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Survey4/23/08 4:34 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Wolf...good point!
But is this saving faith?
Everyone born has faith. We fly in airplanes and drive cars, having faith they won't fall out of the sky or loose a wheel going down the road. This is Faith. And when the Holy Spirit draws, that same act of trust and belief can be placed upon God. You see, the Boing engineer said his plane would fly safely, and we believe him (for the most part), and God says that we are lost and on our way to hell and need to repent, and we either believe him (which I believe everyone deep down does), or we love our sin more and reject him.

Just because someone rejcts what we say or stand for, it doesn't make the one who is saying or standing any less credible. And it seems like people get afraid that if God draws everyone, and many reject him, that he has less credibility. So, to counter that, God has choosen those to salvation whom he will, thus diverting rejection. I think this thought is subconscience, but very real. And I believe God is bigger than that.

News Item4/23/08 2:59 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I can't understand what you are trying to say, so I can't say I agree or disagree.

Do you attend a local church?

Survey4/23/08 2:32 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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News Item4/23/08 2:18 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Survey4/22/08 4:53 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"Faith is not our physician; it only brings us to the Physician ...Faith is not our saviour. It was not faith that was born at Bethlehem and died on Golgotha for us. It was not faith that loved us, and gave itself for us; that bore our sins in its own body on the tree; that died and rose again for our sins. It is a sin-bearer that we need, and our faith cannot be a sin-bearer. Faith can expiate no guilt; can accomplish no propitiation; can pay no penalty; can wash away no stain; can provide no righteousness. It brings us to the cross,… but in itself it has no merit and no virtue. Faith is not Christ, nor the cross of Christ. Faith is not the blood, nor the sacrifice;… Our faith does not divide the work of salvation between itself and the cross. It is the acknowledgment that the cross alone saves, and that it saves alone. Faith adds nothing to the cross, nor to its healing virtue. It owns the fulness, and sufficiency, and suitableness of the work done there, and bids the toiling spirit cease from its labours and enter into rest. Faith does not come to Calvary to do anything. It comes to see the glorious spectacle of all things done,and to accept this completion without a misgiving as to its efficacy. It listens to the “It is finished!” of the Sin-bearer, and says, “Amen.”

Survey4/22/08 4:47 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Great point Mike

News Item4/22/08 4:46 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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First of all, the problem with the premis of tithing not being for today is usually the ones who use it don't want to give at all. But Jesus said "Give, and it shall be given unto you.." The principle of giving is everywhere in the Bible, begining with God himself. If it is just semantics, then yes, the term "tithe" is not in the NT. But the principle of giving is. And, when Jesus fulfilled the law, and did away with it (in the legal sense, not in the moral sense), he tends to require more than the law did.
The act of adultry is now defined with lust. The act of murder is now an act of the heart.

So to those who refuse to give, keep it. God doesn't need your money.

I believe it was Vance Havner who said, " God doesn't use tithing to raise money, he uses tithing to raise Christians."

It's all about trusting God with everything, including our money.

Survey4/22/08 1:04 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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What on earth do these references to Israel have to do with the new birth?

And, 2Tim 2:25, as you gave for repentance, please notice the last phrase

"to the acknowledging of the truth"

It is the love of sin that hinders people from acknowledging the truth, NOT GOD!

Survey4/22/08 10:41 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"One who is saved will say, I know I am saved because of HIS obedience, and His faithfulness, and HIS shed blood."

This is true, but Jesus said to repent. Jesus said "ye must be born again".

When the Holy Spirit begins his conviction, I can either reject it, because I love my sin more, or I can agree with what God is saying, and repent and trust him to save me...And he will.
And, I am not focused on my work because I couldn't even have a work if Christ had not done his works first. He is the initiator, and we are the responders.

I do not plead my case, I plead the blood that was shed for me.

"And him that commeth to me I will in NO WISE cast out."

"...You might learn something"

Doesn't that go both ways?

So condescending!

Before I got saved, I adhered to Calvinism. I was an eletist and thought I knew more than everyone else.

Well, God saved me and I saw that Calvinism is the doctrines of devils that destroys the simplicity of Christ.
I'm not saying that Calvinists are not saved, but I am saying that I hadn't the spiritual eyes to see truth.

It is fatalism!

Just like Islam. They believe Allah has choosen only some to eternal life. And Islam was on the scene before Calvin...so where did Calvin get his doctrine? Not the Bible!

News Item4/22/08 10:25 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Reading most of these posts leads me to a few thoughts.

1. Is tithing the problem, or is the church you are tithing to the problem?

It is hard for me to understand a problem with tithing because I am in a Bible preaching Church that is not frivolous with their money, and the pastor is on a fixed salary, voted on by the church, which really isn't much money. We have a separate missions program, which is secondary to the tithes. And on top of that, when special needs arise, offerings are taken and needs are met.
But after thinking about it, I guess I wouldn't want to give to a "ministry" that wastes money on buildings and huge salaries that the pastor seems to give himself. I would never be in a church where the pastor controls the money.
In a SCRIPTUAL New Testament Baptist church, these things are not a problem. And if the pastor does involve himself, the Church has the authority to either see that the problem is corrected, or that the pastor finds a new flock to fleece.

2.If Malachi (wherein have ye robbed God...) is OT, then Israel and the Church can not be the same, as many Reformed like to say. And if Israel and the Church are the same (according to your theology), then tithing would HAVE TO be for today.

Tithes are not the problem - your church is.

Survey4/22/08 7:14 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by THE WORD OF GOD.

Pretty simple.

sorry it took so long, I must be in a different time zone...I had gone to bed

Survey4/21/08 10:28 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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His word says my prayers are like incense before his throne, so I believe he hears me when I pray.

Has he answered SPECIFIC prayers in your life?

All this is wonderful, but you can tell everyone you are married, and show them a piece of paper that says you're married, ans even wear a ring; but until that lady says I do, and you say I do, you are not married. And is it no wonder that God chose to use the marraige covenant to picture our relationship with Jesus.

Not until the Holy Spirit convicts you that you are a sinner, and true repentance is spoken before God are you saved. There MUST be repentance!

Survey4/21/08 10:21 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Did Jesus die for sin, or for those plagued by sin?

Sin was the object, for if there were no sin, no one would need to be elect.Remember, the Holy Spirit was sent to convict the WORLD of SIN.

Reduced to the lowest common denominator, sin is the problem, and it is sin that Christ died to attone.

And since sin is the object, Christ would have had to die for all sin, which he did, for no sin has missed the attonement.

I get tired of bringing this up over and over, but WHAT are we predestined to? NOT SALVATION, but to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. We are predesined IN Christ, and we can only be IN Christ AFTER we have been born again.

But you won't believe, not because you can't, but because you like your Roman religion better.

Survey4/21/08 8:10 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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It's not that faith is some add-on item that God installs at birth, but rather something that everyone born has. The problem arises with sin. It is not that people can't believe, but that the WON'T believe, because they love their sin.
When the options are weighed over an area to believe God about, the sin that will need to be put aside in order to act on what we know steps up and says "NO". At that point we have a choice to choose our sin, or believe God and forsake that sin. When belief does come, as it does for so many unfortunately, it comes after the chastising of God (i.e. Peter and the cock crowing).

Can you tell me when and how God gives the faith, if he does?

Survey4/21/08 8:00 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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But when did the light come on that told you "I am now saved"?

You quoting of Scripture doesn't answer your personal testimony. When were you betrothed to Jesus?
This is not a systems of religious orders, but a personal living relationship with the true and living God.

I mean, I know exactly the day I got married and said "I do". And I know the exact day I repented and told Jesus "I do". But when was that day for you?

Survey4/21/08 7:55 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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through the means of grace, namely, the word and the sacraments.

Sacraments? Are you a Catholic? I'm sorry but I thought I was talking with a Calvinist.

My bad.

Survey4/21/08 7:52 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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PLW - you still didn't answer my question.

What if you weren't one of the elect?

The desciples didn't know Judas was a devil. He looked and acted just like the others. Maybe you do too.

It's funny but the enemies of God have always given his children names, like "Christian" at Antioch. But have you ever heard one sneer "ugh, a Calvinist"?

Maybe because Jesus Christ is an enemy of this world and Calvin isn't.

News Item4/21/08 7:46 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Good job there is a cure though isn't it. The Reformed Church is the cure for all diseases like papistry, liberalism, atheism and other man made religions

Reformed from what?

Reformed Augustinianism, i.e. true Catholisism. That's what you are "reformed" from.

I have done some serious reading of history, and would that everyone would take the time to do the same.

The Reformers murdered Anabaptists and Lollards and Quakers and such because they would not join Reformed Rome.

Please, please take some time to dig through history.

Survey4/21/08 7:37 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Actually Icon, if one diagrams Epesians 2:8, you will find that faith can not be the subject of gift because it is in prepositional phrase, which do not contain the subject.

When the desciples ask Jesus to increase their faith, Jesus simply replied "...if you had faith, you would say unto this mountain, be thou removed...".

Now there might be a passage I am not aware of, but I don't recall any passage mentioning God ever increasing our faith, although there is record of people asking for him to increase it.

It rather falls the same lines as the Charismatics who ask for more of the Holy Spirit. We have all the faith necessary to believe God, just as we have all the Holy Spirit we wil ever get at salvation. The difference is how we operate in the Holy Spirit and how we exercise our faith.

Survey4/21/08 7:21 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Attention ALL (although all doesn't really mean all) Calvinists.

What if you aren't one of the elect and you are one of those who will say "Lord, Lord..."?

You know you have doubts about your salvation. So how do you really know you are one of the choosen?

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