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News Item11/27/06 12:35 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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speaking of which... i started a myspace church! i know people dont really like it, but since there are people on it and it is a part of many Christians lives, i started it. I write Sermons ever sunday and wednsday. I have worship songs and videos up as well. Also i want people to put in prayer requests so that everyone who is a member can pray for that person. And if anyone has a question we will have someone to answer questions. we share wisdom and strengthen each other. I hope to someday have a huge base of Christians for prayer and support and encouragement to do God's will.

News Item11/26/06 7:15 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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you will not sleep with a man as you would a woman, this is abomination.

News Item11/26/06 6:46 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Yeah i dont know how you could read the Bible and still think that the Lord doesnt instill judgement. I def think 9/11 and Katrina were the results of God's judgement... and i am 21 and i know that the fear of the Lord is the begining of all wisdom

Survey11/26/06 6:25 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Oh yeah! I think you nailed it on the head. We were dead in our transgressions, we cannot choose God. you can only come to Christ except the Father draws you. you can make the choice to deny or accept, but you cant just say i wanna believe in Christ without God's help. Remember that God is sovereign and that means he is above our free will. Remember joseph? And remember that his brothers did evil? And also remember that Joseph said that God willed it for good but they willed it for evil? So who was in control? God of course. God chose Joseph to go to Egypt and it was his brothers that sinned and sold him into slavery.

News Item11/26/06 5:39 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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i was in qatar. it wasnt that dangerous but we had a few bomb incidents during it all. i worked with muslims and they were great people to be around. we could learn a lot about kindness from them.

News Item11/26/06 5:35 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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yeah i was deployed over the summer and led a bible study... it was a good time but i struggled getting all the material together in the amount of time i had. most days i just wanted to go to sleep when i got home.

News Item11/26/06 5:31 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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oh man, and we live in this soddom and gamorrah country!! perhaps more prayer needs to be done and we need to force these issues a little more. who cares if they hate us, i think we could blind them with the light if we all go together.

News Item11/26/06 5:28 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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yeah my church has many different services and campuses. I believe the one i go to has like 200 at the most. i think that is even too high...maybe like 70-100. still thats a lot of people.

News Item11/26/06 5:25 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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yeah i agree with the mercy aspect, but did they understand what they did was wrong? did they repent or ask for forgiveness? i believe mercy and grace is first, but there is a need for discernment for discipline. Although it does say that if someone takes your cloak give him your tunik also...

News Item11/26/06 5:20 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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really? there is a verse? thats crazy...lol. hey i led a bible study in the desert, i think there was 5 at the most at one time...just a little far off from the 3,000

News Item11/26/06 5:16 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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ugg, rick waren... I love his heart, but i hate the bigger is better. purity is far greater in the church. After all, the Lord said that "not all those that say unto me lord lord will enter Heaven but only those that do the will of the Father."

News Item11/26/06 5:14 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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right on! I am sure that worship will be much more in Heaven. i understand we dont have perfect knowledge, but that doesnt mean i wont do my best to come under a single-true understanding of things. I believe that mere existance is humbling and that leads to me to be humble and get in touch with God.

News Item11/26/06 5:09 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Great! :-) its important, however, to come to one understanding especially on issues such as these.

News Item11/26/06 5:03 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Last time i checked, my worship wasnt computer led. Just because they have the lyrics on screen doesnt mean anything. You trying to say that getting it from a book is better than from the screen. If you didnt have your book then you wouldnt know the song. And if i didnt have the lyrics on the screen, i wouldnt know the songs. Over time i would of course. The lyrics of the songs are not doctrinally unsound. Research the lyrics, i have found nothing wrong with them. I have been brought to tears and brought to my knees by the songs that we sing. How often do you worship on your knees my friend? Are you ever led to just bow down and thank God for what you have? The songs are humbling and edifying. They sing of how Christ gave his life for me, a man dead in sin. It sings of the piercings and it sings of joy that comes from the Glory of God.

News Item11/26/06 4:57 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I think you just struck the matter on the head. You dont like it. Its not about you however. Just because you dont like something doesnt mean that its bad. But for your consciences sake you wont worship God using those lyrics. i can sense the air in you when you say its my "position to hold" is telling me that i am wrong because you dont agree with me or like the music i worship with. Its like telling me that i am not holy because i eat pork and you dont, because its your weakness in faith. Again, it is your weakness in faith that doesnt allow you to like my music. you have cultural views in which you were raised with and you have biases that are not biblical but cultural.

News Item11/26/06 4:47 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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they didnt have hymnals back in the day either... do you sing straight from the Psalms? Probably not, but the lyrics are biblical and God glorifying, just like our songs. Majesty, your grace has found me just as i am, empty handed but alive in your hands.

News Item11/26/06 4:45 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I am not sure if the whole thing of a woman sounding like she is lying with a man is a good way to look at it. There is no set way you are to sing. A passionate singer for Christ will sound different in each church. I would think that God finds beauty in a humble heart (even when the voice isnt that great, like mine ;-).
I dont think that its biblical to say that this kind of change is bad. Its a cultural dispute really. Your way of conducting yourself in church is probably different than some other country. Does that mean its sinful? no it has to be biblical, and the Bible doesnt even suggest that you should shun away from such a thing. Granted they didnt have electricity back then.

Survey11/26/06 4:40 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Yes we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Like Spurgeon asked once, "can god fail?"
of course not, perseverance of the Saints is one thing of Tulip i do agree with. irrestistable grace isnt all that biblical, but the "p" is right on :-)

Survey11/26/06 4:34 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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your right it doesnt show them being pastors. People say god led them, well i say no, its your devil that led them. Its the deceptive ideals from our culture that got mixed in our faith. Its deadly.

News Item11/26/06 4:32 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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you have to look into what worship is? If you think that technology takes away from your worship then its your problem, but if it is your worship, then its your problem. the times have changed and you know that the way you have done church isnt the same way church has always been done. The heart is what matters. I can be just as faithful in worship in a traditional church as a new age church. The songs they sing are God glorifying. They are personal and passionate and relative. If you notice, their hands are raised to the Lord when they worship and they dont focus on the technology. Tradition is a good thing but when you dont accept change, its a major problem. Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Scream shout and thank God for your forgiveness!
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