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Survey9/23/09 6:07 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Michael Hranek wrote:
For one He is in no way Allah, nor the infant of Prague, nor comediator with the Roman Catholic Mary and certainly not some lifeless piece of bread.
A false Jesus saves no one
Each of those arguments (except the Infant of Prague which is just a statue), Michael, are based upon a particular interpretation of the Bible. So, how does that make 'my' Jesus different than 'your' Jesus?

Survey9/23/09 5:36 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK wrote:
#1 This article you directed me to, Bert, is most helpful in seeing things from your perspective, and will make it easier to put you back on track.
If I am off track, John, I look forward to your explanation and guidance. So far, though, most arguments I have seen center on differences of opinion concerning the interpretation of a passage. The Catholic Church has been accused of being unBiblical and even satanic but I have yet to see any solid argument supporting such a position.
John UK wrote:
If I read it right, the article is claiming baptism as necessary to salvation (new birth) which puts the gift of salvation into mens' hands. So that if a man is never baptised, he cannot be saved, no matter how godly a life he leads.
But, the gift of Salvation IS in men's hands. God gave us free will which means that I am completely free to accept or reject Him. Doesn't that put the gift of Salvation in my hands? Plus, Jesus said that if I blaspheme tha Holy Spirit, I will not be forgiven in this life or the next. That sounds ominously like Heaven would be closed to me no matter how "godly" I live my life after that point.

Survey9/23/09 4:37 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Presbyterian wrote:
Both Martin Luther and the Protestant Church put their faith in Holy Scripture. God's Reformation in the 16th century helped us achieve that.
If you truly believe that, please show me where, in Sacred Scripture, the Reformation is declared to be of God. Note that I am not saying that it isn't, just pointing out that not everything we accept has 100% Scriptural support.
Presbyterian wrote:
Considering your 'faith' is in relics, icon's, dulia worship of dead people and other unBiblical practices; - I am more than happy that we prove that our faith is in the correct doctrine and reading of Scripture, ALONE.
I have, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church, faith in the Holy Trinity ONLY. We do NOT put any faith in icons, relics or Saints. ALL of our worship is completely Biblical. All of the tenets of the Catholic Church are derived from Holy Scripture and/or Sacred Tradition. We may disagree on the correct interpretation of a particular passage but that does not, by itself, make either of us unBiblical.

Survey9/23/09 3:49 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK wrote:
... It corrected all the errors of the Presbyterian Confession like: infant baptism, church & state, weird covenantal beliefs, double (+ve +ve) predestination, Sandemanianism etc etc.
Infant Baptism has Scriptural references to support it just as the argument to NOT Baptise infants so, to me, it is a wash (pardon the pun )
John UK wrote:
There is a problem with hearing the scripture read in a RCC, because if someone asks the priest (for example) what Jesus meant when he said "Ye must be born again" they would receive a dreadful interpretation of those words and be led away from the truth, being convinced (as a baptised Catholic) that they were born again at baptism.
For the "born again" part, I refer you to [URL=http://www.catholic.com/library/Are_Catholics_Born_Again.asp]]]this explanation[/URL] which is much better than anything I could provide.
John UK wrote:
However, the Word of God still has power, when attended by the Holy Ghost, to bring any sinner to new birth, without the involvement of any other person than the man reading it.
No argument there. The Holy Spirit is capable of many wonderous things if we would just let Him do His Will.

Survey9/23/09 1:42 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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John UK,

I’m afraid that your “1689 Baptist” comment is lost on me. I assume that you aren’t that old?!?

Every Mass has a reading from one of the Gospels. And, yes, the message that Jesus is our Savior is driven home with regularity. We pray the Apostle's Creed at every Mass as well. No Cathoilc will doubt Jesus' role as our Savior.


Yes, the Inquisition itself was but not the torture and killing of those accused. That was done by the civil authorities.


The Jews also deny that Jesus is the Son of God. Does that mean that you believe that Yahweh is also a false god?


First, the “Chair of St. Peter” is not a physical entity. It is referring to the authority granted to St. Peter by Jesus. The Pope can be sitting on a folding chair and it can be the Chair of Peter. Just like Air Force 1 does not exist unless the President of the US is on board.

I also question the veracity of that claim.


How, then do you account for the second chapter of St. James? James 2:26 is very specific: “ For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”. You can put your faith in Luther if you wish, but I – and the Catholic Church – prefer to put our faith in Sacred Scripture.

Survey9/22/09 5:40 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Presbyterian and John UK,

I was simply trying to address the claim that the Catholic Church's position that salvation requires both faith and works is unBiblical. As you can see, it is very Biblical. I was not addressing the motivation for those works.


I am not a historian but my understanding of the inquisition is that the Church had nothing to do with the torture of the people. That was strictly the responsibility of the civil authorities. Even in the case of the Spanish Inquisition - which was carried out by the King and Queen of Spain and not the Church - the Pope was very clear in his position: no one was to be permanently maimed or killed through the use of torture.

I - and all Catholics - worship the one true God. If Allah is just the Muslim's name for Him then, yes, we worship Allah as well. If Allah is, as you claim, a false god then, no, we do not worship him.

Survey9/22/09 3:50 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Works: James 2:26 (didn't fit in previous post)

26 For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

Survey9/22/09 1:45 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Works: James 2:14-26

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well," but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed someone might say, "You have faith and I have works." Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble. Do you want proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by the works. Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called "the friend of God." See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. And in the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by a different route?

Survey9/7/09 7:54 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Michael Hranek wrote:
That would be so wonderful if it were only true.
John Paul II's dedication of his life to the Roman Catholic Mary is an example of how it is not true.
John Paul II had a dedication to Mary. That does not take away from Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Jesus was first in JPII's life.
Michael Hranek wrote:
Mother Teresa's ....
I have tried to find substantiating data to support your claims about Mother Teresa but have failed. Can you point me to some refernces on this?
Michael Hranek wrote:
The Inquistion and earlier persecutios of the Roman Catholic Church against ancient Baptist type believers who were slaughtered by the RCC is yet another example of how it is not true.
You should read your history more closely. The Church did not slaughter anyone. The Inquisitions were a combined Church and State process (except in the case of the Spanish Inquisition which was State only). The Vatican insisted that no one be killed or permanently maimed by any procedure used during the Inquisition.

Can you expand on your reference to Rev 17:6&7?

Survey9/6/09 11:20 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Instead of just criticizing what I said, Lurker, why don’t you point out my errors as you see them? I posted my interpretation as Wayne requested.

As for the rest of your post, I don’t see the relevance to either this thread in general or my post specifically. Can you please elaborate?

Survey9/6/09 10:22 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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You have to be careful to not take things out of context. Verse 6:63 is Jesus answering His own rhetorical question in 6:61&62: “But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at it, said to them, "Do you take offense at this? Then what if you were to see the Son of man ascending where he was before?” So, Jesus told the people present that His Flesh is real food and His Blood real drink. They balked at it because it was a difficult teaching – especially for the Jews because they are forbidden from consuming any blood at all. So he asked them the rhetorical question about Him ascending back to Heaven. In that context, I believe that in verse 63, Jesus is telling them not to consider verses 53 through 58 from the position of mortal beings – “the flesh is of no avail” – but from the position of their spirit – “It is the spirit that gives life”. He continues “the words I have given you” (53 – 58) “are spirit and life”. This is a prediction of the creation of the Eucharist at the Last Supper as Jesus’ Body and Blood.

Survey9/6/09 9:22 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Michael Hranek wrote:
No! That would not be honest to say that. Catholics to be Catholic must have faith in not Christ alone but also the Mary of the Catholic Church, the Pope(s), pray the Rosary, use sacraments, have not just the Bible (God's Word) but CATHOLIC Tradition and let's not forget the Mass, dead saints and purgatory etc. etc.. And let's not forget worship the same god as a murderous thieving demon possessed pedophile CCC 841.
This shows that you have no clue about what it means to be Catholic. You earlier statment referred to your faith in Jesus and that is exactly what Catholics believe. We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Everything else is designed to assist us in our dedication to Him.

Survey9/6/09 3:04 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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My point was that if Jesus meant people to take His comments about His Body and Blood to be taken symbolically, why would He allow so many of His followers to lose their salvation over a simple misunderstanding? I know that many will be called and few chosen but if you are correct, then these people simply misunderstood what Jesus was saying. You would think that Jesus would have taken the time to explain to them what He meant or at least to explain to the Apostles what He meant and have them explain to the others. Instead, He turned to the Apostles and asked them is they would like to leave as well.


Those other statements are obviously intended in a symbolic way by the context in which they are used. But, as I mentioned to Wayne, this topic is mentioned in many passages and in all of them the context implies that the statements are to be taken literally.

Survey9/6/09 11:52 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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You are combining two things and calling them one. The words you use are pretty much the exact same words I or any other Catholic would use to describe our ideal relationship with Jesus. The Eucharist is a separate issue. An extremely important issue, but it is, nonetheless, separate. You are entitled to your opinion but I simply cannot see how you can get anything out of these passages other than the fact that Jesus gave us His Body and Blood to eat (My Body is food indeed and my Blood is drink). That is what Jesus said.

John Yurich,

It is very commendable that you ask Jesus to cleanse you of any sins you may have committed during the day. If I may, I would like to share a prayer I came across written by a poor Clare nun:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its Love, all its sufferings and all its merits.

First - To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!

Second - To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!

Third - To supply for the good I ought to have done and that I have neglected this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son...!

Survey9/6/09 2:59 AM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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I remember a few years ago reading an article explaining the circumstances surrounding these passages. According to the article, there were 5000 to 6000 Christians in the world at the time Jesus made these comments. As a result of these statements between 2000 and 3000 ceased following Jesus. Now think about this, Wayne: Why would Jesus endure the loss of 50% of His congregation - and their salvation - over a simple misunderstanding? If you are correct, that’s all it would have been. Instead of correcting all these people, though, Jesus turned to His Apostles and said “Do you also want to leave?”. Why would He do that if He meant that the part about eating His Body and drinking His Blood was meant figuratively? Honestly, Wayne, that simply doesn’t make any sense.

If this was stated once, you might have a point. But it is stated a number of times in different places all saying the exact same thing. There are so many verses surrounding the statements that reinforce the literalness of His statements that it simply cannot be explained away as a symbolic statement. Just as in our discussion of John 20:23, these passages say exactly what Jesus meant. The Eucharist truly is the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ just as He promised.

Survey9/5/09 8:02 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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The complete verse 51 says “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world."” The bread that I will give is my flesh. Again, that sounds pretty straightforward to me. 1 Cor 11:27 “Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord.” doesn’t sound very figurative to me either. Why would Paul say that if Jesus meant it figuratively?

Wayne, this is stated too many times in the NT to be anything but literal. If it was figurative, the various places it is mentioned would have different versions or use different symbology. But they don’t. They all say the same thing. And, why did Jesus let so many of His followers leave? If He meant it as a symbol, don’t you think He would have clarified things for them? Yes, Jesus is physically in Heaven. That is why transubstantiation is accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Survey9/5/09 4:37 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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My comment was not intended as a summation of your posts but a generalization of all of the posts on a particular passage – especially Matt 16:18. Everyone simply puts forth their own interpretation and that is the end of the discussion. So, instead of beating a dead horse, I figured it would be better to move on to other verses.

Peter and all of the Popes are not the head of Christ’s Body – Jesus is. The pope is the earthly leader of Christ’s Body. That is what I believe Jesus was saying in Matt 16:18.


Jesus was not speaking figuratively. If He was, why did He let so many of His disciples abandon Him (John 6:66)? If He was speaking figuratively, don’t you think that He would have straightened out those who thought He was speaking literally? And what about 1 Cor 11:27? If Jesus meant this figuratively, why would receiving the Eucharist unworthily profane His Body and Blood? What about Luke 22:19-20? Over and over again, Jesus tells us to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood. At no point does He even suggest that it is anything but His actual Body and Blood. And He tells us to do this in remembrance of Him.

Survey9/5/09 12:00 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Just telling someone that they are wrong is hardly progress.

Grasping at straws? Peter and Paul were members of the same Church. Of that there is no doubt (see Acts, etc). Beware that your hatred for the Catholic Church does not blind you to the Truth.


Yes, I have read Hebrews. The Sacrifice being offered is the Sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary. After God transforms the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus, that Body and Blood are offered up as the Sacrifice they were intended to be and directed to do by Jesus.


Jesus came to call sinners, not the righteous. Yes, there were some bad Popes. I have no idea why God allowed that but whatever His reasoning, I accept that it was full of wisdom.

Survey9/4/09 8:44 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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Michael Hranek wrote:
What an insult to Peter and Paul.
Or ultimate compliment.
Michael Hranek wrote:
Or have you conviently forgotten Peter was married, didn't live in luxury in a Palace, didn't permit let alone have people bow down to him.
Catholic Priests were allowed to marry for a time. Celibacy was brought in later. The Pope may live in luxury, but he owns nothing. All of the luxury has been given to the Vatican as gifts - usually from heads of state from other countries. 2000 years is a long time to collect nick nacks.
Michael Hranek wrote:
Paul was beaten how many times for preaching the gospel and wasn't a molester of altar boys.
How many Catholic Priests and Nuns have been killed for teaching the Gospel?
Michael Hranek wrote:
IMHO Peter would have been scandalized if anyone had attempted to call him, "Holy Father" and won't have stood for it. And won't have called Allah more than the false god of a demon possessed pedophile.
I have no idea if he would or wouldn’t. Allah didn’t come along for another 700 years.

Survey9/4/09 6:38 PM
DisplacedMaritimer (Bert) | Edmonton, AB  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer (Bert)
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I haven't abandoned Matt 16:18 as proof that Peter is the first Pope. I am just acknowledging the fact that we are making no progress on it at all. Therefore, I thought it would make sense to temproarily ignore Matt 16:18 and try to prove Peter's Papacy using different passages from Scripture.

God has sent many preachers out to the world. Yes, Paul is probably the first and he was part of the same Church as Peter. If Peter was the first Pope, then Paul was another Catholic Priest.

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