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2,761 total votes have been cast on this survey | 308 user comments  ( edit survey )

Do you use an MP3 player (hardware) to listen to sermons?
Created: 6/14/2003 | Last Vote: 7 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   Yes, I have an MP3 player to listen to sermons. Leave a comment, which MP3 player you use.
  69% | 1,905 votes

 •   No, I do not have an MP3 player.
  22% | 601 votes

 •   I have one but I do not use it to listen to sermons.
  5% | 142 votes

 •   I don't understand the question.
  1% | 23 votes

 •   None of the above.
  1% | 28 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  2% | 62 votes


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Survey4/2/10 9:59 AM
Lewis V. | Columbus, Ohio  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Lewis V.
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Until about a week ago, I was listening to Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotional daily using my Blackberry. It was great! I had a bookmark set in my browser that would take me to the page each day.

About a week ago, the bookmark stopped working. It now takes me to a page that starts with a list of languages, then tells me about an iPhone app, but I can't find a way to get to the Spurgeon devotional anymore. What a disappointment.

Anyone have any ideas?

Survey2/8/10 10:15 AM
southern gospel | Texas  Find all comments by southern gospel
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Sansa 4GB with 4GB SD card. Running out of room!

Survey8/7/09 10:56 PM
Fremantle Doctor | Sudbury, Canada  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Fremantle Doctor
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I used to download sermons onto my Hard Drive and then burn CDs (usually one or two sermons per CD!) to play in the car. I had so many CDs in the end it wasn't funny.

I then purchased a Sansa 8GB with expansion slot. Best investment ever and no more CD's!

Survey7/9/09 9:55 PM
Jake4564545 | United States  Go to homepageFind all comments by Jake4564545
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I have a cheap 1GB Creative Zen that I use just for sermons and listening to the Bible (free one I downloaded of ASV New Testament and KJV Old Testament). It is small and I bring it to school to listen to during downtime (I;m a high school student).

I also have a Nokia N800 Internet Tablet that I use to podcast sermons and podcasts using GPodder (including from SermonAudio!) as well as music and a host of other things.

Survey6/30/09 1:00 PM
Keith Watson | Oregon, USA  Find all comments by Keith Watson
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I have 3 iPod Nanos. I use them to listen to sermons and audio books downloaded from this site and other sites.

I chose the iPod since my car stereo has an iPod cord. This allows me to listen to and control the iPod from the car stereo.

Survey6/23/09 10:03 PM
ur  Find all comments by ur
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The Sansa 230 is cheap at $19.99 (Amazon) and seems to work well. I have five of them.

Survey5/25/09 9:27 AM
Yorky | Great Britain  Find all comments by Yorky
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I use a 4 GB Sony Walkman; it has a bit of music on it, but mostly sermons & Bible readings.

Survey5/18/09 8:54 PM
Yakuba Bowers | Mali, West Africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Yakuba Bowers
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we use a Sandisk Sansa e200 and an older m240, an iPod shuffle, or a Palm PDA for sermons. All good, tho the newer Sansa or the Palm are best.

Survey3/21/09 2:57 AM
jennifer Buck | Jennifer Buck  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by jennifer Buck
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Survey2/26/09 4:53 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Derrick wrote:
Yeah, you can use an ipod for sermons. I have an ipod touch that I use.
thx derrick for the info I end up getting one and got a suprise when i took it home and the girl sold me a 16G instead of a 8, then when I rang her to say what I should do she just replyed enjoy. Now I can listen to sermons in bed and wake up without my old balky walkman sticking into my ribs.

Survey2/21/09 9:03 PM
Derrick | NC  Find all comments by Derrick
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Yeah, you can use an ipod for sermons. I have an ipod touch that I use.

Survey2/9/09 6:40 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Hi everyone new to these gagets whats the difference between a ipod and an mp3 player can I load sermons from sermon audio on a ipod? Thx

Survey5/26/08 1:12 PM
WCB | California, USA  Find all comments by WCB
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I have two Sony mp3 players. A Sony walkman and a sony "boombox".

Survey1/2/08 4:17 AM
bert smith | california, USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by bert smith
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Michelle wrote:
I use a DMC Xclef mp3 player. I like it a lot. I bought the 40 GB. It comes in either 40, 60, 80,100 or 120 GB toshiba hardrives. I had been thinking of getting an Ipod so I did some research and price comparisons. I found a good deal on ebay. They sell them on there factory direct. Xclef has been a good choice for me. It was a lot cheaper than Ipod and has a built in FM tuner and encoder. It is standard without having to buy an adaptor. I hook it up to my stereo system with a rca Y splitter cord. The only thing I wish I could do is hook it up in my car. I wonder if there is a kit out there that would be compatible.
do you still have the DMC500? I bought one two, but I never downloaded the most recent firmware update. THen, the fools there took if off thier site very soon after I bought it, and after no less then TEN emails asking for the most current update, they have yet to return a single email. Not very nice people. I cannot find it anywhere online. Anyone?

Many thanks

Survey12/23/07 10:31 AM
Paul Rodgers | Northern Irleand  Find all comments by Paul Rodgers
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I use an Archos Gmini 20GB. I used to listen to music on it, but now I take it with me when I go walking to listen to sermons e.g. Paul Washer, John MacArthur, John Piper.

Survey12/8/07 10:58 PM
clkdg  Contact via emailFind all comments by clkdg
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IPOD 30 gb mp3 player - I also use a FM transmitter in my car/truck which will boradcast wireless to an fm station on your radio, works great through the auto speakers.

Survey12/5/07 1:20 AM
Deborah J. | Idaho  Contact via emailFind all comments by Deborah J.
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I have a 30 gig ipod. Have downloaded some podcasts, but am new to this site. So far I love it. What a blessing!

Survey12/1/07 10:56 AM
Michael Ooi | Singapore  Contact via emailFind all comments by Michael Ooi
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I use a Palm Tungsten T5 PDA which has RealPlayer which will play mp3 files.

Survey12/1/07 1:26 AM
Regan | North Dakota  Find all comments by Regan
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I use a sony 300 cell phone. Great phone great mp3 player!

Survey11/26/07 1:04 PM
Richard Hamilton | Nottingham, England, UK  Contact via emailFind all comments by Richard Hamilton
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Use 2-gig iPod with portable speaker so that that others (e.e. family) cab listen.

Many Thanks for your great work for all the believers.

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