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News Item2/18/08 5:16 PM
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Neil wrote:
This is no surprise, since both educational theorists & professing Christians deprecate "head knowledge" in favor of experience or practice.
A symptom of this is the unpopularity of catechizing & hostility to creeds or confessions. And there's the popular, all-purpose excuse, "God told me."
A virtuous church who can find? for her price is far above rubies.

News Item2/18/08 2:18 PM
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Even if the last paragraph were true it would be a net nothing in pollution due to the need for consumers to discriminate in the use of finite funds.
Bottled water in the UK is even more expensive than petrol! No significant extra taxation either - simple price gouging! The oil companies could learn a lot from the bottled drinks industry ....

News Item2/15/08 2:59 PM
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Neil wrote:
Hardware isn't the problem.
What - no part of the problem at all?
If that is what you are saying, please confirm and substantiate Neil.

I agree with you that there are problems with weapons in Europe too. Gun laws are not a magic wand - but they do have their place. You have them too, your laws just say different things in different states.

News Item2/15/08 2:50 PM
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From the article:-

"However, Cheryl Maczko-Chang, a Vancouver lawyer and church member, said there is legal precedent in Canada to support St. John's position that the assets belong to the parish because it has remained faithful to the global principles of the Anglican church.
"All of the churches in this land were built with money that was given on certain trust, and the issue that will have to be decided is in trust for what? In trust for whom?" she said."

The issue here is breach of trust, not homosexuality or liberalism.

Church properties are legally forfeit every time a church breaches its trust deeds and departs from its confession of faith and constitution - with or without congregational assent.

News Item2/13/08 5:40 PM
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An FYI is an FYI.

News Item2/13/08 3:45 PM
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FYI The URC have an open policy on baptism. Has some similarities to the FPC position.

News Item2/12/08 7:47 PM
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The link seems to go to a different but relevant news report ......?

However, This government "review" is a whitewash.

Polygamous Moslem families have long claimed 4 x housing and welfare benefits in the UK.

The purpose of the review was to "regularise" what has long been government practice.

Marvellous that God raised up Rowan Williams comments and the hysterical reaction that followed to embarrass the government's report now that it is being completed.

News Item2/8/08 7:25 PM
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Looks like the US are updating their manuals too.


"but other officers say it will take time before the advice from the manual is translated into real change on the ground."

News Item2/8/08 7:10 PM
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"she was strip-searched, .... by the Kingdom's "Mutaween" police"

These men "with very long beards and white dresses" obviously weren't all that concened for modesty and chastity.

I agree with Dr John. She should not have gone there. Employees of American or other western companies should refuse to go to Saudi. But that would cost them their career progression of course.

News Item2/8/08 11:51 AM
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Thank you for following the link. I trust you found it informative and that you will search the scriptures to see whether these things be so.

News Item2/8/08 1:22 AM
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May it please God to send a helpmeet suitable for you.
And for your part - keep up a holy search!

News Item2/8/08 1:15 AM
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No problem, Terry. I understood what you meant to convey, but I wanted to ensure clarity on such grave matters for my part.

btw - I am a brother.

News Item2/8/08 1:03 AM
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terry evans wrote:
Wow, thats pretty cool
I think there is more biblical hope for the eventual repentance of waterboarders than the hardened religious establishment
Thanks and Amen
Thank you, but personally I think it's heartbreaking, and we should weep and mourn for the professed church in our day.

News Item2/8/08 12:52 AM
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terry evans wrote:
Lovely verses, I enjoy reading Gods Word....

Sorry, are there any examples of torture
in the Bible, besides those solders who killed Jesus?

I was pondering on just that question myself earlier today. I would be interested in what you and others think.

I wasn't actually thinking beyond the specific reports of waterboarding already given in the news reports. You raise an interesting question by extension. I have seen churches destroyed by pastors who lie to the church like Ananias and bully people out like Diotrophes. According to the three marks of a true church we can see that such churches are not churches at all when they utterly reject the practice of biblical church discipline. Are such men waterboarders? No, I think not. There is more biblical hope for the eventual repentance of waterboarders than the hardened established religious leaders.

News Item2/7/08 11:58 PM
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Protestant - Excellent comment. The waterboarders amongst us destroy our society far more effectively than 19 hijackers ever can do.
One quibble though.

Protestant wrote:
The Biblical critia for justice is "by two or three witnesses", and self-incrimination is never valid. Outside of that, we 'give place to God's wrath' and look to him to bring vengence.
Self-incrimination is valid when it is given freely. Christians and others should speak the truth in love even when they have to swear to their own hurt.

"Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved."

News Item2/7/08 7:31 PM
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Yes, but then we will have the "Left Behind" saga ...... it sets a bad precedent that could and probably would then be used against Bible believing Christians who whilst supporting the rule of law object to the unrighteous laws adopted over the past 50 years.

"But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come."

News Item2/7/08 6:33 PM
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DavidB wrote:
In the Church of England there many fine Bible believing, God honouring Christians.

News Item2/7/08 5:52 PM
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Neil wrote:
Let's see if we can get Biblical leadership in churches first.
And that hits the nail on the head!

News Item2/5/08 4:10 PM
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Thanks Neil, I think I am on board with what you are saying.

On the terminology,

Neil wrote:
The UK seems to be a nominal monarchy & a functional republic.
Perhaps. I would describe it as a real, i.e. constitutional, monarchy, but agree that it does seem to share the key functionlity of your preferred system.

The so-called "divine rights of kings" was rejected on specifically biblical grounds in the 1640's and in 1688 as you know. This was a century or so before what we might call the 'fad-driven' republics came along in the colonies and continent.

News Item2/5/08 2:22 PM
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Neil wrote:
republics, which is the Scriptural model for governance.

I think we are agreed on the errors of popish autocracy in protestant churches and the longing for Christ's perfect autocracy and righteous judgment.

But I am intrigued by your use of the republic analogy. Please can you expand? You'll understand that the analogy doesn't come naturally to constitutional loyalist royalists.

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