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News Item4/25/07 7:55 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Williams -

Obviously you don't know the meaning of the term "farce".

You really ought to invest in a dictionary and start using it on a daily basis. It would do wonders for your understanding as well as for vocabulary.

And, inasmuch as a man's ability to think is limited by his vocabulary, a good dictionary might help you in that realm, also.

The Merriam-Webster Collegiate is one of the better dictionaries which are in print, and costs well under twenty dollars.

News Item4/25/07 4:17 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling --

-- until you read "NASA Mooned America" by Rene and look at the moon landing photographs in which shadows are pointing in several directions at once (impossible if the sun is the sole light source) and start looking at the mountain of evidence which demonstrates that the lunar landings were faked.

Add to it the blasphemy of a "communion service" on one of the faked voyages, and the warm and fuzzy feeling turns to outrage and disgust.

Yes, we have beautiful and genuinue photographs of the whole earth, but they all were taken by unmanned vehicles.

News Item4/25/07 10:26 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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As constantly is demonstrated by astronomer Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe, www.reasons.org), honest science and honest exposition of the Scripture are in harmony.

But men such as Morrison who promote fantastic notions such as a universal flood are neither honest scientists nor honest expositors of the Scripture. And Ham in his teaching concerning the races is far from honest.

So the "museum" of Ham largely is a farce, being little more than an indoctrination center. But gullible Bible thumpers love it.

News Item4/24/07 11:46 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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In the prophecy found in the 11th chapter of Isaiah, all the animals are figurative.

The predatory animals -- the wolf, the leopard, the lion, the bear, the asp -- represent the predatory men and institutions which always are present within the kosmos. In the Scripture, the lion typically is representative of government; this is why, in the 49th chapter of Genesis, the tribe of Judah is portrayed as a lion, for it is out of Judah that the Christ was to arise, to take the reins of government. But the lion is an appropriate representation for the governments of man, for such governments invariably are predatory.

And the docile animals -- the lamb, the kid, the young calf, the bull, the ox -- represent the productive elements of society upon which human governments prey. The fact that the predatory animals are dwelling side by side in a state of peace with the docile animals portrays the transformation of society which is wrought by the rule of Christ Jesus.

News Item4/24/07 11:22 AM
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The notion of a genetically-transmitted sin nature is the result of failure to understand that the death which passed upon all men, Romans 5:12, is the sentence of death. The sentence is the result of judicial imputation of the sin of Adam. In Romans 5:19 Paul points out the symmetry between the imputation of the sin, based upon the disobedience of Adam, and the imputation of righteousness, based upon the obedience of Christ Jesus.

The notion that there was no death before the fall of Adam is based upon a misinterpretation of Romans 5:12, together with the failure to understand that passages such as the 11th chapter of Isaiah are figurative. When Paul in Romans 5:12 says that sin and death entered the world, he is speaking of the state of Adam -- not the state of Creation as a whole.

In Creation, death is part of the natural order. In general, animals eat animals. Big fish eat little fish. Little fish eat shrimp. Big birds such as the falcon eat little birds. Birds such as the vulture and the eagle feed on carrion -- the carcasses of dead animals. The lion eats the lamb and the zebra. The crocodile eats animals which come to the river to drink. This all is by design of the Creator, and has nothing whatsoever to do with sin.

News Item4/24/07 10:15 AM
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There hardly is to be found a more avid advocate of evolution than the Christian who believes that the fall of Adam caused the very nature of Creation to be altered.

Supposedly the fall brought about an alteration of genetic structure so that the progeny of Adam are born with a "sin nature" which compels man to sin. And, supposedly, the lion and the falcon and the shark are not predatory by the design of God, but, rather, became predatory as the result of a hideous transmogrification which took place suddenly and apart from the hand of the Creator. And supposedly, when the second coming of Christ ushers in the perfect environment of the "Millennium", the alteration is reversed, so that carnivorous beasts again become herbivorous.

But the anatomy and physiology of predators such as the lion and the falcon and the shark display exquisite engineering and a degree of optimization which God alone could accomplish; likewise, the instinctive behaviour of these creatures, such as the fact that the falcon, moving at a speed in excess of two hundred miles per hour, targets the wing, rather than the body, of his prey, so that he himself is not injured by the impact.

News Item4/21/07 6:42 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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"God's providence"???

Other articles have reported that the so-called "museum" has no genuine artifacts whatsoever (other than perhaps, Ham himself; however, most would take Ham as evidence in favour of evolution...).

It appears that the "museum" is nothing more than "an artist's conception" of the viewpoint being promoted by Ken Ham -- a viewpoint which, in general, is absurd.

You need to read "The Genesis Question" by Hugh Ross and visit his website at reasons.org.

News Item4/17/07 2:36 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Whoopee. A minstrel show has survived the departure of one of the minstrels. But it still is nothing more than a minstrel show.

The whole of Ezekiel 13 is applicable, as is Ezekiel 22:26-28:

26 Her priests also have set at nought my law, and profaned my holy things: they have not distinguished between the holy and profane, nor have they distinguished between the unclean and the clean, and have his their eyes from my sabbaths, and I was profaned in the midst of them. 27 Her princes in the midst of her are as wolves ravening to shed blood, that they may get dishonest gain. 28 And her prophets that daub them shall fall, that see vanities, that prophesy falsehoods, saying, Thus saith the Lord, when the Lord has not spoken.

News Item4/16/07 9:15 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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RE polygamy:

Recognizing that the Scripture does not condemn polygamy is one thing; promoting or endorsing polygamy is another matter entirely.

While monogamy is the ideal, polygamy of itself is not sinful. Indeed, according to the Scripture, the Lord God himself gave David multiple wives, and was willing to give him still additional wives:

2 Samuel 12:7-8 - 7 And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man that has done this. Thus says the Lord God of Israel, I anointed thee to be king over Israel, and I rescued thee out the hand of Saul; 8 and I gave thee the house of thy lord, and the wives of thy lord into thy bosom, and I gave to thee the house of Israel and Juda; and if that had been little, I would have given thee yet more.

News Item4/16/07 5:47 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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cbcpreacher - You falsely argued that the Scripture forbids slavery.

Leviticus 25:39-46 - 39 And if thy brother by thee be lowered, and be
sold to thee, he shall not serve thee with the servitude of a slave.
40 He shall be with thee as a hireling or a sojourner, he shall work
for thee till the year of release: 41 and he shall go out in the
release, and his children with him; and he shall go to his family, he
shall hasten back to his patrimony. 42 Because these are my servants,
whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; such an one shall not be sold
as a common servant. 43 Thou shalt not oppress him with labour, and
shalt fear the Lord thy God.

44 And whatever number of men-servants and maid-servants thou shalt
have, thou shalt purchase male and female servants from the nations
that are round about thee. 45 And of the sons of the sojourners that
are among you, of these ye shall buy and of their relations, all that
shall be in your lands; let them be to you for a possession. 46 And
ye shall distribute them to your children after you, and they shall be
to you permanent possessions for ever: but of your brethren the
children of Israel, one shall not oppress his brother in labours.

News Item4/16/07 5:23 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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How very curious, this unlimited concern for the unborn, as contrasted with the almost total lack of concern for slaughter of the living, perpetrated daily by the military.

News Item4/16/07 5:16 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Another curious "coincidence": In virtually every schoolyard slaughter, the perpetrator has been taking one or more prescription anti-depressants.

Inasmuch as this is a well-known phenomenon (anti-depressant containers even carry suicide warning notes), the physician prescribing the drugs ought also go on trial for his life, as an accomplice.

Still another curious coincidence: In almost every case, the perpetrator is shot and killed by police. Of course, dead men tell no tales.

News Item4/16/07 4:43 PM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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Additional restrictive gun laws?

Incidents such as this typically and conveniently occur whenever "freedom to carry" legislation is about to be passed. Columbine is a prime example.

If even a few of the students had a pistol in their book bag or in the dorm room, this slaughter likely would have been stopped in its tracks.

Wherever guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.

Christ Jesus himself commands his followers to arm themselves:

Luke 22:36 - ... and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

News Item4/16/07 1:11 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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remnant -

Are you unable to recognize the obvious sarcasm in my remark, "After all, such passages encourage sin. It is better to keep everyone in a state of constant fear..."?

And you need to quit making and repeating false and slanderous assertions!

It is you and your crowd who argue -- absurdly -- that, if there is no life in the womb, then a foetus is non-human or less than human. I never have made such a preposterous assertion, and never shall.

A foetus is human, period. It is genetics -- not the impartation of life -- which makes a human foetus human. As seen in the first chapter of Genesis, the rule is "kind after its kind".

News Item4/16/07 12:04 AM
expositor  Find all comments by expositor
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remnant -

Do you also find alarming the exposition of passages of the Scripture which show forth the mercy and grace and forgiveness of the Lord? After all, such passages encourage sin.

It is better to keep everyone in a state of constant fear -- fear of retribution in time and of everlasting torture upon death -- lest they yield to temptation. We don't dare trust the indwelling Spirit of God to keep them in line.

The thing which is alarming and wrong is the refusal to discard tradition and embrace truth.

News Item4/15/07 11:38 PM
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cindy -

A great many men, including a great many who falsely claim to be Christian, are nothing less than shameful in their attitude and behaviour toward their wives and family. Some of these men are to be found in the pulpit, and many others hold the office of "deacon" or "elder".

While their faults are many, their great sin is that of self-righteousness. These men are arrogant and demanding, without mercy and unforgiving. They are brutish creatures who lack instinctive desire to protect, provide for, and nurture a woman and children.

Their basic impetus is self-gratification and, to a lesser extent, propagation of their own existence through the lives of their offspring. Such men are destitute of the instincts which characterize nobility; they have no capacity to love in the manner which the Lord, Christ Jesus, demands of those who would follow him.

Not all who claim to be Christian indeed are, and not all who are leaders in the local assembly genuinely are followers of Christ Jesus.

News Item4/15/07 10:45 PM
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cbc -

Exodus 12:43-44 - And every slave or servant bought with money-- him thou shalt circumcise, and then shall he eat of it. [the passover]

Leviticus 25:39-46 - 39 And if thy brother by thee be lowered, and be
sold to thee, he shall not serve thee with the servitude of a slave.
40 He shall be with thee as a hireling or a sojourner, he shall work
for thee till the year of release: 41 and he shall go out in the
release, and his children with him; and he shall go to his family, he
shall hasten back to his patrimony. 42 Because these are my servants,
whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; such an one shall not be sold
as a common servant. 43 Thou shalt not oppress him with labour, and
shalt fear the Lord thy God.

44 And whatever number of men-servants and maid-servants thou shalt
have, thou shalt purchase male and female servants from the nations
that are round about thee. 45 And of the sons of the sojourners that
are among you, of these ye shall buy and of their relations, all that
shall be in your lands; let them be to you for a possession. 46 And
ye shall distribute them to your children after you, and they shall be
to you permanent possessions for ever: but of your brethren the
children of Israel, one shall not oppress his brother in labours.

News Item4/15/07 9:17 PM
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leebird -

Regarding Hugh Ross and "rebuttal": Perhaps my choice of words was not the best.

The point which I was trying to communicate is that Hugh Ross is a devout Christian who, as a competent scientist, was distraught at the fact that Christians for the most part lack sound understanding regarding the natural sciences, with the result that whenever a Christian and an evolutionist have a discussion, the Christian typically comes away looking foolish, despite the outlandish claims of the evolutionist.

Ross has devoted his life to demonstrating that there no conflict between science and the Scripture, and that the Scripture is correct in its assertions concerning the process of creation.

News Item4/15/07 5:36 PM
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cbc -

Obviously you are unable, using the Scripture, rather than opinion or tradition, to refute my assertion.

And I have given up hope of receving an intelligent response to anything which I post on these forums.

News Item4/15/07 5:18 PM
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leebird -

To put matters into a proper perspective: If you were to read over several of the SA forum threads, I think that you would agree that my replies have been extremely mild in comparison with the charges made against me -- things like "murderer", "devil", and the like.

And even as I oppose abortion, so also I most strongly oppose slavery. The slaveholder ultimately and invariably pays a terrible price for the "free" labour which he, motivated by covetousness, seeks to gain by owning slaves.

But though I oppose slavery, I would be a liar, were I to say that the Scripture condemns slavery.

Regarding evolution: Even a blind man can perceive that the universe has a wise and loving creator. I recommend the book "The Genesis Question" by Hugh Ross. Ross is one of the few who appear to be able to give an academically-sound rebuttal to the evolution crowd.


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