If we could do something to merit salvation:

A)It would not be grace or graces which are gifts given without merit. "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work."

B)Then Christ died in vain.

Survey6/6/08 3:09 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
There seems to be some disagreement from Preacher who said "The Bible calls him dead in sin, unable to discern spiritual things, unable to even see the kingdom before regeneration, let alone enter"
Which is it? Unable to discern spiritual things? Or "when they knew God, they glorified him not.." God is Spirit. Can they know what they cannot discern?
What knowledge of God that lost men have can only be seen in that which is sufficient to render them without excuse. Paul does not mention that they have knowledge of the gospel nor of that form of knowledge which leads to faith for the justified shall live by faith.

If we read in Romans 2, Paul is referring to the knowledge of the Law that even the Gentiles have knowledge of in their conscience. By the law is the knowledge of sin, but men are not justified by the knowledge of the law nor works of the law. But it does render men without excuse and for the breaking of the law the wrath of God is revealed.

News Item6/6/08 2:56 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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And there will be a bonus, reparations, and pay-day coming if he is elected. Guess who will do the paying.

It won't be "Lay Us Bare 'n Con".

Survey6/5/08 5:29 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
Thus have the words been spoken. What do these words mean? On the one hand this so-called corpse-dead unable man can in no way discern any spiritual things, cannot see, hear, understand, and does not care about sin or salvation. On the other hand he must somehow be able to discern God, who is a Spirit, in order that he may care enough to hate Him. There is a big problem here. Yet some have no problem with it. Now there is some twisting!
No twisting except from those who do not believe in grace. "For the invisible things of him from the creation of th world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;so that they are WITHOUT EXCUSE:
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful;but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hear was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
. . .Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness. . ." Romans 1:18-24

God has shown man what is required of him, and with the knowledge of God in the conscience, every man has turned to his own way to do that which seems right in his own eyes. Therefore, God is free without obligation to save except according to his pleasure.

Survey6/5/08 5:19 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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rogerant wrote:
Sorry Dr. Phil: But I apparantely used poor choice of expressing myself. I believe that God's predestination and plan of particular atonement is just, Holy, gracious and worthy of our greatest praise. I meant to say, that in my natural sense "according to the flesh" of fairness and right and wrong it "seems" cruel. But He says, man's ways are not My ways. I accept the teaching, and I thank God's grace that I believe, and I always think, "why me". I, now as a christian and that I understand soverign grace, see the beauty, the wisdom and the Glory of God, and yes, I wonder, why would God save any of us. I do not think that God can be properly worshipped apart from the proclamation of predestination AND particular atonement. I do not believe that you can truly understand the bible properly untill you accept these two great truths. Once you do, the book opens all the mysteries of God's revelation to your spirit.


Survey6/5/08 12:38 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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rogerant wrote:
I think that predestination is unfair and seems cruel. But I have to humble myself to the scriptures and accept Him and worship Him for who He is. When Paul says: "But indeed oh man, who are you to reply against God" Paul is not saying, "I am sorry but you have misunderstood me", he is rebuking us for judging God's sovereigns choice. We must accept Him for who He is.

Why do you think God's predestination is unfair and cruel? When you think that God is longsuffering and patient with the evil men of this world, and God who spared not even His own son, but delivered him up, and yet men continue to mock His name with spite and rejection, what mercy we see in predestination that without it those who would not otherwise believe would be lost. Thank God that His mercy endures forever! His glorious mercy is seen in predestination and election.

News Item6/5/08 12:24 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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just wondering wrote:
Why argue and take sides with either party? Neither McCain nor Obama are born again Christians. Those who are born again really have much praying to do, we have NO candidate to choose from, nor have we had in past elections. The time has come for the body of Christ to pray much, stand firm in the faith, and preach the gospel, in season or out of season {we should have been doing this all along, but sadly, many have fallen into a 'lukewarm' state}.
Amen, JW,and ADC

Survey6/4/08 7:55 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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rogerant wrote:
I am in agreement with everything that you have said. I do not know what you have difficulty in what I had written.
I appologize if it sounded like I was in disagreement with you.
Likewise, I had no disagreement with you. I was just adding a comment to what you had said. Not to take anything away but to join with you in support of the doctrine of grace. I appreciate your bold attempts to stand for the truth.

News Item6/4/08 7:00 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Barak's theme cry is "Change is coming to America!"

I'm praying that I will have some change left after this Marxist tyrant taxes us to kingdom come.

Survey6/4/08 6:33 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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rogerant wrote:
If it is hard to turn whosoever into a exclusive word like elect, then it would equally be hard to turn it into a universal word like everyliving creature born.
The applicable word or meaning then would be, that God's expressed love is not exclusive to the "Jews" only, but now He is expressing his love to the Greeks, Romans, Gentiles or "all nations will be blessed through Him". for before His death, "Salvation is of the Jews"
Jesus said, "He that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. . ." Any man born of the seed of Adam, if he would come to Christ, Jesus would not cast him out. The problem is not with God, the problem lies with man. All day long God streches forth his hand to men extending a sincere call for men to come for salvation, but they will not come apart from His Grace. Therefore, why should men be upset with God's election to give grace to some in order that they would come to Christ? Does it make those who continue to refuse any less guilty? If God did not elect at least some, then all of the seed of Adam would be lost. The mystery is not in man's refusal; the mystery is in why God has elected any at all. All Paul can say is "What if God willing to make his power known endured with longsuffering the ...

Survey6/4/08 4:50 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
Doesn't matter. It is the structure of the sentence that restricts the sequence. It is the ones who have received him that have been given the power, however you view power, to become sons of God. I don't see how the meaning of power, whether permission, or right, changes that. The believing/receiving of "him" precedes the giving of that power. And I didn't say power meant ability anyway.
"John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." Jn. 3:27

Survey6/4/08 7:56 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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jago wrote:
Thank you to those who tried to help with an explanation of the differences in the first 3 options.
If anything you have left me more confused. Wasn't the council of Dort refuting arminianism when it came up with its 5 points of calvinism, yet some here have said that they were both reformed. I do not understand how this could be.
The first option doesn't seem to even be an option and yet nearly half the respondents voted that way.

Redefinition of theological terms or equivocal usage of theological terms have been the tactic of Satan since the time that the serpent said to Eve: "Yea, Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of EVERY tree of the garden?"

"Reformed Arminianism is just another attempt to redefine the term "reformed" and re-write the history of the reformation - that time when "one of his heads (of the beast) as it were wounded unto death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." (Rev. 13:3)

Survey6/3/08 9:56 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
And just how did Jesus treat these "evil men" who were/are in the world?
And what is the one prayer request Jesus made of His disciples that the Father would send....?
And what is the Great Commission and why did Jesus give it?
Do you really expect lost fallen wretched sinners to believe in Jesus Christ if they get ahold of this systematic theology or if this systematic theology gets ahold of them, that tells them they are totally unable to ask God for mercy for their sins if they are not one of the elect, that He won't hear them but has created them and predestinated them to be damned and burn in hell forever.?
"Thou wilt then say unto me, why doth he yet find fault, for who hath resisted his will. Nay, but O man who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?"

News Item6/3/08 8:38 PM
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preacherjond. wrote:
Yep. Nothing like the good ole shroud to keep the faithful going-- further into idolatry.
I hear you preacher! Charade-Shroud; potatoe-potahtoe.

"Sky - what a scowl of cloud
Till near and far,
Ray on ray split the shroud:
Splendid - a star!"

-The Two Poets of Croisic [1878]

Survey6/3/08 11:45 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
The will is free, else it is not the will at all.

It is more accurate to say that the will (of man) WAS free. However, when Adam sinned his will being a part of him went with him into sin. Adam willfully sinned. It remains in the children of Adam until they are regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit by grace.

To say otherwise is to say that Adam didn't really sin nor did he die spiritually when he sinned.

News Item6/3/08 11:37 AM
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Vigilante wrote:
Jim, why do you insist on attempting to defend your religion with scripture?
What do you suggest he defend it with? If man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God, there is no greater argument than the testimony of scripture. "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak according to this word, there is no light in them."

News Item6/2/08 9:09 PM
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MurrayA wrote:
I think we need to understand that NASA justifies its funding allocation by the search for extra-terrestrial life. NASA is very much involved in the SETI programme, and its space probe equipment is geared toward that end.
Integral to this object is the search for water: the evolutionary belief that al you need is a conglomeration of the right chemicals, and then - just add water! When one adds water, hey presto...life!!! You don't believe me? Then listen to the rhetoric!
So it's not just the media which gets on to the life-on-other-planets bandwagon; it's NASA itself.
Hence they will get excited when some lowly organic compound is found - and you will then hear "the building-blocks of life" mantra. The same goes for discovery of water.
Hey Murray,

Good point. And of course as you imply, the real question to ask is "When the Son of Man returns, will he find any with faith on the earth?" I am sure NASA could care less about that, but it would be interesting to know how many faithful are paying taxes to support their non-sense. I am for doing scientific research, but hey, less not justify doing it with such non-sense as searching for life beyond earth. What is wrong with just saying, "We just want to know what is out there"?

News Item6/1/08 9:17 AM
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reason wrote:
From Dictionary.com
"member of a vigilance committee," 1856, Amer.Eng., from Sp. vigilante, lit. "watchman," from L. vigilantem (see vigilance). Vigilant man in same sense is attested from 1824 in a Missouri context. Vigilance committees kept informal rough order on the frontier or in other places where official authority was imperfect.
From Websters:
"vigilance committee": a "volunteer" committee of citizens organized to "suppress crime summarily"

"summarily": done without delay or formality: quickly executed

"For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward." Isa 52:12

"he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly". Pr.14:29

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