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News Item2/11/2020 2:15 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Islam is based on jihad. A satanic religion.

News Item2/11/2020 2:11 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Amen! “Encourage fatherhood” and “if you don’t work you don’t eat.” Those two principles would transform America!

News Item2/11/2020 2:05 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Deceptive headline...

News Item2/11/2020 1:58 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Yes, JAG. The Lord says, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” He is going to take care of it all in His perfect time.

News Item2/10/2020 2:07 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Well, according to their logic, we all just possibly evolved from a dirty blob(s). Nobody knows, but they’re sure we weren’t created by God. So it would make sense to them that there are no objective absolutes morally or sexually. To them there is no created male or female. It’s just one mindless blob of nothingness, utter confusion, depression—and guilt. But why the guilt if there’s truly no God, no truth, and no order? And why are they so keen on brainwashing little children to believe their lies? It’s demonic!

News Item2/9/2020 10:55 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Amen, QC! I look forward to hearing “Amen” from my Lord!

News Item2/9/2020 10:49 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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That’s right, QC! “Untermenschen” is actually German. In English it means “sub-human creature” or “among people.” In other words, you are a “nobody” and unwanted. That doesn’t sound very inclusive to me!

News Item2/9/2020 9:47 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Who in the world is Taylor Swift?

News Item2/9/2020 1:09 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Who in the world is Tim Tebow?

News Item2/8/2020 11:21 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Yes, Mike, many developing countries have bars on windows and doors. This is usually to keep people from using these as unauthorized points of access and egress.

News Item2/8/2020 11:14 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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No worries, Doctor, he/she is just trying to be “amplified” in more than one way! It does seem like there is a serious problem there though. I think it also goes beyond just breaking the SA rules.

News Item2/8/2020 11:02 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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WPL, it’s plain old idolatry.

News Item2/8/2020 10:54 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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My friends, please study history closely to find out exactly why there are some nations like America that are more wealthy than Malawi for example. The average income is so different it’s almost unbelievable. What about standard of living? Worlds apart. Yes, Pope, there are hundreds of millions of people living without electricity, running water, etc. in 2020. But why? What are the reasons it’s so different? Are we just more lucky? No. Does a godly heritage have anything to do with it? Capitalism? Expanding-pie mentality? Honestly and integrity in business instead of corruption and scandals? Generations of diligence? Inheritances? Where did those inherentances come from? How did some people learn wise use of money and other didn’t? Does God’s blessing play a role as in the life of Abraham or Job? All good questions.

Also, sometimes an individual or society will gain financial stability at the expense of other important things. Proverbs speaks plainly to this issue of setting your heart on riches. Or what about all the unborn babies who are being torn apart, vaccumed, or injected with salt water? That doesn’t sound like a very good standard of living! Has it possibly become America’s favorite standard of dying? So, let’s look at the whole picture and not just the dollar signs.

News Item2/7/2020 1:46 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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When you ask that the Bible be chosen as the state book you are dubbed a dominionst. If you had said, “Quran” there would be public rejoicing in the streets. They may even name the new town hall after you in that case.

News Item2/7/2020 1:03 PM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Yes, QC, agreed. Feeling of loss is there. Amen.

Some of God’s “Bible men” today are not very popular or famous, thus we may never know about them. National Geographic and BBC aren’t usually excited to feature a true work of God or man of God. The secular news media that we are intravenously fed does not celebrate holiness, righteousness, and truth. Today’s “Bible men” are despised, rejected, and pushed aside. They are hunted, tortured, and beheaded. This is the new dark ages! I believe it is part of God’s judgement on the West and the whole world to give the wicked up to their sins and to withhold the witness of many mighty “significant and solid preachers and teachers of the Word” in these last days. Some of these “Bible men” who are “standing up for righteousness, truth, and justice” are serving God today in obscure places around the globe. Some speak languages other than English. Some are in deserts, mountains, and caves. Some are locked away never to see the light of day again.

News Item2/7/2020 8:08 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Concerning whether there will ever be a time when all the “Bible men” are gone, please consider these verses:

“But what does the divine response say to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:4-5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

There will always be a remnant of Bible men and Bible women. They may be well-hidden to those suffering from the “Elijah Syndrome” and to the Jezabels, but they are out there somewhere. God knows where His people are, and He loves them very much!

News Item2/7/2020 12:02 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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I really don’t see how Jesus would want His holy name blurted out in a hip hop song! Maybe theirs is a different Jesus!

News Item2/6/2020 9:08 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Amen! There’s hope in Christ and Christ alone.

News Item2/6/2020 9:04 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Doesn’t sound very scientific to me...

News Item2/6/2020 8:54 AM
Joel | Pensacola  Find all comments by Joel
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Oh Lord, even in judgement remember mercy. Give your people in Hunan special strength for this trouble.
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