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Survey10/6/09 10:29 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi John,

I decided to take a bit of a break and think about what you are saying. Here is what I take from your posts about salvation:

You believe that salvation is through Faith and Works but you believe that the Works are, for lack of a better term, a byproduct of Faith. In other words, if someone does not have true faith, they will not perform good works whereas a person with true Faith will perform good Works automatically as a result of that Faith.

If the above is true, I have a bit of a hard time with it especially in light of Matt 25:41-46. The "goats" recognize Jesus and call Him "Lord" which implies that they had Faith in Him but did not do any good Works. As a result, they were condemned.

News Item10/6/09 9:27 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi June,

The Catholic Mass is known by a number of different names. It is called the Mass, the Bloodless Sacrifice and Breaking Bread among others.

I agree that the Apostolic Church did as Jesus instructed them to. Jesus, in giving thanks, offered the bread up to His Father thereby making it a sacrifice - a bloodless sacrifice. He also told them that the bread was His Body and the wine was His Blood. That is not Christ-dishonoring. It is honoring Him and the Sacrifice He made on Calvary. The Catholic Church is not suggesting in any way that His Sacrifice on Calvary is deficient we are just doing what He instructed us to do.

I am a Catholic, yes. And like all Catholics, I am a Christian. No, we do not agree 100% but there is hope

News Item10/5/09 9:17 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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My point was that I agreed with much of what you said. Not all, but much of it especially the stuff you seemed to be saying that I would find foreign.

Yes, that is the verse. The disciples came together to Break Bread which is what Jesus instructed them to do at the Last Supper.

Survey10/5/09 7:43 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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The Catholic Church teaches that salvation is by Faith and Works. She does not teach what the origin of those Works is. Can you agree that you need both Faith and Works in accordance with Sacred Scripture?

opened eyes,

I don't have an answer for you concerning the death bed repentance or the thief who Jesus promised would be in Paradise with Him. But, that doesn't change the fact that salvation by Faith and Works is mentioned in a few different places in Scripture. Jesus Himself pointed out in Matt 25:41-46 that those who did not do good Works would be condemned. You simply can't ignore this. To say that salvation is by Faith alone is in violation of Scripture.

News Item10/5/09 7:27 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi June,

Except for the negative remarks you made against the Catholic Church and the statement you made that all sacrifices are done away with, I agree with you. I honestly don't understand why you feel that this would be foreign to me. I agree completely with the paragraph starting with "Believers are referred to..." and I personally don't know a single Catholic who would find that foreign.

The one thing you didn't address is Jesus' instructions at the Last Supper. Jesus made an offering to His Father of bread and wine. He then instructed the Apostles to also offer bread and wine to our Father in remenbrance of Him. That they did that can be seen in Ats 20:7. Since what they were doing in Acts 20:7 eventually became known as the Mass, I don't understand how you can claim that the Mass is unBiblical or that it was eliminatedd by Jesus. The Apostles were instructed by Jesus to celebrate the Mass.

Survey10/5/09 5:25 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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xenos wrote:
This is justification, sanctification and salvation by works, but, This is the exclusion of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Why to the exclusion of Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Salvation is by Faith AND Works, not by Works alone.
xenos wrote:
NB James states, "a body without a spirit is dead" as an analogy. But faith and works do not imply that the life of the faith is works, - but that true faith produces works acceptable to God, who provides faith in the first place.
OK, so Salvation is by Faith and Works, right?
xenos wrote:
Many try works and intellectual assent to the ideas of religious doctrines and dogmas, but this is what we find in the Laodicean church and Matt 7:21ff.
Notice that Jesus says "...who does the Will of the Father". So, you have to DO (Works) something.
xenos wrote:
These are works empty of real faith. These are what we perceive in the acceptance of relics, icons and other man made rituals.
This is not what true faith teaches.
What do relics, icons and man made rituals have to do with Faith?

Survey10/5/09 4:06 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi John,

If I read the quote you gave of Matthew Henry correctly, he is basically saying that if you have faith then all of your works will be good and if you don't have faith, you can still do good works but they will be for naught. I agree with the second part of that but not the first. Again, I refer you to James 2:26, "For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.". Basically, James is saying that even if you have faith, you can refrain from doing good works. The two are at odds.

I side with James on this. Even if I have faith in God, I still have the free will to do as I please. I can do good or evil. No, I don't know *why* someone who has faith in God would do evil, but it is possible. Henry seems to be saying the opposite: if you have faith in God, it is not possible for you to do evil.

Hi Wayne,

I'm sorry that you feel that I am being deceptive. I not. I see no problem with venerating something that I know must pass the "Scriptural Acid Test" and, if it fails, it will be abolished. But, as long as it doesn't fail, I can accept it as true.

Survey10/5/09 2:11 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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HI Wayne,

Tradition and Sacred Scripture are both to be accepted and venerated as the quote says. HOWEVER, Sacred Scripture will ALWAYS trump Tradition. In other words, if a Tradition can be found that violates Sacred Scripture, Sacred Scripture will always win.

Incidentally, we are instructed to hold on to our Traditions (2 Thess 2:15). So, having Traditions is not something invented by the Catholic Church. I should also point out that in that Passage, the origin of the Traditions is identified as "...either by an oral statement or by a letter from us.". So, not all Traditions are taken strictly from Sacred Scripture. They must not violate anything in Sacred Scripture but they can have other origins.

Survey10/5/09 1:26 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi John,

We seem to be splitting hairs here, John. The Catholic Church teaches that salvation is by Faith and Works. You just said that you are in accordance with James 2 because your renewed heart allows you to do good works. So, you have Faith and Works, right?

I really do have a difficult time with your concept of the "elect". You are saying that certain people (the elect) are already saved and that if a person is not part of the elect, s/he is damned. But, it is stated in the Bible that Jesus is our Judge. If a person is already either saved or damned, what judging does Jesus actually do? We are told that there will be a "Judgement Day" when all souls will be judged (Rev 20:12-15) which also, BTW, says that we will be judged according to our deeds. So, how can you possibly know what your fate is going to be? You haven't died yet.

Survey10/5/09 1:03 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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John UK wrote:
Thus, I do not work for my salvation. I simply do what is on my heart.
So you are in agreement with the Catholic Church, then.

Incidentally, it doesn't say that you have to work for your salvation, it says that you have to have "works". Works are simply actions or, as you put it "I simply do what is on my heart.". And that is what the Catholic Church teaches.

Survey10/5/09 12:41 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Sorry, I was referring to the wrong chapter of James. I should have been referring to the SECOND chapter not the first.

I agree with everything in your last post except your conclusion. As stated in James 2:26, "For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.". That is exactly what the Catholic Church teaches. Yes, we absolutely must have faith. But, that faith must be backed up by good works.

Survey10/5/09 11:36 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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What about the first chapter of James, John?

News Item10/5/09 11:34 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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How/why do you feel that I am deluded? I have tried very hard over the last month or so to see and accept what many people here are proposing. But, every time someone claims that the Catholic Church is being unBiblical or unChristian, I find Scriptural Passages supporting the Catholic stand and not the one being proposed. How is that delusional?

News Item10/5/09 11:04 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi June,

What about the sacrifices we are to make? Jesus was very specific in His instructions at the Last Supper.

I Have to question your interpretation of Jesus as the "table of showbread". Yes, Jesus is the Bread of Life, but He is not a table.

I also agree that the Priesthood, etc established under Mosaic Law have been abolished. But, that does not mean that sacrifices are completely abolished; just the ones described in Leviticus. We no longer have to sacrifice animals. The Mass is sometimes referred to as a "Bloodless Sacrifice".

Survey10/5/09 11:02 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Opened Eyes wrote:
You are a clever man but not a Christian man-you know perfectly well what your church teaches in the Coucil of Trent, John Uk is damned just like every other Bible Beliver according to your church dogma
Check it out here but see what the Bible actually says.
[URL=http://www.carm.org/religious-movements/roman-catholicism/council-trent-canons-justification]]]Are we really damned?[/URL]
Where are you going with all your anti-christian unbiblical deceiving dogma?
[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=423081138262]]]Put away your...[/URL]
Read the first chapter of James. We Catholics are Bible Believers even if you aren't.

Survey10/5/09 10:49 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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John UK wrote:
You can't see any difference?
I only mentioned the work of Jesus!
I assume, then, that you are referring to Salvation by Works, right? OK, first, then, bear in mind that the Catholic teaching is NOT "Salvation by Works alone". It is "Salvation by Faith and Works". Secondly, there are a number of passages in Scripture that support that position but I think the best is the first capter of James. There is no ambiguity in that chapter. James is very specific about the requirement of Works for Salvation.

I am in complete agreement about the body of your earlier post referring to Jesus.

Survey10/5/09 9:40 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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John UK wrote:
.... Delete a bunch of nonsense ....

When I say I am "believing in Christ for my salvation" I am saying that Jesus, as the Son of God, has lived FOR me (thus able to justify, declare me righteous, by his imputed righteousness), died FOR me (for my sins, bearing God's wrath against me), risen FOR me, thus conquering death on my behalf, ascended into heaven and is currently interceding FOR me, and is coming again FOR me, that I might be with him forever.
The faith which brought all this to me, was a gift from God, which he gives to all his elect.

And that's different from the Catholic teaching how???????????

Survey10/5/09 8:27 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi Wayne,

I'm running out of ways to answer your questions, Wayne. I have corrected your claim that the Catholic Church holds Tradition, etc equal to Sacred Scripture many times yet you persist in your error. Pardon me for saying but I sometimes wonder if you are interested in the Truth. There is an old addage "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts.". I sincerely pray that you are not in that mindset, Wayne. Remember that when you open your mind, you may learn that some things are not they way you thought they were or want them to be. God *always* answers our prayers but not always in the way we want them answered.

I, like all Catholics, trust in Jesus for my salvation.

opened eyes,

I will have to get back to you on that. I don't have enough room in a post to address them all.

News Item10/5/09 8:08 AM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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Hi June,

Let's assume for a moment that Matthew Henry is correct in his interpretation of Heb 13:10. Who, then, is carrying out the sacrifices instructed by Jesus and where are they making these sacrifices? Acts 20:7 tells us that they are being made (the Breaking of the Bread - later known as the Mass).

Survey10/4/09 9:45 PM
DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)  Find all comments by DisplacedMaritimer(Bert)
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pilgrimmum wrote:
Well the 'Harlot Daughters' are Christian Churches acknowledging the power and Authority of the Roman Church by following her change from Gods Sabbath day to the Popes Holy Day Sunday. Men keep this day(Sunday) holy by mens tradition and not by the Word of God. Does the pope have the right to change Gods Commandments or does the rest of the Protestant Church have a scriptural basis for keeping it? They, the Protestant Churches are inconsistent when it comes to this. It cannot be found in scripture and yet they continue to deceive themselves because they (pastors and members of churches)have to give up their coveted positions in the Churches and their Christian friends and do not want to die to self, take up their cross and follow Jesus out of the city walls to Calvary.
Please see Acts 20:7.
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