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Survey6/9/07 9:02 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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So anyway, i am awake now. Good sleep i did have... Now off to do some more work. Hurray us air force!
Well anyway, JD you didnt answer my other questions. And i wanted to say earlier or add on to what i was saying but i ran out of room. That its not right to say that i am wrong because some things are associated with another denomination. I am non denominational, not because i cant come to my own conclusion or make a stand, but rather that i am making a stand by saying that i dont agree with any of the denominations in whole. I dont think denominations are good because they are not meant to be. The Church is not to be divided and not one denomination has it. So instead of siding with one, i will associate with the true believers regardless of denomination until the faith is truly unified, if that be what the Sovereign Lord would will to be done. I think thats what i was giong to say, I might be a little tired still. Well i hope that everyone has a great day just the same.

Survey6/9/07 1:32 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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You do have a good point about non denomination but you also are judging before you know anything. I go to praise and worship and i have never been given much knowledge from a sermon from my church. Its sad i know but i know that i receive my teaching from the Lord. 1 John 2:27.

I am going to bed for i just worked a 12 hour shift last night and am now tired.

I already gave you scripture and questions. Go about and answer them if you need to.

I also know that Jesus' blood washes away all sin. But tell me why the Church's found in Rev 3 are going to have their lampstand and name blotted out of the book of life if they dont repent? I mean, if they are in the book of life then they are saved. Yet Jesus was going to blot out their names.

remember answer my questions about:
why unifying the church is such a bad thing.
why paul talks about having more knowledge to give.
why Paul says to ask for the greater gifts like healing and such to gentiles if it was not possible.
Are women allowed to be prophets.
Oh i forget the other ones.
Oh and if you dwell in the light as in He is in the light, and Christ dwells in you, He purifies you from all sin. ir you love then you walk in the light and if you hate then you walk in darkness. So do we walk in the light?

Survey6/9/07 12:56 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I dont associate with any pentacostal denomination. I go to a non denominational church.
You looked way too deep into it because i said that God still works miracles and gives gifts today. Your speculation is merely an oppinion and nothing more. In fact you have failed to refute the scripture i gave. Its funny, you call me unsaved and my doctrine to be unbiblical but thats it. You dont give me a scripture to refute what i say. What about what paul said about having more instruction, more information to give to the church that was necessary?
What about Paul telling gentiles to seek all the gifts?

Regarding losing your salvation. That has nothing to do with me thinking that Christ's sacrifice was sufficient or not. I believe what the Bible says when it says that if you do not continue in the faith then you are worse off than before. I believe that as long as you hold to the faith you are in God's hands as the Holy Spirit enables you to believe. Yet you can still grieve the Holy Spirit and thus resist His grace.
Stop condemning me because of some denomination i do not hold to and hold to what i have said.

Survey6/9/07 8:09 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Yeah you looked way too deeply into something here. where you got that whole idea that i dont believe that Christ's death is sufficient is BS. I dont believe in salvation by works at all! Please, tell me how and i will tell you how i dont. Afterall, i know myself a little better than you.
Scripture is as it is. you never refuted what i said when i referred to what Paul had written. I said that there was more to be learned and that Scripture is meant to teach us things and lead us to Christ. But to be honest, there is much more we can learn. I never spoke anything regarding tongues at all.

I believe that Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is the son of God by the Holy Spirit and by the resurrection of the dead. I am saved by faith in Jesus Christ, not a work on my own accord but what He had done.
People will have differences of oppinion but we are to not let our differences divide. Its not our theology that saves but rather our faith. It is true that certain doctrines are necessary but you also know that some are weak in faith and wont have perfect knowledge. So are these people not saved because they have a lack of understanding? Is it their understanding that saves them or their faith in Jesus Christ that saves?

Survey6/9/07 7:37 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I am not referring to a sacrifice of sound doctrine. In fact i am going in the opposite direction. I said that we would all come to one understanding. I guess you didnt read that part. All you saw was that i wanted a unity of the Body and you went into your own world.
We are children of God through faith in Jesus Christ and i still think that unity is necessary. So get rid of your thoughts that i am ecumenical, because i am not.

So tell me, what is so wrong with unifying the church? Is that something important in your theology?

Survey6/9/07 3:58 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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oh i am aware of all of this. Yet paul often addresses the church to get along with each other since they are of the Faith and family that they should act like it. Its not that the only ones who are of the faith are the ones who are unified alredy in the physical sense. Its more my heart to see the true Church unified even though right now they arent. There are many true Christians in different denominations i am more than sure of this. Yet it will only happen when they seek to follow what they are studying oh so diligently.

Survey6/9/07 12:04 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I neither affirm nor deny any denomination lol. Jk y'all.
I am not talking about extra special revelation that denies the Word of God. I believe that the Bible was written to lead us to Christ. That in Christ we have our salvation. yet there are areas of the NT that say that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and that there are things not written in the Bible that the Apostles and Disciples knew. Like what John wrote in His Gospel about the works of Christ being so great and man that all the books in the world would not be able to contain them yet he wrote them so that they would know the Lord Jesus.

One of the Scriptures that comes to mind is when Paul was speaking to the Corinthian church regarding the Lord's Supper. He said that there were more things that he wanted to teach them about it but he wanted to wait til he saw them in person to teach them.

Now there was extra knowledge there that Paul had regarding something in our faith that is greatly debated.

I just have a heart for unity in the Church. That we are all children of God and ought to come to one understanding and unity in the faith and have no division. For division is a great problem in the Church and it hurts our witness. I believe there is a lot of potential which we can achieve.

Survey6/8/07 10:49 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I wasnt asking in order to be informed. I was asking to see what his theology said about it.

Survey6/8/07 9:26 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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In 1 Corinthians 12 paul says to eagerly desire the greater gifts. Why would paul tell a gentile church to desire gifts of prophecy and healing if it was not given to them? Are you wiser than Paul?
Regarding prophets. Are women allowed to be prophets?
Is there any information that is not in the Bible that we ought to know?
These are just a few simple questions

The way i read scripture is that God gives gifts to all of the people in the Body according to His will. So i guess since they were not jews they could not have gifts of healing even though in Christ there is no difference in jew or gentile.

Survey6/8/07 7:41 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Oh yes i am sure certain parts of office are closed for us i suppose. Yet gifts werent given to just apostles. They were given to all sorts of people of the faith. Jesus was not referring to just the disciples in John 14. The idea is that the same Spirit gives the same gifts to all men based on grace of God in order to build up the church.

I wouldnt ask when the last time someone was raised from the dead, but rather when was the last time someone had enough faith to go out on the limb and actually heal someone or something along those lines. Would you have the faith to try and do something miraculous in front of a crowd of people regardless of whether or not you believe that they can happen or not.

Survey6/8/07 7:24 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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John 14:12
Ephesians 4:11-13 (do you think that the whole church is built up in unity?

I am wondering where in the Bible it says that the gifts will cease when scripture is complete? Please show me so i may know...

I will continue to look for more scripture. I have some written down i just need to go through my notebook and find them...

Survey6/8/07 2:38 PM
Mgarsteck  Find all comments by Mgarsteck
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The signs werent meant for the Word of God to be written. You tell me where in the Bible it says that the signs would be stopped when the bible is fully written.
Again, dont we still need that authority from God? Yes, we still need to have signs that we are from God. Jesus said that we would do even greater things than Him because He is going away.
Paul said the gifts were meant for building up the church so that it might be unified one day.

The whole thing with poison and raising the dead, have we all the same gifts from God? Do we all have the gift of not being sick? No, but i myself have not had even a single little cold in three years. Thats God working right there!
I think that people need to actually seek the gifts of the Spirit just as Paul had said. The same Spirit that lives within us is the same Spirit that gives us all the different gifts. I doubt that faith is the only gift given today because the gifts are meant to build up the church. Ha, perhaps we are the people that claim to have a form of Godliness yet deny its power.

Survey6/8/07 9:13 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Oh how wrong you are. The Corinthian Church was not Jewish i believe, yet they had the gift of healing and other gifts. Others were healed besides the Jews. People think that the gifts were meant only to establish the church and to get the NT written. While this is true, it is not the whole truth!

This really aggrivates me. As Jesus said that WE would do the same things as Jesus did because He was going away and we would do even greater things.
Also, Paul said that the gifts would continue. Why? The gifts are for the helping of the Body of Christ.

Look in Ephesians 4. You will find that Christ gave gifts spread out to prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ would be built up until we all reach unity in faith. Now tell me, are we unified in faith? Nope, heck we cant get along to agree and are quick to call each other heretics.
I mean come on! The gifts can and still do happen but you wont see them because you dont believe that they can or will happen. Do you think that the NT contains all the knowledge that we can know? There are several areas in the NT that talk about how there are more things to know but wont be known until the Spirit comes.

You just try and twist Scripture around, i am in anquish over this.

Survey5/27/07 8:49 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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if you read what is in 1 John in many places it gives a pretty black and white picture of how we are to live. If we are living in the light, then our actions will be as light. If we hate, then we do not know the Lord as we should. We are all called to walk just as Jesus did and God gave us ALL the ability to walk like Him.
1 john 3:2
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Yet you take the fact that we are able to live as Christ we have to notice the differences in our life. Basically we have to ask ourselves if we are walking with Him. That is the whole point. Forget if we are being "Christians" but see if we dwell in Him and Him in us. Then we will bare the fruit and walk in the light.

News Item5/23/07 1:18 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Romans 10:9
NIV- That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

KJV- 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Looks like i can attain salvation through any bible that i read. Now tell me why is it that we read these texts and attribute our failures to the differing versions of the Bible? Or are we weak because we dont apply it...
I dont deny the grand differences in the differing versions, they are important. But before we go and make a big deal out of it, lets start at the source of the Church's hypocrisy.

As we all know, division in the church is a bad thing. We need to come together and bring forth one understanding for edification of those that are saved. I believe that Paul said this too.

Romans 14:19. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

1 John 2:27. As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.

Survey5/23/07 4:48 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I believe that what i had said was pretty close and accurate. All you guys are doing is arguing over the same topics over and over again. I am sure that you all pray for wisdom and understand, at least we all should. Tell me then, if this is the case, why do we differ? Does this not show that there are differing spirits? Wouldnt the same Spirit, the Spirit of unity, give you and i the same understanding? Yes of course He would so why is it that we differ?

Matthew 9: 37,38
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Survey5/22/07 6:26 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Honestly, i think that arguments such as these does no other action but to prove that we dont know what we are talking about. We go to the books to prove our theories but our division proves that we have no true understanding. Remember when they asked Jesus about marriage at the Resurrection? He said that they had no understanding of Scripture or God. Now had they studied Scripture dilligently? yes of course i am sure, but they missed the whole point, as all of you have as well i am sure. I just think we need to bust this out in prayer with God that He would reveal His wisdom and understanding. Or would you all rather just pick up the Bible and figure it out for yourselves?

News Item5/16/07 6:39 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I think that some people forget that the same Jesus who preached love and forgiveness is the same Jesus in Revelation with the Sword in His mouth. We just dont understand or have discernment any more. How sad...

Survey5/16/07 12:36 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Not a big fan of dogma m'yself... Here is some water, why shouldnt i be baptised now?" Taken from Acts it expresses one man's own desire to be baptised regardless of who did it. A friend and myself baptised two new believers at the ocean a couple of months ago and a few people i knew did not approve of it. However, me being the stubborn man i am, i enjoyed telling them that there was no reason to suggest that we could not have baptised them.

Survey5/11/07 8:01 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Expositor, you still have not given any proof beyond what the World says about the books, to suggest that they are forgeries...
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