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Survey2/5/09 4:11 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Mike wrote:
Could it be considered mercy that God let them live at all? (In the sense that being on death row for an extended time might be considered better than sitting in the electric chair immediately)
So then Mike, God is showing Satan mercy? From what, compassion or let say pity?

How about God is longsuffering Satan's rebellion to progress His own interests. How about allowing Satan and his demons continue to exist to soverignly bring about His glory through his plan of redemption for his elect?

Do you actually think that God is showing mercy to Satan and the demons?

Survey2/5/09 4:02 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
Did you not know that the Holy Ghost indeed did take himself off for a period of about four hundred years? And did hardly a thing upon earth during that time? Sure he did.
Did you not know that the old covenant saints had a different experience of the Holy Spirit to what we do today? Sure they did.
Did you find anywhere in the old testament any teaching about a need to be born from above? Sure you didn't.
Do you know how many old testament saints were filled with the Holy Ghost in just the same way that new testament saints are filled? Sure you don't.
400 years off? Was there no one saved during that time? Did no one believe? What about John the Baptist or Simeon? Did total depravity start in 33 AD? Did not the old testament saints need to be regenerated before they believed or did that start in 33 AD?

Being taught that you need to be born again is not a neccessity to be saved unless it is something that YOU accomplish. If it is God's work, you don't need to be taught that it is something that YOU MUST DO.

This whole post of yours smells of Dispensensationalism and mandates two different methods of salvation from the O.T. and the N.T.

Survey2/4/09 5:19 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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lyn wrote:
As for my comment in speaking harshly, that was a reference to my OWN postings; we are to strive to glorify God in ALL we do, many of these postings would certainly contradict that.
We are to forgive each other if the other party confesses, and asks for foregiveness.

IF you have spoken harshly? IF...is that confessing? Bullying, strong arm tactics, good day! railroaded and run out of town...

This subject of this board is "Which issue do you think most confronts the Church of today? I believe is it an improper distinction and proclamation of the law and the gospel, Arminianism and dispensationalism. Am I not allowed to express my opinion and defend what I believe? Why are you here? You come on these boards in a divisive way disagreeing with us and then you throw your steel hankie at us for doing the same.

What are we to do?

Survey2/4/09 4:46 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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lyn wrote:
If holding to a 'reformed' view means one must exalt a certain system of beliefs, while tearing down all who oppose, I want NO part of it. This is like the Pharisees of Christ's day, being self-righteous and looking down their noses at all who aren't like them. I will stick with my teacher, the Holy Spirit, as He illumines God' truth through His word.
May God forgive me if I have spoken too harshly.
Good day
You corrected my accusations? All I did was copy and paste his positions as did Beware. Yes, McArthurs doctrine is inconsistent and all over the place. He does not present a clear distinction between law and gospel. But the confessions do. And yes, there were men who had doctorates in theology who worked together as a group over a number of 5 years to produce the WCF which was slightly modified by the nonconformists in 1658. All these goups came together and confirmed this common confession.

I defend the Christian witness and the witness of our common confession.

You defend John McArthur, what is the difference?

Spoken to harshly? This is a passionate forum. If your going to throw mud, expect some to be thrown your way.

Survey2/4/09 3:07 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Lyn wrote:
Rogerant~ before you 'gloat' over your victory {which seems to be your main goal; being right, not edifying others}, read this from MacArthur's website, from www.gty.org/Resources/Sermons/90-65
"First of all, I get the righteousness of Christ, to know Him is to have His righteousness. It is to have His holiness, His virtue infused into me, IMPUTED to me. It makes me right before God."
Also, from his sermon 'The believer's armor, MacArthur states, 'When you become a Christian, you reach out your hand in faith, take hold of the hand of God through Jesus Christ, at that moment the righteousness of Christ is IMPUTED to you, God clothes you in the righteousness of Christ."
We should NOT attack others based on opinions and half-truths.
Also, check this out...www.gty.org/search/resources/imputed+righteousness
I do not gloat in defending the doctrines of grace. I get upset when someone is trying to "add" works to the Gospel. I get upset when someone condemns others who believe in a common witness or confession of revealed truths, but then points to a man (John McArthur) for us to look to for truth. McArthur is just another independent who is running his church whatsoever is right in his own eyes.

Survey2/4/09 2:11 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Beware wrote:
"The Gospel According to John MacArthur"
..."MacArthur writes: “The believing sinner is justified by righteousness infused into him” (Justification, 122)...
Yep! Infused righteousness as a doctrine for justification, that is RCC SPOT ON!

The protestent view is alien substitutionary imputed righteousness as the basis of justification, and infused righteousness the basis of sanctification.

Survey2/4/09 1:08 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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How about reading MacArthurs kind, gentle, non devisive, non strong arming diatribe against the Reformed view of the millenium:

“Now that leads to my title: `Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist Is a Premillennialist’ [laughter and applause] Now it's too late for Calvin, but it's not too late for the rest of you. And if Calvin were here he would join our movement. [laughter]”

“But bottom line here, of all people on the planet to be pre-millennialist it should be Calvinists; those who love sovereign election. Let's leave amillennialism for the Arminians. It's perfect! [laughter] It's ideal. It's a no-brainer. God elects nobody and preserves nobody. Perfect! Arminians make great amillennialists. It's consistent. But not for those who live and breathe the rarified air of sovereign electing grace. That makes no sense. We can leave amillennialism to the process theologians or the ‘openness' people who think God is becoming what he will be, and he's getting better because as every day goes by he gets more information. And as he gets more information he's figuring out whether or not in fact he can keep some of the promises he made without having to adjust all of them based upon lack of information when he originally made them. Let’s leave amillennialism to the charismatics...

Survey2/4/09 12:27 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Lyn wrote:
Rogerant~ MacArthur is a great expository preacher/teacher; MacArthur teaches what the Bible teaches. The problem I see with so many is this system of 'categorizing' and 'labeling'. This is causing HUGE riffs within the body of Christ, all because we give credit for what we learn to a 'system of theology' instead of to Christ
I agree that MacArthur is a great expository preacher/teacher. But preaching and teaching are different gifts than that of apologetics and theology. Not all great apologists are good theologians and not all great theologians are good preachers.

Your assertion that MacArthur teaches what the Bible teaches, is actually saying that MacArthur teaches what you believe. The JW's assert the same nonsense.

As for categorizing and or labeling, creeds and confessions. All these are the result of the framework or lense in how we interpret scripture. Without this systematic interpretation of scripture, we end up with abberations of the truth. To those who claim that they don't hold to an interpretive grid in expositing scripture, they are the most inconsistent. And they despise creeds, confessions and documented systems of theology, just like all the cults and demons.

Survey2/4/09 11:15 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
Jesus started with the law, about five commandments. The lad had been keeping these.

Are you saying that our Lord was accepting the fact that the Rich Young Rule HAD KEPT ALL OF THESE LAWS PERFECTLY?

Lyn: Accuse McCarther of Lordship Salvation?

That is what he calls it himself. The link that you sent me is titled "An Introduction to Lordship Salvation

Also Lyn: We all have certain truths, doctrine, confessions and teachers that we hold in high regard. So don't think that when these are attacked by posters on this board that we take it personally. I see that you like to post a lot of McAurthurs material and you take offence when his name is brought up. We do as well, when people attack our views as well.

Survey2/4/09 10:48 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Lyn wrote:
To get a clear understanding on MacArthur and Lordship salvation, go to www.gty.org/Resources/Articles/A114
The question is, must one surrender to Christ as Lord {not for salvation but as evidence of it}? If Jesus is just your Savior, but not your Lord, then you are insisting on 'running the show'. It would appear you want to claim He saved you, but now, you will take charge. Perhaps this explains the continual debating that more often than not leads to sarcasm, divisiveness, and snide comments. To argue just to prove one is 'right' is not what God expects. To lovingly correct, in hopes God will bring that person to repentance, is what should be the goal. Strong-arming others into one's belief system is both arrogant and unscriptural.
You don't have to post McAurthur's position to pursuade or strong arm me. I have already read it. Have you read the Reformed resonse? Have you done your homework?

What is arrogant is, those who post, attempt to pursuade, attempt to convince, attempt to teach, attempt to strong arm others into their own position, but claim that they are doing it because of LOVING CORRECTION. What makes you any different than the rest of us sinners.

Survey2/4/09 9:49 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
RogerAnt, you still miss the point.
Jesus did not give this young man something impossible to do.
Was Jesus presenting the Law or the Gospel to the rich young ruler? Or was it a hybrid? That is the problem with the church today. It does not proclaim a clear distinction between the two. And for some people, the hybrid is the way to go because they consider the other two positions as being extremes. People who sit on the fence will consistently confuse law and gospel still leaving their repondents in misery. Those who hold to the hybrid position are still in effect teaching the law, and not proclaiming the Gospel.

And so you end up with lordship salvationists (John McAurthur) antinomians (Charles Stanley) and then the Reformers. There is NO MIDDLE ground. You are either teaching the law, or you are teaching the Gospel.

For a good online work on the Rich Young Ruler I recommend this link:

[URL=http://www.faithalone.org/journal/2000ii/Haller.htm]]]Did the RYR hear the Gospel According to Jesus?[/URL]

A good book on the subject to read is:

[URL=http://www.amazon.com/Christ-Lord-Reformation-Lordship-Salvation/dp/0801043743]]]Christ the Lord[/URL]

Survey2/3/09 5:56 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
But Roger, it is not a question of how much of the Bible we read........
But of how much we believe.......
Oh is understand now. I don't feel anywhere as offended. God praises you for presuming that all other only believe part of the Bible, while you believe the whole thing.

Survey2/3/09 5:10 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
p.s. ta for the complement, but I only desire the praise of God not men. He is glad I'm a whole-Bible believer.
Do you think that God praises you for presuming that all others only read part of their Bible, and that you read the whole thing?

Survey2/3/09 10:44 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
RogerAnt, you still miss the point.
No, I do not miss the point. You missunderstand the Gospel period.

The law demands, the gospel gives.

"We need to be willing at a moments notice"

The Lord Jesus does not say to the rich young ruler "at a moments notice you must be willing. He says before you come follow me, distribute it all to the poor. And then he says:

24 And when Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful, He said, "How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." And those who heard it said, "WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED?" But He said, "THE THINGS THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE WITH MAN ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD." Then Peter said, "See, we have left all and followed You." So He said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, there is NO ONE WHO HAS LEFT HOUSE or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life."

You miss the point. The ruler and the apostles believed that they had these abilities. Christ told them they didn't.

Survey2/3/09 9:33 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John Gill on Luke 18

This man was no Sadducee, he believed a future state; was a serious man, thoughtful about another world, and concerned how he should enjoy everlasting life; but was entirely upon a legal bottom, and under a covenant of works; and speaks in the language and strain of the nation of Israel, who were seeking for righteousness and life by the works of the law: he expected eternal life by doing some good thing, or things; and hoped, as the sequel shows, that he had done every good thing necessary to the obtaining it... he must keep the commandments;
that is, perfectly: he must do not only one good thing, but all the good things the law requires; he must not be deficient in any single action, in anyone work of the law, either as to matter, or manner of performance; everything must be done, and that just as the Lord in his law has commanded it. Our Lord answers according to the tenor of the covenant of works, under which this man was; and according to the law of God, which requires perfect obedience to it, as a righteousness, and a title to life; and in case of the least failure, curses and condemns to everlasting death; see (Deuteronomy 6:25) (Galatians 3:12,10) . This Christ said, in order to show, that it is impossible to enter into, or obtain eternal life.

Survey2/3/09 8:12 AM
rogerant | Saskatoon, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
RogerAnt, you miss the point
Jesus gave him opportunity to follow him, but he was rich, and was not willing to give all up for Christ. Matthew Henry on this says:
Yes there are those whom use this passage a a requirement of the sinner to justify himself before God. But, if it is a passage that provides a "how to" be saved, then we must all sell everything that we have.

How is your salvation going. Have you sold everything? Do you own anything?

I am sure that you don't read the whole passage literally. That you just have to be willing to give all your wealth away, but not do it.

Again, our Lord, when asked what I must do to inherit eternal life, gives one of two answers. If they are looking for a work that they can do to be saved, He gives them an impossible work.

If they realize they aren't capable of a work to be saved, He commands them to believe what He has done to save them.

Survey2/2/09 8:25 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
The cost of discipleship always needs to be preached along with the gospel, lest folks imagine they can believe in cheap grace.
That grace did not come "cheap". I cost God His Son's life.

When you say that the cost of discipleship must be preached along side of the Gospel. That is heresy. It is not the cost of your discipleship that saves you. It was the cost of His life that saves you.

As for the rich young ruler. The problem was not that he did not measure the cost of discipleship. The problem was with his question "What must "I" do to inherit eternal life? And then Jesus tells him to obey the commandments. And his response was that HE HAD kept all of the commandments.

The problems were these, the ruler actually thought that people were good, and that he was good enough. He also thought that there was something that he could do.

He got the same answer that everyone got from our Lord when they asked him, "What can I do" Christ gave them something impossible for them to do.

News Item2/2/09 6:06 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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A Bible Christian Who Believes wrote:
I take the Writings of Josephus as LITERALLY as I Take The Writings of The Authorized Holy Bible: as ALL Mankind Should !
I take ALL Sound Writings Written as LITERALLY as I Take The Authorized Bible: Unless Denoted Otherwise !
That being said, I'd like to say Josephus further writes on Hades [HELL]:
"4. But as to the unjust, they are dragged by force to the left hand by the angels allotted for punishment, no longer going with a good-will, but as prisoners driven by violence; to whom are sent the angels appointed over them to reproach them and threaten them with their terrible looks, and to thrust them still downwards...
Rev 22:19 If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

So much for Sola Scriptura!

News Item2/2/09 12:39 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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kenny wrote:
Barry from Ky wrote:
"When I was a young man, the Methodist Church had a very good layman's program. It included indepth study of the bible and presentation. It was exciting. We even got to deliver a message to each other."
The Churches of Christ here in the Atlanta area have a school like this now.
I am sure that the Campbellites do have an inexpensive school there. Most cults don't charge exhorbative amounts of tuition to indoctrinate their victims.

The Church of Christ hold to the following heretical doctrines.

1. They are solid Pelagians
2. They deny the doctrine of total depravity.
3. They deny both prevenient and effificous grace.
4. They deny substitutionary atonement.
5. They deny salvation by faith alone.
6. They require baptism in the Chruch of Christ alone as a prerequisite for salvation.
7. They do not consider those outside of their denomination as being saved.
8. They just like every other cult condemn creeds and confessions.
9. They do not teach the doctrine of the Trinity.
10. They deny the doctrine of imputed righteousness.
11. etc,etc,etc,etc,etc

I married into a family of Campbellites and the lot of them are as dead as driftwood.

News Item1/29/09 4:33 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon SASKATCHEWAN Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Rogerant, peace be with you! I really like the big fish! I wonder if I may have met you before, you look so familiar. God bless you brother! If God has made you as great a fisher of men as you are a fisherman, you are blessed indeed!

As I noted in my post, the one set of pitures are of a PRIEST who caught the world record walleye while praying Luke 1:46-55. I am not a RCC priest.

The other set of picture was of my son in law in my boat, he is not a priest.

The other set of pictures were of a typical ice shack. It is not my ice shack and that is not me in it and I don't know whether the fellow fishing is a priest or not.

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