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News Item1/16/07 9:27 AM
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Quote: "1 Cor. 13

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."

Well, this demonstrates yet again that you have no real understanding of what you are reading because you never worry about the harmony of God's word. To you and to many fundies on this site, you can accept every fractured text you read at face value and not concern yourself with any contradictions that you bring about by not thinking the verses through!!

Coming back to 1 Cor 13 - According to your reading of the text Paul went on to claim that he understood all myteries, had all knowledge (presumably that means he was omniscient), had all faith, he could remove mountains (and of course you can quote chapter and verse when he did this!), gave his body to be burned etc..

What utter nonsense you make of God's precious revelation!

As for 1 Cor 14

Let me ask you a simple question - does God ever use irony?

News Item1/16/07 8:54 AM
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If you're so convinced your position is scriptural (and its not because you are tied to the same sort of silly literalism that you have been criticising on other forums) why is it that you are refusing to interact with the other scripture passages that were cited in earlier posts e.g.:

What do you understand by "tongues"? Is it an earthly language or not? Please substantiate your opinion with Scripture.

And do you believe we still have Apostles? After all Ephesians 4.11 says quite clearly he gave some Apostles?

What was the purpose of the sign gifts in the NT? Just to wow the unbelieving?

What do you understand by the following:

2 Corinthians 12:12
Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.

If the sign gifts were common to all Christian in the NT church- why does the author to the Hebrews write as he does in Chapter 2 verse 3 and 4?"

Quote:"tongues are, to me, obviously real. So therefore, they have not ceased"

Really good reason why they must be genuine!!

Survey1/16/07 8:41 AM
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Quote:"It is where the gospel is preached by men of God filled with the Holy Spirit and the Spirit works in the hearts of church members, convicting them of sin, refreshing their spirits and purifying their hearts unto godly living. It is also a time where the unsaved here the gospel of the marvelous grace of God in bringing salvation to the lost world in Christ Jesus."


That's what we call "preaching"!

Survey1/16/07 8:36 AM
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Quote JD : "This is what the Scriptures teach."

Nah!- try again!

You have a nasty habit of equating your thoughts with the thoughts of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures - and frankly since you do not understand the Scriptures because of the dispensational thinking you impose on them, then you are very far from understanding Him and them!

Since you quoted Ob 1.15, 21, can you explain to us your understanding of:

Amo 9:11 ΒΆ In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:

Amo 9:12 That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the LORD that doeth this.

News Item1/16/07 7:53 AM
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"Duh, you claim everybody who spoke in tongues in Acts was an apostle?"

No I did not say that! What I said was that the sign gifts attested that the Apostles were the genuine God appointed spokesmen.

"And since you thought you had all 8 or 9 gifts, what happened to them all"

That's the whole problem- what I thought and what I had - 2 very different things! That's how gullible people are kept within erroneous movements- they have no reality checks and therefore what they believe is never challenged!

"There's no doubt in my mind tongues are a supernatural gift. So if not from God, from who?"

Biblical tongues definitely were. What we see now is not the same. The current phenomenon is manufactured by people who mistakenly think that they are honouring the Holy Spirit - but they are very far removed from the NT gifts!

"Could it be, instead, that perhaps you are just the kind of person, as so many are, who goes along with the crowd? "

Oh yeah, that's why I left the movement, even though it cost me the love and friendship of the only Christians I knew at that point in time!

Survey1/16/07 7:47 AM
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"a revival service "

So you're trying to manufacture a revival?

News Item1/16/07 6:04 AM
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Tongues/Thus sayeth/Thumbs up for muslims etc.

Let me tell you that you are no Christian if you advocate what the Scriptures clearly condemn viz. marriage to an unbeliever.


You carry on in your delusion - presumably you too utter nonsense, hence your claim to be multi-lingual?

Your insistence on a date for cessation is idiotic in the extreme, because you would have to provide a date when the last of the Apostles died. Can you do that? If so, you have the answer to your question.

If you cannot see the link between the sign miracles and attestation of God's mouth pieces then you are ignorant of your Bible.

Let me ask you what you have been asked before:

What do you understand by the following:

2 Corinthians 12:12
Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.

Presumably you have no answer hence the deafening silence!

News Item1/15/07 3:24 PM
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Did you or did you not commend Christians to marry Muslims?

The answer to this question is important for us to know what spirit you have.

News Item1/15/07 3:22 PM
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I remember as a young and naive Christian thinking that I had all 9 (?)gifts!!

Problem wasn't tongues so much (until that is I realised that in the Bible they referred to real human languages) but interpretation of tongues. On many an occasion I thought I had the interpretation and was get about to get up to give my 2 cents worth when lo and behold someone beat me to it and what they gave as the interpretation bore absolutely no resemblance to what I would have said - when this goes on week in week out one begins to wonder what it's all about. But at the end of the day it is about what Cbc says - pride and exhibitionism!!

When I finally came to understand what the Bible teaches I found it very liberating.

If you want to have a clue what all the human instrumental miracles were all about- go back to the first mention - viz. Moses and see from God's dealings with him why he was enabled to do those mighty works - then follow the theme throughout the Bible and you will see one constant refrain- they accredited the Prophets and the Apostles. They only happened so long as these folk were around! Sign and miracles were always spasmodic and always accompanied periods when God was adding to the Bible!

What tongues is telling us is that the Bible is still being added to!!

News Item1/15/07 2:35 PM
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So tongues

Did you commend Christians to marry muslims?

News Item1/15/07 2:17 PM
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"So has knowledge also vanished away along with the ceasing of the tongues?"

From your posts - I'd say YES!

"And if I don't speak in tongues, then what is it I'm doing?"

Deluding yourself!

Survey12/29/06 3:07 PM
DUH | Here, There. Everywhere  Find all comments by DUH
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Bible Reader:

Was Enoch translated that he should not see death?

Was Elijah raptured without dying?

Please give me the common sense approach to these Bible truths.

The problem is that you believe only what your finite mind can grasp and you therefore limit the Holy One of Israel!

And so, you might be a Bible reader, but you most certainly ARE NOT a Bible believer.

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