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News Item12/31/08 5:09 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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"And that servant, who knew the Lord's will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes; but he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes." Luke 12:47-48

"For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled and overcome, the last state is become worse with them than the first" 2 Peter 2:20-21

Matt.11:21-24 also teaches on different degrees of punishment.

News Item12/30/08 5:38 PM
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Here's a link connecting the anti-semitic's twisting of the Talmud called 'the Talmud in anti-semitic polemics', copy and paste this, www.adl.org/presrele/asus_12/the_talmud.pdf

News Item12/30/08 5:26 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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Johnuk- agreed, but I am not referring to judgment, I am referring to the condition of the soul; one is either lost in sin or saved by His grace, this is not based on whether one is a Jew, or Gentile.

News Item12/30/08 5:22 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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So Banned, there are different 'degrees' of unbelief?! You are either lost in sin, or saved by His grace Banned, there is NO middle ground. Religions like Buddhism and Islam neither glorify God nor profess the Christ as the Son of God, equal in deity. Your 'opinion' is without warrant and is just your way to lay some claim that Jews are the most evil people on the face of the earth. Your 'true colors' shine through ever so brightly, and the sad fact is, God will condemn YOU to hell because of the hatred in your heart.

News Item12/30/08 4:17 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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What makes these lost Jews more wicked and vile than the lost Muslims, lost Wiccans, lost African Americans, lost Caucasians, lost Arabs, lost souls of any kind? To continue to single them out is to border anti-semitism.

News Item11/29/08 6:20 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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just another thought: "sinners will be saved by the merits of Christ alone"...amen! Sinners will also be saved by the grace and mercy of God alone, which is what the Bible teaches {Ephesians 2:8.9}

May the Lord be with you as well

News Item11/29/08 4:45 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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John UK~thanks for answering!

News Item11/29/08 4:08 PM
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I thought the gospel was the good news of Jesus Christ dying on the cross, and repentant sinners will be granted a pardon upon confession and submission to Christ? Where is John Calvin in this gospel?

News Item11/29/08 3:12 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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So Spurgeon's quote justifies belittling sarcastic remarks towards others? The Holy Spirit is the ultimate teacher, not man. Let's remember to think more of others than we do ourselves, and correct in LOVE, not smart-aleck comments. If someone disagrees, drop the matter and PRAY for that brother or sister.

News Item11/29/08 2:59 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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When I read some of these posts, I wonder if God has called us to fight amongst ourselves over calvinism, or if He called us to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lost sinners, which would be considered time well spent?

Survey10/31/08 7:30 PM
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Faithful, a quick reply -- the kids are waiting for me.... (Guess what for?)

I have wrestled with the issue mightily; my wife and I still discuss it. There were a few years (recently) when I did opt myself and my family out of participating in these 3 holidays (thanks for remembering Easter - ugh!).

First, your instinct is exactly correct -- what does God's Word require of the Christian? That he worships as God himself desires and requires.

The short answer is, just don't observe them as religious (Christian) holidays, and that will be a step toward some liberty on this.

In all, do it for the glory of God. Sin excepted, of course.

I'd like to give you a fuller and more reflective answer as well, but think in that direction, and give me your response.


Survey10/31/08 11:26 AM
Just a thought | usa  Find all comments by Just a thought
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Halloween is a Satanic holiday the way Christmas is a Christian holiday. So if celebrating Halloween involves us in devil-worship, perhaps the atheists and the ACLU are correct that observing Christmas forces all to participate in the worship of Christ, and thus violates religious liberty?

If you celebrate one, feel free to celebrate the other. If you condemn one, be sure to condemn the other. If you sanctify one, by all means sanctify the other.

What you find is that, for the Christian, they are both tainted.

Baptizing the December 25th holiday by calling it the "feast of Christ" does not obliterate the millennia of pagan (Satanic?) tradition that underlies that date and many of its symbols.

Similarly, transforming the October celebration of Samhain into "All Hallows"--i.e. all saints--Eve scarcely hides its Satanic roots.

The point is neither of these "holidays" are religious observances ... unless you choose to make them such.

Trick or treat, anyone?
Merry Christmas to all!

Survey12/4/07 11:58 PM
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The Psalmist wrote:
But our God [is] in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased. (Psalms 115:3)
The Psalmist wrote:
Whatsoever the LORD pleased, [that] did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places. (Psalms 135:6)
Just a thought!

Survey12/1/07 3:06 AM
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Just Wondering 1000 wrote:
Why is it that some(like Lurker) cannot give a straight answer for once?

Just wondering.

Maybe the real problem is not a "straight answer" but "a crooked question."

He who asks a crooked question is certainly not looking for a straight answer. Many questions which are asked on these threads are very plainly insincere and intended only as launching pads for ridicule and scorn, whether the answer given is true or not. How often do we see someone ask another person a loaded question and then they jump all over them for the answer they give. The person doing the asking knows exactly what the answer will be even before they ask it, but in pretense they ask in order that they might have a platform for contention and also to be able to display their supposed brilliance, or rather their ignorance and intolerance.


"Wherefore [is there] a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing [he hath] no heart [to it]?" Pr 17:16

"A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself." Pr 18:2

Just a thought!

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