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News Item1/4/09 12:27 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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lyn wrote:
{there are trusted Christian sites that are very informative}
Trusted, meaning, they hold the state as supreme? Right.

My whereabouts have already been clarified. Now go and learn what a "U.S. Citizen" is. I am a citizen of the kingdom of heaven!

Stop harassing me kiddo.


The post by Apercu is interesting, and surely it'll probably take the discussion you know where...

What has always boggled my mind is that someone can manifest everything John has said and is therefore a believer and saved unconditionally. However, if that individual happens to turn his back, then all that fruit and answered prayer and on and on was all bogus.

News Item1/4/09 1:28 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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I did actually watch some TV 'programming' this evening while my rabbit ears still work.

What caught my attention was a new "Annoyance Ordinance" in Michigan somewhere.

Thus saith the Lord, through John: Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

Exactly! God's commandments are not grievous. But wait, the Romans 13 cult demands obedience to man's mysterious, nonsense called "The Law" as a commandment of God. Soooooooo, if Christians are to obey thousands and thousands (guessing) of grievous "laws" (that no one really knows what they are anyway, nor can they ever be known), and the "law" that "ignorance of the law is no excuse," are not God's commandments then grievous?

News Item1/4/09 12:41 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Publican wrote:
As a matter of fact, at a meeting of sorts that I went to long ago (that happened to fall on 911), I tried to get all of the participants to sweep aside personal involvement (this is my country they did this in, someone I know was hurt, etc.), and look at it objectively. If this was an act of war, as they all titled it, and we know people get killed in war; what made this act 'absolutely' wrong?
No one could answer that question (in a room full of ubelievers), but I sure got 'both' subjective 'barrel's.
I had thought the same when I believed the politically correct conspiracy theory.

John, the BBC said in The Power of Nightmares documentary that Al-Qaeda is a phantom enemy. Is this true or not?

News Item1/4/09 12:25 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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This act of terrorism happened last month and I'm surprised Alph didn't post it.

[URL=http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/08/swat-team.htm]]]SWAT Team conducts food raid in rural Ohio[/URL]

[URL=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FdLxMKuxyr4]]]The Stowers tell their story[/URL]

[URL=http://www.mannastorehouse.com/]]]Manna Storehouse[/URL]

News Item1/4/09 12:14 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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lyn wrote:
The only place to find truth is in the Holy Bible.
lyn wrote:
...turn on your television, you would see what is actually going on in the world.
lyn wrote:
That applies only to born again believers who get their wisdom and knowledge from Christ, those who do not rely on 'websites' for info, as if they were 'gospel truth'. Drawing from man's websites and then trying to argue and make 'valid points' only leads to division. Truth isn't found in 'man's wisdom'. No lost sinner speaks it.
lyn wrote:
...turn on your television, you would see what is actually going on in the world.
lyn wrote:
...turn on your television, you would see what is actually going on in the world.

News Item1/3/09 12:31 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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"My question is, why are churches today so eager to go home around noon on Sunday? What's the rush? We have all day."

A quick response to this one before I exit to gather some heavenly sunlight today.

We had attended a Charity Ministries/Anabaptist type (minded) fellowship some time ago where they met for worship in the barn. Immediately this revealed much about them and what they were truly concerned with. They also remained together for nearly the whole afternoon, and they still talked spiritual stuff rather than sports, politics, and killing people. They all dressed properly and the women were veiled. Good things here, but why we left is a longer story. Maybe we'll go back someday, if they're still meeting. Heard a rumor but that's all I know.

News Item1/3/09 11:47 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Here too, what exactly is a church and how is it set up? Is it a club that meets once or twice a week to perform some rituals while the majority of time is spent serving in the world?

I agree the nuclear family is first, but I don't see a problem supporting a sister if there be no burden.

Would love qualify as a biblical reason to provide some simple food, raiment, and shelter?

News Item1/3/09 11:37 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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John UK wrote:
I posted it 1/1/09 2.31pm but had not one response.

[[[How about these two verses together?
Gen 17:8 And I will give unto thee (Abraham), and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Is there something most wonderful here, or is it my imagination?]]]
Oh yes there IS something most wonderful here.

It is so wonderful that words cannot describe just how wonderful it is, so why do you seek a response?!

News Item1/3/09 11:31 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Emily wrote:
So you're saying that after a child has completed their schooling (by whatever means) they are then capable to go out into the world alone, and not before?
I didn't say that, I merely asked you two questions.

Emily wrote:
We go out into institutions for most of the day when we work, or attend University. Should this be our first experience of attending an institution for most of the day?
I know exactly where you're coming from, but to understand you're going to have to, somehow, erase the preconceived ideas about school, work, and "society." Why does life's ultimate goal consist of being successful (according to man) and fitting into the social order (or the kingdom(s) of this world)?

Emily wrote:
I know of some children who were home-schooled. Now they are not serving God [MAYBE BECAUSE THEY WERE "SCHOOLED?"], struggle to keep down a job, are poorly educated and have little social skills. I believe this is a reflection of a sheltered upbringing and home-schooling.
Children that do not attend the assembly are often labeled as sheltered (from the world). But I say unto: "Children that attend the school assembly are the ones that are truly sheltered(fromTheKingdomOfHeaven)

News Item1/3/09 11:16 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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As with school and education, to properly discuss this subject we would have to know what work really is. The majority of work in the win/lose system is worthless, or shall I say ungodly? Issues go much deeper if you really want to think and to question the precious, revered state that controls his subjects.

As for Neil's question, if a woman is part of a real church then I would think that her brother and sisters in Christ could take care of her.

News Item1/3/09 11:08 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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lyn wrote:
...turn on your television, you would see what is actually going on in the world.
In other words, "Conform yourself to the social order!"

News Item1/3/09 10:57 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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lyn wrote:
With all due respect, I simply do not wish to go to any website recommended on these boards as of late.
May the Lord guide and direct each one, granting discernment, wisdom, and knowledge to those who truly belong to Him.
Just the politically correct ones, with all the guvment-approved conspiracy theories - right lyn?


Greetings all!

News Item1/2/09 11:50 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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But Emily, why send children to ANY institution for most of the day?

"If anything i've found that home-schooled children are more vulnerable and fragile when they are finally thrust into the world."

What do you mean by "thrust into the world?"

News Item1/2/09 11:43 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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hidemi williges wrote:
You are right but don't forget that they say that Mary is the mother of God, so wouldn't that make her above God? Also what about the million or so saints that they pray to?
I'm so confused.

News Item1/2/09 8:09 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Lance Eccles wrote:
In RC belief (as in your own, I think), God is a Trinity, and any other representation of God is incomplete.
Isn't Mary part of Rome's god too?

BTW, Are you the honorary senior research fellow in the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia?

News Item1/2/09 8:06 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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It's probably been a few years now since I came across that site, and those prayer articles have stuck. Never read or heard anyone speak against prayer meetings. The ones I've attended just didn't seem right, so I relate to what the man is saying.

Let us know what you find out.

Buenas Noches!

News Item1/2/09 7:53 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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"The legal trade, in short, is nothing but a high-class racket...

"Furthermore, the lawyers – or at least 99 44/100 per cent of them – are not even aware that they are indulging in a racket, and would be shocked at the very mention of the idea. Once bitten by the legal bug, they lose all sense of perspective about what they are doing and how they are doing it. Like the medicine men of tribal times and the priests of the Middle Ages they actually believe in their own nonsense. This fact, of course, makes their racket all the more insidious. Consecrated fanatics are always more dangerous than conscious villains. And lawyers are fanatics indeed about the sacredness of the word-magic they call The Law."

"If a British barrister of 200 years ago were suddenly to come alive in an American court-room, he would feel intellectually at home. The clothes would astonish him, the electric lights would astonish him, the architecture would astonish him. But as soon as the lawyers started talking legal talk, he would know that he was among friends. And given a couple of days with the law books, he could take the place of any lawyer present – or of the judge – and perform the whole legal mumbo-jumbo as well as the[m]."

[URL=http://fredrodell.com/]]]Woe Unto You, Lawyers![/URL]

News Item1/2/09 7:32 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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John UK wrote:
Hi Aac, where ya bin?
Had to hit the marketplace, and get some heavenly sunlight.

I'll probably step out shortly to hit B&N (no more ma and pa bookstores left) to look at some magazines that I don't intend to buy. As long as I purchase some poison coffee they're ok with that!

John UK wrote:
Homeland security is a phrase I picked up from you Americans. You know, the dark suited, immaculately turned out ones, guys with shooters in their inside pocket, claiming to be from the MFI, or is it FBI?
Oh yes, those ones that keep asking all kinds of personal questions while demanding loads of paperwork. Aren't they lovely?

News Item1/2/09 7:21 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Anti-anti, many home schoolers get together so their children can play together, and of course they are churchgoers as well, so they have those activities also. Interested in home schooling? [URL=http://www.nchea.org/]]]Encouraging and supporting Christian families who educate their children at home[/URL].
Yeah I'm aware of those "super mom" play groups that are becoming popular. Just more structured and planned activities - man-made playgrounds, games, amusement parks, etc. Besides, from my observation the "communities" where people are supposed to live are empty, even with these minority folks whose children don't go to the assembly. Further, I'm sure we don't have the same idea of what play actually is. Much more can be said, but that's it for now.

News Item1/2/09 7:01 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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I always thought these articles were interesting:

[URL=http://www.christiandoctrine.net/doctrine/outlines/outline_00100_false_prayer_web.htm]]]False Prayer[/URL]

[URL=http://www.christiandoctrine.net/doctrine/articles/article_00001_are_prayer_meetings_valid_web.htm]]]Are Prayer Meetings Valid?[/URL]

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