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News Item4/6/17 9:30 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cultural marxism

News Item4/6/17 9:26 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Igny, thank you for your words of wisdom. You know there has been a move in kabbalist culture to normalize pedophilia and more comes out on the propensity for elites to have child trafficking rings. more comes out that this is the norm for some? we also have the famous artists spirit cooking rituals and all sorts of horrific child art that should raise many questions from the normal human.

there is an occultic view of drawing energy from the life of the innocent.

the image of the giant molech holding the infant child comes to mind and that statue was where the babies were thrown, thinking they would draw life or power from it.

as sick as this is, it is an occultic view.

So I have not read the book, but I hear that this whole thing starts off with an abduction and murder.

and that the father is distraught and has to come to terms with it?

and although from a nitty gritty point of life, yes terrible things happen.

problem I have is that this book seems to be built off of a man finding greater knowledge of God through the sacrifice of a brutally attacked child.

something doesn't sit right with me on this alone, besides how the trinity is dealt with in such PC archtypes... I do not know that the author is intentionally occultic, but it is the spirit of th

News Item4/6/17 9:09 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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these are the goals of the anti-defamation league being played out on a global scale.

the point is that Christianity is a bigoted religion because they name Christ (which is idol worship and blasphemy) and reject tolerance..

Christians are to conform to the new order and its morality.

..so they say.

Come out of Babylon, says the book of Revelations, counting the cost is not just for the future but for today and today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow.

News Item4/6/17 9:03 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cultural Marxism -- taking down the universities and inside the SBC?

News Item4/4/17 9:20 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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the Koran?

the Babylonian Talmud?

the bible?

the Communist Manifesto?

are these ideas new or are they the same formula we have always seen run through spiritual Babylon?

is not "the left" another PC term said by those who are too afraid to even identify the movement that is set to replace all historic, family, Christian influence for a globalist system where all belong to the state?

News Item4/3/17 10:23 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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sounds like a book and movie to stay away from.

News Item4/3/17 10:22 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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guess he bit off more than he could chew.

News Item4/3/17 10:20 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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well praise God for that! how many Christian businessmen and professionals have lost the ability to provide for their families as they were being cut from buying and selling?

News Item4/3/17 10:18 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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when are Christians going to name this political sweep called cultural Marxism???

News Item4/3/17 10:13 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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well written letter and praying that it is profitable.

News Item4/3/17 9:53 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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they are not liking the year of disclosure.

News Item3/31/17 11:54 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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thank you Dr. Roberts.

News Item3/31/17 11:50 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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and I know families where both parents work and not making it and many who don't have kids cuz can't afford, so I do not judge people harshly on this matter. the church has lost most of the working class already for these reasons.

News Item3/30/17 8:21 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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cultural Marxism.

News Item3/29/17 10:12 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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million dollar salary and fathers were in freemasonry and no actual conversion experience?

here I thought for years it was a man who "whoever hates his father and mother" type Christian who left all to follow Christ, to find out there seems was leaving nothing, questioning nothing and replicating was given to them.

News Item3/28/17 10:29 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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B. McCausland wrote:
We hold to the Lord's Supper, his baptism, and His own day, the Lord's Day, because of Him
indeed! its all about Christ, the Risen One. Good day to ya.

News Item3/28/17 10:26 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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Buckeyes wrote:
(TMC) @Adriel
Whatever happened to Trusting AND Obeying?
thumbs up sister!

News Item3/28/17 10:10 AM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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B. McCausland wrote:
Moors and Jews' influence in those lands can be seen in the linguistics of the languages.
...interesting. the same two groups that today in political realms seek to silence the unique witness of Christ and Christ's People and Christ's message. (and when I say this recognizing that many in these religions will respond to the gospel, something which the gods of this world will do anything to stop)

chip, chip chipping away at the Kingship of Christ.

We meet to commemorate the Resurrection.

The Jew follows traditions of men on the Sabbath still waiting for the rest of his soul.

Shall I blend myself into his lostness or proclaim the new day that Christ offers to him? ... that is eternal rest in Christ that begins today!

the moslem also has his system of works to try to tip the scale in his favor, never knowing if he's done enough to make himself righteous.

what an albatross.

we meet on the Lord's Day as a community of believers in remembrance and take communion because Christ's Resurrection guarantees our salvation. He died and rose from the dead.

The Judaizers chip chip chip away as they have always done, chipping away at the distinctions of Christ.

News Item3/27/17 11:42 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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thanks JA for the links, will be looking through. I'm encouraged by the high view of the Lord's Day, I believe to be a testimony to the world, when God's people set time aside to remember the covenant we have, and to remember the Resurrection on the third day, its a weekly commemoration of the completed work of Christ. if Christians are able to meet at that time, then it can be shared, because its not the "bodies of Christ", but the "Body of Christ".. once we belong to Christ it ceases being just about me and what I want, so what does it mean that we are the Body of Christ? I'm just a part of the whole, and without the rest I'm still just a part.... for it to function as God has intended, it is together...."ye shall be known by the love of the brethren"... "whenever you get together do this in remembrance of Me".

News Item3/26/17 4:00 PM
pennelope  Find all comments by pennelope
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a free society would never allow it. they talk of a facility somewhere in Utah that is massive. it said in their manuals that surveillance technology was built into the new phones, tvs etc, and everyone laughed it off. now its out in the open. the year of disclosure continues to never disappoint and vindicates many. but if they call you crazy, just calm them by acknowledging the Russians made you do it (there's one behind every bush).
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