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Survey12/7/06 2:40 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Joe said..I think your statements are biased to reflect your own freewill position with JD and Yamil. They have also accused us and labeled us with many names, like "cult", "murderers" etc...

Those of us that adhere to the doctrines of grace have brought forth much biblical evidence to support what we believe is the truth. Many times our presentations, questions and supporting Scripture proofs have been ignored by them.

This I believe is a fair evaluation.

Amen brother Lord bless you Joe and have a great day I go a fishing well fishing again for the fin kind. cheers

Its all about a fair evaluation.

Survey12/7/06 2:37 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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seed sower said.of me.Are they a heretic because they disagree with your view? Obviously if anyone opposes the views of Joe` , Remo, and ect. is quickly labeled a heretic with not scriptural explanation of why they are.

I have read a lot of post from JD and Yamil and see they bring very scriptural and valid points to the table will the rest just flame up and harass the "heretics" or so you say they are.
Not sure if you are say me here??cheers

Survey12/7/06 2:31 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Again yamils said..If Remo wants to have a serious debate, then you know very well that I will take him on. If he wants to play childish game, then my approach is to grab him by the hand and allow her to make a baffoon of herself and Calvinism as a whole. I allow him to share to all of the cyber world what Calvinism is trully like.
Its you who is a baffon..And we all can see how Arminians act

Survey12/7/06 2:29 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Here we go again Yamils blatant, no dialog attitued..Well, he simply needs to get right with God. There is no excuse to give into the flesh.

Its you Yamil who is in the flesh Lurker is not saying Isreal of God but....wheres your repentance?

The difference between my opinions and yours is that mine is well documented and yours is not. Your fanatical love for Calvin reveals himself when Calvin is criticized.

I have never mentioned calvin you have just because I question your reason for hating him and Jd hatred for Spurgeon etc

We all know where yamil want to take the convo to the flesh. I am only pointing this for Him because i love him.

Survey12/7/06 2:16 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Mick from N.Y said.When he said to Yamil "You may love the preemanence but you are wrong to accuse some one for saying somthing more than what he states" should he not hold himself to the same standard?

Does Remo get a pass because of his theology? Nah, that wouldn't be kosher.

Again mike who starts it Yamil. Lurker says God bless the Isreal of God and uses it three more time before Yamil decide to say that Lurker is really saying God bless only the Elect or something like it. Then Yamil says it you can tell how childish someone is by the amount of...........who is pre and who is just shinning the mirror in his face. Dont be a respecter of persons Mike.
If you want dialog stick to dialog which i always do uless its MlJ or yamil or Jd who always skip the questions.

Survey12/7/06 2:07 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Lurker said
I sense that Remo has been overcome by Yamils constant double mindedness and

with Yamil's continual misrepresentation of what other people say or believe. I have urged him in a loving way on two occasions to simply ignor it and let the Lord deal with it in His appointed time.

Amen Thx Lurker

At least Msn has a an open mind.

P.s if some one really goes over the post they will really see and I know Yamil does not dialog alway scrites around the questions and relys on insults which can be verified very quickly.

Survey12/7/06 2:00 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Again Yamils faulse self proclaimed lies..Remo decided to play the spamming game and Lurker decided he did not want to talk to me anymore.

Why do you insist on lieing to your self. Its you who is playing thespam game by insulting people without a cause. You said you can tell how childish someone is by the ammound of they post try looking at your self for a change the amound of time you use Ha or insults or lies or spam game etc it you who is spaming not every one who you claim Yamil.

Survey12/7/06 1:54 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Again yamiul self professed love.said. probably would be still be playing her game for hours on end if it was not because of Lurker.
Thanks Lurker.

You always say its others who play the game every one knows Yamil except for 6 its you who love to hate and play silly games of insult and lies. Your doublemindedness saying I really love the reformed faith yet all we hear from you Yamil on this form is lies and insalts where is your love for the reformed biblical faith???? Like your father you wont die you will live??
Promises promises.
Saying peolle are saying something diferent than what they have plainly said like lurker Isreal of God.
Get on your knees before God and repent while their is time.

Survey12/7/06 1:45 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Mick from N.Y said..Have you heard of translation?

Did any of the Scripture writers speak English?

What language Bible do you read?

Enough said.
Mick you get confused very easy. Try Tindale. Who translated for who

Also your english for "any" means every one outside who peter was speaking too instead of "any"
those who peter was adressing or speaking too.
enough said.

Survey12/6/06 6:35 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamil sorry you are double minded like you say you love reformed faith yet slam them the best of the time. thats Double talk.Your double minded as well as the bible.Devistating isn,t

Survey12/6/06 6:32 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Here is a tip from someone who knows. If you deny Yamil the attention his ego thrives on, he will wither like the leaves of a vine whose trunk has been severed at the ground.

His insults don't bother me. Don't let them bother you.

Blessings, my friend.
Lurker Ill let you in on somthing. I know for a fact they dont bother you nor does it bother me. But what is important is that Yamil is show for whsat he is and this is helping him not me.

God bless Lurker..

Survey12/6/06 6:28 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamils said.I think an English class is in order.
I am sure it is for me. I dont retact from that. I know my spelling and gramer is bad and typing well thats bad too. But as for a child.
Only children enter into the kingdom of God.

Survey12/6/06 6:25 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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self proclaimed lord Yamil again.You can also measure the maturity of someone by how many times they use the term "double-talk" without taking the time to learn what it means.

As long yamil the meaning doesnt mean you.

Survey12/6/06 6:22 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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They baptize their infants into the church membership. So does the reformed camp.NO
does the baptist dedicate there child to Baptist camp.?

Survey12/6/06 6:20 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamil said..Remo,
I guess I am condemned
You said it. It come form yourself true. Now how about getting right with the Lord and other by not accusing people of anything not true just because you say it is..

Survey12/6/06 6:18 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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there you go again Yamil.you cannot help yourself..saying I know that he was reffering to the Calvinists.

You may love the preemanence but you are wrong to accuse some one for saying somthing more than what he states. If you are a true christiand Yamil dont you agree that you too are the Isreal of God. Whay do you hate Gods turms!

You cannot accues someone for saying something which you DONT know what he meands except for what he states. If you dont think you are the Isreal of God as God has stated in the bible then you need to call uponGod while his still near.

Survey12/6/06 6:09 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamil said of himself..You can always measure the maturity of someone by how many times they use the following HA!

Yamil the great.

What sort of comment is that Yamil. Another double talk.YOU lord Yamil for ALL to see even God claim it childish for any one to use which micheal from En does as well. yet you use HA even more time than anyone useing .
Take a hard look at yourself Yamil. Just because some use ( ) doesnt not mean its childish as you acusse because the accusation goes stright back at you for all to see what lies within. Devistating isn,t.
you are alway the first to start accussation. with no foundation

Survey12/6/06 6:04 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Agian Yamil said..double talk..But of course with you I am condemned if I do and condemned if I do not.
I have,t seen yet comdemed if you dont all we see if you blabber try not saying anything for once unless it factual. And dont reply Calvin killing someone is factual everyone know clavin did. But you dont relize is that why and what Basis he did which is the point of contention.
Maybe you should explain your self why you think it was wrong for anyone to kill some one.Is this your postion are you against capital punshment yamil? cheers

Survey12/6/06 5:58 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Again Yamil only the heat you faulsly use to others like you re word peoples thoughts like you did to lurker.. God bless the Isreal of God!!

Survey12/6/06 5:53 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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The kind of Christians that believe that God so loved the world.
So you agree that morman and JW,s who also belive god loves the World are christian.
Again I rest my case.
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