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News Item2/21/14 12:34 PM
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John UK wrote:
"Well, maybe I'm not your man, then."
"Thank you, I'll find someone else."
PHEW! That was a close shave.
The RCC priest can magically transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. But is that fiction worse than the Presby minister who can make a child a saved covenant child by sprinkling water on him?

News Item2/21/14 9:36 AM
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John UK wrote:
Ahem, that is a very poor comment. I suggest you have a look at the broadcasters which SA accept on site, and take particular note of how many Baptist and Grace churches are represented.
Whereas if YOU had the power and authority on this site, I expect you would remove everyone else except the Presby contingent, just like your forefathers.
As it is, are you stupidly suggesting that SermonAudio accepts as broadcasters those who hold to "unorthodox heresies"? What a vicious claim! And what an indictment against our SermonAudio brethren and sisters!
Man, you need to think more before you post your nonsense.
Trolls are exempt from thinking according to Genesis 17.28-30 in the Presby Bible!

If you can't find those verses, don't worry, its only because you haven't had magic pixie water sprinkled on you and you're therefore a stranger to the fictional covenant.

News Item2/21/14 7:32 AM
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B.Rith wrote:
Strange that the Baptist must ditch the Old Testament to establish their Anabaptist tradition of 1521.

The promise was first given to Adam and Eve. That same promise (not covenant) was embedded in the covenant to Abraham. Follow the promise silly, not the covenant! Duh!

B.Rith wrote:
Blah blah blah
More Presby hogwash!

B.Rith wrote:
JOHN vi. 37. - All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Baptist version;;-
All that the baptists giveth me shall come to me assuming he can say the right words, and him that cometh to me, by this method, I must accept as authenticated by Baptist tradition!!!
Presby version ... God is not able to save anyone unless they happen to be born of godly stock. Yeah right!

News Item2/21/14 5:48 AM
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Priority wrote:
Like head coverings, women in the pulpit was a first century issue. Today women have rights and freedoms that Paul couldn't have predicted. A male preacher or a female preacher is adiophora.
From the Greek adiophora "indifferent things" indicates things outside of moral law—that is, actions that the modern biblical context neither mandates nor forbids.
These freedoms for women are not new. Women pilot rockets and jets, are CEOs, fight wars and are heads of state around the world. To say a woman may not preach is blockheaded.
What is blockheaded is to equate apples with pears and then attempt to fly in the face of Scripture and theological reasoning offered in passages such as:

1 Tim 2
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Rebellion is rebellion!

News Item2/21/14 5:14 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Canons of UPS (2014)
"There is nothing in the Bible that says the children of the redeemed are numbered with those sheep that hear the Lord's call to salvation. Salvation is not set up on a lottery system that gives an inside track to the children of redeemed parents. We don't why God would set His love upon any of the fallen of Adam's race, but we are sure it has nothing to do with pedigree. It is purely of His grace and mercy and all glory goes to Him."
There you go an authoritative source

John 3
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Born not of blood - Oops, down with the Preby theory!

Not of the will of the flesh - Oops, down with the Arminian theory!

Nor of the will of man - Another blow to both theories. You simply cannot make someone a Christian - not by some imagined covenant with Abraham, or by emotional manipulation and revival meetings etc.

News Item2/20/14 5:32 PM
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Covenant of Grace wrote:
Are You Reformed?? (1/2) What is Reformed Covenant Theology?
Dr C.M.McMahon
Are You Reformed?? (2/2) What is Reformed Covenant Theology??
Dr C.M.McMahon
The answer is NO we are Christian and you would do well to be one too.

Presby of legion monikers, have you nothing better to do than promulgate such nonsensical lies which fly in the face of the clear teachings of the Bible and undermine the glory of the New Covenant?

News Item2/20/14 5:30 PM
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parents wrote:
Babies of Christian parents::-
"Canons of Dort (1619). First Head: Article 17. Since we are to judge of the will of God from His Word, which testifies that the children of believers are holy, not by nature, but in virtue of the covenant of grace, in which they together with the parents are comprehended, godly parents ought not to doubt the election and salvation of their children whom it pleases God to call out of this life in their infancy (Gen 17:7; Acts 2:39; 1 Cor 7:14)."
More fiction and scripture twisting. Where does it say in the Bible that children are holy by virtue of the covenant of grace, or that the parents are together comprehended in it?

As for "godly parents ought not to doubt the election and salvation of their children whom it pleases God to call out of this life in their infancy", why does this only apply to godly parents, and where is this taught in the Bible.

I wish once and for all the Presbys would just stop pretending to be Christian if all they want is to make up fiction to believe.

News Item2/20/14 5:12 PM
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God's ONE Covenant wrote:
As Scripture demonstrates.... (Dr C.M.McMahon)
Dr McMahon imposes his fiction on the Bible and calls it Scriptural. Amazing how poor minds who have abandoned light previously given to them work.

News Item2/19/14 8:29 AM
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God's Covenant wrote:
Everlasting Covenant of Grace:
If you have a mind to study anything, which frankly I doubt, then you could read the following:

[URL=https://archive.org/details/reviewofdrwardla00mcle]]] Archibald McLean on the Abrahamic Covenant [/URL]

News Item2/19/14 6:53 AM
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The question for both Arminians and Hyper-calvinists is the same - What, if anything, do you pray that God would do for the lost?

The Arminian, if consistent, would say that he does not pray for the lost because God has done everything he can do. God does not violate the will and therefore all the Arminian can do is try and persuade, emotionally manipulate etc the lost person to make a decision for Christ. Hence alter calls and easy believism.

The Hyper-Calvinist would say that he does not pray for the lost because he cannot be sure that that person is one of God's elect, and he would not want to waste his breath praying for something that he considers to be against God's will. Equally he would not preach to the lost for the same reason.

The absurdities of both positions should be obvious, but those who have bought into these errors are so blinded by their unfounded passion for their errors that no amount of reasoning will prevail with them!

On this forum these positions are illustrated by the following:

Arminian- J4
Result of easy believism - JY
Hyper Calvinist - Presby with a 1000 monikers

News Item2/18/14 11:47 AM
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Justa Thot wrote:
The SBC problem in understanding Biblical Calvinism is enhanced by those who cannot correctly exegete Scripture - Both here on these threads and in the Baptist fraternity generally.
Baptists in their "Tradition" - from the Anabaptist year 1521 - Clearly don't uphold their members as fully covenanted parents with God, when by their tradition they exclude their children from the promise of God.
Christ is the Mediator of the Covenant. Baptist tradition refuses to recognise Christ's mediation in baptism.
What is acceptable to Christ - Is not acceptable to the Baptist....
Wonder why Baptists do not baptise "Holy Children" of Covenanted parents?
Perhaps they don't trust in the promises of God!!
You can take your false teaching of the covenant of grace from the OT, but other than Gen 17 you know no OT, which is why you despise the quotes.

You are a graceless and mindless ignorant person, devoid of spiritual life and knowledge.

I bet you stand in front of a mirror practicing your lines before posting on here! What a proud peacock you are! May the Lord abase you and bring to naught all your devilish schemes to infect the minds of the unwary with your lying theology.

News Item2/18/14 5:20 AM
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CAB wrote:
FYI, Calvinists on this forum hate me bitterly, slander and revile me because I demolish the Calvinist TULIP easily. I'm a Bible Christian, no heretic at all.
I am NOT John UK!

But, you are an inveterate liar!

Samuel wrote:
Ups wrote:
1 thess 1:4
Knowing,[brethren] "saved" beloved [election] "Jews" of God. Saved Jews who came to the knowledge of the truth there with saved Gentiles.
1 peter 1:9
But ye are a [chosen] "Jews" generation, [ a holy nation] "Isreal" that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into marvelous light. "Saved Jews"...
NONE So blind as them that won't see!

News Item2/17/14 7:45 PM
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Samuel wrote:
It seems your kinda aggravated. Why? Because you believe in Calvin's theology. Sorry.
Seems to be a theme with unthinking people on this forum. Every time there is a disagreement it must be because of Calvin? Duh!

I am no friend of Calvin, but also I do not deny doctrines that he got right. You have a problem with that?

If you believe you are right the onus is on you to prove your case. So get to it.

News Item2/17/14 7:31 PM
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CAB wrote:
The Bible says "All who hate God love death."
Chapter and verse please.

CAB wrote:
Nobody doubts human beings are capable of evil....blah blah...
Life is a test, not a lottery.
IOW you cannot receive the teaching of the verse in Jeremiah, because your prejudices must overrule the teaching of God's word? You just failed a basic comprehension test!

Life's a test, eh? What percentage is the pass mark, and how do you know you're achieving it?

Your pride and arrogance means you start with a minus 100!

News Item2/17/14 7:26 PM
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Samuel wrote:
I'm simply implying that the verses he tried to use for his theology is speaking of the Jews not the elect or predestined to go to heaven
You can't prove it any more than accept the proof that anyone else gives you. What are you doing here then? Just come to trouble the unsettled? Or perhaps, to try and find someone to massage your ego?

News Item2/17/14 6:42 PM
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Samuel wrote:
I'm sorry lurker,penned, prove it and some other calvinist and by the way nobody cares about arminianism but it's obvious that John Calvin theology is warped. The Bible is clear as day that Israel and the Jews are God's chosen people. I'm not saying that all Jews are saved they still must be born again.
According to Calvins warp theology God chooses who will be saved and who will be damned. God doesn't pick someone to go to hell, they choose to go to hell by rejecting the gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Conveniently overlooked UPS' comment just before yours. I wonder why?

News Item2/17/14 6:39 PM
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CAB wrote:
Totally depraved--"total" means complete, absolute. "Depraved" means rotten through and through, pure evil, corrupt, opposite of innocent.

Total depravity does not speak of the degree of depravity but its extent. IOW not that people are as depraved as can be (your stupid interpretation of it) but that all our faculties are affected by it viz. the mind, the emotions, the will etc.

Explains why you are always putting up strawmen to knock down.

Learn a little before typing any more. Your stupidity is becoming too obvious, even to the gullible.

News Item2/17/14 5:45 PM
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CAB wrote:
Bible says scripture was written by "HOLY men of old (not totally depraved) who wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
We don't need to get born again to get born again, if you get my drift.
Scripture also says God reveals himself in his Creation, there's no excuse for anyone to not believe in Him.
You don't even understand what is meant by Totally depraved, so how can you argue against something you don't even understand?

Ps 51

5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

David the adulterer and murderer wrote that. Real Holy Man he was!

News Item2/17/14 3:05 PM
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question wrote:
GOD's Command
.........Nowhere in the Old or New Testament are these precepts regarding the people of God rescinded or annulled. Therefore they should be obeyed by ALL "CHRISTIANS."
The ONLY change which Christ commanded is that circumcision - IS REPLACED BY BAPTISM.
How dumb! Sure it was annulled when God announced a New Covenant!

News Item2/15/14 12:21 PM
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Bible Tulip wrote:
Michael "genuine Christianity" (by the Book) Is Calvinism!!
Salvation is either by God alone = Calvinist theology.
By God plus Man's help = Arminian!
(And RCC, JW and all the other tom dick and harry invented false religions)
So take your pick Michael, Calvinism by the Bible - or Arminianism which relegates the Bible and doctrine to supplement status consulted only if absolutely necessary.
How long will the Mods on SA suffer this person to insult everyone's intelligence?

Not satisfied hiding behind a 1000 monikers his incessant jibes, lies, and goading when taken with his ignorance and pride are just insufferable. I guess Lurker was right to direct him to that article about 'calvinistic' jerks. The author must have known this troll.

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