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Survey4/3/08 8:54 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Icon O'Clast
How well do you yourself really understand the Sovereignity of Almighty God? Have you experienced it in seeing God Himself supernaturally answer prayer in things such as saving a hardened sinner form his sins?
Your statement is not clear to me. Are you saying that God Himself cannot answer prayer and save sinners? Or are you saying that Icon has never experienced this? Or is there another meaning?

Surely you can't mean the first explanation above, because it is a basic tenet of the Christian faith that Sovereign God can do anything? But do you know Icon well enough for my second explanation to be valid? I expect not?

Please clarify this statement, including how you feel it applies to those who share Icon's theology (generally).

Survey4/3/08 8:42 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Jeffrson Daviso wrote:
Any thinking man would know that Jesus was crucified sunday.
You're just baiting me, aren't you. Just trying to get a rise. Well it won't work...

Survey3/31/08 10:33 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
My worship in devotion time at home is Psalms only.
Do you forsake the gathering together?

Survey3/31/08 7:28 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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JD wrote:
A) This cannot be the elect because they are well, elect.
Quite right.
JD wrote:
B) This cannot be the unelect because none of their sins are pardonable.
Can you explain so we can move on please?
So you're saying "Because all of the unelect man's sins are unpardonable, he cannot commit the sin that is unpardonable"?

With the exception of the "unpardonable sin", all of the sins of both the elect and the unelect man are pardonable. That's why Jesus died on the cross and rose again.

However, for any sin to be pardoned, you need to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died and rose, and that he is now King of kings and Lord of lords. I think that can be easily agreed, no?

Only some people will believe and confess, etc, and some people won't. Also agreed?

Those that confess were elected by the Father before the foundation of the world; those that don't, weren't. (I know you don't agree, but stay with me)

The unelect man therefore commits many sins which can be pardoned (as we all do), but they aren't pardoned, because he doesn't repent. Among the unpardoned pardonable sins, the unelect man may ALSO commit the sin which cannot be pardoned.

Survey3/27/08 9:02 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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kenny wrote:
Bernard wrote:
"Then go the whole hog and learn Hebrew and Greek and read the Masoretic OT & TR."
Why? The men who translated the AV have already done a fine job of translating it for me. They did a wonderful job.
Because every translation must always lose something of the orginal meaning, or at least introduce some distortion. The more I think about this, the more I think that part of every Christian's bible study should include trying to learn at least some Hebrew & Greek to read & study the word in it's original language context.

I don't mean this as a rule, but as an opportunity for great benefit. The time spent doing this will be of much greater value than working through the study guide to "How to live a purpose-driven spirit-filled Jabez-praying joy-filled anxiety-free conflict-free life with health, wealth and a positive self-image"

Survey3/27/08 7:01 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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kenny wrote:
What in the world is wrong with learning the meaning of those words? I always enjoy learning new words.
Then go the whole hog and learn Hebrew and Greek and read the Masoretic OT & TR. Even the best translation loses something from the original.

kenny wrote:
I believe He preserved the Hebrew Masoretic OT text & the Received NT text for us just as He wanted us to have them.
Why has he allowed the “corrupt” texts to see the light of day?

kenny wrote:
Of course there is no 'special magic' to the old English but it does give God's Word a reverence and dignity that it certainly deserves.
One of the major objections to translating God’s word into the vulgar tongues was that Latin was seen to give God’s Word the reverence and dignity that it deserves.

News Item3/26/08 11:42 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
I Thank Almighty God that my Mother got Authorized-Biblically/Spiritually BORN-AGAIN according to St. John 3:1-16 20 years before her "HomeGoing") in 1996.
What on earth does this statement mean?

Survey3/26/08 6:51 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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A skeptic of the T wrote:
Can a lost man have a conversation with God and respond to him?
Short answer: yes.
Longer answer: It's not actually the lost man who initiates the conversation, but God. God can do what he pleases, including having a coversation with whomever he wants, whenever he wants and however he wants.

For example, he conversed with Satan in the book of Job. If conversation with God is a measure of "not being lost", then even the devil is OK.

News Item3/25/08 10:30 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
There goes the Satanic-Vatican: LYING again !
We all know that the Satan-Vatican set-up (financed) Osama/Usama Bin-Laden in the First place !
Sorry, I'm a bit slow on the uptake; and did not in fact know that. I haven't yet made all the links between the Vatican and the Islamic Jihad.

For my benefit, could you outline the evidence supporting this fact?

Survey3/25/08 7:20 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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I've read most of the article attacking Dr Aland. I'd like to address what I see as one of the flaws of the argument.

The argument cares very much about the preservation of the "exact words" of scripture. (This is actually ironic, given this was the goal of Dr Aland's life work.)

To this end, the article describes the variation between the TR and the NA & UBS texts with phrases like "differ widely", "differ significantly", etc.

My question is: Which doctrines of the church hinge on these variations? In other words, "What doctrines are supported by the Textus Recuptus, but disapproved by the Nestle-Aland text?" For that matter, which doctrines rely only on the books whose presence in the canon is questioned by Dr Aland?

I would argue that any doctrine that meets the above criteria is weak, and is not adequately supported by scripture.

PS: In one of the quotes of Dr Aland on p.24-25, that is intended to shoot him down, he actually describes how through his work he is able to see the providence of God by the Holy Spirit working through the men who copied the scriptures. Yet because this doesn't mesh with the authors "infallible" concept, Dr Aland has "pernicious views of the unreliablity of Bibles".

Survey3/25/08 2:00 AM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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kenny wrote:
Why is it that the time tested, trustworthy KJV has suddenly become incomprehensible?
It has not become suddenly incomprehensible; but slowly, some parts have become less clear. The preface to the RSV puts this well:
RSV Preface wrote:
The Bible carries its full message, not to those who regard it simply as a heritage of the past or praise its literary style, but to those who read it that theymay discern and understand God's Word to men. That Word must not be disguised in phrases that are no longer clear, or hidden under words that have chnaged or lost their meaning. It must stand forth in languarge that is direct and plan and meaningful to people today.
This preface also identifies words used in the KJV that are still used today, but with meanings that have drifted over time.
RSV Preface wrote:
Thus, the King James Version uses the word "let" in the sense of "hinder," "prevent" to mean "precede," "allow" in the sense of "approve," "communicate" for "share," "conversation" for "conduct," "comprehend" for "overcome," "ghost" for "spirit," "wealth" for "well-being," "allege" for "prove," "demand" for "ask," "take no thought" for "be not anxious," etc.

Survey3/24/08 8:56 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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MurrayA wrote:
Where is everyone?
Gone away for the Easter weekend?
I went camping over the long weekend.
Elkin M. Kaufman wrote:
Bernard it is possible that I misjudged you If I did i'm sorry but my salvation rests in a person and not in a bible version.
Thank you for your kind words. I must confess to having been provocative in my first post, which could have been easily misinterpreted. For example, a lot of secular blasphemy and bible-mocking is phrased in 1611-type English mocking.
The virgin thing in the RSV was indeed a mistake. Have you had a look ESV? This is actually my preferred version (at the moment), which wasn't listed in the poll...
Wayneuk wrote:
The basic question is why do we need (have) so many different English translations today? Why not JUST the ONE new translation.
Thanks for your post Wayneuk; I've read some of the Trinitarian material, but need more time to digest it.
My first impression though, is why not have many English translations? Why shouldn't every Christian strive to learn Hebrew and Greek and create their own translation. In fact, I find most commentators embed their own rendering in their commentaries.

Survey3/20/08 12:23 AM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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A few clarifying comments:

The conviction that the word of God brings to the reader is not inherent to the language or translation, but the Spirit working through the word. For example, millions of Chinese have been convicted by Chinese translations.

Any decent translation declares sin for what it is, and the Saviour for who he is. This declaration did not start in 1611, and did not end there.

I did not make fun of anything holy. I made fun of that cult of people that have declared that God's word does not exist outside of the 1611 edition of the KJV. Among other things, this movement represents idolatory and a slanderous form of conspiracy theorism. They show less tolerance to the translation of the word then the Latinolatrous Roman Catholics of the 16th and 17th centuries.

I also made a fun of the typeset and spelling of the 17th century; as they will do of us in the 25th centrury. The Holy Spirit did not inspire the typesetting.

I certainly do not make fun of (any edition of) the KJV. It is an excellent translation; and remains one of the best. It's not my personal choice, but I do not disrespect those who do choose it. I don't feel that favour is always reciprocated.

I cannot however, tolerate the idolisation and worship of the 1611 KJV.

Survey3/19/08 9:03 PM
Bernard | Jansen  Find all comments by Bernard
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DJC49 wrote:
I wonder what the following 2 verses of Scripture could mean?
(1Peter 1:10) "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace [that should come] unto you:"
(1Peter 1:11) "Searching what, or what manner of time THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST WHICH WAS ***IN THEM*** did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow."
Anyone care to give it a stab? JD?
A few more while we're at it:

John 8:56 "Abraham rejoiced to see my day"

1 Corinthians 10:4 "They drank from the supernatural rock which followed them, and the rock was Christ"

Galations 3:8 "...preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham"

Hebrews 11:16 "They desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one"

News Item3/19/08 8:40 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
..I was literally chased down 4 city-blocks, by pipe-toting Sodomites & Gomorrahites...
They are Spiritual, Psychological, Physiological, Genetic & DNA Mass-Murderers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Question 1: What is a pipe-toting sodomite?

Question 2: Why did you run?

Question 3: What is Genetic & DNA Mass-Murder?

Survey3/19/08 8:31 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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I read only the 1611 King James Verfion, infofar as it be the only acceptable verfion: it is the pvre, vndefiled, preferved word. Other perverfions are covnterfeit, vfed only by infidels, having been cvnningly fafhioned by the demon-poffeffed apoftates of the new age movement, feeking to glorify the antichrift; whofe name is Weftcott and is alfo called Hort.

Survey3/13/08 10:45 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Mr. J wrote:
So where does this leave God's hatred for Esau? for sin? for lawlesness (Heb 1:9)? I am pretty sure they all come from the Greek word miseo - to hate. Then, I suppose just as there are different degrees and manifestations of love, there could be in hatred. But I think too many today are trying to promote a God of love who does not have hatred, wrath, hot displeasure, vengeance etc.
I only addressed the issue of hating mother, father, etc, in the context of the gospel - the love and hate of God are another matter.

There doesn't really have to be any rationalisation of the love and hate of God. God is god, and is just in whatever hate or love.

Balance is fundamental. As you say, too many churches preach love without consideration of his wrath. This is empty, because his love is best expressed in terms of the propiation of his own wrath that he provided for us.

Also, too many churches preach God's wrat, anger, vengeance and eternal damnation, and forget to get around to mention the love part. This is also empty, for obvious reasons.

There is so little balance in churches it makes me want to cry. So little balance in us, as Christians.

Survey3/13/08 10:27 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Moderator Alpha wrote:
If the recent tenor of comments continues this survey will be closed. Both sides of the discussion need to take heed and clean up your comments.
Thank you.
I'd support closing this one; it's been going nowhere for a while.

Survey3/13/08 7:42 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Mr. J wrote:
I do not support Psalms only. But I lament their passing and their being replaced.
This was the point of my "baby with the bathwater" comment earlier. The Psalms should never have been ditched by churches; and have often been replaced by drivel.

However, in an enthusiastic rush to purge the drivel, we must not eject modern songs which are scripturally sound and generally meet the 'good song' criteria listed below.

Survey3/12/08 11:58 PM
Bernard | Australia  Go to homepageFind all comments by Bernard
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Mr. J wrote:
I know that there are verses that speak of hating father or mother and these are used to push the view that hate means 'love less'. I can't see it. I love my neighbour's wife a lot less than I love my own wife, but I don't hate the poor woman.
Does anyone have opinion or insight into this? Be interested to hear what you have to say.
I believe that this (Luke 14) needs to be understood in the context of passages like:
Luke 12:51-53 wrote:
Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.
The division occurs only on account of rejection of the gospel. There will be three in a family that reject the gospel, and two that repent and are saved. Then there will be division.

I believe this division is the 'hate' described in the context above. If an unbelieving man is saved, but his wife rejects the gospel, & he must choose one, the man must 'hate' his wife and love God.

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