Great Pastor Pastor Donnelly has gone to be with the Lord, but for the past 30 years of my Christian life, his sermons have formed the bedrock of learning about Jesus.
Great Sermon Pastor Donnelly isn’t with us anymore but his sermons are - he has been one of my favorite preachers ever since j first became a Christian at age 55; now I am 82 - thank you Lord Jesus, for calling me. Thank you for all the faithful preachers who bring good news of your Word.
Great Sermon! Wonderful message on Gods placing of us where and when he thinks best. Pastor Donnelly has served Gods people well during his time here on earth .
Great Sermon! Pastor Donnellys sermons have provided biblical insight for me for many years now - he was one of the best preachers ever thanks be to God. I know he is in great company now.
Great Sermon! So saddened to hear of Padtor Donnelly passing . Met him years ago at the wonderful family conferences held in Tennessee and have listened to his sermons almost nightly since then. He is with his Savior for sure.
A blessing to a growing deacon. I pray the Lords blessing on Rev. Donnelly’s family and congregation. I heard of Rev. Donnelly’s passing from a former pastor. I’m glad to drink in this encouragement and exhortation for deacons - and all of God’s church.
Great Sermon! Several years ago I commented on the importance of the messsge and now again, I say the same. I urge every Christian to reaffirm our identity with and in Christ.
Great Sermon! Great series and explanation of what the beatitudes are and who they are for - thank you always Pastor Donnelly for your excellent messages
Great Sermon! Every message is so full of blessing that we share aschristians and need to share with those who aren’t - the day is coming for a final judgement and hell awaits those who do not believe in Jesus .
Great Sermon! We are either believers in Jesus Christ or we aren’t - it’s one or the other in this life and the next - the most important thing in this life is to believe in Jesus Christ