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Sermon1/20/13 5:02 PM
Anon | Florida  Find all comments by Anon
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Who Do You Think You Are?
J. D. Hatfield
“ I was there ”
If you really want to know why you grow or don't grow, then listen up.

Sermon1/7/13 8:51 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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The Idolatry of the Immediate
J. D. Hatfield
“ Forever into Forenow ”
Due to the title of this sermon I almost didn't listen. IDOLATRY of the Immediate! I knew conviction would be forthcoming.

Sermon12/31/12 9:38 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Are you Doing or Deceiving?
J. D. Hatfield
“ Question? ”
I "do" many things for the cause of Christ but I am not a "member" of a local church. Am I being deceived about my relationship with Christ?

Sermon12/25/12 9:39 PM
anon | snowbelt  Find all comments by anon
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ good sermon ”
Bold preaching on repentance.

Sermon11/27/12 6:23 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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For They Did Not Obey the Gospel
Dr. James White
“ Great Sermon! ”
the gospel is always one. Only someone who does not know the Gospel would say there are many versions. Evangelicals share the same gospel. The biblical gospel. The only gospel. They may disagree on some things, but the gospel is the same. That's where unity comes from. Knowing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

News Item10/12/12 5:06 PM
Anon. | America  Find all comments by Anon.
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John uk from wales wrote:
Quite so bro.Jesus is God, and Pink was a
Lock- in scholar.
.? what is a lock-in scholar?

News Item4/23/12 12:23 AM
Anon | usa  Find all comments by Anon
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They should learn english and read the kjv. Not some hebrew per-version.


Sermon4/12/12 6:50 PM
Anon | Texas  Find all comments by Anon
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Your Sins Are Forgiven
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Richard is the best!

Sermon10/5/11 4:19 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Fabulous Sermon! ”
This is MUCH needed instruction for the church today.

News Item9/27/11 1:40 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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John UK wrote:
No, not closed CV.
God = death to adulterer
Unless Jesus changed the OT law? And therefore enraged the Pharisees?
If a man's adulterous wife is thus dead, he is free to remarry.
Do the Amish kill their adulterers or forgive them? Isn't it only through death that an Amish spouse could get remarried? If you're caught in Adultery either you're put to death or your Amish wife shall forgive you.

News Item9/27/11 1:28 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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"The American colonies officially required marriages to be registered, but until the mid-19th century, state supreme courts routinely ruled that public cohabitation was sufficient evidence of a valid marriage."

-Coontz, Stephanie (November 26, 2007). "[URL=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/26/opinion/26coontz.html]]]Taking Marriage Private[/URL]," The New York Times.

Wonder if the government would consider the millions of modern "Cohabitating Couples" (pumped up on steroids) as validly married. Perhaps this historic perspective is a reason why the homosexual community also wants to be "validly married."

News Item9/27/11 12:33 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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If not a pastor, then would a father officiate?

Also, what Bible verse requires that we have a marriage license?

Do the Amish hire a pastor to marry a couple and does this couple sign a marriage certificate?

Funny thing is that the Amish would never even consider divorce. They may become the last community on the planet without divorce. Wonder how their Matthew 19:9 verse reads.

Perhaps our church buildings and living in a complex society drives pastors to provide the vows & sermon and a married couple receives a marriage license.

Also, without a civil certificate how could we divorce when a person needs to?

News Item9/27/11 6:26 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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When will someone blow the whistle, throw the flag and put an end to this pandemic Christian orgy -- even continuing after the wedding? Whatever happened to "deny yourself, daily take up your cross and follow Me"?

Just because Margaret Sanger and her pagan devotees consume her birth control and sterilize themselves into oblivion, doesn't mean it's wise for Christians to dance to the beat of her drum. What have we become?

What is Christian marriage? Isn't it nothing more than a revolving-door?

Until pastors gather to sharply define Christian marriage parameters, discussing whether or not to marry a "cohabitating" (AKA fornicating) couple makes for a titillating article but can provide no anchor for Christian marriage rocked by this sex-soaked world.

News Item8/22/11 7:40 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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Liar Exposer wrote:
"Since Mary was age 12-15 when she consented"
You wicked deviant liar, NO SUCH VERSE EXISTS SHAMELESS LIAR. Filthy vile perverted propaganda heretic, you sick demented minds know no ends to your queen of heaven cult do you. REPENT.
Ahem. Learned her age was "about 12" from a very conservative reliable baptist pastor.

News Item8/22/11 8:33 AM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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Once the legal canon is opened to allow same-sex marriage, won't they also tinker with the age of consent? Why wouldn't these homosexuals gladly parade these (i.e., biblical, legal) precedents so they can roll back the age of consent to age 12-13 and cast a wider net for sexual partners?

News Item8/22/11 12:41 AM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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News Item8/21/11 5:45 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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If the Bible doesn't define the exact age of consent, won't our politicians, in concert with the homosexual and psychological communities, define it for us in the DSM so that the homosexual/pedophilia problem "goes away"?

News Item8/21/11 4:09 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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Currently the age of consent in the United States ranges from age 16 to 18, but "by the 1880s, most states set the age of consent at ten or twelve, and in one state, Delaware, the age of consent was only seven. A New York Times article states that it was still aged seven in Delaware in 1895."

Biblically, what age should it be?

News Item8/21/11 3:10 PM
anon  Find all comments by anon
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Since Mary was age 12-15 when she consented to conceive our Lord, wouldn't it be biblical to lower the age of consent?

News Item8/20/11 12:09 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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"In Texas, we teach ... creationism"

-Texas Governor, Rick Perry

Is Perry telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about teaching creationism in Texas public schools?

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