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News Item3/26/17 3:52 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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its funny how Christians will finance missionaries to live in a hut on another continent to teach in a Christian school, where the kids use chalk and a board and a bible and a few books, that wear simple uniforms and can recite simple prayers, make a simple child's choir that elicits the help of locals for not too much cost...

...yet we can't seem to replicate that here.

we have answers in genesis, dr dino, apologia, etc, we were the inventors of mcguffeys and rays arithmetic.

we have empty church buildings and pastors paid full time who could be chaplains to the kids.

local churches, empty churches filled with the Word of God and we ship kids to schools where the teachers are now full time entertainment for really long school hours as liberals want the state to run the child's lives.

News Item3/22/17 11:24 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the president has my support on this one.

should sodomite teenagers be getting preferences and everyone afraid of them because they are a protected class? ? ?

leave the children alone, pederasty is illegal.

churches.... will you support the president on this or are we in hiding till the secular world wins all the spiritual battles for us?

News Item3/22/17 10:55 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the liberals are the bigots, disassembling society, causing destruction and expecting everyone to be ok with it and pick up the pieces of broken marriages, abused children,etc... if we point out that they are breaking the cycle of life, they name call.... they are the bigots.

News Item3/22/17 10:47 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Marxists always go for the children. indeed that is what they are doing.

News Item3/22/17 10:36 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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his mind seems bent towards the cultural Marxist mindset.... harshness and division come with it.

in a day when we are bombarded with huge ethical issues.... Godly pastors don't need to be lectured by social justice warriors about saving their nation from decay and crash.

its time the sbc start concerning themselves with the realities of those who pay their bills.... in a biblical sense, the church should be a covenant community, not place to advance liberal agendas.... just look at the starvation in Venezuela.... these types always come with great promises....

so sbc, is it moral or healthy that fetal cell lines are being used to produce vccines (remember planned parenthood scandal that they are selling the organs of these unborn babies?) -- that are being injected into everyone?

what of complete surveillance of the American citizen? is that an ethical issue?

what of the carbon credit scheme that in some places is doubling the bills of the working poor and forcing them into small dwellings away from homes? .... because man is "scourge of the earth" to be "depopulated" and "equal to animals"? (all positions conflict with biblical)

is poverty and joblessness an ethical issue? or only if we can attach race, gender or sexual "preference" with it?

News Item3/21/17 11:04 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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"several have been violently threatened because of their political beliefs, and almost all of them feel as though they can’t speak up about politics on campus"

cultural Marxism. can you believe I heard someone order "French" fries the other day?! I told them, they must be a racist.

News Item3/19/17 3:08 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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rerouting ownership of public land... agenda 21.

News Item3/19/17 3:00 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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gm soy and plastics are physically estrogenizing the men.

add to that the hormone disruptor fluoride and other heavy metals.

do the anti-male snowflakes look more butch? their hormones/thyroids are messed up, see how large they are?

measurable lowering of testosterone in men, huge lowering.

we injected them with human fetal cells and heavy metals and gm foods.

now they turn against society itself.

judgment will not just be on them but on those who would not stop their worship of the new order.

sick sick Babylon society, this is the fruit.

since the church still support these industries, they have not repented, the fall of their society will continue before their eyes.

and indeed sodomy is an abomination. clean these kids bodies up of the hormone confusing lifestyle, it certainly doesn't help to chemically lobotomize them, make them into eunichs and then complain that they are confused.

can Jesus save a sinner, someone who has hormone induced issues and went into an evil lifestyle? yes!

News Item3/18/17 4:07 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Praise be to God I have the victory in Christ to overcome.

Blessings to the brethren.

Great comments Br John UK, Sr BMC, JA, Igny, Praise God the law was written on our hearts and even those who deny it yet show fruit....for they deny that the law was written on their hearts (although clearly stated in Hebrews 8)and they apologize if they are rude and aim to be honest and to handle the Word of God rightly, it appears they are trying to be right by God, they are good to their wives and appear to love God and their neighbor, the law on the heart seems to work rather well if they acknowledge it or not. COuld be worse, we could have a crowd of God-hating, idolatrous, swearing, fornicating, stealing rebels! It is a nice bunch, good day to ya.

News Item3/17/17 9:37 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Acts 15 is about Judaizing the church. many don't teach what is clearly in the text because of the stronghold of the felon Scofield on the hearts and minds of a generation. the same problem that Paul faced in Acts 15 of dividing the mission of Jews and Gentiles.

It is one mission!

The Great Commission!

Paul came back with news of the Gentiles coming to Christ. There was division in Jerusalem and there was betrayal as well from within. (James was later thrown from the highest point in the temple, stoned and beaten with a club)

And all of this James, brother of Jesus and the brethren had to decide how they would receive these non Jewish converts to Christ.

Some demanded that they be circumcised and be kept from eating certain foods, in other words to bring them under portions of ceremonial, Mosaic law.

Many refused to accept the Gentiles as brethren.

Acts 15 is not about the eternal moral law of God. See Peter's dream, it was about what is clean and unclean.

It is overtly said in Hebrews 8... the law is written on the heart of the Christian.

Is the law written on your heart? If you are a Christian, yes.

Title: Pepetuity of the Law of God, Spurgeon


News Item3/17/17 9:18 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cut the funding already.

News Item3/16/17 9:53 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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how shocking, a baby wanting affection. (sarcasm off)

News Item3/16/17 9:43 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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When the Christian loves God and neighbor, they are fulfilling the law.

"Jesus said unto him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

"On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Mastthew 22:37-40

"If you love me, keep my commandments" John 14:15

Hebrews 8:10 "... I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:"

Srs BMC, JA, It says it right there, the new covenant, the law is put on the heart, what's the beef? I agree that it is tragic. In a day when the world has gone mad, we have clear answers in scripture, but then many deny those limits as not applying to them? how is rebellion any better than legalism? I say to a two year old, you are free to play but do not run in front of that bus, is that "unloving"? Is God putting the law on our hearts "unloving"?

News Item3/16/17 9:01 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cultural Marxism.

and its going to come right into the churches because pastors for most part refuse to acknowledge the spiritual battle at hand and call it a "political" sideshow. in utter rebellion to the Word of God, they do not see history repeating itself.

News Item3/15/17 10:32 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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well the students have been taught not to "discriminate"...

Christians need to know that the Anti Defamation League is there to bring multiculturalism.

That means that homesexuality is a choice as is Islam or Kabbalah or Transgender and Sharia and the replacing of western/CHristian demographics with millions of refugees, and all these things must be welcomed with open arms.

They are there to stop Christians from pushing Jesus Christ, because then they are mysoginists and xenophobes.

if people aren't getting the full picture yet, what's it going to take?

anyone read communist manifesto by chance?

is communism a "spiritual issue" or a "political issue"?

News Item3/15/17 10:17 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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actually..... Jesus did die that we could fulfill His commandments.

all hearts are turned away. The flesh reaps evil.

But the calling of the Christian in 1 Peter 1 is "be ye holy".

all of this talk about God knows we are sinners and forgives us, is an excuse.

we all, that is ALL in this conversation agree that the blood of Jesus atoned for our sins, that our works were as useless rags. (justification by faith alone)

but now that we are in the family, Br. Kev says we are obligated to love.

So Hillsong Singers says they love homesexuals and put them in leadership positions?

and Joel Olsteen, God is there to make my life good cuz He loves us...

like that kind of "God's love"?

Define God's love?

basic Christianity: love God is summary of first 5 and love neighbor is summary of second 5, its THE SUMMARY OF THE LAW.

we have shown that the NT refers to the 10 and by the way, Sabbath is not out either, Hebrews explains that Sabbath is NOW, because salvation is NOW.

if we do not have salvation rest (rest from our works), then we are not saved from our sins.

but James says faith without works is dead.

Jesus left us to do His work by the power of Holy Spirit.

is the law written on your heart?

News Item3/14/17 1:05 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Kev wrote:
5 For when we were in the flesh
we are not "under" the law.

the law is written "in" our hearts.

"be ye holy for I am holy" 1 Peter 1

adultery is still forbidden.

idolatry is still forbidden.

many so called Christians have idols in their lives -- they are sinning...like Apostle John said, "little children, do not have idols"

"For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live" Romans 8:13

"But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this an shall be blessed in his deed." James 1:25

How does one "mortify" the deeds of the body? Is the spiritual battle over for the justified Christian, or is salvation (Jesus Himself) the tools by which we have victory throughout life until we see Him face to face?

what is the "perfect law of liberty" that we must continue in?

I thought all law is dead and nailed to the cross????

News Item3/14/17 9:20 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Gay Allen wrote:
as a woman who comments on here you get to learn real fast how women are seen as some kind of diseased animal that has to be quarantined,
if one wants to jump into the fire, don't be surprised if it gets a bit hot.

News Item3/14/17 9:00 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the ADL then met their goals. just go to their websites.

there is a religion who's identity is built on rejection of Christ, whereas all other paths are acceptable.

News Item3/13/17 2:27 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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it is a strange thing... an ambassador moving to a foreign country, working in an embassy and meeting with political leaders.

what was he thinking?

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