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News Item1/28/09 4:52 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Don't tell me; let me guess: first the unborn children (especially of "undesirables"), and then the born children who are "unwanted", then the elderly and infirm, then the mentally and physically disabled, and then, what, probably Christians and Jews who are "troublemakers," all just sucking up our resources, right? Does this sound familiar to anyone. I wonder if that was a little slip of the tongue by Nazi Pelosi; I don't think she meant to say that outloud!

I know, I know, I should be praying for her; and I will. How did we come to this? I know, we live in a fallen world.

Come, Lord Jesus!

News Item1/28/09 4:44 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Socialism with a smile and flattery is still socialism. But I'm sure there will be plenty who fall for it.

It's still sad that we are still judgin people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character, as evidenced by the Obama win.

Angela is right; we can count on our Lord to be faithful no matter what comes.

News Item11/10/08 11:32 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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You're right, Neil. The church gets rid of their children at every turn (daycare, segregated Sunday school, public/private school, and yes, even abortion). You're right; "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Thanks for snapping me back to reality...and the truth!! We need to repent...always repent and reform.

News Item11/10/08 4:21 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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The article says, "'We just had two (children) in the last week, we were told they are now staying home with grandma until 'things get better,'" she added. "It's not getting better.'"
"'We are driving people into an unregulated system,'" said Peggy Liuzzi, executive director of Child Care Solutions, a resource and referral agency in Syracuse, N.Y."

God forbid grandmas, or better yet parents, watch their own children and raise them totally unregulated!! It will lead to anarchy! Our children must be saved from their ignorant parents!

We're being set up for mandatory, cradle to grave child care in this new Obama Nation. It's coming soon to a neighborhood near you!!

I'm sorry. I know we should be praying for our leaders; I'm just really sick of these kind of attitudes!

News Item11/7/08 11:28 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but here it is in black and white. We, (those of us who "insist[s] on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ"), are now the enemy of the progressive American people and "all other religious paths in America, various as they are, and infinite." Incredible that it starts to happen so fast!!

News Item11/6/08 5:01 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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"If this were being done to almost any other minority, people would see how un-American this is."

Really!!?? How about taking prayer out of schools? How about not being allowed to pray in Jesus's name before football games and high school graduating classes? How about the Ten Commandments being removed from public places? How about the murder of 4000 unborn children per day? Should I continue? And all this is being done not against the will of a small, loudly obnoxious group of people, but against the believes of the vast majority of Americans. I'm really sick of these people trying to justify their sins and have the American people condone them.

We need to pray for them. We also need to pray for us, the church, to repent and turn to God; then He will come and heal our land.

News Item11/6/08 4:51 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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The article says, "Opinions aside, the church could find itself in trouble with the I.R.S. It's a tax exempt organization, and the Montana Department of Revenue says under that exemption, there are rules that say an exempt organization cannot engage in political campaigns or endorse candidates."

That's funny. President-elect Barack Hussein Obama is the poster boy for Planned Parenthood. Anyone hear of their non-profit status even being questioned, must less threatened? I guess the killing of millions of black babies and the targeting of (preying upon) black women for abortions is not rascist either. If that's not calling good evil and evil good, I don't know what is!!

God have mercy on us!!

News Item11/5/08 8:15 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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It's a shame that Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has still not become a reality. Obama was elected for the color of his skin, not the content of his character. How many babies will die in the next 4 years is my question?

However, let's pray for Mr. Obama and his family, that they would see this atrocity for what it is, and that they would truly know the Lord.

News Item11/3/08 11:30 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Our first question should be, "Why do we have public, government-run schools in the first place?"

News Item11/3/08 11:34 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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If ever there was a reason to be "single issue voter," this is it!!

News Item10/30/08 3:54 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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I totally agree with John and Neil. "Conservative" Christian do not seem to want to be with their children. As a homeschooling family, it seems to us that the children are always sent away so we can be about "God's business." If the people of God look at children as a burden, what else do we expect from the lost people? Repent and reform!

News Item5/12/08 10:29 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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These people have been "protesting" for 3 months!? They are "fierce mothers raging against war"? And this was part of their "weeklong homage to Mother's Day"? Who is taking care of their children? Well, at least they set aside Wednesday for "bring your daughter to the protest" day for some mother/daughter bonding time. Another example of straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel. Unbelievable!! Sad, really.

News Item5/12/08 10:15 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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This is no longer a Christian culture. We are losing the next generation. They cannot be indoctrinated in secular humanistic, socialistic, tolerance studies for the better part of their lives each week and not have it come out in their world view. And dropping them off in a Sunday school class or with some youth minister for one hour per week is not going to combat all the false teaching they are steeped in. If we, as Christians, don't disciple our children and educate them ourselves, we are going to lose them.

(See Deuteronomy 6 and also check out
www.voddiebaucham.org )

Come on, church, wake up!!

News Item4/29/08 1:16 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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I was also raised a Roman Catholic until God opened my eyes to my sin and, by His grace, I repented and believed Him. Many of my family members and my in-laws are still blinded, and have been blinded, by the lies they have been told, such as you're okay as long you're under the Roman umbrella. Many heavy burdens are laid on them to fulfill requirements, and they believe they must merit favor with God through works, praying rosaries, penance, suffering, the merits of the "saints," etc. They are being deceived straight into hell.

But, Michael Hranek, saved by grace, and all the others, all of this back and forth just proves the point: no amount of human "wisdom," work, or arguements can convince someone. It must be the movement of the Holy Spirit the opens blind eyes and convicts men of sin and draws them to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Let's pray God continues working on Lance, maybe even through our words. But be sure, Lance, it will be the Holy Spirit that convicts and convinces, not us! I hope you can see how even now He is wooing you.

News Item4/28/08 10:55 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Dan, you are a very wise man. Thanks for the advice.

News Item4/28/08 7:35 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Faith, no one ever said that we had no choice. All these ideas (from Mike, Michael Hranek, myself, and others) are from the word of God. You need to stop hiding behind your hate of Calvinism and face the word of God; you are arguing with God, not us.

Abram "believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness." (Gen. 15:6, Rom. 4:3) This before all of his acts of obedience (i.e., circumcision, sacrifice on Mt. Moriah, before even the name change to Abraham). The Lord knew his heart and accounted his belief as righteousness.

No one ever said we were some sort of puppet on a string, but you seem to believe God is wringing His hands, waiting to see the outcome of this whole mess. God is sovreign and has taken care of everything, from beginning to end. That is why Jesus Christ is "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Rev. 13:8)

Job realized this when he said, "I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You... Therefore, I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." (Job 42:2, 6)

These are not "one or two verses with unclear meanings and spinning them in a way that contradicts the rest of the Bible leads to ridiculous conclusions." This is the whole counsel of God, from beginning to end.

News Item4/28/08 12:05 AM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Lance, I didn't say our faith gets us into heaven. The grace of God, his awesome mercy that led Him to become a man a die on a cross for sinners, is what gets us into heaven! Our faith (which, incidentally is also from God) is our access into this grace.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)

The next verse explains where our works come in.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)

The Lord saved us in order that we can do "good works," which He does through us. We were saved FOR good works, not BY good works. We don't even have a concept of good works or the ability to perform them without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. If we ARE NOT "in Christ," any "good work" we do is totally in vain. If we ARE "in Christ," the "good works" we do are a result of the change that God has wrought in us, not some "good stuff" we do because we're "good people."

The blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross ALONE is what "gets us into heaven." That is called grace! Anything else is not grace!

News Item4/26/08 12:56 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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I praise the Lord Jesus Christ that I DON'T have to rely on my "many acts of charity." I am found wanting, as we all are.

But the Lord Jesus Christ, Lance, He is not found wanting! It's on His work that I rely, and that will never be found wanting or missing the mark!!

I pray, Lance, that you stop relying on yourself. You will only find disappointment, frustration, and heartache. Rely on the Lord Jesus Christ, Lance. He will never turn you away or disappoint you!!

News Item4/26/08 12:45 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Davey is right; this is nothing new. And it won't be the last either. Minnow is also right; if you want to have your sin, you will find a way to discount a Creator that holds you accountable. (Romans 1)

The thing I found amusing (amusing if it weren't so pathetic) is that this guy is considered a scholar! And I quote,

"Verhoeven is best known as the director of blockbuster films including 'Basic Instinct' and 'RoboCop,' but he is also a member of 'Jesus Seminar,' a group of scholars and authors that seeks to establish historical facts about Jesus."

Not that being considered a "scholar" means much anyway, but this paragraph had me laughing out loud! Directing "Robocop" should be an embarrassment, not a credential.

Then we are told by a professor of religious studies that, and I quote, "they are real scholars — you have to deal with them."

Did anyone proofread this aricle before publishing it!?

News Item4/7/08 2:31 PM
TT | Tennessee  Find all comments by TT
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Kudos to Ms. King! It's wonderful to have someone speaking for the black community who actually CARES about the black community.

Neil is exactly right. Abortion is nothing less than mass genocide and in its beginning was racially motivated. Darwin, evolution, survival of the fittest, get rid of the "unfit", social engineering, Nietsche, Nazi death camps, Stalin, etc., etc.

Ms. King is right about defending the weak. And if we're not doing that, we're not being obedient to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the very heart of God.

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