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News Item4/24/07 8:38 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I am not disagreeing per se, just specifying that point. I agree that these are the latter days and that they are worse. Dont worry, I am with you on that point.

News Item4/24/07 8:23 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I can see how Tozer spiritualized Babylon, but doctrinally speaking it doesn't stand.

News Item4/24/07 3:14 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Cheryl: On pleasing God.

First, refusal to confess equals the same thing as a bad confession in the passage of I John 4:2. Can you confess that Jesus is come in the flesh?

And then, on your pleasing God confusion... it is really sad that you can't simply pick up a Bible and find these things out for yourself.

Ro 8:8-9 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

1 Thessalonians 4:1 Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Sure hope that helps!!!

News Item4/24/07 1:24 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Can you confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh? (I John 4:2)

News Item4/24/07 12:29 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Even so come Lord Jesus!

Survey4/24/07 12:20 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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1 Corinthians 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

News Item4/24/07 12:13 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Back to the thread....

I am glad to see Maher pull the prank for

1) God knows he needs it

2) it gives good publicity (even though I don't fully support AIG - I think some can see the validity of this point)

News Item4/24/07 12:03 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Wayne: must you back-tread, i mean, honestly, all you did was ask a question.

Survey4/24/07 11:45 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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tru dat.

News Item4/24/07 11:44 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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The question is, how come you are no longer banned? One would think gross heresy would keep someone banned a little longer...

Yet blunt realism gets one banned for life. Well, let the contending begin (again yawn). That is from the Bible btw.

and quit hitting the report button so many times, it messes with the editors, they have better things to do you know.

also, you are speaking of someone who is no longer allowed on the forums, which is strictly forbidden behavior. So don't start being the rule police so quickly cheryl.

Survey4/24/07 11:40 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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did I say that out loud?

Survey4/24/07 11:38 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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calvin mentality.

News Item4/24/07 11:35 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Luke 8:30

News Item4/24/07 11:31 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Ahh, hello Legion:

Yes I teach the Bible, you are correct!

Except for one minor point you made...

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

So no, I don't write it off, I "rightly divide".

And don't be so close to the father of the lost, the devil... Antinomian is not a belief I adhere to, but that wouldn't stop Legion from joining her father the accuser of the brethren.

News Item4/24/07 10:27 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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expositor is typically mistaken. That is what happens when the lost try to understand and explain the Bible.

News Item4/24/07 10:01 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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why no revival?

News Item4/24/07 9:14 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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To further the streetpreacher's thoughts...

I would say that it has been many a man's formal education that has totaly and completely stripped him of his belief in God's true word. This practice of Bible correcting is seen all to often on this very site.

I am sure the Lord is pleased though, with all the brilliant modern-day scholars... (blunt sarcasm for those with too much education to understand).

why no revival?

News Item4/24/07 9:04 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Lance - your qoute

"I'm sure Gordon Banes is having great fun with his biblical physics, but he seems to be ignoring the fact that the Bible was never intended to teach science."

What greater authority is there to teach science? What greater authority is there than God?

If science doesn't agree with the Bible, then science is wrong.

Survey4/24/07 9:01 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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How bout atelling us exactly how Baptist eqauls da Catholic.

Survey4/24/07 8:03 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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im not sure, it was a discussion back in January, they have just started using these "floating: notes from them that always float to the top.

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