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News Item12/31/10 3:18 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The popularity of the NKJV shows that many people
......want something in modern, understandable English
"Why do we recommend rejection of the NKJV? Space limitations preclude a full discussion of every reason, but we do urge a careful consideration of the following facts. It is essential to know that many of the word changes between the original KJV and the NKJV are not changes which result from removing archaisms, etc. Instead, many are changes which clearly reveal that, contrary to their agreed basis, the NKJV translators departed from the original KJV and its underlying Greek text, the Textus Receptus, in favor of the very same wording found in versions translated from corrupted Greek texts."

News Item12/9/10 2:54 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
you are quite right about the The Geneva Bible Of 1560. It is considered a superior Bible to the KJV by knowledgeable people.
But not by God!!

Jim your arguement is consistently skewed by the same old obvious facts - THAT God used the KJV. If the Geneva had been a more perfect production then God would have used it for His purposes to build and teach the church. God did not. God used the KJV.
Regardless of your so called "knowledgeable people."
The other fact which skews your arguement is the patently obvious hate in your heart for any suggestion that the KJV might replace your beloved modern versions. But the real problem with your NASB, NIV etc is heretics wrote the Greek for them and they used the Vaticanus text. Both of these errors were not accepted by God for 400 years thereby authorising the KJV+TR by His acceptance and use in His Church.

News Item11/29/10 3:23 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
it does show that God can use a corrupted Bible to save those who He chooses.
Is that why you use the corrupt NASB and its corrupted Greek text, Jim.
Hope against hope eh Jim.

Better use the Bible which GOD Himself used for the last four centuries. The KING JAMES VERSION of the Word of God.

[URL=http://watch.pair.com/another.html]]]ANOTHER Bible - ANOTHER Gospel[/URL]

Here's a good thought from your buddy Hort Jim....
"One such example is his hatred for democracy, as Hort asserts in a letter to Rev. Westcott dated April 28, 1865:

"...I dare not prophesy about America, but I cannot say that I see much as yet to soften my deep hatred of democracy in all its forms."
In fact, Hort's hope, during the years of the American Civil War, was that the South would win. This desire was fostered by the hope that such a victory would destroy both countries to eliminate America's threat to England's domination of the world. His own words betray this in a letter which he wrote to Rev. John Ellerton in September of 1862:"

Do you think the same way Jim?

News Item11/29/10 2:55 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Drs. Ankerberg & Weldon wrote:
The KJV Only people argue that the KJV is the only inspired Bible against which every other translation is to be tested. This claim is not only demonstrably false, it ignores the entire issue of biblical origin, transmission and translation."
Why you believe all this A & W shallowness, Jim, is a source of constant astonishment to me.

The point that King James Bible folks apply in comparison is not "like for like"


We can easily see that the modern versions which come from corrupt Greek texts, the textual criticism of Anglican Liberal heretics and the Roman Catholic Vaticanus text - IS definitely not the way, nor the Word of God.

God used the Bible, King James Version to build His Church, teach His doctrines and praise His Holy Name amongst His people, - FOR 400 YEARS AND CONTINUING. Amen!

THAT authorises the A.V.

News Item11/28/10 5:21 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
1. Ah, just like the Authorized King James Version, Handel's Messiah has a ecumenical history,

2. I would almost bet that Handel wouldn't mind

Since the KING JAMES VERSION of God's Holy Word was the only Bible available for most of the last four centuries - it takes little intelligence to work out why it became "ecumenically" used by ALL denominations.

Even Indian Hills Community Church started with the KJV, Jimmy boy!

But note well Jim that God used this Bible the KJV also for many centuries, and continues to do so in HIS congregations.

2. Careful with the "betting" Jim - Christians Don't do that sin!
They trust in God's Holy Providence to provide all their needs - including the Bibles we use.

News Item11/28/10 5:03 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
A) There are today many false translations and paraphrases of the Scripture which those who love the Bible must oppose,

B) Moreover, it is a heresy because it implies that God did not completely inspire the original manuscripts and therefore in 1611 He had to add inspiration.

A) Aye Jim Lad there is for example...
(1) NIV.
(2) NASB.
(3) modern versions.
(4) Nestle-Aland Greek text.
(5) The Westcott and Hort Greek text which gave life to the Nestle-Aland.

B) The heresy which concerns me is that abject heresy which started as a leaven in Westcott and Hort and has leavened the whole lump of modern versions production in recent times.

As for the KING JAMES VERSION which has been wonderfully and effectually used of God to teach and build the churches of the elect for four centuries.

God would not have produced a Bible which could not be inerrantly applied to His Word and Preaching for His people, these last 400 years and more to come. Your friend Jones doubts God simply to support heretics Westcott, Hort, Nestle, Aland and their modern version substandard books which are proven to weaken doctrines and omit parts of God's Holy Writ.

News Item11/27/10 4:39 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
T.S., I will repeat myself from another thread
Ankerberg and Weldon wrote;
"Remember that it was the KJV translators themselves who stated in their original preface that the very purpose of their translation was to provide God’s Word in a readable and understandable fashion. They recognized and accepted the translation work that had been done before them. So then how can anyone logically argue that they would object to modern translations being done today for the same purpose?"
The original 1611 AV translators, along with GOD Himself, did not use the corrupt Greek Text which modern versions use to support their books today. Also the doctrines which have been so adversely affected by modern versions would not have been accepted by the Lord or His servants the 1611 AV translators.

This is the answer to your Anchor and weld it on quotes you keep coming up with.

"John 14:14 KJV "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."

NASB ""If you ask **Me** anything in My name, I will do it."
That is ridiculous. It is praying to Jesus, in Jesus' Name. That is not what is intended as we can verify with other verses."

Why has your NASB added this word to the text??? Do YOU pray to GOD?
Rev 22:18!

News Item11/26/10 3:55 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Remember the Protestant Reformation, was begun by people that only had the Latin Vulgate.

Indian Hills has rid itself of the Catholic AV

Jim Don't forget your NASB has Vaticanus (RCC) input also.

No that is not entirely true Jim.

995 AD: Anglo-Saxon (Early Roots of English Language) Translations of The New Testament Produced.
1384 AD: Wycliffe is the First Person to Produce a (Hand-Written) manuscript Copy of the Complete Bible;
1455 AD: Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press;
1516 AD: Erasmus Produces a Greek/Latin Parallel New Testament.
1522 AD: Martin Luther's German New Testament.
1526 AD: William Tyndale's New Testament;
1535 AD: Myles Coverdale's Bible; The First Complete Bible printed in the English Language.
1537 AD: Tyndale-Matthews Bible; The Second Complete Bible printed in English.
1539 AD: The "Great Bible" printed.
1560 AD: The Geneva Bible Printed;
1568 AD: The Bishops Bible Printed;

So clearly the Protestants were at work long before that time.

News Item11/25/10 3:32 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Yes, the AV was authorized all right, but not by God
How on earth can you make that deceitful statement Jim?

Don't you know that the Bible God used in previous centuries, and still widely used in reformed churches today, was/is the KING JAMES VERSION of the Word of God!

Thus GOD - DID authorise - the KING JAMES VERSION and the Textus Receptus by ordaining, and using, the KJV to be the foremost english language translation of God's Holy Word throughout the english speaking world including Nebraska.

News Item11/25/10 3:15 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No because the KJV used the heretical texts of Erasmus! The Mormons were naturally attracted to a Catholic Bible

should read, Westcott & Hort

But Jim, your Indian Hills Community Church was founded on the KING JAMES VERSION in 1959.
Your not telling us that those early seeds were of a corrupt and heretical nature are you.


Also Jim;
As to your Anglican brothers Westcott and Hort....
Hort's "Atonement"
There was also his rejection of Christ's atoning death for the sins of all mankind.

"The fact is, I do not see how God's justice can be satisfied without every man's suffering in his own person the full penalty for his sins."

In fact, Hort considered the teachings of Christ's atonement as heresy!
"Certainly nothing can be more unscriptural than the modern limiting of Christ's bearing our sins and sufferings to His death; but indeed that is only one aspect of an almost universal heresy."

And Problems with Westcott
Unfortunately for the "new Bible" supporters, Dr. Westcott's credentials are even more anti-biblical. Westcott did not believe that Genesis 1-3 should be taken literally"

News Item11/22/10 3:21 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
now I'm not an Arminian
YOU get your sources from ARMINIAN articles. OH Jim?
(Salvation by works)

Is that why you use this NASB???

Shouldn't you not trust in the Sovereign GOD who delivered the Word of God KING JAMES VERSION to HIS church and used it effectively with such divine excellence to build His Church over centuries!!

News Item11/19/10 4:31 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Ah, TS, Satan used the The [A]nglican [V]ersion a syncretic Bible put forth by a sycretic church founded by a serial wife killer. It supported the prelacy, was done by Baptist killers, and cults have found comfort in it.
All this blasphemy you spout is getting very deep and dark in its wickedness.

"9 That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: 10 Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:" Isaiah 30.

It is said of Bishops Westcott and Hort;

"You have to be ingenious to convince people that 1% of the evidence is true and 99% of the evidence is false. Hort was a master at this. So is Satan! Dean Burgon did not deal in "cloudland," nor does his defense of the Traditional Text. Because of Westcott and Horts "paradox" referred to by Dean Burgon, they have based their position purely on subtle theories and rank speculation." (D.Burgon Soc)

And don't forget Jim these are two of the Anglican Liberals who helped write your NASB.

News Item11/17/10 2:59 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
You kid of course! even knowing a little history of the English Bible would point out The Geneva Bible Of 1560 was the Calvinist Bible and the AV wasn't Calvinist
No it's absolutely true Jim.
As for the Geneva, yes pretty good Bible, (Better than NASB) BUT don't forget that GOD Himself, in all sovereignty, used the KING JAMES BIBLE for centuries AND used the TEXTUS RECEPTUS for centuries - which means that God "authorised" the KING JAMES BIBLE for use with good Biblical Calvinists.

[URL=http://www.hissheep.org/kjv/a_comparison_of_the_kjv_nasb.html]]]The Errors and Omissions of the NASB[/URL]

News Item11/17/10 2:27 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I will congratulate you
Thank you Jim. Here is more truth for your edification.
Warning about NASB
[URL=http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/NASV/new_american_standard_version_exposed.htm]]]NASB comes from Corrupt Greek Manuscripts.[/URL]
As mentioned above the NASV draws heavily from two of the most corrupt Greek manuscripts ever found, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. This fact alone, when it is brought to one's attention, should cause discerning Bible students to stay clear of the NASV. To be sure that translation contains many passages which are identical to the KJV (as do all SBS Sermon Notes and Bible Lessons) but that does not make the NASV (or my own writings) the very Word of God! In my opinion the NASV is a clever and extremely dangerous counterfeit; a Bogus Bible posing as the very Word of God! It must be exposed for what it really is - the Work of Satan!

In the 70+ verses that follow I have highlighted in bold type the words, phrases and verses which have been changed or deleted in the NASV. In a few instances I have included a COMMENT; but where I have not, the reader is advised to pause and consider the gravity of the corruption of which the NASV is guilty."

News Item11/16/10 3:09 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
[URL=http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/KJB/inspired.htm]]]The King James Bible IS Inspired.[/URL]
"I am sad for any congregation whose pastor misleads them concerning the Word of God. To claim that only the originals are inspired is heresy. To claim that the King James Bible is divinely preserved without being inspired is ridiculous and an utter heresy. How can God's Word be divinely preserved into any language without also being divinely inspired? It is impossible! Anyone who denies the inspiration of the King James Bible is a false prophet." (D.J.Stewart)

[URL=http://av1611.com/kjbp/articles/jones-whynew.html]]]Why Then Are New Translations Thought Necessary[/URL]
"The readings of those much boasted manuscripts recently made available are essentially the same as Jerome's Latin Vulgate which finds its foundation in the works of Origen. The Reformers knew all about the variant readings of the Vulgate and they rejected them which is the same thing as rejecting Origen. In rejecting Origen, they rejected Codex Vaticanus as it was copied from his work. Thus, the Reformers had all the material necessary for the task at their disposal" (Frank N Jones)

NB The NASB/NIV uses Vaticanus Text also.

News Item11/10/10 2:35 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
1) You seem to forget that the AV is a corrupted text by man.

2) Westcott & Hort vs. Textus Receptus: Which is Superior?

3) The AV is actually a Catholic Bible

1) Jim You seem to forget the KING JAMES VERSION is the version of the Word of God used and blessed by God in His work for the last 400 years.
It is also the Bible which the IHCC must have started out on.

2) Thats an easy one Jim. - The Textus Receptus has been used BY GOD for the last 400 years and more.
Also Westcott and Hort were LIBERAL ANGLICAN HERETICS who favored many popish convictions such as icons and Maryolatry. This is proved in their own words (letters).
Now clearly GOD would not use them to communicate His Word.
BUT your NASB does.

3) Now that is just another one of your lies Jim.
But talking about papist influences - Do remember that your NASB uses as one of its sources - the Roman Catholic Vaticanus text.

News Item11/9/10 5:00 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The NIV of 1984 is an excellent translation and is recommended
"What about the principle of "dynamic equivalence"? This principle of translation is a fundamental sellout of the doctrine of Scripture's inspiration verbal, plenary inspiration.
All of the translators' assurances that they hold to a high view of Scripture, that they believe the Bible to be the very Word of God, fully authoritative and completely trustworthy, belie the facts. It simply is not so. They do not believe that the Bible, word-for-word, is the very Word of God. If they did, they could never have utilized the principle of dynamic equivalence in translating.

Out of their own mouths they are condemned. A concern to convey the "meaning" of Scripture rather than the very words of Scripture in translation? Avoiding stress on the original languages? Referring to the original writers as only "trying" to communicate the Word of God to men? Characterizing a translation that seeks to be faithful to the original words of Scriptures as "mechanical"? Aiming at understanding by the reader instead of faithfulness to the very words and form of the text? [URL=http://www.prca.org/pamphlets/pamphlet_61.html]]]NIV or KJV[/URL]

News Item11/8/10 4:15 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
TS, you mean why must I parade my knowledge about The [A]nglican [V]ersion a syncretic Bible put forth by a sycretic church founded by a serial wife killer?
All this blasphemy of yours and use of that Vaticanus, Liberal Anglican book of yours will take you to hell.

Remember Jim;
The KING JAMES VERSION OF THE Word of God has been used for centuries by God the Holy Spirit to build the Church and teach the Truth and sound doctrine to the elect.

Whereas your poor old NASB comes from a very dubious set of Greek Manuscripts, (and higher criticism), - WHICH God decided NOT to use during this period of time.

"Westcott and Hort were responsible for the greatest feat in textual criticism. They were responsible for replacing the Universal Text of the AV with the Local Text of Egypt and the Roman Catholic Church. Both Wescott and Hort were known to have resented the pre-eminence given to the Authorized Version and its underlying Greek Text. They had been deceived into believing that the Roman Catholic manuscripts, Vaticanus and Aleph, were better because they were "older." This they believed, even though Hort admitted that the Antiochian or Universal Text was equal in antiquity."

News Item11/8/10 2:39 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
A few corrections John UK, The AV is a Catholic Bible, q.v., Is the King James Version a ‘Roman Catholic Bible’?[/URL], knowledgeable Christians know that the AV has just too many errors to be used, q.v,, Part III: From the KJV to the RV (from Elegance to Accuracy)[/URL] and from the NIV Bible[/URL].
Besides it isn't in contemporary English! q.v., ]Comparing Bible Translations:...English Style[/URL], John, a lot of pastors just don't have the time to waste if they practice expositionary preaching and spend most of their time correcting and translating the AV!, q.v., ]Bible Translations:The Link Between Exegesis and Expository Preaching[/URL]. I would recommend that many of you read the entire ]Comparing Bible Translations[/URL]
This looks like gibberish.

Jim why must you parade daily, your complete ignorance of the Bible which God created in His providence and used effectively for centuries.

PS Don't forget the Liberal, Anglican, Vaticanus effect on the NASB.

News Item10/31/10 5:58 PM
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Could It Be wrote:
The argument of KJV-onlyism would have to follow that logical conclusion, would it not? Other people groups could not have a Bible translation in their own language if the KJV is the only allowable version.
No. It would not.
A friend of mine who is missionary to arabic country (speaks/reads Arabic) helps distribute KJV Arabic version and sees his own KJV (english version) when he reads it.

From Trinitarian Bible Society. Which only prints KJV.

"A special thrust to distribute Scriptures in India took place in 2008 and a substantial grant which included 1,900 English Bibles, 5,000 English New Testaments and Psalms, together with foreign language Bibles, New Testaments and Gospels in Arabic, Farsi, German, Modern Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Maltese, Nepali, Polish,
Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian was shipped to an organisation specialising in distribution to those entrenched in the Islamic religion" (TBS)

The problem with Modern versions is not just their use of english, but different (unacceptable) Greek text from which they come.

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