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Survey5/9/07 9:18 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Michael, sorry to hear about your lay off today. Times are hard but God is well beyond capable of helping and keeping faithful...

Survey5/8/07 1:31 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Mike, I am curious as to why the emporer has no clothes? You would think that at least the emporer of a country would have something to wear you know...

News Item5/7/07 2:48 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Yeah i love this stuff man. I have to say my life is never boring when things like this happen.
First off, the whole reason they put 666 on themselves is because this false-Christ has said the meaning that we interpret from the Bible is wrong. He also openly claims that he is the anti-christ and yet so many people are duped into believing him.
The whole fact that he was a criminal, still is in my mind, and did drugs proves that he is not authentic. I would like just argue with this guy until he drops from exhaustion.

News Item5/7/07 3:29 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I was interested when the headline made me to believe that someone from PA was bashing american jews. That would be some good news. This stuff from palestine or any other country in the middle east is just getting old. Yes death to America, death to the Jews, we get it already stop sounding like a broken record.
I was deployed last summer and i got the wonderful priveledge of communicating and becoming friends of many muslims. These men were wonderful and friendly. We obviously had differences in faith but it didnt seem to bother them even when i told one guy that Muhammed was wrong. Yet they dont like Jews at all. Sort of like how hitler came to hate the jews. He started to notice a backstabbing character about them and then it was just all down hill from there.

News Item5/7/07 2:27 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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yes i understand all of that. But it seems to me that Paul is saying that the natural Jews of the old covenant, the seeds of Abraham physically, will be, by the sovereign hand of God, saved when the full number of Gentiles is done and what not. God has hardened their hearts as to not believe the Gospel and one day He will enlighten them to salvation. That just seems to be what he is saying in this text. i could be wrong although i hate being wrong lol

News Item5/7/07 1:52 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Although i dont know much about this topic, it seems that in Romans 11, apart from the ingrafting of the branches, that Israel will be saved.

25I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. 27And this is[f] my covenant with them
when I take away their sins."
31. So they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God's mercy to you.

Another interesting part of that set of Scripture is that it says that God has bound all men over to disobedience so that He may show mercy. this goes with God's sovereignty in hardening Israel's heart, just so He can show mercy. Well that was off topic, i said what i needed to say

News Item5/7/07 1:32 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Perhaps what he is saying is bad is the rest of the book. Because i mean, the other stuff isnt in the Bible. I guess we are supposed to have weak faith and have a necissity to have all of Scripture saying the same thing in each book. Perhaps then a person will have help in weak faith or in the case of the doubters, will go all the way and say the Scripture is a forgery.

News Item5/7/07 12:47 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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This is a topic i have received much anguish from. Although women cant lead or teach men in authority, you have to find the fine line. There were women prophets back in the day. When Jesus was presented at the temple, one was a prophetess.

News Item5/7/07 12:33 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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"God doesn't give direct, verbal instruction concerning the matter. Rather, through his spirit he gives insight to men having the requisite scholastic qualifications to study the Greek manuscripts."

Show me in scripture where this is true... For some reason i have a big problem with this. Probably because God chose the weak and the unwise to shame the strong and the wise. He didnt choose those with degrees, although He does choose those from all walks to be saved. The idea is that God moves through you and speaks to you as His sheep on a personal level, not with the ability to take man's own wisdom and testimony to heart.

What you are talking about is an impersonal relationship with God and a personal relationship with the world and making it out to be a relationship with God. Does anyone here understand the dangers of this?

News Item5/6/07 11:13 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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right on with what was quoted from Romans. The idea i come up with is that no matter how much evidence that is physically proven through science, it will not make any real difference because they have hardened their hearts. The men and women of this age have hardened their hearts and have gone onto other means of understanding. We can see the proof in all things that God has made. The problem isnt the proof, the problem is with the person you are trying to convince. Why try to use different methods to prove God?

News Item5/6/07 8:54 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Yes lets all put our basis for reasining in many mens oppinion! This argument is a great reflection of inner spirituality. We have now fallen to the side. How or why? Because while its good to research everything to make sure its truth so that truth will be known, we are putting our faith in man's methods of understanding. What happened to having the Annointing that is from God that teaches us all things and in Him there is no lie? What happened to being able to hear His voice if we are His sheep? Oh do we hear His voice or do we need to rely on man for guidance into all righteousness? Dont you think that you are falling under what Jesus told the Jews in John 5:44-46?

45"But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. 46If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me.

That is to say that they studied Scripture diligently and yet when they were looking at the Messiah with which the Scriptures spoke, they found themselves to be not children of God or Abraham, but mere wolves in sheeps clothing? I am not saying your deeds are evil, but you and i all need to learn that we are not going to get all of our Truth from man's interpretation of the Scripture. We need to hear His voice...

News Item5/6/07 2:48 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Yes i am still waiting for evidence on why Revelation is a bad book. Jesus claimed that the Kingdom had not yet come in its full power. John also said that we have to wait for Him to come back to be fully like Him because we will see Him as He is. Yes the Kingdom is here, but not in its full power.

News Item5/6/07 10:09 AM
Mgarsteck  Find all comments by Mgarsteck
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Exositor, way to go.
I have been feeling the same way. I get this vibe from my fellow Christians that they are waiting for death and that they cant have a relationship with God that will allow them to bare fruit. I say thats bull. We will walk as He did if He indeed does dwell in us.

I am confused about your comment on Revelation. This is not an attack, i just wish you would explain what you mean or whatever. Thanks again...

Blog5/6/07 3:10 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I dont know why this is even a problem. If you must know we are called to call out and let the light shine. When someone is teaching heresy we are to stand up against it. We are to show people the err of their ways. Paul went and handed a man over to Satan so that he would not be taught to blaspheme and there are several other areas in the Bible where we are told to stand for truth. We are allowed to call a skunk a skunk actually. The Scriptures do not ever ever ever use nice words to describe those that are false teachers and neither are we. Yes we pray and love but since when is rebuking and discipline not a part of love? Have we lost our discerment?

Survey5/6/07 1:06 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Many Americans confess Christ and you know that they are not believers. Perhaps in our generation we need to make it a point to understand what true faith in Christ is. To put on Christ is to put to death to your flesh. Indeed someone cannot truly have whole Faith in Christ without repentance. We need to make it known the kingdom of God and what it truly is and then we will know that those who do profess faith in Christ will have the faith that does come from the Holy Spirit.

Survey5/3/07 6:27 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Oh its so nice to hear people give glory to God even during debate. The only thing that matters is that you fear the Lord and you keep His commands! Good work Yamil...

Survey5/3/07 6:17 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I guess so, at least it appears that way. Glad to have good discussion i must say...

Survey5/3/07 5:48 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I would say you guys are awesome. I dont think that i am not saved because i used the NIV when i started learning about my Faith. The NIV says to love your neighbor as yourself and i bet the KJV says it as well. If you bare with me for a second, i would like to make a theory known, or whatever you call it. I believe that Scripture is meant to teach us about Christ so that we would know Him. What did Christ say? He said that the Holy Spirit would come and He would teach us all things. There were many things that Jesus did not tell the disciples when He was alive before the crucifixion and He said He would tell them later. Then in 1 John it says that we have an Anointing from God and this anointing teaches us all things and we need not have anyone teach us. In Him there is no lie. So the idea of Scripture is to teach us to come to Christ and become reborn and upon receiving the Spirit we will have the ability to know the great things. Some of us wont as paul said that God wishes to show favor to some. Yet we need to know the Voice of God and teaching from God before we rely on wisdom from man. Sermons are good, but when you use TULIP or anyhting else in replace of God, you are in a worse place than someone who uses the NIV over the KJV... and i'm spent...

Survey5/3/07 8:13 AM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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Oh yes, how can you blaspheme a man? I noticed you said something about the KJV only type thing. While i understand the whole debate, i read the NIV because i cant understand 95% of what is written in the KJV. It really is another language. If we are looking for purity in our text, we all are MORE than capable of learning Greek in our society. In fact i picked up a good book by Bill Mounce that teaches Biblical Greek. So take the time and dedication and read the texts as they were originally written in. just my two cents...lol

News Item5/1/07 1:29 PM
mgarsteck  Find all comments by mgarsteck
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I am wondering if anyone has ever repented in sackcloth and ashes before. Someone said that and i agree with them but i honestly dont think we would ever be that serious about repentance unless someone or a set group of people (Christians) went out into the public and made it known that Jesus is here. Now everyone knows about Jesus and all that good stuff but nobody knows the consequences of denying Him. When the fear of Hell comes into their midst they will repent. I believe it was Peter that said if you wont follow God out of love then you should follow Him out of pure fear and terror. The truth is is that if you arent following, you should be petrified... So the solution? Put a good healthy fear back into everyone's lives, including the Christian church. Either Love Him or fear Him...
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