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News Item7/19/09 5:36 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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How do you suggest the RCC reform? What biblical principles must be adhered to and applied? The very fact that sin is so deeply embedded within this denomination proves it's desperate need for true repentance and being born again, or born from above. Only the grace of God saves, anything else is simply a work of man.

Also, if you had true understanding and insight into God's word, you would not be a member of such an apostate religion. If you were truly saved by His grace alone, you would flee from the deceptive teachings and practices of this cult. May God grant you true, genuine salvation.

News Item7/18/09 9:58 PM
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So GG, do you think Almighty God is happy even with the partly funded support of your church to sexual immorality? Do you think God condones sin, just a little? Your ignorance of the word of God is shameful, yet, not surprising. You claim to be a member of the 'one true church', yet your church proves more and more how truly apostate she is. To condone sin is to be an enemy of God. Your allegiance to this cult will cost you so very dearly.

News Item7/12/09 1:37 PM
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GG, What you fail to grasp is the fact that the 'church' is NOT any one denomination. Church means 'called out ones'. This refers to all Christ calls out of darkness, from every part of the globe.
The reason you cannot grasp this truth is because you believe the lies of the RCC. You want so desperately to cleave to their doctrine, yet, their teachings are in opposition to God's holy word. They cannot be the 'church' Christ speaks of, for this denomination is like all others...riddled with unrepentant sin and filled with greed. The inside of this 'cup' remains unwashed.
The true bride of Christ walks in obedience to His word; in humility as well as love for the brethren. How does one know if he/she truly belongs to the Lamb? There is evidence of an inward change that manifests itself in outward living. The power of God is at work continually in His people. There is no boasting or pride of claiming to be His 'church'. Instead, there is an understanding of how unworthy the saved sinner is.
All who cling to the cult teachings of the RCC will pay dearly for all of eternity. Instead of upholding this satanic 'church', cleave to Christ alone. Study His word and cry out for His wisdom. Only God alone can reveal absolute truth.

News Item7/5/09 9:00 AM
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So let's get this straight John Y., Palin is a good gov. because of her looks?!?!{Be careful John Y. not to let your heart lust after Palin}. So good looking people are better at what they do because of outward appearance? It has been said that Obama is good looking; by your standards that means he too is good at what he does. Praise God He does not judge based on outward appearance, "For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7
Kenny has the correct view on Palin.

News Item6/25/09 8:34 AM
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John Y., what does looks have to do with marriage, and being faithful? He should have remained faithful, regardless of whether his wife was attractive or not. Your shallow comment is a sad fact on how most sinful men view women, by their looks. His cheating had nothing to do with his wife, and everything to do with the forbidden lust that lies in his, and all unregenerate hearts. Read Matthew 5:28

News Item6/14/09 5:45 PM
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John Yurich, God saves lost sinners from what we deserve, eternal punishment. We should not desire salvation as a means of escape, we should desire reconciliation with our Father out of brokenness over sin, the sins we committed against Him. This brokenness brings forth repentance, which leads to salvation [2 Cor. 7:10]. Only the grace of God can produce brokenness, repentance, and salvation. If you desire to be saved from hell, and not from sin, you are no better off than the reprobate.

News Item6/12/09 9:15 PM
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John Y. You say Evel was saved because he 'received Jesus', because he 'was baptized', because Schuller went to Fla. to 'verify' this 'salvation'...is that about right? So, because Evel did all this, he was saved. What about the evidence of a changed life, the new birth? Did his life reflect a regenerated heart?
How is it Schuller 'verified' this salvation? Did he have some sort of checklist?
It would appear you still hold to the old RCC traditions, salvation by works. Sadly, you fail to comprehend how salvation is given; as a gift, by God's grace.

News Item5/31/09 8:24 AM
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May God be merciful to you and convict you of your razor sharp tongue and your prideful arrogant ways as you flaunt your superiority on these boards. You obviously spend a great deal of time here {when I do check in here, you are always arguing with someone}. You give off the impression that you have all the answers; when some disagree, you resort to ridicule. You also go to great lengths to investigate others. You seem to be obsessed with this forum.

Where does God command us to debate fellow believers?

BTW- My suggestion was to shut down this thread, not every Christian website. Once again, you have gone to the extreme.

You are the reason I do not frequent this forum as often as I once did, your dominance of these threads has run its course.

News Item5/31/09 7:04 AM
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Amen Michael H.!! Look at all the time wasted debating the a-mill vs pre-mill vs pre-trib vs preterist view!! Why is so much time wasted? Because of the motive of some, pride {the insistence on being right}. They continue wasting precious time arguing with other Christians, meanwhile thousands are dying and going to hell. We will all find out soon enough who was 'right'; at that time, will any of this of mattered? Let us not forget, we will be held accountable for how we spend our time. Satan must be sitting back with a grin on his face that goes from ear to ear, knowing he is keeping God's children pre-occupied. This is to his advantage, it keeps those involved tied up with each other while the lost continue down the wide road.
Please, shut this down and do as the Bible commands, preach the word.

News Item5/24/09 4:18 PM
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GG, You claim to be a believer, yet, you defend what God hates. You side with a religion, even though it is corrupt. Your defense of the RCC is pitiful. It is like clinging to the Titanic, knowing full well she's sinking. As for the scandals that rock other denominations, just goes to show that the true 'church' is NOT based on any certain denomination, rather, it is based on Christ. He alone builds His church, one transformed believer at a time.
The tragedy here is all those children, many of who are now adults, that have been scarred by the physical and sexual abuse, all at the hands of 'religion'. If you cannot even trust a church with your children, how pathetic is that? And you have the audacity to lash out at everyone and thing EXCEPT your perverted church? May God have mercy on you.
You continue to live in denial with the repeated scandals that rock the RCC, you accuse everyone of falsely reporting what obviously can no longer be covered up. Sin always has consequences, even for your beloved RCC. God is exposing it for what it is; sinful, wicked, corrupt, filled with all unrighteousness as it leads millions down the broad road. May God have mercy on your lost, deceived soul.

News Item5/15/09 3:29 PM
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John Yurich I came across this at a Christian website and thought of you.
You desperately need to watch this video on false religions.
Please, copy and paste this link in your browser

News Item5/11/09 4:56 PM
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John Yurich
what about the 'cult' you belong to?
Mike Gendron, former RCC'r, speaks out against 'purgatory'...
'Over the centuries, billions of dollars have been paid to RCC priests to obtain relief from imaginary sufferings in purgatory's fire. The Catholic clergy has always taught that the period of suffering in purgatory can be shortened by purchasing indulgences and novenas, buying mass cards and providing gifts of money. When a Catholic dies, money is extracted from mourning loved ones to shorten the deceased's punishment in purgatory...it's no wonder the Catholic religion has become the richest institution in the world. The buying and selling of God's grace has been a VERY lucrative business for the Vatican. The motive for Rome to fabricate the heretical doctrine of purgatory is its powerful effect on controlling people. Ultimately, the enslavement and subjugation of people is the goal of every false religion, and purgatory does exactly that. The concept of a terrifying prison with a purging fire, governed by religious leaders, is a most brilliant invention. This dreadful fear and uncertainty is the most ruthless form of religious bondage and deception.'

News Item5/5/09 8:49 AM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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So you think this woman was persecuted for her so-called faith? This woman who had a breast augmentation, who dressed next to nakedness...this is a Christian woman in your book? And she suffered persecution because she...didn't win the crown? Tell that type of persecution to a true blood bought born again believer in China, or Iraq, or Turkey, etc. Tell that to the loved ones of those who've been martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ.
If this woman had a saving faith in Christ, she would have never been in the pagan pageant in the first place. She certainly would not have paraded across the stage nearly naked, flaunting her 'new additions', and stirring lust in the hearts of unregenerate men everywhere. True women of God would never be a stumbling block to any man, they would honor God's word on modest dress.

News Item5/3/09 9:47 PM
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to vogue, why should the body of Christ be 'proud' of this woman? BTW, pride is sinful.
Are we to be proud of her near-naked appearance, or perhaps her breast augmentation just weeks prior to the pageant? Is this the way the bible says women should dress, by placing emphasis on breasts, and nearly exposing them on national television?
For guidance, we need look no further than God's own word, 1 Timothy 2:9 speaks clearly on how women are to dress. Anything outside those guidelines is sinful.

News Item5/2/09 5:35 PM
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How does breast augmentation, which Miss California had and the pageant paid for [http://tv.msn.com/tv/article.aspx?news=406799>1=28103&], fit in with being a Godly woman? As this woman has now been exalted by conservatives and Christians alike as a 'mouthpiece' for Christianity, is it any wonder the churches in this country are so ineffective?

News Item5/1/09 8:50 AM
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So,let me get this straight - this young woman was correct in speaking out against gay marriage, but, what about her immodest dress? She parades across the stage half naked and yet, many 'overlook' this?!?
The hypocrisy here is that it's okay to cause lust as long as it's not homosexual lust, iow, God doesn't care if you claim Christ and dress like a harlot as long as you lash out at other sins.
Some here refer to a lost sinner as a 'fag', yet condone the sin of immodest dress and lust. Why is it okay for men to gawk at half naked women, but an outcry for homosexuals to sin? What is the difference? Won't one sin cast the sinner into hell, regardless of its 'classification'? Does God categorize sin?
ALL SIN is despicable in the eyes of the Lord, let's not look down our noses at one sin and wink at another.

News Item4/21/09 5:19 PM
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To Mike who calls himself a pastor;
first of all, I am not a man. Second of all, I do not lust after women.
Lust is in the human heart, Christ taught on lust in Matthew 5:28 {as well as Matthew 15:19}, 'That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart'. To lay your eyes on scantilly clad women and allow your thoughts to be sexual in content is sin. Those who belong to Christ understand this.
The bible tells women how to dress, modestly, 'In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair or gold, or pearls, or costly array' 1 Timothy 2:9. IOW, don't dress in a way to draw unwarranted attention to self, and don't be a stumbling block for others.

News Item4/21/09 1:38 PM
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This woman spoke out against gay marriage, and rightly so...but then parades across stage half naked! She claims her faith was tested; what about those who saw her in her bikini and lusted? She hypocritically lashes out at one sin, then parades around flaunting another!!

News Item4/11/09 3:42 PM
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Hey vogue, I notice you once claimed to live in Dallas Texas {3/26/09 12:01 am posting}, now you are in California, did you relocate in the past week? You seem to bounce back and forth between the two locations on your past postings, what is behind this?

(just curious)

News Item4/11/09 11:23 AM
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Candlelit, I know you understand the sarcasm in my post, but, there may be some who read what I said and not understand; thank you for the clarification.

Rogerant, I commend you for your response.

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