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Sermon8/16/2020 9:22 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Our Sufficiency Is Of God
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
A reminder to be faithful in our Gospel witness, not only seizing opportunities, but making them. Challenging.

Sermon8/16/2020 7:44 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Alienism vs Christianity
Bret McAtee
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. Given how frequently the Bible speaks of the influx and ascendancy of foreigners as a judgment upon a disobedient, unbelieving people, we have been astonished at how few ministers are willing to preach the truth about what is happening in the nations of Christendom. This is a much needed sermon for today's church.

Sermon8/9/2020 9:25 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Word of God Must Be Preached
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
The times have worsened even since this sermon was preached, but God’s truth must still be upheld as we pray for better days, which will come according to God’s promises.

Sermon8/9/2020 4:43 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. It is astonishing that something so clearly affirmed in Scripture is denied by so many Christians. Perhaps it is not only that the depravity of man is a mere abstraction to many, but also that the sovereignty of God is also an abstraction in their minds. It takes a firm belief in God's sovereignty to look at the nature and intent of anti-christian conspiracy without being terrified. But God is indeed sovereign and will bring the conspiracies of evil men to nothing.

Sermon7/26/2020 8:53 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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God's Unshakeable Plan
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
We appreciated the imperative of gospel witness in this sermon. We cannot truly love our neighbor as ourself if we do not share the good news of salvation in Christ with him.

Sermon7/12/2020 10:01 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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It All Makes Sense
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
When we see the mess the world is in, we wonder how it could ever be any different. There is only one way, and that is for the Lord Jesus to go forth conquering the hearts of men by His Word and Spirit. We must pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven."

Sermon7/5/2020 10:14 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Zeal Without Terror
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Why would anyone live with the tormenting fear of a justly angry God when salvation is so freely offered in Christ? Why would anyone deprive himself of the joy of fearing God as a child does his loving father? Sinful hearts deprive the lost of so much blessing.

Sermon6/28/2020 9:33 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Christ Worthy To Be Loved At All Times
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
We can never love Christ enough for who He is and for what He has done for us.

Sermon6/28/2020 2:58 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Brave Sermon! ”
This kind of faithful preaching is sorely needed.

Sermon6/28/2020 2:52 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Brave Sermon! ”
We need more preaching like this in our day. The church will be the first to feel the bite of the growing tyranny, and rightly so. "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" (I Peter 4:17) 

Sermon6/21/2020 9:42 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Believing The Scriptures Essential
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Our favorite quote from this sermon: “Meekness is believing what is true.”

Sermon6/14/2020 9:38 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Lord Always To Be Believed
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
We are often downcast when confronted with difficulties and disappointments, and when we finally see how the Lord has done all things well we are made glad. How much happier we would be if in the face of troubles we would anticipate with joy that our Lord will do all things well, working everything out for His glory and our good.

Sermon6/7/2020 9:45 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Bruised Reed
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
In this sermon a useful distinction is made between believing and unbelieving sorrow. We ought never to lose sight of God and His promises, even in our greatest griefs.

Sermon6/7/2020 8:48 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Accomplished Saviour Not Appreciated
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Do we live as those for whom Christ intercedes at the throne of God? Is prayer our last resort, or our first? Challenging questions!

Sermon6/3/2020 5:12 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Identity of the Antichrist
Rev David Silversides
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
We listened to this sixteen years ago, and it was well worth listening to again. We never lost sight of the Pope as Antichrist, but had gotten a little fuzzy around the edges in our defense of the truth. An excellent reminder in these troubled times when so many are are trying to figure out what is going on in the world and searching for the identity of Antichrist.

Sermon5/30/2020 2:07 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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A Contrarian Look at COVID-19
Matthew Trewhella
“ Great Sermon! ”
Essential listening!

Sermon5/29/2020 4:41 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
An excellent sermon for this time in which the civil government has unlawfully put us in "lockdown."

Sermon5/24/2020 9:28 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Surprising Stirrings
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
The encouraging reminder that God has so often delivered His church when she was at her lowest ebb is much needed at this time.

Sermon5/24/2020 9:22 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The mass hysteria and delusion associated with COVID19 are, it would seem, a more serious judgment than an actual plague. This is a refreshingly honest sermon after hearing so many that support the government/media narrative. However, as this is an Easter sermon, it is worth noting that God judges nations and churches for false worship, as well as for other sins. Easter keeping is a clear violation of the scriptural regulative principle of worship, and is a sin to be repented of, too.

Sermon5/17/2020 9:07 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Bewildered Rather Than Believing
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a wonderful sermon which would surely be helpful to anyone trying to sort out his true spiritual condition.
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