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News Item3/2/14 4:49 AM
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Barry from KY wrote:
Anne, I agree with you
Both parties are talking at cross purposes.

I think we all agree with Neil that faith needs no props. Faith is taking God at his word.

But, I don't believe that is what Anne is talking about. If I am correct, if not Anne please correct me, Anne was referring to anything which gives us a better understanding of the Bible and makes it come alive as it were. I am sure we've all read books about the topography of Israel and studied the photos with great interest. Maybe some have even visited many of the places mentioned in Scripture. What for? To make sure that Israel exists? Because we doubted what the Bible says? No, but to add to our understanding of the Bible. I see nothing wrong with that.

Having said all that, I am not certain that this particular project will help our understanding of the Bible. There will necessarily be a great element of fiction in it.

News Item3/1/14 12:03 PM
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SteveR wrote:
Righteousness sake? LOL, you lay it on thick. More like Dopey is testing you two, whether you accept him for his faith or are blinded by this unabated childish vendetta you have against the RCC
If its a test, I understand. Who wants to share spiritual unity and love with those so petty?
A broad mindedness that you share with liberal and politically correct unregenerates, who under the guise of tolerance prove to be the most intolerant. Quite a coincidence that you share their attitude, don't you think?

News Item3/1/14 9:05 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I am pretty intelligent.
Let me guess, your nephew and the non-denominational church he goes told you that?!

News Item3/1/14 8:31 AM
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Dopey wrote:
And God is dealing with what you did with your life, be sure to tell God to shut up for a minute so you can explain to Him what you consider to be Dopey's sins.
I am sure He will get a big kick out of that.
What's the matter Dopey, lost your funny bone?

Since he is Lord of my life, why do you suppose I would do such a thing?

I see that more as a role for Pope Dopey, the deceitful one who on this forum has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted.

Why don't you tell The Lord on that day what a great job SteveR and the RCC have done and try that Pope Dopey gag with him. I'm sure he'll get a big kick out of that.

News Item3/1/14 8:10 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Since when is it a sin for one who is trusting in Jesus alone to remain in the Catholic Church?
I bet you took an IQ test and it came back negative.

Since your knowledge of the Bible is woefully inadequate (from memory you only know one verse), your asking such a dumb question is no surprise.

Watching you over the years is like watching a hamster running on a wheel in its cage. Fun for about a minute!

At least a hamster can be cute. I'm afraid you hold no such attraction.

And no I'm not going to quote all the obvious places in Scripture which speak of separation from churches which are no churches but Synagogues of Satan because frankly you don't give a cent anyway for what the Bible teaches because your mind is made up that the Bible simply doesn't matter. What goes is what you're prepared to believe viz your nephew blah blah blah.

News Item3/1/14 8:00 AM
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Dopey wrote:
Michael and anyone else who reads this this comment,
At 3/1/14 2:10 AM
in the 'Son of God': Churches, Religious Groups Snap Up Almost...thread I stated to Jim Lincoln (and anyone else whom God gaves eyes to see) the following:
"Jim before I was saved I saw what nonsense the Roman Catholic Church equals, which is why I quit going to a Roman Catholic Church long before I ever heard of the gospel.
After I got saved the Lord led me to speak out against the Roman Catholic Church, among other ways, through the Scripture approved methods of sarcasm and satire.
My writings are full of criticism of the Roman Catholic Church by means of sarcasm and
Michael , as I have written recently said in another thread I was placed on the Roman Catholic Church's rolls as a child. I have never been ex-communicated by the Roman Catholic Church. In the RCC's eyes I am a Roman Catholic in good standing.
Michael , should I write the Pope and beg him to ex-communicate me?
This is a completely inadequate explanation of your congratulating SteveR for his posting and following it up with the revelation that you are a "saint in the RCC". SteveR is accepted as an RCC troll and I'm afraid that post of yours ranks you now with him.

News Item3/1/14 6:10 AM
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Dolores wrote:
Duh, Ireally appreciate your coment about why you commened to me about Dopey to warn me not to bring me to task. That was kind of you, however, I happen to like Dopey and others on here that have made comments against my beliefs which is Baptist mostly. My mother was Methodist and all her family. My husband's family is Pentecost ( his brother is a Holiness preacher) and can you imagine me trying to fit into that family....
Thanks Dolores for your post back. Dopey may be a 'good' person in worldly terms, and there are plenty of them around, but his deceit and behavior on this forum makes his standing in this community suspect as best. Theologically, it remains to be seen where he is at, but I would advise caution in your dealings with him.

As for your family situation, I feel for you. You've certainly been through the mill! For what it's worth the course of action you've decided to pursue is entirely biblical, as hard as this may be.

Dolores, be sure that you're not the only one with such difficult circumstances. We all have our crosses to bear. I shall be praying for your witness and your husband's conversion. May The Lord Jesus give you wisdom and the strength to do what is pleasing in His sight. God bless.

News Item3/1/14 5:21 AM
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Dopey wrote:
By the way you are right about my adamic nature. But I find it so refreshing that it seems the people here at SermonAudio each have their adamic nature under such incredible control that the Lord Jesus Christ must be so pleased in everything they do, say, and think.
I know that what I just stated in my last sentence is a figure of speech, but I can't remember what it is called.
I think you are thinking of sarcasm. In this instance born of ignorance, but I haven't found much in your posts that doesn't have a large dose of the stuff. The "I'm out of my mind, give me 5 minutes" act was the apex of your stupidity, but even your previous posts indicate clearly that someone had stopped payment of your reality check.

I suspect that you have none other than the adamic nature and that's the difference between you and most of the folk here. You may know stuff, but it doesn't seem to make a difference to your behavior. Pretty much like John Y and SteveR. And that's a real shame.

News Item2/28/14 7:36 PM
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Mike wrote:
Define moralism, so I can see its inadequacy from your perspective.
Looks like Gil preached a new sermon which Jim's been paid to go make viral.

In response to Jim's inadequacy of moralism statement, all I'd say is that we know that all generalizations are false.

News Item2/28/14 3:53 PM
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Dopey wrote:
By the way have you brought in any more truckloads of those great commentaries you introduced me to?
Why bother with Protestant commentaries? Should you not be busying yourself studying the infallible (albeit contradictory) utterances of the Vicars of Christ upon the earth - the successors to the Apostles?

News Item2/28/14 3:48 PM
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Dolores wrote:
I wasn't trying to be unkind, when I said that,Dopey and I knew that I would be taken to task because I am not seeing things the way others see things...
Dolores, if you are referring to my post of 2/28/14 10:55 AM, which followed yours, be sure I was not aiming at you. I was trying to point out his true character so that you were not fooled. Sorry you got the wrong impression.

News Item2/28/14 3:23 PM
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Dopey wrote:
The Holy Spirit told you that did He? Please share with us the Scripture He told you that from. Or if it was a direct revelation from God without the use of Scripture please tell us exactly what the Holy Spirit said. And remember this while you are preparing your answer:
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
(Matthew 12:36)
He got it from Papa Francis by ESP. Which is even better from a Roman Catholic VP.

News Item2/28/14 11:18 AM
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Hmmm.. wrote:
Foolish talking...and jesting are condemned in the Bible.
Check out Ephesians chapter 5.
Does not apply to Dopey because he's not a Christian.

News Item2/28/14 10:55 AM
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Dolores wrote:
Btw,Dopey, if I quit then I couldn't read about your fun loving adventures and antics you so like to stir things up with..keeps everybody on their toes.Nope, the sitting on the porch gets awful boring so I think I'll run with the big dogs for awhile.
Yeah, a fun loving Roman Catholic who's just having some fun with those heretic Protestants on SA.

News Item2/28/14 5:01 AM
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Dopey wrote:
Duh, what are you trying to do to me with your 2/27/14 7:34 PM post, ruin my life?
However, now I don't want to do any work but rather spend the next 14 monthes or so just reading some of that treasure trove you brought with you and which is reached by clicking on the link COMMENTARIES at the bottom of the page.
Good night all! If I don't meet you in the rapture tonight I may see you briefly tomorrow.
An unregenerate troll interested in theology, and passing himself off as a Christian.

News Item2/27/14 7:34 PM
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Dopey wrote:
Dorcas and Michael it is indeed gut wrenching dealing with unsaved family members.
I recall witnessing to my unsaved father as he lay dying in a hospital.
I was witnessing to him from the passage about the thief on the cross, the story of a man who led a bad life and was about to die but who still made it to heaven at the very end of his life by turning to Christ.
Outside in the hallway sat my two unsaved sisters listening and who must have thought I was off my rocker as they listened to what I was saying to my Dad.
That day was one of the two most gut wrenching days of my life. I will pray for you both concerning what you are going through as I know from experience, that gut wrenching things are extremely hard things to deal with.
You're saved? After your performance today, I don't think anyone will agree with you.

Hey Dopey, since you recommended Dwight Pentecost on Eschatology, maybe you'll be interested to read the following:

[URL=http://www.baptistbiblebelievers.com/OtherBookTitles/ROMANISMIntheLightofScripture1962.aspx]]] Romanism in the Light of Scripture [/URL]

News Item2/23/14 12:52 PM
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ONE Covenant wrote:
What the SBC needs is the correct interpretation of the Covenant of Grace and thus of the OT.
What's needed is Presbys to abandon their silly idea that they have a special standing with God because they may have godly parents. Their stinking pride needs to be abased and then perhaps (though I won't be holding my breath) they might just see how contrary genealogical salvation by right is to election and salvation by grace. These modern day Jews are just as stiff necked as their OT counter-parts!

Imagine their shock and surprise when The Lord returns and gives them the same answer he gave to the Jews of his day viz. Matthew 3:9
"And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham."

Perhaps the stones were better covenant parents, eh?

News Item2/22/14 9:39 AM
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Reformation wrote:
Q? Why do Baptists abandon/discard the OT?
Why are you given to shameless lying?

As someone once said, and that is why YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!

News Item2/21/14 6:27 PM
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John UK wrote:
How do you tell if the parents are Christians?
If they've been sprinkled as babies, they're Christian!

B.Rith wrote:
Col 2:7-13.
Why does the Lord connect circumcision, Christ, His attributes and baptism in such close proximity in these verses? What is the relation theologically between them?
All of these verses are centered upon Christ. The seven verses are knit together IN Christ and full of meaning connecting, - Christ = Covenant = circumcision = baptism =faith.
The Lord illustrates in the verses and their interconnecting validity how the "sign and seal" of the Covenant which Christ is mediator of, and His attributes unite in Covenant application. Ingrafting into Christ - remission of sins - regeneration - circumcision - baptism are spiritually focused and brought together in Christ - in grace and in a soteriological way.
You cannot omit or disconnect any of these links without breaking the chain. These verses consolidate the Covenant of Grace from Genesis 17 to the NT. Thus do we see the unity between OT and NT of the Covenant in these verses with Romans 4 and Galations 3.
Can someone please translate this into Christian language? All I can hear is CCCCOOOOONNNNNFFFFUUUUUSSSSSIIIIOOOONNN

News Item2/21/14 3:17 PM
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John UK wrote:
Equally culpable, I'd say. And probably much psychology and control involved. But in Jesus Christ there is perfect freedom and assurance.
Looks like Presby is away dreaming up a testimony. Can't you just hear him say, "..Ah those heady days of babyhood when we were all sprinkled and immediately regenerated by the Spirit of God..."

Nothing Christian about that at all!

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