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News Item1/18/11 3:00 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
if I had Popish sympathes I would use a Catholic Bible such as the AV....

but I would only use Bibles such as the NIV, E. S. V. and of course, the New American Standard Bible.

But Jim
Your modern versions NASB etc, all come from the Greek text of the Popish leaning, Anglo-Catholic, Anglican Liberals Westcott and Hort. So you are already there!

Then you must remember that your NASB et al, also uses the Vaticanus Greek text. I Mean Jim - How Roman Catholic can you get?

BTW Jim. Your brothers Westcott and Hort....
"1. Together, the Life and Letters of Brooke Foss Westcott and the Life and Letters of Fenton John Anthony Hort run over 1,800 pages. A personal salvation testimony is not given once for either man, and the name "Jesus" is found only nine times!

2. Westcott was a firm believer in Mary worship, and Hort claimed that Mary worship had a lot in common with Jesus worship.

3. Hort believed in keeping Roman Catholic sacraments.

4. Hort believed in baptismal regeneration as taught in the Catholic church.

5. Hort rejected the infallibility of Scripture." [URL=http://www.av1611.org/kjv/fight.html#fight8]]]KJV versus the competition[/URL]

News Item1/18/11 12:05 PM
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"As the Bible is the Word of God, it should be read both in public and in private, and it should be remembered. A translation therefore needs to be in a form of English suitable for public and private reading – and easy to learn by heart. The rhythm of the Authorised Version, its reverent and dignified style, and the very high proportion of simple short words of Anglo-Saxon origin, which have continued to provide the “basic” vocabulary of our language in everyday use, all combine to make this version the most suitable in all these respects. “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19.10); “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (1 John 5.12). These great statements are given to us in simple words all of one syllable, and much of the Authorised Version is in this simple, “timeless” English that a child can read, learn and understand."
[URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/]]]Trinitarian Bible Society[/URL]

News Item1/17/11 3:18 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
did Calvin...
Jim. You must try to break away from the Roman Catholic influences.

"It is true that a critical piece of Reformation Biblical scholarship was the “eclectic Greek text prepared by Erasmus…” However, it is important to note that this text was “based primarily on Byzantine text manuscripts,” that family of manuscripts that stands behind the Geneva and the King James translations. Although Erasmus was technically Catholic, he was a vigorous opponent of the many abuses of Roman Catholicism, criticizing the papacy and speaking against Marian devotion. He was tolerated by Rome primarily for his scholarly genius. His “redaction” of the original Greek was based on a significant increase in manuscript resources that came to light after his original effort. It was into this context that the Council of Trent ventured to assert Jerome’s Vulgate as the official text of the Roman church, despite the fact that the efforts of Erasmus had illuminated many fallacies in Jerome’s original work. This may be one reason why the rascal pope Leo X, whose excesses inspired good people everywhere to hope for reformation, was forced to put on a show of cleaning up the Vulgate." (answersyahoo.com)

News Item1/17/11 7:04 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Westcott & Hort vs. Textus Receptus: Which is Superior?
Well Jim; *GOD* did USE the Textus Receptus.

"Dean Burgon characterized Westcott and Hort as two "irresponsible scholars." He wrote: "But instead of all this, a Revision of the English Authorized Version having been sanctioned by the Convocation of the Southern Province in 1871, the opportunity was eagerly snatched at by two irresponsible scholars of the University of Cambridge [He is talking about Westcott and Hort] for obtaining the general sanction of the Revising body, and thus indirectly of Convocation, for a private venture of their own,- their own privately devised Revision of the Greek Text. On that Greek Text of theirs, (which I hold to be the most depraved which has ever appeared in print), with some slight modifications, our Authorized English Version has been silently revised: silently, I say, for in the margin of the English no record is preserved of the underlying Textual changes which have been introduced by the Revisionists." [Dean John W. Burgon]."
Though Westcott and Hort's Greek text is "the most depraved which has ever appeared in print," this is virtually the same text used by the modern versions and perversions of today." (deanburgonsoc)

News Item1/16/11 4:48 PM
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D Mike Canard wrote:
You are not very bright and are very mistaken in your thinking.
Firstly, the overwhelming majority of the common people of the time could not read at all. This means they needed the Bible read to them.
Secondly, why do you think it was called the Vulgate?
You commence your post to me with an insult. That is not the sign of a Biblical Christian.

"'Vulgate'. Translated from the Hebrew and Aramaic by Jerome between 382 and 405 CE, this text became known as the 'versio vulgata', which means 'common translation'."

As you correctly point out the people were illiterate and did not speak the language of Latin. Therefore it cannot be the "Bible" which built the Church as you alluded to in your previous post.

As I have posted below many superstitious and heretical, idolatrous practices emerged in the church in those days. Many of which remain in the modern Roman Catholic organisation today.

Clearly there was a great need in God's providence to bring a better translation of His Word to the people, especially when Luther and the Reformers saw the error of the ways of idolatry. Thus did God ordain the Reformation and the King James Bible, to build His Church.

News Item1/16/11 11:52 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
If Satan were to choose which Bible he preferred it would definitely be the AV!
If Satan with his superior knowledge wanted to read the 'Truth' then yes he would use the KJV.

However Jim, since a couple of his servants the heretical Anglican Liberals Westcott and Hort helped write the NASB, NIV et al, then he would not go there for the WHOLE truth would he.

"The Westcott and Hort (B and Aleph) Text Is from a Small, Lost Family of Misguided Texts.
But I suspect that in the little handful of authorities which have acquired such a notoriety in the annals of recent Textual Criticism, at the least of which stand Codexes B and Aleph, are to be recognized the characteristic features of a lost family of (once well known) second or third-century documents which owed their existence to the misguided zeal of some well-intentioned but utterly incompetent persons who devoted themselves to the task of correcting the Text of Scripture; but were entirely unfit for the undertaking." (Burgon)

This is what we have in B and Aleph. We have "corrections" of the Words of God in these mistaken and false manuscripts" (TBS)

Don't forget to read all this good information we are providing Jim.

News Item1/16/11 5:47 AM
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D Mike Canard wrote:
GOD built His Church with the Latin Vulgate all over the world. God's approved and blessed Word for over a THOUSAND YEARS before your bonded leather pulp!
The Vulgate was published in Latin a language which very few of the common people understood, used or read.

Thus GOD did NOT use this obscure volume to build His Church.

What came out of the centuries of Vulgate was the Papal Anti-christ, the worship of dead people idolatry, (RC 'saint' promotions), worship of dead bones and other rediculous relics and idolatrous practices, - THUS a dead religion as indeed it still is today.

Satan's Roman Catholic church is dead in sin and still remains blind to the truth.

Meanwhile Tyndale, Wycliffe, Whittingham and the KJV translators were used by God to bring the people into the REAL Church, which of course became the Protestant Church, by giving the Word of God to the people in their own language. Thus after the centuries of darkness and satanic blindness by the Papists, - God brought LIGHT into the nations by the KING JAMES BIBLE. Halleluia. This divine work continues today after 400 years, by GOD, IN Christ, the Holy Spirit and faith. HIS Truth sets you free. Amen.

News Item1/15/11 5:14 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I would also add that the KJV doesn't follow the Textus Receptus that well
Isn't it strange that God does not agree with you? He used the KING JAMES VERSION of His Holy Word to build His Church over all these centuries. - AND of course that means He validated the TEXTUS RECEPTUS by using it in the same purpose.

But since you prefer the modern version and the W&H Greek travesty instead...

"The Westcott and Hort (B and Aleph) Text Has Many Serious Defects.
We have with us width and depth against the narrowness on their side. They are conspicuously contracted in the fewness of the witnesses which they deem worthy of credence. They are restricted as to the period of history which alone they consider to deserve attention. They are confined with regard to the countries from which their testimony comes. They would supply Christians with a shortened text, and educate them under a cast-iron system. We on the contrary champion the many against the few: we welcome all witnesses and weigh all testimony: we uphold all the ages against one or two, and all the countries against a narrow space." (Burgon)

B & Aleph have no continuity. They have one country, Egypt!
The TR was found all over the then known world.

News Item1/15/11 3:29 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The Anglican Church has been paying for its syncretism since its birth, it has been making the British people and all people touched by the communion of the Anglican Church, by sending a mixed message of Catholicism and Protestanism, and the two just doesn't mix, they have aways been at work, Reversing the Reformation
Thats rubbish Jim.

You cannot wipe the entire historic C of E out as sweeping as this - it is just not true.

As martyr's like Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer and writer's such as J.C.Ryle witness. They served the Cause of Christ a lot better than you and me. And thats a fact.

News Item1/15/11 2:47 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
1) Well, KJV only types, we Americans might as well say that since God has appointed the USA to be the lead Christian country

2) New American Standard Bible

3) The Devil has been using the AV for 400 years, it's time to give a clear message,

1) The SODOMITE bishop Gene Robinson is one of the messages your country sends about that is it Jim???

2) Talking about Liberal Bishops the NASB relies upon the Greek translation of two heretical, Popish leaning Anglican bishops AND the Vaticanus text; - SO is your NASB for the Roman Catholic doctrines teaching, Jim.
Is the IHCC Roman Catholic...


Jim you will not win this debate by making God angry.

It is a fact of life on earth and history Jim, that God ordained the KJV/TR to be used to bring HIS HOLY WORD to the people in 1611.
God DID NOT use the same Greek texts which were used for your NASB, NIV et al.

All that your modern versions have brought to the church is contention dispute and arguement. Indeed the modern versions and their Greek texts have brought DOUBT as to whether we really have the Word of God. Thus does Satan use the modern versions.

News Item1/14/11 3:48 PM
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Rob wrote:
The comparison is being made with all extant GK MSS!
And here it is again. The same old arguement from the Westcott and Hort (hertetics) fans.

All the MSS???

God did not use "ALL" the newly found mss which have turned up and been used by heretics such as W & H famous for their Popish leaning doctrines and - ANTI-KJV stance.

Rev 17:8
KJV - "and yet is"
Modern Versions - "and yet will come"

If you "receive" the MV words both greek and english then you are an advocate of the MV's AND their supporting Greek texts.
Since the 19th century we have had many who attack God's word and change His doctrines in the Bible - like the two Anglican Liberal Popish heretics Westcott and Hort. The modern versions use the Nestle-Aland Greek texts which rely heavily upon W & H with their higher criticism et al.
"1914--The Testimony of Herman Hoskier.
"The text printed by Westcott and Hort has been accepted as `the true text,' and grammars, works on the synoptic problem, works on higher criticism, and others have been grounded on this text." [Herman C. Hoskier, Codex B and Its Allies--a Study and an Indictment, (1914)"

The problem is W & H were identified as heretics and erroneous in their translation of Greek, in the 19th century.

News Item1/13/11 4:09 PM
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Rob wrote:
Revelation 17:8 the kjv reads:
What do we have here? Another 'liberal' wanting us to use the Anglican Liberal Westcott and Hort, Nestle-Aland corrupt Greek texts which GOD did not use during the last four centuries. One assumes the comparison made here is with dear old heretics Westcott and Hort versions of Greek text to arrive at above conclusions.
God of course used the KING JAMES VERSION together with the Textus Receptus.
Now who is for trusting in God?

News Item1/11/11 3:07 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
T.S., The [A]nglican [V]ersion a syncretic Bible put forth by a sycretic church founded by a serial wife killer, is a Catholic Bible, Is the King James Version a ‘Roman Catholic Bible’? Some people consider the errors in the AV minor, but they are even worse then the one in the RSV using the term "young woman," for "virgin," e.g. "it" for the Holy Spirit. They AV is a third rate Bible that he isn't even allowed to be second rate by being translated into modern English
But Jim
GOD Himself ordained the KING JAMES BIBLE to be made available to the common people. Therefore you are attacking and blaspheming GOD and HIS WORD by your remarks. Do you think that HE would allow such a book as you describe to build His Church and teach His doctrines.
The KING JAMES VERSION of the Word of God has been used by the Holy Spirit to convert the elect for centuries effectively. God does not use defective tools. AND God did not call for a replacement Sword of the Word (modern versions) - Because His Book, KJV, did what was required of it in the Lord hands.

News Item1/10/11 3:36 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
A) Remember that the AV was a modern translation at one time.

B) Dr. Wallace wrote:
7. It was a compromise translation between various factions within England—including High Churchmen and Puritans, and to a degree, between Protestants and Catholics. Even though it was ostensibly based on the Bishops’ Bible

A) "Remembering" this fact is supposed to do what Jim???
Is it supposed to excuse the other fact that the modern versions are based upon the Roman Catholic Vaticanus text, AND based upon the works of Two Popish leaning Anglican Liberals from the 19th century???

B) Jim you need to get a better expert than "Dr Wallace" - you see he is quite wrong in his assumptions. The Papists have never liked the KJV and the Bishop's Bible is not where the KJV translators started - THEY started with Hebrew and Greek. Just like Tyndale did before them. As for "High Churchmen" - (or anglo catholics), the differences between them and the Puritans had already begun in ecclesia before the KJV translation by God. Bible translation was not their problem - Bible interpretation was.

News Item1/9/11 4:15 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Rick Norris wrote:
Some may question whether the High Commission Court with its "distinguished" members such as some KJV translators and several Archbishops can be fairly compared to the Inquisition. As members of this Court, George Abbott and Lancelot Andrewes urged the burning at the stake of two men for their religious views and King James approved this sentence.
Comparing the Justice and punishment system of today with that of 400 years ago is a rather sad and rediculous way to defend the modern (badly translated) versions of the Bible. Jim are you getting desperate?

From Tyndale to the translators of the KING JAMES BIBLE, God used His servants to bring His Holy Word into reach of the common man. Then God used this to teach His doctrines to the Church. Thus the Church grew over these centuries.

It is perhaps relevant to point out that today we observe the huge decline of church membership and doctrine, and all things Christian - WHEN all these "modern versions" are available.

Is GOD telling us something?

News Item1/9/11 4:02 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The [A]nglican [V]ersion a syncretic Bible put forth by a sycretic church founded by a serial wife killer

somewhat ironic that a corrupted Bible, the AV

To imply the KING JAMES BIBLE is "anglican" or even denominational is a lie.

To suggest the KING JAMES BIBLE is "anglican" is an attack upon God's Word emanating from the idea of the Anglicans of TODAY. Which makes Jim's attempt a lie, since the C of E in 1611 was of a completely different theological basis that the anglicans of today.

Modern versions CANNOT say that they have been used by God for centuries, and perhaps they never will be able to.

Whereas the KING JAMES VERSION of the Word of God has been used BY GOD for centuries. Thus has it been "authorised" by God Himself for use in the churches.

Modern versions like Jim's NASB, the NIV et al, came from a different Greek manuscript which is tainted by two Roman Catholic leaning, Anglican Liberals. Thus if anything is "corrupt" then Modern versions are. Perhaps this explains Jim's leaning towards universalism?

News Item1/4/11 2:52 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Which ONE KJV edition is the infallible ONE?
If "change" is a problem for you with the Bible - Then should you not ditch the NASB which has been "changed" even in its short life?

"There have been several editions of KJV, but no revisions.

One of the last ditch defenses of a badly shaken critic of the Authorized version 1611 is the "revision hoax." They run to this seeming fortress in an attempt to stave off ultimate defeat by their opponents who overwhelm their feeble arguments with historic facts, manuscript evidence and to obvious workings of the Holy Spirit. Once inside, they turn self-confidently to their foes and ask with a smug look, "Which King James do you use, the 1611 or the 1629 or perhaps the 1769?" (S.C.Gipp) Answer = [URL=http://www.chick.com/reading/books/158/158_05.asp?FROM=biblecenter]]] The Myth of Early Revisions. By Dr. D.F.Reagan[/URL]

EG:: Changes noted since 1611
a] Spelling - MAN changed his method of spelling not the KJV translators.
b] Printing errors - MAN makes mistakes - NOT God!

Remember Jim, The Lord preserves His Word and has done this with the KJV for centuries - Unlike these modern versions from a different source.

News Item1/3/11 3:21 PM
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D Mike Canard wrote:
No! GOD built His Church with the Latin Vulgate all over the world even in the "bad" old days before school was properly instituted in western societies.
If your school was any good they would have taught you to read the Latin Vulgate. God's approved and blessed Word for over a THOUSAND YEARS before your bonded leather pulp!
You really must try to remember who is in charge - Creator or creatures.

Your post highlights why GOD published the KING JAMES BIBLE.

As for time and when and who gets saved in history - God is sovereign over everything.

Remember that people did not start reading the Bible on their own in large numbers until the Reformation which brought the Bible out of the Latin (and the priests grip) and into the reach of the common people.

Thus after God ordained the Reformation - HE went on to bring the Bible within reach of the laity.
Hence the english translations.

PS The printing press had its part to play in the great scheme of things too.

News Item1/3/11 2:43 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
If there is one main reason (and there are many serious reasons) that they AV should be a removed from Church pews is a point that Neil alluded to, the common people are supposed to have easy access to the Scripture.
If there are people out there who cannot read the King James Bible, (such as yourself Jim) - Then it might be a good idea for them to sue the english department of the schools they went to.

GOD built His Church with the KJV all over the world even in the "bad" old days before school was properly instituted in western societies.

Also Jim, you keep cutting the Lord out of your arguement, remember this verse...13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/biblesearch.asp?chapter=16&lookup_keyword=John]]]KING JAMES VERSION - JOHN 16[/URL]

Jim, if you have any problems understanding this verse just give us a call.

News Item1/1/11 4:24 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
That's too bad, TS, since the AV has many errors in it
Only when compared with the modern versions and their supporting "Westcott and Hort" heretical Greek text.

Also see "Alan H" post below.

Either way you put it Jim one things for sure the modern versions come from a very dubious source of Greek used.
Note also the Nestle-Aland text is dodgy too.

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