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News Item4/12/07 9:48 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Christians foolishly have allowed the enemies of God to pervert the traditional meaning of words and to attribute evil connotations to concepts which the Scripture holds in high esteem. A case in point is use of the terms racism and segregation.

God is a racist: he created many and diverse species of plants, animals, and men, and separated them in order to keep them distinct. Indeed, the eternal, unchanging Law of God demands segregation:

Leviticus 19:19 - Ye shall observe my law: thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with one of a different kind, and thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with diverse seed; and thou shalt not put upon thyself a mingled garment woven of two materials.

If the Lord explicitly forbids the hybridization of crops and animals, it should be obvious that he likewise forbids miscegenation among humans. Moreover, whether plant, animal, or human, the hybrid is characterized by blemishes and other defects which often are hideous. One example is the mule (the hybrid of horse and ass), which is sterile.

The man who condemns racism and segregation thereby advocates that the races be amalgamated and diversity be destroyed. Scoffing at the Law of God, he seeks to overturn the order established by God. He is a rebel, a destroyer, and a hater of God.

News Item4/12/07 5:59 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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mj -

The Creator is a racist.

The Lord God created each of the various races. He gave each race its own set of strengths and abilities. He geographically separated the races. And the Lord even gave each race a distinctive skin colour, in order to help them understand that miscegenation is wrong. And the Lord God pronounced his creation -- all of it -- good.

All mankind did not descend from Adam, or from Noah. The Adamic race of Genesis 2 is separate from the other races of Genesis 1.

And don't cite Acts 17:26; that passage quotes the Song of Moses, Deuteronomy 32:8, which has to do with Israel in relationship to the Adamic race.

News Item4/12/07 3:33 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Regarding the "The 5- to 15-minute "Gospel presentation":

A Billy Graham "crusade" meeting is, at best, an afternoon or evening affair -- with a very large turnout, perhaps three to four hours pass from the time you drive into the stadium parking lot until the time you drive out of the lot.

Once the show inside starts, it lasts at the very most two hours, most of which is devoted to music, announcements, and "testimonials" by prominent guests.

Once Billy Graham comes to the podium and begins to speak, he speaks at the very most for an hour, most of which is spent reciting anecdotes which have no direct bearing on the Gospel. And, because of the poor acoustics (much echo) of the typical stadium, Graham is talking very slowly. And there typically are interruptions by applause from the audience.

After the anecdotes and pauses are edited out, there typically is only five to fifteen minutes of meaningful communication, much of which is full of doctrinal error.

The presentation itself fits easily into the available 15 to 20 minutes of a nominal half-hour television broadcast.

News Item4/12/07 4:44 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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mj -

The Gospel message found in the Bible speaks of a number of vital matters, including government, a king, a kingdom, a way of life, entrance into that way of life, sacrifice, testing, endurance, sin, the penalty of sin, imputation of sin, atonement, justification, imputation of righteousness, sanctification, the nature of the flesh, the nature of the spirit, and resurrection.

Unless and until a person has at least some familiarity with these matters, he cannot act intelligently upon the Gospel.

The time required to impart to someone an understanding of the Gospel sufficient to enable him to respond to the Gospel and enter into the Way of Life depends upon the background of the individual. For someone who is well-versed in the Scripture, perhaps an hour is sufficient. For the typical man on the street in contemporary America, an entire day might not be sufficient.

The 5- to 15-minute "Gospel presentation" made in one night of a Billy Graham "crusade" is not the Gospel message, and it imparts no benefit. Rather, the presentation does harm, for many people go away falsely thinking that they have been "saved" and are followers of Christ Jesus.

News Item4/11/07 5:50 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Sheep's clothing doesn't change the nature of the wolf, and neither does age. Graham is no evangelist, for he preaches a false gospel.

It was at the outset of his career that Graham sold himself to do evil. As the official prophet of the Establishment, Graham faithfully has served Caesar, and on numerous occasions has been summoned to the White House to make it appear that a particular act of war has been sanctioned by God.

Galatians 1:8-9 - But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Luke 6:26 - Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

News Item4/4/07 5:01 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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neil -

The second year of university is referred to as the sophomore year, the term "sophomore" being a transliteration from the Greek of the combination of the words for "wise" and "fool". The term recognizes a general truth, the fact that "a little learning is a dangerous thing".

From the spiritual and the intellectual standpoint, you and your cronies in this forum are sophomores and toddlers in diapers. You are wise in your own arrogance, but devoid of understanding.

The whole lot of you are unworthy companions for discussion of the things of God.

News Item4/4/07 4:40 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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33k -

Have you ever heard of Moses?

Deuteronomy 19:15 - One witness shall not stand to testify against a man for any iniquity, or for any fault, or for any sin which he may commit; by the mouth of two witnesses, or by the mouth of three witnesses, shall every word be established.

Or of Christ Jesus?

Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

Or of Paul?

Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

News Item4/4/07 1:52 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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neil -

Lest any construe my "Ah-so." posting as an indication that I concur with your illogic, it needs to be pointed out that your philosophical position is contrary to the entire system of reasoning which characterizes the Scripture.

In the Scripture, evidence, though it be limited, establishes truth,and the application of common sense is demanded. The observation of two or three witnesses establishes a fact.

In your theoretical universe, nothing may be established with certainty, apart from knowledge which is comprehensive and perfect.

For example. According to your logic, being unable to see through rock, those who observed the entombment of Jesus did not know for certain that the tomb in which Jesus was placed did not have a secret tunnel through which the body could have been removed (with the tunnel being cemented closed afterward), so they could not say for sure that the body was not removed by the disciples.

The existence of natural law is established beyond question by the observation of countless witnesses over thousands of years. Only the fool rejects the concept.

News Item4/4/07 3:35 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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m2 -

FIRST. From the principle expressed in Psalm 90:4, "For a thousand years in thy sight are as the yesterday which is past, and as a watch in the night," it would appear that the time required for natural processes to form the universe is of no real consequence.

With modern technology, it is possible to listen Beethoven's Fifth Symphony from start to finish in five minutes without changing the pitch. But why would you do so -- unless you had only five minutes left to live?

It likely is the case that natural processes proceed at rates which the Eternal finds most pleasing to observe.

SECOND. Regarding the days of creation, evening and morning, and the 24-hour day, I suggest you read "The Genesis Question" by Hugh Ross, who is one of the few men who appear to have come up with a truly plausible interpretation of the creation account.

News Item4/3/07 9:57 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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williams -

I heard that a posting of yours mentioned me, but it was removed before I could read it. And no, I did not ask that it be removed. In fact, I was disappointed that I did not get to read it.

neil -

Ah-so. Now I think that I see your point, which is: "For a being of limited knowledge, nothing can be known with certainty on the basis of observation."

News Item4/3/07 9:36 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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neil -

What kind of question is that? You say, "Can't you give us a good reason why we should believe there are "laws of nature?"

Why do you think that natural phenomenon are repeatable? or has that thought occurred to you?

Have you never been been exposed to physics or chemistry in school?

Or perhaps you a philosopher who struggles with the question of whether you really exist, or are simply an illusion?

Why don't you simply tell us why you think that there are no laws of nature?

News Item4/3/07 5:16 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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neil -

You and several others have demonstrated yourselves unworthy of notice or reply.

News Item4/3/07 5:06 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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m2 -

You have a faulty understanding of the concept of "miracle".

While some may categorize the creation of the universe as a miracle, the creation was accomplished by processes operating in accordance with natural law.

The term "miracle" generally is reserved for processes which transcend natural law. Such are the miracles performed by Jesus of Nazareth, which were performed as signs or proofs of his identity as the Christ.

While the Eternal could brought the universe into existence through means which transcend natural law, it is difficult to conceive of a circumstance which would demand or motivate such action. After all, what is a billion years to the Eternal? And to whom would such a miracle have been a sign?

News Item4/3/07 4:09 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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As this type of experimentation progresses, it increasingly brings into question the doctrinal position of those who argue that it is the male and female gametes which impart life, and thus, that human life begins at conception -- as opposed to the position that life begins with the impartation of a God-given spirit of life.

If nothing else, it demonstrates the necessity of differentiating between life at the chemical level and the impetus which transforms the chemical organism into a "living soul", Genesis 2:7.

News Item4/3/07 3:50 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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m2 -

As I have noted in other postings, Christ Jesus authenticated the Septuagint as the Old Covenant Canon by citing from every portion of the Scripture.

Of great importance is the fact that Jesus did not cite from the book of Esther or from the apocryphal books, all of which are spurious.

Thus did the Lord provide the standard against which the N.C. canon may be authenticated. Any document which conflicts with the O.C. Canon must be spurious.

The book of Revelation not only fails this highest test of comparison, but also fails lower tests of a secular nature -- in particular, the test of literary style -- which are valid for ascertaining whether any document is a forgery.

News Item4/2/07 10:45 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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If you are not willing to educate yourself regarding Papistry, then you should not be making uninformed and misleading statements such as:

"Interesting they can believe the New Testament for how they interpret the Lord's Supper and hell as real, but then commit gross error on the origin of life."

You say that Papistry believes the New Testament and you imply that Papistry is not in gross error regarding the Lord's Supper.

But the fact is that, to the very core, Papistry is devoted to deception, and Papistry is full of gross error.

Concerning things of which you have no understanding, you should remain silent, lest you cause to stumble those who are weak in the Faith. Consider the warning which the Lord Jesus gives concerning this in Matthew 18, Mark 9, and Luke 17.

News Item4/2/07 10:26 PM
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remnant -

The Papist ritual to which you refer is a hideously grotesque and blasphemous transmogrification of the Christian ritual of the Table of the Lord.

You would do well to grab an encylopaedia and educate yourself a bit regarding the subject of transubstantiation, which lies at the heart of the Papist ritual.

News Item4/2/07 3:00 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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How to ascertain the age of the universe? Here is an analogy.

If you know something about fire and you view a log in the fireplace, the size of the log and the extent to which it has been consumed give you a fair idea of how long the log has been burning.

Galaxies are composed of stars, and a star is like a log in a fire; eventually it is consumed.

The radiation (which includes visible light) which is emitted by a star gives an indication of the degree to which the star has been consumed, and thus, how long the star has been burning.

Of course, if the universe which we see in the heavens is nothing but an illusion, and the universe only "appears" to be old, then nothing is certain.

News Item4/2/07 2:48 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Thanks, williams; you made my day! And no, I am not going to report you.

Matthew 5:10-12 - 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

News Item4/2/07 2:21 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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People whose god has been in existence only about ten thousand years have difficulty with the concept of a universe which is billions of years old.

But the God of the Scripture has no beginning and no end, so billions of years are no problem for him.

And if you are going to argue for a young universe on the basis of the KJV translation of the account in Genesis, you need to know that Hebrew is a very imprecise language with a very limited vocabulary.

And in order to appreciate the physical processes which occur in a star and the stages in the life of a star, it helps immensely to take a course or two in astrophysics and astronomy. Of course, if you view scientific study as anti-Christian, then your understanding is going to be quite limited.

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