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News Item1/15/09 12:10 PM
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Neil wrote:
Effuse's last argument doesn't "wash." Calvin's Institutes Ch. 15 says "it is evident that the term baptise means to immerse, and that this was the form used by the primitive Church." Hence, the definition is not merely Baptist special pleading.
But Calvin believed the mode to be indifferent, so that is the essential point in dispute.
I believe immersion should be normal practice, but to tip my hat to Calvin a bit, there may be special circumstances warranting pouring instead (and I don't mean the Presby Palmful, either). Psychological hydrophobia, for example.
Although I am a Calvinist, I don't agree with Calvin on this point.
As for immersion as a general practice, one practical point is that there are parts of the world which would not warrant the practice, desert areas lacking water and very cold regions like Iceland etc.
Incidentaly it's not an arguement to suggest that modern technology (heating systems) have removed this cold problem. That would be like saying the Baptist church is a "Modern" denomination, and I'm sure you guys would not like that said.

News Item1/14/09 4:10 PM
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"He claimed Christians are playing into the hands of anti-religion campaigners by defending Biblical accounts of the earth's history, and praised Charles Darwin, the pioneer of evolutionary theory, as "one of the greatest human beings of all time".

ExArchbishop Carey of the Anglican heresy is clearly a Bible Nonbeliever too.

Heb 11:3 Through FAITH we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

These Anglicans are an embarrassment to true Christian Witness.

Survey1/13/09 2:57 PM
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Mike wrote:
Sometimes we create mysteries when Scripture is clear: "and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes *they* have closed.."
Kinda looks like they closed their own eyes at some point, doesn't it?
"15 For this people's heart is waxed gross...."

Mike; Does this mean you think they "waxed" their own hearts too?

BTW If the fulfilling of prophecy simply means that a mans gonna do what a mans gonna do, then it's not really very prophetic is it?

Don't worry Mike nobody minds, if like dear old Jacob, you want to DIY, then hey who are we to judge.

News Item1/13/09 2:48 PM
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GOD gave them up!!!

Since Obama has linked himself to these abominations, then we must assume that God has given up on the next president too.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Sin is it's own reward.

22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.
23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

News Item1/8/09 2:57 PM
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hidemi williges wrote:
Your hearsay evidence has no sway whatsoever since you haven't even read the book "Trail of Blood".
I presume you are a Baptist who believes all they say as long as it is Baptist oriented.

You presume that I have not read the Trail of Blood!

Perhaps you have not seen the evidence for yourself because you don't perceive it in the same light as a non baptist does.

Perhaps you defend it because of your allegiance to your denomination and your acceptance of its flawless existence since the first century!

As long as your happy! Stay perfect!

News Item1/7/09 4:05 PM
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A Bible Christian Who Believes wrote:
"pew view": Ofcouse, you know that your opinions on "The Trail of Blood" is Purely Satanic-Vaticanist & "Jesuitic"
I told you if you'd wait long enough you would get the "Baptist" rewrite/redo version of history to extend their denomination into previous centuries.

However I do know that some Baptists do reject this stuff and live in the reality of historic fact.
Thank the Lord!

Survey1/7/09 3:56 PM
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Christiana wrote:
[QUOTE]At the same time, while Jesus is ruling, there will be peace, and also quick judgment on sin - "the one who does not live to be one hundred will be thought accursed." Living will be completely different - considerably improved, but still not what it will be when the "Kingdom is handed over to the Father."
It always amazes me that the poor old PreMills only get a 1000 years. Now Christiana is advertising only 100 years???

I think I'll stay with the Bible version of the promise of ETERNAL life.

Matthew 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.


News Item1/7/09 2:57 PM
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"Barr described his shift from defender of moral values in government to a more live-and-let-live philosophy as a step away from alarmism."

Carnal lust and sin in the human condition if allowed to run free of control whether moral or spiritual, inevitably brings destruction to person, church and state.
The Lord does not have to punish man for his rampant iniquity, sin is punishment in itself.

23 And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off. Psalm 94.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Rom 1.

12 And they said, There is no hope: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart. Jer 18.

Survey1/6/09 4:43 PM
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lyn wrote:
"The most striking point in the eschatology of the ante-Nicene age {before the council of Nicea} is the prominent chiliasm, or millennarianism, that is the belief of a visible reign of Christ in glory on earth with the risen saints for a thousand years, before the general resurrection and judgment" -Phillip Schaff, the Histoy of the Christian Church, vol. 2, N.Y. Chas. Scribner & Co.,, 1884, pg. 482--taken from article "amillennialism-Examining it's Origens"found at www.prewrathrapture.com/2007/07/amillennialism_examining_its_origens.php
Thankyou for that Lyn!

Whilst I have been looking at this Millennialism stuff I found this article by William Masselink, You may find this statement interesting "Premillennialism is a relic of Judaism"
[URL=http://thirdmill.org/newfiles/wil_masselink/wil_masselink.History.Chiliasm.html]]]The History of Chiliasm[/URL]

Survey1/6/09 3:31 PM
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Interesting position.....

"Take for example, the millennial question, “A” “Pre” or “Post.” As Berkhof admits, amillennialism may be the historical position of the church since the days of the apostles, but the term itself was not used until early in the twentieth century (Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 708). If we were to ask Calvin about his millennial views he would probably say millennarianism in any form is the view of fanatics. Calvin would have known only two options, non-millennarianism or chiliasm. Since amillennarians are technically postmillennial (Christ returns after the thousand years of Revelation 20), Calvin, I think would simply affirm he was a non-millennarian and argue something like an optimistic amillennial view, especially given his confidence in the spread of the gospel."
(Kim Riddlebarger)


So Have you "PreMills" opened a brand new box of theories never before used by the church in history???

Survey1/6/09 2:57 PM
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Neil wrote:
A] Historically, Pretrib-Premill is a recent & minority position in Reformed theology. I don't think Calvin or the Dordt Synod were Premill.

B] And I still have no answer yet to my question for Zionists: how do I know that an allegedly Jewish person today is *really* a descendant of Jacob?

A] I understood the Reformers and that era of ecclesia to be Amillennialist.
Anybody know different?

B] I would say that support for Israel is related to faith.(Controversial???) But as for the genealogy question I would doubt that anyone can prove accurately that the line is completely unbroken. One area of interest on this is the persecution which the "Jews" have experienced throughout history. Why is it that one nation, originally identified as God's people, have been attacked and persecuted in a way which is unique in the history of man.
This mode of existence would certainly make the group react in a very defensive and protective manner wherever they settled. That is one sure means of keeping them "pure." (I use the word in caution)

News Item1/5/09 3:50 PM
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hidemi williges wrote:
Prove it. What examples do you have to validate your assertions?
Stay on this comments board and you will see plenty examples and references to examples.
One rewrite of history that has been often quoted to me is called "Trail of Blood" apparently a lot of fiction went into its pages.

News Item1/5/09 3:39 PM
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GG wrote:
Question: According to Calvinism, salvation is all about God. Therefore, if God doesn't want to save you, there is nothing...nothing...nothing that you can do to save yourself...right?
The Calvinist doctrine teaches that man, prior to regeneration, is dead in sin, as the Bible puts it. This is Total Depravity. The mortal in this state cannot and does not choose Christ, because he is in a state of enmity with HIM. God alone, by grace, draws the sinner to His Son. John 6:37/44.
The work that the Holy Spirit does in the heart of the sinner IS faith. Without the Spirit man does not have saving faith, nor will he turn to Christ.
The RCC and the Arminian type both underestimate sin and thus must bestow more power to the sinner. This begets salvation by works. BUT election is unconditional - zero human input!
Eph 1:4/5 teaches that God predestinated His Elect from the foundation of the world. Therefore Jesus only required to die for these elect.

News Item1/4/09 5:39 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The influence of Calvin created a theocracy. Theocracies without the physical presence of Christ are doomed to fail, such as the Byzantine Empire. By the way, another excellent book on Calvin's time is, [URL=http://www.ihcc.org/sw_index.php?id=book_search]]]Anabaptist Story, The[/URL], not only does it give great insight into the Anabaptist movement, , but a lot of history about Calvin as well.
Not in Geneva!
And certainly not in Scotland(your ref to Knox)!!

As for reading Baptist (or AnaB) history??? No thanks! The Baptist church has a habit of "redoing" ecclesiastical history to introduce their own ad lib and improvised version of history.

News Item1/3/09 6:29 PM
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John UK wrote:
If I had formed a government in Wales, and every member of the Parliament was a Christian, and we decided to run the country solely from the commands in the Bible or commands inferred from the Bible, then would Wales be under a theocracy?
What I did with Jim's post below is point out the essential human element of admin in "theocracy" - (that why I said it was unnecessary when Christ returns,)

Dictionary on "Theocracy"
= "A form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws BEING INTERPRETED BY the ecclesiastical authorities."

Ie some form of church officers, elders, ministers etc. Interpreting Holy Law for the people.

Trying to establish this on earth in Wales or anywhere else would require the express and direct input of God. Moses came closest to it taking place.
David clearly did not have the full divine power involved.

In strictly human terms, the RCC have come close to it in pre-16th century times with european nations. But they like the Pharisees brought in their own rules and regs, and their interpretation of Scripture was heretical dogmas, like saint worship(idolatry), relics (iconolatry), ex-cathedra dogma junk nulling Bible precepts. etc.

News Item1/3/09 5:49 PM
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John UK wrote:
I thought Jean Cauvin did want to start a theocracy.

"Dr. McGrath points out "how deeply the myth of 'the great dictator of Geneva' is embedded in popular religious and historical writings," and points to the work of Balzac and Huxley as examples of writers who made assertions without any historical facts supporting them, but who nevertheless seem to have had more influence in the shaping of the modern view of Calvin than the facts of history.
The Genevan reformer was "denied access to the city's decision-making machinery. He could not vote; he could not stand for office." In fact, he still had little power over his own church affairs!"
(Michael Horton)

News Item1/3/09 4:38 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The only theocracy that we need is not the type of a Calvin or Knox, but that of Christ--at his return.
Calvin or Knox??? - "Theocracy"???

Is this your attempt at ecclesiastical comedy???

Dictionary on "Theocracy"
= "A form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities."

When Jesus returns we will not need "Theocracy"!!!!

The only attempt at Theocracy in history has been the papists.

Whereas Calvin and Knox were real Christians.

Survey12/29/08 11:35 AM
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The main problem with the church today is the same one as Jesus found on earth when He walked among us.
That is Man-Made Religion.
Many people come to church but do not come to Christ.

The Pharisees were warned by Christ that they had added their own interpretations and come up with their own version of "truth." The Roman Catholics did the same thing throughout history and do so today.

Lets face it - the reality is that their is only two ways - God's way and Man's way.

Todays Liberalism is man's way of interpreting Scripture - by virtually dismissing all of it, and making man the author, thereby enabling them to apply "modern" mans version in accordance with culture today.

Salvation is either by God ALONE or - God requires man to contribute.
Sin either is to be overcome by God alone, - or man can do it by his own volition.
Christ either died making it inevitable that only HIS death can positively save some. Or Christ made an opening through which all men can enter, if man makes the correct choice.
God by grace and the Holy Spirit enables man to persevere through this tribulation. - Or man does it with a little bit of divine assistance.
Faith comes as a gift to remove man from the depraved and wretched estate, or Man's faith is sufficient without God help.

Survey12/28/08 4:47 PM
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Banned wrote:
Since so many of you believe the Jews, and not Christians, are God's Chosen
No Banned, we simply believe the Bible which teaches that the Elect of all nations and times, ancient and modern will be saved by God.

Ro 11:5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.
7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

News Item12/25/08 7:54 AM
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"The accompanying text identifies the women as a couple and the boy as their son."

Now thats a queer thing for a soup to do.

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