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News Item12/14/09 8:51 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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Excellent thoughts June.

To CHF- This document claims to be supported by fellow Christians, it contains signatures from all forms of religion, whether they be true to the Gospel or not; it is a document that should NOT be signed by those who've been bought by the blood of the Lamb.
Do you understand the command of God Almighty not to be yoked to unbelievers?

Is Almighty God pleased if true blood bought Christians join hands with heretics, all for the sake of speaking out against immorality? Again, it bears repeating, if you want to change a reprobate, preach the word, in season or out. Signing some man-made document will accomplish little, especially since some who've signed cover up immoral sinful behavior within their own religion {i.e., the Roman Catholic Church}.
You also say 'some people are worried about this, worried enough to do something about it' ...you seem to be implying this document will 'fix' what's wrong with the world, which leads me back to biblical truth, preach the Gospel. Lost sinners must hear of their need to repent and believe in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Read your bible, it isn't supposed to get better; as we draw near the return of Christ, things will continue to deteriorate.

News Item12/14/09 12:56 PM
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Cold- Do you agree with RCC doctrine [salvation by works], or the doctrine of easy believism so prevalent in this country {usa} and taught in the majority of churches here? How is signing some man-made doctrine going to change lost sinners? Hear this...it is the GOSPEL that changes lost sinners, read Romans 1:16. We are not to be yoked with unbelievers, regardless of how politically correct it may seem. Don't just scratch the surface, but go down deeper and see the underlying cause of such documents as this. It is Satan trying to get true men/women of God to link up with false religions and their false doctrines. Yes, the world is barreling towards more and more immorality and ungodliness, what else is new? What is our weapon against ungodliness and sin? The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God [Eph. 6]. If you want to see a change, don't sign silly man-made doctrines...preach the Gospel!!!
The bible makes it very clear, it won't get better as we draw near to Christ's second coming, it will get worse. Apostasy and deception will prevail, as will immorality, greed, selfishness, ungodliness {2 timothy 3}, etc. Keep this passage in mind, 'But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.' 2 Timothy 3:13

News Item11/30/09 1:04 PM
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Some realism-
The moral decline we now face is in part due to the LACK of true Gospel preaching, i.e., the false teachings spewed out by the Roman Catholic Church, the easy believism spewed out of many emerging churches. When truth is suppressed, wickedness increases. Linking up with cults like the RCC and emerging church will do NOTHING to stop the flood of immorality...preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ will change a life, one sinner at a time. Let's not forget, wickedness will indeed increase until Christ comes. To be in a tizzy over this flood of immorality shows the ignorance of many concerning the end time.
Drawing up some man-made document and signing it will not solve the world's problems. The greatest problem man has is sin, only the power of Christ and His Gospel will free the lost sinner. All the signatures in the world will make no difference. Yoking oneself with apostate religions will certainly not solve the immoral behavior of a society turned over by God to immorality.
John MacArthur preached a sermon entitled, 'A Nation Abandoned by God' concerning this very issue. I highly recommend listening to this sermon,[URL=http://defendingcontending.com/2007/11/20/john-macarthur-a-nation-abandoned-by-god/]]]http://defendingcontending.com/2007/11/20/john-mac..[/URL]

News Item11/26/09 3:11 PM
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So this is what the holidays are all about...money! Let's not thank God for providing the essentials needed for life, let's be in a huff because we aren't getting our 'greeds' met. As Ernie G. wisely stated, if we would be thankful for what we have instead of what we DON'T have, we would be better off. What should we be content with? "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content." 1 Timothy 6:8
While most fret over the downward spiral of the economy, true believers rejoice and praise God for His true blessings.We rejoice in sufferings, in tribulation, in trials. We rejoice because we know this world is NOT our home! We rejoice because the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again! We rejoice because we have been saved from what we deserve, eternal punishment! Our joy isn't found in bank accounts, material possessions, or career goals...our joy is in Christ alone!

News Item11/26/09 2:14 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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some realism??
You say,'The reality of this is that we can still appeal to the non elect about moral standards in human society, with the hope that a seed of decency can be planted. After all even atheists, Roman Catholics and muslims have morals and a conscience'---
First of all, do you have insight into who the elect are?!?
Second of all, you do not grasp the concept of total depravity. Mankind is dead in sin {Eph. 2:1}. The only thing that breaks through to a dead heart is the preaching of the true Gospel, not some signing of an ecumenical document drawn up by man. God already knows homosexuality, sexual immorality, etc., are widespread. This is nothing new, it has been going on since the beginning of time.
Thirdly, true believers cannot link up with goats in any way, shape or form. Most teach salvation by works, or easy believism; i.e., 'repeat this prayer', or 'ask Jesus into your heart'. This is NOT the Gospel. God will not honor a muddying of His truth. When you mix poison with truth, you kill truth. That is what you get when you unite with false religions.
Instead of pointing out man's wickedness and being upset over it, let's get back to preaching the Gospel, and letting the power of God transform a dead heart.

News Item11/26/09 1:57 AM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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So, you have no problem with yoking yourself to Roman Catholics, or post-modern types? As long as it is for the 'common good', right? Let me ask you, how does change come to a society that is spiraling down the broad road; is it not the preaching of the Gospel? Why isn't the Gospel laid out in this document? Could it be that so many differ on their views of what the true Gospel is? We should just overlook that 'minor detail', as long as we all join hands and sing kumbaya, it'll be okay? I for one praise God for men like John MacArthur, who aren't afraid to take a stand against ecumenism.

News Item11/6/09 4:43 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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GG, where is your scriptural proof that early Christianity evolved into Catholicism as we know it today? Where does the Lord command us to all be 'Roman Catholics'? It is the erroneous teachings of the RCC that have led millions astray. The word 'church' is not a reference to one particular denomination, it is ekklesia-'called out ones'. The church of Jesus Christ, which He Himself heads {NOT Peter-'And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him[that is, CHRIST] to be the head over all things to the church'-Ephesians 1:22}, is made up of born from above believers which come from all walks of life.
Salvation is solely by God's grace; faith is a gift of God which only He can give...you can't say you have faith in Christ unless God gifts you with that faith {Ephesians 2:8,9}. Faith in a man-made tradition and religion is not a saving faith.
"Repent, and believe in the Gospel"
You can do nothing to earn favor with God, no work, no water baptism, no sacrament will save you...G-R-A-C-E is what saves a lost sinner.

News Item10/31/09 5:54 PM
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Bert, you've taken the quote I posted entirely wrong. I know Christ humbled Himself, in obedience to the Father. BUT, where does the bible teach that Christ humbles Himself at the feet of a mortal priest, as the quote I posted states? You have pulled this quote in an entire different direction, somehow mingling the Lord's supper with Christ's humility.
The Lord's supper is not actually the blood and body of Christ, it is done in REMEMBRANCE of the price paid on our behalf. If Christ were to command us to eat His flesh and drink His blood, He would be contradicting the Old Testament commands NOT to partake of cannibalism...and we who believe the Bible is the authoritative word of God know there are no contradictions in His word. Hebrews clearly states Christ is at the right hand of the Father...with that said, how is it the RCC repeatedly claims to bring Christ out of heaven and back to earth? Where does the Bible make such a claim as this? Where does the bible state Christ is the head of the 'Catholic' church? Christ is the head of His church, i.e., called out ones.

Here's a reminder to ponder on this Reformation Day-[URL=http://defendingcontending.com/2009/10/31/the-more-rome-changes-the-more-it-stays-the-same/]]]http://defendingcontending.com/2009/10/31/the-more..[/URL]

News Item10/31/09 11:29 AM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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Bert, heed June's post.
In Revelation, our Lord speaks to the seven churches. At the closing, He says, 'he who has ears to hear, let him hear'. Why do you suppose Christ the Lord said this, after all, most have the ability to hear spoken words.
Christ was referring to our 'spiritual ear'; not everyone has the ability to hear God's truth UNLESS God himself has opened the ear. May God Almighty open your spiritual ear to His truth, taught by Him...not handed down in tradition or decided by any group of men...but given by the Spirit as we read and study His word alone. No church doctrine takes presedence over God's inspired Holy word. There is where most go astray, they believe what a church insists is truth instead of being a good Berean and searching the scriptures for themselves.They do NOT cry out for wisdom, nor do they seek it as silver. They simply decide man's teaching is correct...this thinking will lead a lost sinner down the broad way. Repent, cry out for mercy and forgivenesss...may the Lord of heaven and earth be gracious and save you.

News Item10/30/09 11:58 PM
just a thought  Find all comments by just a thought
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bert, Christ NEVER will humble nor bow down to any priest or man. He humbled himself to do the work of the Father so that wicked vile sinners may be saved. That humiliation has no connection to this blasphemous claim by some rcc priest.
As for your claim that Christ instituted the Eucharist...not true. He instituted the Lord's supper, where true blood bought believers partake of the wafer and fruit of the vine, recalling the horrendous death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. We do not believe in any magical transformation of a wafer being made into Christ's body, or wine being transformed into His blood. Christ is at the right hand of the Father, no one can bring Him back to this wicked world repeatedly through any mass.
Again, I suggest Paul Washer's sermon 'He drank your hell' found here at sermonaudio.
All RCC'rs go to great lengths to defend their religion, but they never go to such a length to defend the Lord Jesus Christ. Only God can open your ear, as well as your eyes. Time is precious, to waste it on arguing with those caught up in a cult is pointless. May Almighty God look upon you with favor, just as He does with all whom He saves. May grace be shed upon you...otherwise, you will step into eternity and discover how deceived you are.

News Item10/30/09 8:28 PM
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Bert, NEVER does the Creator humble Himself before any man. What does the words of Christ, 'Do this in remembrance of me' have to do with a priest's claim Christ bows to the command of a sinful man?! You are most to be pitied Bert; you defend a cult, disregarding God's infallible word in exchange for man's 'tradition'.
Jesus died to institute the priesthood?!? Oh really! Here's the truth Bert, Christ died for the ungodly {read Romans chapter 5}. Christ died to reconcile lost sinners back to a Holy God. His finished work on the cross satisfied a Holy God's white hot anger at sin, as the Father poured out His wrath on His own Son...may God grant you understanding. Why do you not hear God's truth Bert? Because you reject truth for lies. You doubt Christ could have saved the world with a single drop of His blood? You have no understanding of His magnificent power, you have no concept of the power of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of God. You trust in man-made teachings; unless you trust in the finished, I repeat, the finished work of Christ on the cross alone, you will perish.
Listen to this sermon entitled 'He drank your hell' -[URL=http://ww

News Item10/30/09 6:59 PM
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How blasphemous are these claims?
"The priest speaks, and Christ, the eternal and omnipotent God, bows his head in humble obedience to the priest’s command."

- Father John O’Brien

The Faith of Millions

"Jesus died to institute the priesthood. Had he not died, where should we find the victim that the priests now offer? It was not necessary for the Redeemer to die in order to save the world; a drop of his blood, a single tear, or prayer, was sufficient to procure salvation for all . . . but to institute the priesthood, the death of Jesus Christ was necessary."

- Alphonsus Ligouri

The Dignity and Duties of the Priest


News Item10/30/09 8:52 AM
Justa Thought  Find all comments by Justa Thought
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What a bunch of mentally deranged and psychotic moron Catholics in Ireland to believe that the Virgin Mary appeared in the sky. That was not the Virgin Mary but was in reality a demonic spirit masquarading as the Virgin Mary.
Instead of viciously slandering people because they have been deceived by the ungodly institution you refuse to come out of; perhaps you should mourn and bitterly weep for their likely eternal destiny absent the merciful intervention of the Lord and Savior.

Justa Thought

Survey9/27/09 8:39 PM
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Bert, the Jews never recognized the apocryphal books to begin with.
As for who the head, or rock of Christ's church is, make no mistake, the bible clearly states Christ as head, 'Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all' Ephesians 1:20-23
You cannot deny what God says, Christ is the head. Also, you have not provided biblical proof for the office of papacy. Why do you believe a lie Bert? Why don't you search the scriptures for yourself? Only a fool believes the teachings of man without comparing those teachings with what God's word truly says.

Survey9/27/09 5:24 PM
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Bert, as for your claim that the Jews accepted the apocryphal books, this too is false. They rejected them because they are not included in the original Hebrew O.T. preserved by the Jews. Rom. 3:1-2 states that God used the Jews to preserve His Word; therefore, we know that He guided them in the rejection of the Apocryphal books from the canon of Scripture.
Also, They were not written in the Hebrew language, which was alone used by the inspired historians and prophets of the O.T. They do not claim to be the inspired Word of God. Unlike the inspired Scriptures, the Apocryphal books contain no statements such as "thus saith the Lord" or "these are the words of God."
They contain teachings contrary to the biblical books. II Maccabees teaches praying to the dead and making offerings to atone for the sins of the dead. Consider this quote from II Maccabees 12:43-45: "He also took up a collection ... and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. ... For if he were not expecting that those who had fallen asleep would arise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead ... Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin." The Bible, though, says there is only one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

Survey9/27/09 5:06 PM
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Bert, Why would Jesus tell Peter his own name? Also notice what the text actually states, 'you are Peter and upon THIS rock'...Christ was referring to a type of foundation representing His church; one that is solid, immovable, an indestructible force. That is why He says, 'you are Peter'. Christ was directing attention to the meaning of Peter, rock. He then says 'this rock', not meaning Peter, but the meaning behind the name.
Again, you need look no further than God's own word as to Peter's role in the church, he was an apostle {1 Peter 1:1, 2 Peter 1:1}, an elder {1 Peter 5:1} of the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter was an apostle mainly to the Jews, Paul then comes along and is an apostle mainly to the Gentiles {Acts 13:46,47}.
Do you read the bible Bert, or do you study the RCC church doctrine? I urge you to put down man's teaching and cry out for God's wisdom. Only He can open your mind to His truth, and He does not do that based on religious, denominational preferences. He is no respector of persons.
No one from the RCC has ever been able to prove, from God's holy word, the authenticity of the office of papacy. This should send up all kinds of red flags; keep this in mind, all who refuse to accept God's truth based solely on His word will be turned over to a strong delusion...

News Item9/26/09 8:20 PM
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John Y, are you familiar with the doctrine of regeneration? There is evidence of salvation in all whom God saves and re-births. You perceive everyone who 'receives' Jesus as 'Christian'. Do you know what the word receive means? It is more than just a verbal commitment, it means 'of that which when taken is not let go, to seize, to lay hold of, apprehend, to receive a person, give him access to one's self'
As for the Reagans and their indulging in astrology, the book of Deuteronomy clearly forbids this activity. Those who Christ saves will not make a practice of this sin, or any sin for that matter.
Many Americans claim to be Christian, yet, we abort over 4,000 babies each day, the divorce rate among Christians is just as high as that of the unbelievers, only 11% of those who claim to be Christian actually read their bibles...there is definitely something wrong with this picture.

Survey9/26/09 1:53 PM
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Bert, Let's start with Eph. 6:18 {the apocryphal books are not considered part of Holy Writ} 'Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverence and supplication {meaning 'need' or 'want'}for all saints'...this is a reference to pray FOR the saints, i.e., other living believers, not TO the saints.
As for the reference to Mark 12:25-27, Christ is teaching on the fact that there is no marriage in heaven. There is absolutely nothing in those passages that command us to pray TO the dead. None of the passages you give command us to pray to the dead.
We are to pray for one another, while we are still on this earth. Once a true believer dies, he/she goes to be with the Lord...why would they need prayer at that point?
Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.”
God has provided His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the mediator between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5). Since Jesus Christ is the mediator between the two parties, we can go through Jesus to God. To attempt to contact God any other way is sin.

Survey9/26/09 9:04 AM
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Bert, Again, for the third time, I ask you to provide scripture backing your claim we can pray to Mary and she will intercede. You have avoided this question repeatedly; you simply cannot make statements like this w/o scriptural support. It is very dangerous to add to or take away from God's word, He forbids this. Please, be careful what you say.

Survey9/25/09 9:07 PM
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Bert, you said the video you watched was 'garbage'...what makes it garbage Bert, and why did you not watch the other five? For any who may be interested, the link is [URL=http://defendingcontending.com/2009/09/24/priests-and-nuns-speak-out/]]]http://defendingcontending.com/2009/09/24/priests-..[/URL]

You also seem to be trying to wriggle out of your own words, you said, 'I have never said that we must go through Mary for anything. I said the opposite: we do not *have* to pray to Mary (or any other saint) at all.' You stated in a previous post to Michael this claim, 'Jesus needs no assistant but we do. Mary acts like any mother would whose children have offended their father. She pleads our case before Jesus if we ask her to.' Tell me Bert, how does Mary make intercessory prayer for you if you don't pray to her first? You are making contradictory statements to defend your 'religion', in the process you are backing yourself into a corner. You have no biblical proof for the claims you make, which is why you must perform this song and dance act. Also, you still haven't provided scripture to support your claim that Mary 'pleads our case before Jesus'.
If you cannot defend your words with God's word, what you say is nothing more than the teachings and tradition of men.

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