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News Item9/16/08 12:44 PM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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This should be a lesson to all of us who think we can tell who really is a Christian and who's not. They can be so convincing. Notice how God always gets the blame for the way they are. Sad.

News Item9/11/08 12:27 AM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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Neil, You can't actually believe that nothing is going on (like the apostasy) all over the world. Not just a few countries. This kind of goofyness has never been like it is now. Remember, those who scoff that don't think His return is just around the corner. We are a lot closer to His return than we were in the 4th century. Oh..... And head knowledge type people love to just 'play' church. The ones I've met so far who are really saved, love to worship the Lord in Spirit and truth, not 'play' the church social game.

News Item9/10/08 1:01 PM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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Well head knowledge means nothing Neil. Only when the Lord applies it to their heart will it ever make a differance. We are in the apostasy and the great falling away. Its suppose to happen like this.

News Item7/9/08 7:05 PM
curious  Find all comments by curious
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Commander wrote:
President Lincoln did not start his illegal war against southern states to free the slaves.
But wasn't slavery the key issue that drove the southern states to secede?

News Item7/9/08 5:29 PM
curious  Find all comments by curious
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Neil wrote:
So it really was about freedom - to enslave others, that is. BTW, Frederick Douglass mentioned that his "Christian" masters were the most cruel and brutal.
Thanks Neil, I had always thought that the reason for the southern states seceding from the United States was on the issue of slavery.

News Item7/9/08 5:00 PM
curious  Find all comments by curious
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The South wanted out for many of the same reasons (liberty,freedom) that the American Colonies wanted out of union with Britain in 1776.
Northerners celebrate the Revolutionary war, and rarely think of the irony that the North was similar to Great Britain in the 1860 Civil War and the south in the place of the colonies.
Of course, in God's Sovereignty, sometimes an Assyria or Rome is used to punish a nation, and NO nation is without its national sins, so the North can easily make a case of southern sins.
Complaining about it now is just whistling Dixie...
Thank you for answering my question Engineer.

News Item7/9/08 4:31 PM
curious  Find all comments by curious
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I am not an American but I would like to know why the Southern states wanted to secede from the United states?

News Item7/9/08 1:21 PM
curious  Find all comments by curious
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Are you all from the southern part of the U.S? Is that why you hate Lincoln?

Survey7/6/08 6:46 PM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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Logical conclusion..........THAT was a perfect comment!! I agree.

Survey5/26/08 6:56 PM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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You tell em rightly Minnow!

News Item5/25/08 11:12 AM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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Amen Fuzzy. We are also Amillers and couldn't agree with you more. We do live in a crazy time. Things can change in the snap of a finger now a days. Ya just never know. But our God is sovereign over all and we are to count our trials and tribulations all joy.......which the world thinks is total insanity on our part. Trust and obey.........watch and pray.

News Item5/16/08 11:29 PM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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lyn, The Lords wrath is coming isn't it? Says so in Colossians 3. And alot of other places in the Bible, but like you said, people are perishing by the thousands daily. We need to watch and pray. Blessings to you...........

News Item5/16/08 11:42 AM
curious | Mo  Find all comments by curious
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Lets see, the cyclone hit a couple of weeks ago, then the earthquake about a week ago..........I wonder what will hit us here shortly?? Seems to me He is a bit ticked off wouldn't you say???

News Item4/1/08 6:54 PM
Curious  Find all comments by Curious
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enough already wrote:
Curious, I am not a Mormon; God has humbled me, brought me low, and made me see my need for repentance, I have been reconciled to God by His grace, and the shed blood of Christ; I am born again into the family of God...did you read the verse from Mark 5:19,20? It is a natural response, when God has humbled a heart and granted the most precious gift one could ever receive, eternal life, we cannot help but tell others. Why is it so hard for you to see the glory the Father receives when someone tells what Christ has done for them??!!
Perhaps you've missed my point. I know you are not a Mormon. I'm just not sure why you keep insisting that GG give a testimony of sorts. All I was saying is that part of Mormon evangelism is testimony to what God has done for them and how this supposed to convince one of the truth of their position. I'm just not sure what you want him to do or admit, and how that will prove your point.

News Item4/1/08 1:43 PM
Curious  Find all comments by Curious
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enough already wrote:
If you were truly born again, your heart would cry out with joy, and you would scream from the rooftops what Christ has done for you. "Turn away from all you offenses, then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a NEW heart and a NEW spirit". Ezekiel 18:30,31.
Don't Mormons claim the same thing? After all, when they come to the door, they always ask that kind of question. "Do you think your religion has helped you become a better person?" So, any answer GG gives will never make you happy or satisfied.

News Item3/9/08 12:52 PM
curious | usa  Find all comments by curious
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Why not Tony..... It seems to me the U.S. is just 'anything goes' anyway. And with all the false teaching and so called preachers, hey, they'll think he's great! He'll just blend right in with all the other garbage. You know, just like Obama and the Sermon on the Mount. So this shouldn't suprise us a bit!

News Item2/26/08 11:06 AM
curious | usa  Find all comments by curious
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You know Minnow, there are alot of us over here that have wondered that very same question.

Survey2/11/08 7:41 PM
curious | usa  Find all comments by curious
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Gee I bet we know who thought this question up to ask on Sermonaudio!!!

Survey1/29/08 4:11 PM
Curious  Find all comments by Curious
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What's an alpha course?

Sermon4/29/07 11:55 AM
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Herbert Hensley
“ "IF" The Conditional Word ”
Many people choose to ignore this conditional word to many of God's promises. This message is a stark reminder to pay attention to this all important word...ignoring it could be your undoing.
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