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News Item3/1/10 10:21 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"The Role of God in Natural Disasters"

The providence of God not only works in the selection of governmental leaders, including the worst of ones such as Nebuchadnezzar, but also in the happenings of nature. What happens is never the fault of "Mother Nature" but an event in the plan of Father God. This includes such tragedies as Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami on the west coast of Indonesia and most recently the cyclone to hit in Myanmar. There is nothing that happens by chance, even the outcome of the roll of the dice. Everything, every event is under the control of God.

We cannot understand God's infinite purposes with our finite minds. He alone is all-knowing, all-powerful with a perfect plan to accomplish His purposes. We do have a human responsibility and accountability, while living under His sovereign will and authority God.

We should be moved with compassion when tragedies take place but we must have a proper perspective about tragedies. The God who created everything continues to be active in His Creation. He sustains it, directs it, and controls it. The Father and the Son are involved in the Creation. The Deist position that the Creation goes on by the working of natural laws without Christ's involvement is NOT biblical.

Jim Lincoln, Very good Link!

News Item2/27/10 9:52 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Kingdom Citizen wrote:
Jim, I know the U.S. presidency is the office of Antichrist, but are you implying that Obama is Caesar?
Please don't ever ask Jim Lincoln to ever "think" because he is liable to hurt himself. All he know is hooking on to "links" that he probably has never read. This gives him a feeling of godliness, but he denies the power therein with all the drivel he links every day!

News Item2/27/10 9:39 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
"what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges."
1 Corinthians 5:11-13 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person. For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”
Jessica Dawson,

Here is 1 Cor 5:11-13 from the KJV for you to "judge". Which translation has more authority?

"But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or coveteous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat.

For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?

But them that are without God judgeth. therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person."

Tiger Woods does not realize that the first step to Heaven is that he is lost. And the Highway to Glory is by the way of the Cross!

News Item2/24/10 9:03 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Well, General George Casey, here is the solution to the problem of homosexuals serving in the Armed Forces of the USA.MAKE THEM ALL SERVE IN THEIR OWN DIVISION Then Send these "Homo" divisions over to Iraq to "fight for the rights that they adore"

(This would apply to both "Sodomite" men and "Lesbian" women.) These homosexuals are one of the reasons that the Muslims are calling the USA infidels and are at war with us. So doesnt it make sense that if these homosexuals are so "proud" of their ability to now marry and have a relationship with one of their same sex, why not have them segregated and fight our war seperately

Then withdraw the "Straight" troops to come back and defend both our borders so that no more illegal imigrants be allowed to cross Any illegal imigrant men 18-35 that want to come to the USA, put him in their own divisions and let them back up the homosexual divisions If they are drug dealers, supply them with marijuana, crystal meth, herion, cocaine, etc" so they can do what they do best and get these muslims "high"! We all know they have the money to pay for these drugs because we have been getting ripped off for their oil for the past several years con

News Item2/22/10 11:55 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Rather than "Judges", Christians are to be "Fruit Inspectors"

News Item2/22/10 11:44 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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So I'm a "fool" for Christ's sake, so whose "fool" are you

News Item2/22/10 9:28 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Steve Middleton,

Perhaps you should read over what Jesus said to the scribes and pharisees regarding whom their father was or throwing out the money changers in church, etc. In your understanding of scripture, that was not judging,right : when Jesus used the term "Woe unto you!"

You just took my comment entirely out of context and jumped to conclusions, sir, because we are to judge, but not to condemn anyone because that is God's job and not ours. Nas Pah?

So Woe unto you because YOU just judged me

News Item2/22/10 9:18 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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1Cor 3:18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

1Cor 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.

It seems odd to me that God hasn't taken this fool out of the world, but that is why He said my ways aren't your ways and my thoughts aren't your thoughts!

And if I examined my own life closer, I'm sure there are many who have thought this same thing about me!

So Jesus. thank you this morning for saving me from what I deserve for my sins which is hell by taking my place on the cross and shedding your blood for my sins. Please help me to live my life each day ever mindful of your grace and your mercy, Jesus, that I might glorify you and God the Father. Amen

News Item2/21/10 10:48 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Steve Middleton wrote:
Instead of judging the man, you should pray for Him and His wife.
We ARE to JUDGE because we are going to judge angels among other things, but we are not to condemn them but to pray for our enemies and those who are lost like Bennie Hinn and Elton John, etc.

News Item2/20/10 12:11 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Wow, Finally good news for a change Of course the question now is, which translation do the Chinese people get? Since we have over 200+ translations, let's give them one of each so they can decide for themselves which one is correct for them, right

Or should they receive the KJB that has been translated in Chinese so they can receive God's preserved Word

Okay, let the translation battle commence

News Item2/18/10 9:40 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Mike wrote:
You do have to wonder why they feel threatened by what they hold to be a non-existent God. But there isn't much evidence atheists are agreeable to reason.
This is why it seems so strange that the "minority" is now telling the "majority" what "offends" them and we are supposed to be concerned and give a rat's

Yesterday, one of these saps said she was "offended" when I sang "I'm Proud to be a Mexican" to the tune of "I'm Proud to be an American", the Lee Greewood hit after 9/11. My name is "Lee Greenback" for this sleeper hit and have some fake sideburns and mustache to match the toupee I'm wearing when I sing this masterpiece that we wrote to wake up the sleeping public!

My goal is to get on "America's Most Wanted" or "America's Got Talent". (Either one I'll get my picture taken!)

Our country has been involved in other countries hopeless problems for too long and sicne we now get NO Respect or Support, let's call in our Armed Forces stationed all over the world and let all these third world countries work out their own problems because we have not helped any of them so far.

Every day we are invaded by Mexico on our borders! Let's stope this nonesense and put our own citizens back workin

News Item2/17/10 3:34 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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These athetist billboards are just a preview of the ones for their holiday which is celebrated on April Fool's Day that is coming up in a couple of months.

Let me see if I have this straight that these are the "fool's" that don't believe in a God, but are then "offended" if you pray to the God that they don't believe in.

To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Psalm 14:1 (KJV)

To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
Psalm 53:1 (KJV)

News Item2/11/10 2:34 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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ErnieG wrote:
Amen and Amen, Brother UK John!
How's things going with you, Bro? The 5br house is in escrow is going very slowly which is just as well because we have to get our credit report cleared of $1,579 or pay this in order to get this house. It is now for MEN who have served in the Armed Forces of the USA.
(It was going to be for the homeless, but after much prayer having ALL veterans is more plausible.)
Right now, we have just hired a female sec/tres to help with getting this project get off the ground. Her father is a vet. She is 21 yrs old who called on Jesus Christ to be her personal Saviour on Feb. 1st. (She had read my tracts but wanted to let the Pastor show her how in church Now she wants me to mentor her every day!
Unfortunately, this woman is living with her family that are doing drugs and has allowed them to overwhelm her back into some kind of addition. She needs our prayers because she has taken advantage of me and stopped coming to bible study. Her whole family is ruined and have five adults and three cildren crammed into a two br apt. It is also my fault for showering her and her sick family with gifts which were taken as rewards for their sinful practices. Very discouraging and sad

News Item2/9/10 9:53 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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John UK wrote:
Too true, Ernie
And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
Mark 8:34-35 KJV
We need to get back to this Christian mentality, instead of the lackadaisical approach being recommended from most pulpits.
Amen and Amen, Brother UK John!

How's things going with you, Bro? The 5br house is in escrow is going very slowly which is just as well because we have to get our credit report cleared of $1,579 or pay this in order to get this house. It is now for MEN who have served in the Armed Forces of the USA.
(It was going to be for the homeless, but after much prayer having ALL veterans is more plausible.)

Right now, we have just hired a female sec/tres to help with getting this project get off the ground. Her father is a vet. She is 21 yrs old who called on Jesus Christ to be her personal Saviour on Feb. 1st. (She had read my tracts but wanted to let the Pastor show her how in church Now she wants me to mentor her every day!

News Item2/9/10 8:00 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever, shall lose his life for my sake, and the gospel's,the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:35,36 (KJV)

Jesus has said this three times about those who ae trying to save themselves will lose their life

News Item2/4/10 3:35 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"What did they call the first case of "Aids"?,

The answer is "First Aid"!

The First case of Aids was from sexual intercourse with a Monkey or Ape. This may have been done by a "Purser" who was flying acroos the USA working for an airline in 1979 infecting others. Despite the Government knowing that he had this disease, he wasn't quarantined. (An educated guess would be that it was done to prove that man "evolved" from Monkeys or Apes.)

Some preachers thik is God's Revenge for this ABOMINATION!!! And I totally agree with those who are preaching saying this because despite the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS given to the medical doctors to find a cure, they have never found one. And if they spend a TRILLION DOLLARS trying to cure Aids, "they" NEVER will cure it if this is God's Revenge!!

My advice to Elizabet Taylor is, Save the money and get your face lifted!!!

News Item1/29/10 4:56 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Mike wrote:
"What a difference a year can make. Last January, newly inaugurated President Obama stood outside the U.S. Capitol and pledged to “begin again the work of remaking America.”"
How's that remake going? (not that remaking America is the president's job)
"He pitched the idea of a new bipartisan panel to investigate ways to slow down the annual deficit, which, forecasted at nearly $1.4 trillion this year, has rocketed to its highest levels since World War II."

“It begins with our economy,” Obama said. “That is why jobs must be our number one focus in 2010.”

"The president also proposed a three-year freeze on domestic spending programs."

"Lastly, Obama took on all of Washington for its partisan pettiness: “What frustrates the American people is a Washington where every day is Election Day. Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades, it’s time for something new. Let’s try common sense.”

Is there such a thing as pathological comedy? You know, telling funny stories which are lie-based?
Your summary question would be VERY FUNNY if it weren't true! Sadly, the USA is quickly turning into an OBAMA-NATION! And what is even worse, the people don't care!

Survey1/24/10 8:06 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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I just voted for "All of the Above" because I didn't want to leave out
"Contempary" as many of the IFB Churches are using them and some are quite well written.

The IFBC are also using "Patch the Pirate" songs for the children, and there is NO WAY you can exalt a pirate!!! (Next thing they will be singing "Carlos, the Drug Dealer" songs, because they have a good message! (No offense made to anybody named Carlos, Since most of drugs coming in are from south of the border)

My "Hedges and Highway Minstry" will include Contempory Music because I have also written some songs that could be classified as such. Only one of the Christian Churches I asked would play them, and a Mormon church just played the music without the words. After the service, they asked me to become a member again. I said, "No thanks, I've been there and done that"!

I said what Gal 1:8 says from their KJV Bible. I said, "There is no angel moroni in the Bible. And Paul said let them be accursed or damned to those preaching a different gospel! And besides,there were NO witnesses to the golden tablets. The burning in your bosum is only indigestion! NOTHING that Joseph Smith said has every come true. The Mormon church is a non-prophet organiztion!

News Item1/24/10 1:23 PM
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Alias wrote:
"But the pastors of the 501c3 church will not speak against this at the risk of the loss of his tax exemption."

My Hedges and Highways Ministry for homeless veterans is in the process of filing for a 5013c status, and I was not aware it would restrict my preaching out against anything that is an abomination to God like hmoosexuality found in Romans 1 for example. Would you mind explaining what you can and can't say as I haven't yet filled out the form? Because if what you say is true, I will not file for a 5013c because I would rather pay any expenses out of my own pocket than to be restricted to what or what I can't say.

In 2004, I preached at the Reno Sparks Gospel mission when it was in downtown Reno. I was a member of the Lighthouse Baptist Church at the time, but lot's of other "Christian" Churches spoke there every night, so there was no restrictions at that time. (The only problem I had was when I defended the KJV. But after I spoke with the pastor/founder who was "like-minded", this was resolved.) But when the city made them move to another location and the founder sold out and the city got involved, they imposed restrictions and we no longer preach there. So was this just a city restriction or state? confused:

News Item1/23/10 4:03 AM
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Kevin Smith of the Nassau County Police told the AP the whole thing was pretty cut and dry from a public safety perperspective.

"We asked for his help in getting the crowd to go away by a Twitter message. By not cooperating with us, we feel he put public lives in danger, and the public at risk," Smith told reporters.

Strangely, a tweet was sent from Justin Bieber's Twitter account around the time of the arrest of Mr. Roppo. "They* are not allowing me to come into the mall," Bieber tweeted, "If you don't leave, I and my fans will be arrested, as the police jus told us."

There we no other arrests made besides Mr. Roppo.

Just remember, you heard it in American Police Beat first--the first arrest ever for "Failure to Tweet."

If this article is really true, then we should be joyful in our trials and tribulations no matter what they are.

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