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News Item4/11/09 8:45 AM
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How are these people 'sharing in Jesus' sacrifice' Lance? This is more of a mockery. Christ humbled Himself and suffered severely, to the point of death, at the hands of sinners. Are these mockers going to take it all the way and die? If they truly want to 'share in Christ's sufferings' they must die.
It's amazing how this unbiblical mockery of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ is 'overlooked' by the RCC...where's the outcry and the shame at such a stunt?
The great harlot continues on in her harlotry.

News Item4/10/09 8:52 AM
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Lance, with all due respect, here is what the Bible actually says, 'And He took bread and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it unto them saying "This is my body which is given for you, this do in remembrance of me". Luke 22:19
The Lord's supper is not a means of salvation, it is a call to remember the sacrifice given for sin. To claim to 'eat' our Lord is absolutely unthinkable.
99.9% of the RCC teachings could be refuted IF folks would fall on their faces before a Holy God and cry out to Him for wisdom and understanding. Be a good Berean and search the scriptures, not church doctrine, for truth. After all, what does man live on? 'Man doth not live by bread only, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live'.

News Item3/27/09 3:41 PM
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All who God saves through His grace will leave apostate religions and not sit under doctrines of demons. Does this self-exalted pope show evidence of an inner change? Does he profess salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, as the bible truly teaches, and not through a process of works?
If this pope were truly born from above by the power of God, his life would reflect this new birth. Instead, he follows man's tradition and man's doctrine. Perhaps the Lord will be gracious and humble him, drawing him to Christ and saving him. As it stands at this present moment, he bears thorns and thistles.

News Item3/27/09 3:04 PM
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KK and Michael Hranek....Amen to both of your postings. To offer a version of the gospel that excludes reconciliation to a holy God through the cross of Christ is NO gospel. Condemning lost sinners to hell is NOT our job! Nor is it our job to look down our noses at them and proclaim their sins as 'more sinful' than our own. How soon we forget, by the grace of God, I am what I am.

News Item3/26/09 9:19 PM
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it's the typical cry, 'you are judging'. All I did was quote hate speech from Phelp's very own website, and you turn it back on me...typical behavior.
I do not find in scripture where we are called to tell lost sinners God hates them, I do not find that command. Now, if you know where such a command is located, please, enlighten us.
You say- God uses every conceivable device to bring people to repentance- again I challenge you to show, from scripture, where telling anyone God hates them has ever been used by Christ, or any of the apostles.
As for your salvation, that's between you and God. But, your fruit is a bit suspect...

News Item3/26/09 7:56 PM
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How can Phelps, or any person, know the true condition of a man's heart? Did Phelps know these slain officers, or the slain pastor from Il., or any of the other people of the funerals they protest against? COME ON! You claim this is probably an accurate description of these slain officers...do you realize you are standing in judgment over them? Did you personally know these men? Do you know if they claimed to be followers of Christ and who were living against God's will?
You are defending a different gospel, the hate gospel of the Phelps cult. The apostle Paul says all who preach a different gospel be accursed!

What hope is found in a message that tells everyone outside of Phelp's camp, 'God hates you' and 'you are going to h#ll'?
The Gospel means, 'good news'...where's the good news in Phelp's message?
May God have mercy on you, only God can grant understanding and insight against deception, extremism, and apostasy.

have a nice evening

News Item3/26/09 4:03 PM
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Maybe you can fly in tomorrow and participate in their picketing the funerals of the four slain police officers from Oakland, Ca. Maybe you can proclaim this gospel of hate to their loved ones who are left behind! Their advertisement of this 'picket' reads, 'God sent the shooter! Thank God for dead cops!'I am sure the loved ones of these slain officers will run straight to Christ after hearing 'thank God for dead cops!'
Somehow, in their twisted minds, they connect these slain officers with the slogan, 'it's okay to be g@y', and idol worship. How does the phelps bunch know the spiritual condition of these men's hearts? They claim these officers are violent, rebellious, & criminal minded. They also say, 'you will eat your kids! Time for some b!tch burgers and Obama fries!' They then have the audacity to proclaim all four of these slain officers are in h#ll.
Remnant/Chas, if you agree with this type of false gospel, you are in a dangerous position.

News Item3/26/09 3:13 PM
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You want proof? Go to the website! If you condone what you see there, you are in the same boat with 'broher fred'. I see no message of reconciliation there, no mention of Christ's work on the cross...just a sign that states, 'you're going to h#ll'.
Have you forgotten what you once were? Are you 'above' sinners now remnant? Is the sin of homosexuality more damnable than lying, or stealing, or murder, or adultery? Does Christ not teach that if you hate, you are guilty of murder?

I certainly hope no one here reads your posts expecting to be biblically enlightened!

News Item3/26/09 2:46 PM
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To think that Phelps and his groupies present a biblical Gospel is ridiculous. There is no love, just hate. Maybe some have forgotten the 'pit' God has rescued them from? Perhaps Fred has forgotten what he once was, a sinner who deserved hell and death. His hate speech could cost him eternally. Phelps is a self righteous hypocrite, who gets in peoples faces and holds up signs proclaiming 'God Hates you!'
What does Christ say, 'if you LOVE me, you will obey my commands'. Maybe a quick reading of 1st Corinthians 13 is in order here.
I recall nothing in God's word commanding His people to be disrespectful at funerals and picket with 'hate' signs. Do you honestly think anyone will want anything to do with a God Phelps claims hates them?!? Nowhere in scripture is Phelp's technique found...Phelps himself is in danger of the fires of hell for his continual spewing out hate.

News Item3/26/09 7:36 AM
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Have you checked out Phelp's site? www.godhatesf*gs.com, you'll have to put the 'a' in its proper place.
Phelps and his cult recently picketed the funeral of the slain pastor from Illinois, carrying signs such as 'your pastor is a w*o*e', and 'God hates f*gs'. This man spreads hate, and extremism. If you think he is a 'man of God', you need our prayers.
Love is NOT the only thing this cult lacks.

News Item3/24/09 9:28 AM
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This 'church' of Phelps recently showed up at the funeral of a pastor slain in Illinois. They held up signs that said, 'your pastor is a w#@%e', and 'God hates f!*s'. They also raised signs with derogatory comments against Obama. This protest was nothing more than a hate march. I urge you to further investigate this 'churchs' shenanigans.

You can check out their blog at http://blogs.sparenot.com/

News Item3/20/09 9:31 AM
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let's not feed human pride and ego by claiming some could leave others in the dust with their 'superior wisdom'. Whatever wisdom some here may have, their sarcasm and name calling cancels out any good they may be trying to do! Is the desire of the hearts of all here to edify, or tear down?
It's painfully obvious that Robert's post of 3/16/09 at 2:29 p.m. was not even read by the majority here.

News Item3/19/09 3:51 PM
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John Yurich, here you go again. You imply in one breath an accusation of insane and psychotic, then you turn around and say the pope and his church are 'christian'. A denomination that preaches extra biblical doctrine is in no way, shape or form Christian. You cannot have gray areas in your beliefs. You must accept all of God's word as infallible, the only source of truth, and the sole authority, or you are a heretic. The RCC places their church doctrine and tradition over God's word. They preach a different gospel; the Apostle Paul warns all who do such are accursed. Twisting God's word is a very serious sin John Y. That is what the RCC does, as well as many evangelical churches. You are like the wave of the sea, you defend the RCC in one breath, then lash out against it in the next. What a dangerous state you are in. May God be merciful to you.

News Item3/19/09 3:42 PM
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John Yurich, you severely lack discernment, you can't even separate the apostasy of the RCC from biblical truth. You don't understand the grace of God, or how salvation is truly given. You claim Christ, yet you sit under the doctrines of demons! You clam up when it comes to revealing to the Roman Catholics what you profess here. You pick and choose what you want to believe, not realizing the true danger of doing such. All who are lukewarm will be spewed out by Christ. You cannot 're-birth' yourself simply by saying, 'I believe in Jesus'. Please listen...only God can re-birth a dead sinner. The doctrine of regeneration is severely lacking in most of our evangelical churches; it is a doctrine you seem to fail to grasp. May God do a work in you by His Spirit.

News Item3/18/09 10:41 PM
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Cry Mercy, A-men!

News Item3/18/09 8:34 PM
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the 'poor in spirit' are those who are broken over their sins, those who see themselves spiritually bankrupt before a Holy God. This is not a reference to material possessions or wealth.

News Item3/7/09 8:45 AM
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John Yurich, you need to educate yourself on other beliefs before you defend them and call them Christian. Adventist refers to the belief that they are the fulfillment of prophecies pertaining to the latter days remnant and the second coming of Christ. From 1844-1851, they taught a shut door doctrine, based on the parable of the 10 virgins. Anyone who hadn't accepted the Advent message was shut out from the kingdom of heaven. SDA do not believe the whole or any part of man is inherently immortal. They believe in soul sleep for the saved {no conscious existence from time of death until resurrection}, and annihilation for the wicked {the body and soul are destroyed rather than experience everlasting torment}. They believe you can only get to heaven when you come to Christ through Ellen G. White {a works program following salvation by grace with light of revelation through E.G.White as the infallible guide to holy scripture}.

News Item3/2/09 12:03 PM
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gtgarner do some research on what a 'Christian' is. You seem to condone compromise, like talking to these women will change their mind. If your wife wanted to do some real good, she should have given the gospel. You're simply trying to appease your own guilt, the stench of the blood on your hands will rise to the nostrils of the Almighty.

News Item2/27/09 9:15 PM
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GG says this, 'physical people would be most satisfied with physical worship'

Christ says this, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him"
"God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth" John 4:23,24

Where is Lent commanded in Scripture? How does eating fish bring about discipline? What kind of discipline are we talking about? What happens if this discipline isn't achieved? Why the ashes?

Again, read Christs' teaching on fasting, for His teaching in accurate and true.

BTW~ The religious Jews are the ones who crucified Christ. They loved their 'traditions taught by men' more than they loved the Messiah. They were whitewashed tombs, they were filthy on the inside, they were hypocrites.
"Woe to you scribes and Pharisees,hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead mens' bones and all uncleanness" Matthew 23:27

News Item2/27/09 3:14 PM
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ajf...Christs' teaching on fasting, 'Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place, and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly" Matt. 6:16-18

IOW, when you fast, keep it to yourself! No one should even know or be able to tell you're fasting!
Don't fast because of a 'tradition' or a 'ritual', fast in secret; not because it's lent. Superficial fasting is just as useless as all other traditions followed for the sake of church doctrines.
Another thing, don't yoke yourself with an apostate church and its mandate doctrines. The bible does not command us to fast, Jesus own words, 'WHEN you fast' NOT 'you must fast', it's personal, based on an inward need or desire, not an outward tradition.

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