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News Item6/1/08 8:56 AM
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Wise wrote:
He will do anything for the expediency of being president. What happened to the 20 years of spiritual growth and training
Good Question,

I haven't heard a thing about his denouncing the doctrines of the church (Marxist "Liberation" Black Theology).

Survey5/31/08 8:49 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Aussie wrote:
AT the moment I am paying about $7.00 a gallon for my petrol. You yanks have had it good for years and showed little concern about how much gas you used because it was a cheap commodity. It seems to me that it is the "I'm alright jack syndrome". It does hurt to be screwed by greedy people, and I think enough is enough. Lets fight back by using LPG. Don't get me wrong, I love Americans, If you took them out of the world a great vacuum would exist for all sorts of evil powers to dominate. Americans and Aussies have always helped each other, let us continue on in that brotherhood.

I agree that Australia is one of our greatest allies, but my friend please do not forget that the production of gasoline on the largest scale began here in America, and of the better part of the twentieth century we were selling our oil when the Arabs were milking camels in the desert and when gas was 25 cents/gallon because it was "so plentiful". As you can see, the Muslims are not so generous, and they will be even less generous as their supplies of oil dwindle.

News Item5/31/08 8:25 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The only problem with that is that Islam in its natural state is extreme, [URL=http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/]]]islam: The Religion of Peace[/URL].
Hey Jim,

Apparently what remains of the Brits does not consider be-heading an extreme matter. Speaking against Islam, now that is extreme.

So, lets see . . . they are going to teach Islam "to prevent extremism from taking root" while Islam will take root from their teaching. Yep, sounds like a redefinition of "extremism" to me. Next step: Christianity is extremism and the cresent sword must laid to the root of the neck.

News Item5/31/08 8:14 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Vigilante, I'm not worried about moving off of SermonAudio, being a member of a church that has sermons on this board, and I hope that I usually reflect where they stand. I can only hope that the polygamist supporters see the errors of their ways and note how anti-Christian it is. Are you a Mormon, Vigilante your support for this illegal practice would suggest that you are. I would suggest you read the booklet, A Biblical Perspective On Government, to get a more biblical perspective of government, which is established for our good.
Anne, polygamy has always been illegal in Canada, Polygamy in Canadaand like in the U.S. the laws are rarely enforced. I doubt if it is hard to prove, it is just hard to get prosecutors to do their jobs.
Yo Jim,

I think you hit a nerve with "Vigilante". What a name for a "Christian" whose weapons are not supposed to be carnal, and who believe "vengence in mine saith the Lord"! Of course, like Mohamut with the Koran, Joe Smith may have a few verses in the B O M that give some freedom to do a little "vigilante" work - at least against those who do not have their point of view.

Survey5/30/08 9:59 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
I know this was addressed to Casob but let me ask you a question, In the order of salvation Calvinists give, they espouse they are regenerated BEFORE they have faith...which to me implies those believing this 'theology' see no need of repentance in regards to salvation as supposedly the elect are regenerated, made alive spiritually to God, born again if you will BEFORE faith, is this what you believed?
As to anyone breaking the chains of sin for themselves just how many times will you have to read things such as, 'who cry out to Him to be saved from their sins' before you will be honest enough to acknowledge there are non-Calvinists who are maligned in accusing of 'saving themselves'.
What makes you think that men have within themselves the ability to turn from their sins(that which they love so much and that which is altogether one with them)without the grace of God?
Regeneration is a grace of God given to men which enables them to "cry out to Him to be saved". Before regeneration they cannot even see the kingdom of God nor do they desire it, nor do they even know they are in sin justly deserving His wrath. Regeneration is the first cause that begins with God. "In the beginning - GOD!" Not In the beginning-man

Survey5/30/08 8:04 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Casob wrote:
If you cannot believe God you cannot be saved and you cannot blame not believing and not being saved on God. You must blame it on your own prideful heart.
Satan hinmself thought he was someone special, like you folks do.

Calvinists never say they are not prideful, nor do we blame our sin on anyone else but ourselves. We just say that we have not the ability within ourselves to break the chain of sin. If the angel of the Lord does not come with the power of the Word, we remain behind bars of pride, locked in the dungeon of our own desires of the flesh and the mind.

In my opinion, it is more prideful to say that we have the power within ourselves apart from grace to repent and believe. This to me is to glory in one's self and abilities.

News Item5/30/08 7:44 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Minnow wrote:
"Church of England told to stop watering down faith"
What faith???
Thought these guys were Liberals!!!
Faith is Christian - Not Liberal.
Next they'll be telling us that muslims have faith too???
"Currently training to become a priest, Eddy believes that being upfront about the Church’s beliefs will be helpful to Muslim-Christian relations. ..."
Eddy won't go very far in the C of E, trying to confuse them like this and trying to bring back the Bible among them.

You are right. This presumes that they know what faith is in order for it not to be "watered down". As far as the Anglicans know, this could mean that someone forgot to take their Book of Common Prayer out of their pocket before going swimming.

News Item5/29/08 9:29 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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. . .And that's not all. The US sits on 26% of the world's coal reserves;the rest is in Australia, Africa, India, and China-the insane Muslims of the Middle East have ZIP. As Iran prices itself out of the market and with improvements in coal liquefaction technology (turning coal into oil), we are poised to tell the Middle East to try growing wheat in their oil fields if they can. Perhaps "Allah" can show them how.

Survey5/29/08 8:49 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Neil wrote:
Rogerant, I think you conflated the 1677 (aka 1689) London Confession with the 1742 Philly one which is largely similar. It seems that Primitive Baptists prefer the 1644 Confession. Most modern anticreedal Baptists pretend these never existed.
Even Anabaptists (whom many Baptists pretend are their ancestors) had the 1632 Dordrecht Confession, which wasn't Calvinistic, of course.

This one is new to me; I thought that the Primitive Baptists despised and denied having a confession of any sort. Ironically, they fail to see that their denial is a confession in itself.

Survey5/29/08 8:27 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
I understand enough that if I had been living in Geneva in Calvin's day or anywhere under the influence of the Council of Dort in their day or in the colonies run by the Puritans I would have been in serious physical danger from the 'forefathers' of present day Calvinism.
Now on the contrary if I had been living in the days of the early church it would have been the Pagans and the non-believing Jews who would have been a physical danger to me and anyone else who had put their faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God, the early church wouldn't have been a threat to me or anyone else would they, I'm pretty sure they were more fervant in their faith than what we see today and a great encouragement for me to be likewise but not a physical danger.

I understand that once again your arguments are fallacious. This time the rhetorical trick is Digression, Red Herring, Misdirection, False Emphasis. This is sometimes used to avoid having to defend a claim, or an attack as in your case.

Your attack is against Calvinism which is a form of doctrine that only has Calvin's name associated with it. Calvin did not systematize that doctrine. Another name associated with it is "Sovereign Grace". Why not attack that?

Survey5/29/08 7:23 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dr. Phil
Know nothing about? I don't think so first I or anyone else who is willing to can read the Bible for themselves and surprisingly in it God Himself tells me about His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who ever lives to make intercession for those who drawn near to God through Him.
and second Calvinists have repeatedly told myself and others what they believe and especially how Calvinists who have seen men and women saved have preached the Lord Jesus Christ and how He died and willingly shed His blood for sinners not the God hates everybody but the elect 5 pointism that we non-Calvinists supposedly know nothing about.
btw Somehow I just don't see Moses as making himself into a Protestant POPE who must be bowed down to and mindlessly obeyed. Moses in a figure of speach had the "goods" that Calvinist's only imagine they have. Somehow I've never heard of the "5" plagues God infliced on the RCC to let 'my elect' go free.

Straw man attacks or attacking an exaggerated or caricatured version of your opponent's position does not support your claim that you understand truth. Like Casob you simply illustrate our points that one cannot believe nor understand the truth apart from the grace of God.

Survey5/27/08 9:50 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Casob wrote:
Hranek is right, calvinists reject the simplicity of the gospel of Christ and many follow their pernicious ways. They say men cannot be saved by believing and the Scriptures say men must be saved by believing. The Bible says by faith men are saved, and the calvinists say they do not have faith, and I am inclined to believe them!
This leaven is increasing daily like leaven does!

I find an amazing similarity in that all opponents of Calvinism take it upon themselves to comment on something they know nothing about. "They perish in the gainsaying of Core".

Your speech simply illustrates our points that one cannot believe nor understand the truth apart from the grace of God. (Jude 9)

Survey5/26/08 8:12 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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DJC49 wrote:
A "dumbing down" indeed!
Take for example:
"EXPERIANCING a dumbing down"
"UNTILL people get"
"reformation FOR FATHERS wrote"
"need to HERE the gospel"
"will hear and BELIVE"
"We used to be near the top in ALL subjects taught in school." -- Does that include Spelling?
[Sorry, but the irony was just too great to pass up without comment!]
Hey DJ,

Glad you pointed out the "irony". The only dumbing down in this country is in the political realm especially with the affirmative action crowd. It is this bunch that has let down the standards for the rest of the world while holding others to a elevated standard they can never achieve. Intelligence in this realm is measured in terms of race and foreign nationality, not academics; it is not intelligent to be American nor in the majority any longer no matter how hard you study. This is the consequence of the United Nations gaining power over our nation and government.

Survey5/24/08 8:26 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Casob wrote:
Speaking of election.
. . .Why did God not elect gentiles in the 2000 years he dealt with Abraham until the Seed came?
What makes you think that God did not have elect Gentiles during this time?
Joshua 2:11-12 (for example)

News Item5/23/08 4:15 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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I have worked with shale oil before; it is not cost effective to refine causing even higher prices than what we are seeing now. But, this could explain why our government officials have been slacking on improving and expanding infrastructure. They are preparing for other means of mass transit. There is something else in the pipeline (no pun intended), or is this a pipe dream to think that our public officials have this much foresight?

Survey5/23/08 10:06 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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rogerant wrote:
And what, this liberalism has not affected mainline Presbyterian, Christian Reformed, Congregationalist, Lutheran and other historic churches??? The historic doctrine and statement of faith of the Episcapalian Church (Church of England) is the Westminster Confession of Faith. Which also the Prebyterian Church confesses. It is also the same confession as (The London Confession of 1742 (Philadelphia Confession) of the Baptists confess apart from the two sacraments (Lord's supper and Baptism). Yes, the current state of the mainline Epis. or Anglican church is abysmal. But their are still faithfull individual churches and teachers within the denomination. The Anglican Othodox Church is still faithful to the word and confessions. Just as the OPC is on the Presbyterian side. We have to make sure that we don't broadbrush all adherants as being the same.

Please check your history again. The original Westminster confession denounced many of the practices of the Episcopal church including the Common Book of Prayer. The Anglicans only agreed to the confession to get the Scottish Presbyterians to fight with them against Charles I. As soon as he was excuted, they went back to the Anglican Service Book. Charles II back to RCC.

News Item5/23/08 7:49 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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GG wrote:
No...we've been in Africa over 100 years. Perhaps the Africans have seen through the shallow promises of hollow Protestantism in favor of the Church that Christ built? Your Pastors have their own dirty linen to wash and their people will have to deal with it eventually.
No one is denying that Protestant Pastors have dirty laundry. It is just our methods of washing are completely different than the RC. Yours is to wash through judicial and ecclesiastical coverup like the 800+ cases of reported pedophilia in Massachusettes alone that were dropped by the Attorney General's office -- not to mention the power of the RCC over the court system through out the US to cover her filthy priests.

News Item5/23/08 7:37 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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GG wrote:
I know that you do, whenever Prots can't deal with the real issues they always try to silence their Catholic adversaries...one way or another!
When have you guys been silenced GG? The sound of the rattling of tyrannical carnal Roman Catholic weapons is always around us. . . ."one way or another".

News Item5/23/08 7:10 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jhawk44 wrote:
Think of the public health nightmare 300million+ horses pooping everywhere would cause...

You said it. It is because of the marching bands walking through all of that *, that they started putting horses at the end of parades. Also, Think of trying emission reduction in that situation. I mean, where and how would hook up the catalytic converter?

News Item5/23/08 7:00 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Growth in what - Vatican statistics (or could we call these "Venerating Statistics")? What good is this? Also, the Vatican fails to understand why their growth in numbers in the Americas has stalled (Thank God!). Could it be that the homosexual pedophile priesthood had anything to do with it? Could this be why they are moving to Africa to look for fresh territory?
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